caring behavior
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2022 ◽  
Misun Jeon ◽  
Sanghee Kim ◽  
Sue Kim

Abstract Background: Degree of caring behavior in oncology nurses is a crucial factor in caring for patients with cancer. It is important to understand factors related to oncology nurses' caring including their own resilience and professional quality of life. The purpose of this study was to investigate oncology nurses’ resilience, professional quality of life, and caring.Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive correlational study was conducted on 107 oncology nurses using self-report questionnaires. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlations, and stepwise multiple regression to examine factors affecting oncology nurses’ degree of caring behavior, using SPSS/WIN 20.0 program (IBM).Result: Oncology nurses presented a low level of resilience and degree of caring behavior, a high level of compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress. There was a statistically significant relationship between degree of caring behavior, resilience (r = .43, p < .001), compassion satisfaction (r =.51, p < .001), and burnout (r = -.42, p < .001) as well as between secondary traumatic stress and burnout (r = .34, p < .001). Factors affecting oncology nurses’ degree of caring behavior were compassion satisfaction and education level. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that oncology nurses’ degree of caring behavior relates to professional quality of life, and education. This association suggests several implications for nursing practice to encourage holistic nursing. It will be necessary to study the factors affecting nurses' compassion satisfaction, and to try to promote compassion satisfaction according to the study.

Euis Trisnawati Handayani ◽  
Kuntarti Kuntarti

Background: Caring behavior is influenced by psychological factors, including the characteristics of personality. However, psychological test results for nurses' recruitment are not optimal for nursing resource development. This study aimed to determine the relationship between personality characteristics and nurses' caring behavior in hospitals.Design and Methods: A cross-sectional design was adopted involving 153 nurses of a private hospital in Jakarta selected by convenience sampling technique. Data were also collected from the Caring Behavior Inventory (CBI-24) and Myers-Briggs Type Indicators (MBTI) test results. Statistical analysis using the one-way ANOVA to identify differences in nurses' CBI scores based on MBTI personality.Results: The results study indicate that most of the nurses were traditionalists (75.16%), and the average CBI score (85.43±5.94) was equivalent to 85%, which means that nurses' caring behavior was good. There were differences in the scores of caring behavior among personality characteristics; however, these differences were not statistically significant (p = .320; α= .05). Furthermore, the post-hoc test analysis showed that the conceptualizer nurses had the highest caring behavior score, while the experiencers had the lowest.Conclusions: Personality characteristics, as measured by MBTI,  are not related to the caring behavior of nurses. One possible reason for this result is that the MBTI does not specifically measure caring personality. Psychological tests on personality characteristics are used in career development and nurse placement. This study recommends that human resource management in healthcare use more specific tools to measure caring personality and psychological tests in healthcare staff recruitment for better-humanized healthcare services.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (6) ◽  
pp. 507-521
Janet A. Boekhorst ◽  
Rebecca Hewett ◽  
Amanda Shantz ◽  
Jessica R. L. Good

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
pp. 411-420
Mihwa Hong ◽  
Sujeong Han

Purpose: This study was done to identify the mediating effect of compassion competence on the relationship between communication competence and caring behavior in clinical nurses.Methods: A structured self-report questionnaire was used to measure caring behavior, communication competence, and compassion competence. During September 2019, data were collected from 170 nurses working at general hospitals. Data were analyzed using hierarchical multiple linear regression with SPSS for Windows version 23.0 and Hayes's SPSS process macro (version 3.5).Results: Communication skills (β=.52) and compassion ability (β=.77) were identified as important predictors of nurses’ caring behavior. These variables explained approximately 54% of the variance in nurses’ caring behavior. Compassion competence also had a total mediating effect on the relationship between communication competence and caring behavior.Conclusion: In order to enhance the caring behavior of clinical nurses, enhancing compassion competence by strengthening communication development should be considered as a strategy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-183
Martina Dyah Lestari ◽  
Agustina Sri Oktri Hastuti ◽  
Sr. Therese Maura Harjanti CB

