Malaoxon-Induced Brain Phosphoinositide Turnover and Changes in Brain Calcium Levels by Female Gender in Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Convulsing and Non-Convulsing Rats

1993 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 469-477 ◽  
M.-R. Hirvonen ◽  
K.M. Savolainen

Alterations in malaoxon-(MO)-induced brain regional phosphoinositide (PI) turnover and in brain calcium levels were studied in female non-pregnant and pregnant rats, and in their offspring. The adult rats were followed for 1 or 4 h after MO for tonic-clonic convulsions. A dose of 8.2 mg kg-1 of MO caused similar convulsions in 74% of the pregnant rats as we have reported in young male rats with a dose of 39.2 mg kg-1,1 However, convulsions did not occur in non-pregnant female rats. Inositol and inositol monophosphate levels were similar in all control rats. MO decreased brain inositol both in pregnant and non-pregnant female rats, and in the cerebellum of the offspring. In contrast to the findings in male rats, MO only randomly increased brain inositol-1-phosphate in female rats, or in their offspring. However, cerebral inositol-4-phosphate levels were similarly increased both in the non-pregnant and the pregnant rats irrespectively of convulsions. MO did not elevate cerebral Ca2+ in female rats or their offspring, in contrast to the male rats. 1 The present results suggest that female rats are more sensitive than male rats to MO-induced PI signalling, and during pregnancy, also to MO-induced overt convulsions, but not to changes in cerebral Ca2+.

1966 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-101 ◽  
J. R. Beaton ◽  
A. J. Szlavko ◽  
J. A. F. Stevenson

The effect of various factors on excretion of a lipid-mobilizing activity in FMS IA (anorexigenic) and in FMS IB (fat-mobilizing) by the fasting rat has been investigated. During fasting, the greatest excretion of such activity in FMS IA and FMS IB occurred in the first 24 hours and diminished thereafter up to 72 hours; and the specific activity of FMS IB was greatest in the first 24 hours whereas that of FMS IA was constant throughout. The hypothalamicobese rat excretes FMS IA and FMS IB in greater than normal amounts. The alloxan-diabetic rat excretes less total activity of FMS IA and IB than do control animals. Young male rats excrete greater amounts of FMS IB, but not of FMS IA, than do adult rats, the greatest excretion per 100 g body weight being observed at approximately 37 days of age. At 27 days of age (prepuberty), male rats excreted a greater total activity of FMS IB but not of FMS IA than did female rats. At 90 days of age (post-puberty), there was no apparent sex difference in the amount of total activity of FMS IB excreted per rat, but when expressed per 100 g body weight, females excreted more FMS IB than did males.

2005 ◽  
Vol 289 (4) ◽  
pp. R1131-R1136 ◽  
Lori L. Woods ◽  
Julie R. Ingelfinger ◽  
Ruth Rasch

Modest maternal dietary protein restriction in the rat leads to hypertension in adult male offspring. The purpose of this study was to determine whether female rats are resistant to developing the increased blood pressure seen in male rats after maternal protein restriction. Pregnant rats were fed a normal protein (19%, NP) or low-protein (8.5%, LP) diet throughout gestation. Renal renin protein and ANG II levels were reduced by 50–65% in male LP compared with NP pups, but were not suppressed in female LP compared with female NP. Mean arterial pressure in conscious, chronically instrumented adult female offspring (22 wk) was not different in LP (LP: 120 ± 3 mmHg vs. NP: 121 ± 2 mmHg), and glomerular filtration rate was also not different in LP vs. NP. The number of glomeruli per kidney was similar in adult LP and NP female offspring (LP: 26,050 ± 2,071 vs. NP: 26,248 ± 1,292, NP), and individual glomerular volume was also not different (LP: 0.92 ± 0.11 106μm3, LP vs. NP: 1.07 ± 0.11 106μm3); the total volume of all glomeruli per kidney was also not significantly different. Thus female rats are relatively resistant to the programming for adult hypertension by perinatal protein restriction that we have described in males. This resistance may be due to the fact that modest maternal protein restriction does not reduce the number of glomeruli with which females are endowed as it does in males. The intrarenal renin-angiotensin system during development may play a key role in this protective effect of female gender.

