“Thinking of You” in Kosovo: Art Activism Against the Stigma of Sexual Violence

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (13) ◽  
pp. 1543-1557 ◽  
Anna Di Lellio ◽  
Feride Rushiti ◽  
Kadire Tahiraj

In this article, we present, as participants and observers, an analysis of the social and political impact of the 2015 art installation “Mendoj Për Ty” [Thinking of You], dedicated to survivors of wartime sexual violence in Kosovo. We argue that art possesses an extraordinary power to unveil the “public secret” of wartime rape, as well as produce a “reparative” reading of the past, creating solidarity for, and recognition of, survivors, which simultaneously empowers them and their advocates. We also confirm the crucial role of women’s networks and subjectivity to the inclusion of women’s perspectives for effective transitional justice.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 82-118

The article studies the main stages and features of the evolution of the public administration system in the Republic of Estonia after 1992. This paper presents brief geographical and socio-economic characteristics that largely determine the development of the country’s public administration. The evolution of the institution of the presidency, executive, and legislative powers are considered. The role of parliament and mechanisms for coordinating the interests of different groups of the population for the development of the country is especially emphasized. The authors analyze the state and administrative reforms of recent years, which were aimed at improving the quality of services provided to the population, increasing the competitiveness of different parts of Estonia, as well as optimizing public spending and management structure. The introduction of digital technologies into the sphere of public administration, healthcare, education, and the social sphere is of a notable place. Such phenomena as e-residency, e-federation, and other digital projects are considered. The development of a digital system of interstate interaction between Estonia and Finland made it possible to create the world’s first e-federation, and the digitization of all strategically important information and its transfer to cloud storage speaks of the creation of the world’s first e-residency, a special residence of data outside the country’s borders to ensure digital continuity and statehood in the event of critical malfunctions or external threats.

Liesel Mack Filgueiras ◽  
Andreia Rabetim ◽  
Isabel Aché Pillar

Reflection about the role of community engagement and corporate social investment in Brazil, associated with the presence of a large economic enterprise, is the major stimulus of this chapter. It seeks to present how cross-sector governance can contribute to the social development of a city and how this process can be led by a partnership comprising a corporate foundation, government, and civil society. The concept of the public–private social partnership (PPSP) is explored: a strategy for building a series of inter-sectoral alliances aimed at promoting the sustainable development of territories where the company has large-scale enterprises, through joint efforts towards integrated long-term strategic planning, around a common agenda. To this end, the case of Canaã dos Carajás is introduced, a municipality in the State of Pará, in the Amazon region, where large-scale mining investment is being carried out by the mining company Vale SA.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-54 ◽  
Peter Joyce

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyse the 2016 elections for Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) and to compare them with those that took place in 2012. It seeks to evaluate the background of the candidates who stood for office in 2016, the policies that they put forward, the results of the contests and the implications of the 2016 experience for future PCC elections. Design/methodology/approach This paper is based around several key themes – the profile of candidates who stood for election, preparations conducted prior to the contests taking place, the election campaign and issues raised during the contests, the results and the profile of elected candidates. The paper is based upon documentary research, making particular use of primary source material. Findings The research establishes that affiliation to a political party became the main route for successful candidates in 2016 and that local issues related to low-level criminality will dominate the future policing agenda. It establishes that although turnout was higher than in 2012, it remains low and that further consideration needs to be devoted to initiatives to address this for future PCC election contests. Research limitations/implications The research focusses on the 2016 elections and identifies a number of key issues that emerged during the campaign affecting the conduct of the contests which have a bearing on future PCC elections. It treats these elections as a bespoke topic and does not seek to place them within the broader context of the development of the office of PCC. Practical implications The research suggests that in order to boost voter participation in future PCC election contests, PCCs need to consider further means to advertise the importance of the role they perform and that the government should play a larger financial role in funding publicity for these elections and consider changing the method of election. Social implications The rationale for introducing PCCs was to empower the public in each police force area. However, issues that include the enhanced importance of political affiliation as a criteria for election in 2016 and the social unrepresentative nature of those who stood for election and those who secured election to this office in these contests coupled with shortcomings related to public awareness of both the role of PCCs and the timing of election contests threaten to undermine this objective. Originality/value The extensive use of primary source material ensures that the subject matter is original and its interpretation is informed by an academic perspective.