ABSTRCT  Background: Patient satisfaction is one of the factors used to evaluate the quality of service in the hospital, and is one of the factors determining the image of a health service institution. Nursing service satisfaction is obtained from consumer assessments regarding the quality and performance of the benefits received from products or services. Quality nursing services can be realized through the provision of nursing care based on the caring behavior of nurses. Caring behavior must always be carried out by nurses in all conditions, even during the current COVID-19 pandemic situation. In the preliminary study conducted, Elisabeth 4's inpatient room was the room that experienced the lowest decrease in customer satisfaction. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between nurse caring behavior and patient satisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic in Elisabeth 4 Hospital's inpatient room. Panti Rapih, Yogyakarta. Methods: This type of research is a descriptive correlation. This research is a quantitative study with a cross sectional design. Using non probability sample techniques, purposive sample. The sample used was 37 respondents. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire that is given directly to the respondent in Januari 2021 sampai Februari 2021. Results: The highest nurse caring behavior was in the good category, 83.8% of the total respondents. The highest level of satisfaction is "Satisfied" 54.1% of the total respondents and "Very Satisfied" as much as 43.2% of the total respondents. Based on the results of the Spearman rho test, P value 0.007 is, this means that there is a significant relationship between nurse caring behavior and the level of patient satisfaction. The Correlation Coefficient value is positive, which indicates that there is a strong relationship between nurse caring behavior and the level of patient satisfaction. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between nurse caring behavior and patient satisfaction. The direction of the positive correlation shows that the higher the nurse's caring behavior, the higher the patient's satisfaction in nursing services. Suggestion: It is necessary for nurses to increase knowledge, attitudes and skills especially when carrying out their role as executor of professional nursing actions. Panti Rapih Hospital management should continue to encourage the spirit of caring behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic, by improving the physical, mental and spiritual health of nurses so that nurses can provide professional nursing services.

Manar Ahmed Elbadawy Abdelrehem Faramawy ◽  
Aziza Ibrahim Abd El Kader

Background & Aim: Anxiety related to the COVID-19 is prevalent amongst the nursing workforce potentially affecting nurses’ well-being and their organizational commitment. The nurse manager’s caring behavior has been recognized as a crucial indicator of nurses' resilience with the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to investigate the effect of COVID-19 anxiety on front-line nurses’ organizational commitment and their perception of nurse managers' caring behavior. Methods & Materials: This study utilized an explanatory research design; hence, a convenient sample consisted of 60 registered nurses working at three selected medical intensive care units located in one of the Cairo University Teaching hospitals, Egypt was selected. Data were collected using the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale, Nursing Staff Organizational Commitment Questionnaire, and Nurse Managers' Caring Behavior Questionnaire. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 was used for the data analysis where the descriptive statistics, Simple Linear, and Stepwise multiple regression analysis were applied. Results: The highest-rated anxiety problem of COVID-19 was appetite loss (x ̅=3.03, SD = ±0.88). Human respect as one of the perceived nurse managers caring behaviors emerged as a strong predictor (Partial R2 = 0.104, p= .017) in increasing the front-line nurses’ organizational commitment, while COVID-19 anxiety has a significant decreasing effect (Partial R2 = 0.435, p<0.001) on it. Conclusion: COVID-19 anxiety has affected the front-line nurses’ organizational commitment and their perceived nurse managers' caring behavior. COVID-19 anxiety should be addressed and rectified by providing appropriate managerial caring behavior and support to boost nurses ‘organizational commitment.

Zaenal Zaenal ◽  
Noer Saudah ◽  
Imam Zaenuri ◽  
Rini Mustamin

The purpose of the study: to find out the description of the caring behavior of nurses in the ward of the Makassar City General Hospital. Methods: This study used a descriptive survey using a non-probability sampling technique, namely consecutive sampling. The sample in this study was 77 people according to the inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria. Collecting data using a questionnaire Care Q (the Nurse Behavior Caring Study) based on the opinion of Larson (1998, in Watson 2004). Questionnaire sheet. Results: The results showed that the caring behavior of nurses at the Makassar City General Hospital in general was mostly good (79.2%). , explanation and facilities (79.9 %), comfort (79.9 %), trusting relationship (71.4 %). Discussion: In the application of caring behavior nurses need to integrate various dimensions of caring behavior which include readiness and willingness, explanations and facilities, comfort, mutual trust relationships to improve the quality of nursing services which have an impact on increasing patient satisfaction and decreasing hospital days. Conclusion: Nurse caring behavior in Makassar City General Hospital in general is mostly good Suggestion: Nurses are expected to cultivate a culture of caring for patients by reminding each other among colleagues to improve the quality of nursing services

Ina Trisnawati

Introduction: Adherence to chemotherapy is still an appropriate problem for cancer patients. One of the influencing factors is nurse caring behavior. Methods: The study design used a quantitative study with a crose sectional approach in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. The population in this study were all cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy recorded in medical records in the RSAL DR Mintohardjo numfor room February-September 2020. The sampling technique was total sampling. The sample in this study may be 63 respondents. The research instrument used a standard caring behavior questionnaire. This study uses chi square analysis. Results: The results of statistical tests using the chi-square test obtained p value = 0.000. Discussion: There is a significant relationship between nurse caring behavior and cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

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