2006 ◽  
Vol 291 (1) ◽  
pp. R77-R82 ◽  
Danielle N. Bird ◽  
Aileen K. Sato ◽  
Daniel S. Knee ◽  
Catherine F. T. Uyehara ◽  
Donald A. Person ◽  

AVP synthesis, storage, and osmotically stimulated release are reduced in young adult rats exposed prenatally to ethanol (PE). Whether the reduced release of AVP to the osmotic stimulus is due to impairment of the vasopressin system or specifically to an osmoreceptor-mediated release is not known. The present experiments were done, therefore, to determine whether a hemorrhage-induced AVP response would also be diminished in PE-exposed rats. Pregnant rats were fed either a control liquid diet [no prenatal ethanol (NPE)] or a liquid diet with 35% of the calories from ethanol from days 7– 21 of pregnancy. Offspring were weaned at 3 wk of life. At 11 wk of age, femoral arterial catheters were surgically placed, and blood volumes were determined at 12 wk. Three days later, two hemorrhages of 10% of the blood volume were performed with samples taken before and 10 min after the hemorrhages. After a 20% blood loss, plasma AVP was 19% higher in NPE rats than in the PE rats despite no differences in mean arterial blood pressure (MABP). Also, hypothalamic AVP mRNA and pituitary AVP content were reduced in PE rats. Furthermore, confirming an earlier report of sex differences in AVP release, the hemorrhage-induced hormone response was twofold greater in female rats than male rats, regardless of previous ethanol exposure. These studies demonstrate that the AVP response to hemorrhage is reduced in PE rats independently of differences in MABP. The data are compatible with a theory of a reduced number of hemorrhage-responsive vasopressinergic neurons capable of stimulated AVP release in PE rats.

1973 ◽  
Vol 74 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-104 ◽  
T. Jolín ◽  
M. J. Tarin ◽  
M. D. Garcia

ABSTRACT Male and female rats of varying ages were placad on a low iodine diet (LID) plus KClO4 or 6-propyl-2-thiouracil (PTU) or on the same diet supplemented with I (control rats). Goitrogenesis was also induced with LID plus PTU in gonadectomized animals of both sexes. The weight of the control and goitrogen treated animals, and the weight and iodine content of their thyroids were determined, as well as the plasma PBI, TSH, insulin and glucose levels. The pituitary GH-like protein content was assessed by disc electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels. If goitrogenesis was induced in young rats of both sexes starting with rats of the same age, body weight (B.W.) and pituitary growth hormone (GH) content, it was found that both the males and females developed goitres of the same size. On the contrary, when goitrogenesis was induced in adult animals, it was found that male rats, that had larger B.W. and pituitary GH content than age-paired females, developed larger goitres. However, both male and female rats were in a hypothyroid condition of comparable degree as judged by the thyroidal iodine content and the plasma PBI and TSH levels. When all the data on the PTU or KClO4-treated male and female rats of varying age and B.W. were considered together, it was observed that the weights of the thyroids increased proportionally to B.W. However, a difference in the slope of the regression of the thyroid weight over B.W. was found between male and female rats, due to the fact that adult male rats develop larger goitres than female animals. In addition, in the male rats treated with PTU, gonadectomy decreased the B.W., pituitary content of GH-like protein and, concomitantly, the size of the goitre decreased; an opposite effect was induced by ovariectomy on the female animals. However, when goitrogenesis was induced in weight-paired adult rats of both sexes, the male animals still developed larger goitres than the females. Among all the parameters studied here, the only ones which appeared to bear a consistent relationship with the size of the goitres in rats of different sexes, treated with a given goitrogen, were the rate of body growth and the amount of a pituitary GH-like protein found before the onset of the goitrogen treatment. Moreover, though the pituitary content of the GH-like protein decreased as a consequence of goitrogen treatment, it was still somewhat higher in male that in female animals. The present results suggest that GH may somehow be involved in the mechanism by which male and female rats on goitrogens develop goitres of different sizes, despite equally high plasma TSH levels.

1976 ◽  
Vol 83 (3) ◽  
pp. 604-620 ◽  
B. P. Lisboa ◽  
M. Holtermann

ABSTRACT In vitro experiments carried out with uterus preparations of ovariectomized adult rats indicate the presence in this tissue of a 20β-hydroxysteroid-oxidoreductase which catalyzes the conversion of 20β-hydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one to progesterone. Since a hepatic 20β-hydroxysteroid-oxidoreductase is absent in adult female rats, the myometrial enzyme can be responsible for the biological activity of 20β-hydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one in these animals. Besides progesterone five metabolites were isolated and identified after incubation of [4-14C]20β-hydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one with uterine tissue: 20β-hydroxy-5α-pregnan-3-one, 20β-hydroxy-5β-pregnan-3-one, 5α-pregnane-3α,20β-diol, 4-pregnene-3α,20β-diol and 4-pregnene-3β,20β-diol. The conversion of 20β-hydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one to progesterone permits us to regard all five steroids isolated as progesterone metabolites in the rat uterus. 20β-hydroxy-5β-pregnan-3-one is the first C21-metabolite with a 5β(H)-configuration isolated in the rat uterus, which indicates the presence of 5β-reductase in this tissue.

2003 ◽  
Vol 285 (2) ◽  
pp. F295-F302 ◽  
Mong-Heng Wang ◽  
Jishi Wang ◽  
Hsin-Hsin Chang ◽  
Barbara A. Zand ◽  
Miao Jiang ◽  

20-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-HETE), which promotes renal vasoconstriction, is formed in the rat kidney primarily by cytochrome P-450 (CYP) 4A isoforms (4A1, 4A2, 4A3, 4A8). Nitric oxide (NO) has been shown to bind to the heme moiety of the CYP4A2 protein and to inhibit 20-HETE synthesis in renal arterioles of male rats. However, it is not known whether NO interacts with and affects the activity of CYP4A1 and CYP4A3, the major renal CYP4A isoforms in female rats. Incubation of recombinant CYP4A1 and 4A3 proteins with sodium nitroprusside (SNP) shifted the absorbance at 440 nm, indicating the formation of a ferric-nitrosyl-CYP4A complex. The absorbance for CYP4A3 was about twofold higher than that of CYP4A1. Incubation of SNP or peroxynitrite (PN; 0.01–1 mM) with CYP4A recombinant membranes caused a concentration-dependent inhibition of 20-HETE synthesis, with both chemicals having a greater inhibitory effect on CYP4A3-catalyzed activity. Moreover, incubation of CYP4A1 and 4A3 proteins with PN (1 mM) resulted in nitration of tyrosine residues in both proteins. In addition, PN and SNP inhibited 20-HETE synthesis in renal microvessels from female rats by 65 and 59%, respectively. We previously showed that microvessel CYP4A1/CYP4A3 expression and 20-HETE synthesis are decreased in late pregnancy. Therefore, we investigated whether such a decrease is dependent on NO, the synthesis of which has been shown to increase in late pregnancy. Administration of NG-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME) to pregnant rats for 6 days ( days 15- 20 of pregnancy) caused a significant increase in systolic blood pressure, which was prevented by concurrent treatment with the CYP4A inhibitor 1-aminobenzotriazole (ABT). Urinary NO2/NO3 excretion decreased by 40 and 52% in l-NAME- and l-NAME + ABT-treated groups, respectively. Interestingly, renal microvessel 20-HETE synthesis showed a marked increase following l-NAME treatment, and this increase was diminished with coadministration of ABT. These results demonstrate that NO interacts with CYP4A proteins in a distinct manner and it interferes with renal microvessel 20-HETE synthesis, which may play an important role in the regulation of blood pressure and renal function during pregnancy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (7) ◽  
pp. 502-513
Işil Aydemir ◽  
Caner Özbey ◽  
Oktay Özkan ◽  
Şadiye Kum ◽  
Mehmet İbrahim Tuğlu

Bisphenol-A (BPA) used in the production of plastic materials is a temperature-soluble agent. It also has a steroid hormone-like activity; therefore, it poses a danger to human health. In our study, we aimed to investigate the effects of BPA on lymph node and spleen in male rats exposed to this agent during prenatal stage. The pregnant female rats were divided into four groups: control, sham, low dose (300 µg/kg BPA), and high dose (900 µg/kg BPA). BPA was dissolved in 1 mL of corn oil and administered to the pregnant rats every day during pregnancy. On the 21st and 45th day after the birth, male rats’ lymph node and spleen samples were taken and histopathological examination was performed. Samples were stained with hematoxylin and eosin to determine the general histological appearance, and with CD3 and CD20 immunohistochemically. The results of staining were evaluated by H-score, and statistical analysis was performed. In the samples, BPA applications were not found to cause significant tissue damage. But there was a significant decrease in the immunoreactivities of CD3 and CD20 after BPA applications in both 21st and 45th day samples. After high dose BPA administration, decreased CD3 immunoreactivity was statistically significant. It is thought that BPA does not cause histologically significant tissue damage, but it may impair organ function at cellular level. The investigation of molecules involved in organ function will be useful in revealing the mechanisms that will cause dysfunction.

2010 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 372-379 ◽  
Xiao-bo Hu ◽  
Yi Gong ◽  
Lei Li ◽  
Shao-ping Nie ◽  
Yuan-xing Wang ◽  

The acute toxicity of zinc threoninate chelate was assessed. The oral lethal dose 50% (LD50) was 2710 mg/kg in female rats and 3160 mg/kg in male rats. Genotoxicity was assessed by Ames test in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA97, TA98, TA100, and TA102, by bone marrow mouse micronucleus test and a sperm abnormality test with mice. Thirty-day repeat dose toxicity study was conducted at oral daily doses of 0, 42, 169, and 675 mg/kg in rats. Teratogenicity was assessed at the same daily dose in pregnant rats by gavage. No significant changes in body weight, food consumption, organ weight, relative organ weight, hematology, blood biochemistry, histopathology, behavior, mortality, sperm abnormality, mutagenicity, and micronucleus formation were observed and no clinical signs or adverse effects were detected. Zinc threoninate chelate had no significant teratogenic effect at a daily dose of 42 mg/kg.

1967 ◽  
Vol 45 (4) ◽  
pp. 621-631 ◽  
Jules Brodeur ◽  
K. P. DuBois

A study was undertaken to investigate the mechanisms responsible for the higher susceptibility of immature rats to the organophosphate insecticide malathion. In vitro measurements of the activity of malathionase in the tissues of rats, at various time intervals after birth, indicated that the livers of immature rats detoxify the insecticide at a much slower rate than do the livers of adult animals. Evidence was obtained which showed that prolonged administration of testosterone causes a significant increase of the enzymatic activity in the livers of castrated young male rats and adult female rats. On the other hand, castration interferes with the maintenance of normal levels of malathionase in adult males and partially prevents the development of the activity in weanlings. Estradiol decreases the enzymatic activity in adult males. It appears, therefore, that the age difference in the susceptibility of rats to malathion might be due, to a large extent, to a slower rate of inactivation of the insecticide by the livers of immature animals. The results obtained also indicate that the sex hormones play an important role in the development and maintenance of normal levels of the enzyme system involved in the degradation of malathion in the livers of rats.

1994 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 344-360

The aromatic amine HC Blue No. 1 is a hair colorant intended exclusively for use in hair dyes. While this colorant had previously been used in concentrations up to 1.6%, current information indicates it is not presently used in any hair dyes. Animal studies indicate this ingredient is absorbed slowly through the skin. Short-term and subchronic animal toxicity studies show a dose-dependent reduction in weight gain. HC Blue No. 1 was mutagenic in some, but not all, test systems, and was associated with fetal bone malformations when given orally to pregnant rats at levels that were maternally toxic. In a National Toxicology Program feeding study, dosed male rats had a positive trend in incidence of hepatic neoplastic nodules, but not in hepatic carcinomas; dosed female rats showed a positive trend in the incidence of alveolar/bronchiolar neoplasms; and mice of both sexes showed an increase in hepatocellular carcinomas. Although it is recognized that further dermal carcinogenicity data would help clarify the different findings in the current data, such information is not expected, and it is concluded on the basis of the data that are available in this report that HC Blue No. 1 is unsafe for use in cosmetic formulations (hair dyes).

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