2018 ◽  
Muh Firyal Akbar

This research is motivated by the leadership role of the aperture on the performance of the District Social Welfare Section of Bone Bolango, and addressing what led to the apparaturs can not improve its performance. Location / object of research in the Social Welfare Section of Bone Bolango District Secretariat, the research method used is descriptive qualitative data sources from the observation, interviews, and documentation. Informants were interviewed 6 (six) in the form of Deputy. Section, and staff,. Data analysis was done by analysis that includes observation, identification of the problem, determine the focus of the problem, collect the data source, making the analysis of data, and making conclusions. Results of the study found the following: 1. a leader as an innovator has yet to make staff / subordinates capable of reviewing what to expect, 2. Leadership as a motivator, in this case has not been fully motivate / encourage the morale of staff, 3. Leadership as a facilitator in accordance interviews some say has not been able to realize the needs of the staff and the organization, 4. Chief said as a mobilizer, there are leaders who have not been able to steer and drive the duties and functions, so the quality of the resulting performance apparatus has not been able to realize the needs of the organization. As for the hope of Bone Bolango District Government, is where all the apparatus that is required to dedicate itself to the development of more specialized areas within the public welfare.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 50
Elizabete David Novaes

<p><strong>Resumo:</strong> O presente artigo busca evidenciar o papel social das mulheres nos movimentos sociais promovidos no decorrer da história. Para cumprir com tal propósito, discute o caráter patriarcal da ciência cartesiana; apresenta uma reflexão acerca da articulação entre o público e privado; elabora uma revisão teórica acerca da historiografia da mulher, ressaltando a ação da mulher em diferentes momentos da história, buscando evidenciá-la como sujeito ativo, capaz de integrar o público e o privado, participando da conquista de direitos. Para enfatizar as articulações existentes entre as dimensões pública e privada, este artigo defende que historicamente a mulher politiza vias não políticas do cotidiano, atuando em movimentos sociais promotores de reivindicações e manifestações sociais, de modo a superar limites ideologicamente traçados pelo viés patriarcal da ciência moderna, de base cartesiana, atuando na luta por direitos e participação política na história.</p><p><strong>Palavras-chave:</strong> gênero; historiografia; público e privado; movimentos sociais; direitos.</p><p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This paper describes evidences of the social role of the women inside different social movements occurred during our history. It began with a discussion the patriarchal character of Cartesian science, presents reflections about the public and private articulation, a theoretical review of the women´s historiography, emphasizing their action at different times in history and trying to emphazise them as active subject which is capable to integrate the public and private, participating of the conquer their rights. To emphasize all the previous articulations between the public and private dimensions, this manuscript argues that historically women politicize daily non-political pathways. Their actuations in social movements promote the demands and social manifestations in order to ideologically overcome the limitations set by the the patriarchal bias of modern science, acting in the the fight (ou struggle) for rights and political participation in history.</p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> gender, historiography, public and private; social movement; rights.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Benedicta Evie ◽  
Susy Yunia R. Sanie

Women as assets of Indonesia's human resources have a crucial role in disaster management. This research is descriptive using a qualitative approach that photograph the adjustment of women's activities based on their role in the current Covid disaster. The research findings shows the  informant’s perception that Covid-19 is a disaster, and they are worried, so they try to prevent themselves and their family members from being infected by implementing health protocols. They also provide nutritious food and vitamins as well as a variety of food/drink ingredients that are believed to ward off Covid. Increasing domestic role activities are child care and education. Meanwhile, the public role of economy has undergone adjustments, such as working from home, losing customers or jobs. To be able to survive, adjustments to household expenditure patterns were carried out, namely: increasing the cost of kitchen expenditures, and increase in electricity costs and telephone pulses as the implication of all family members are WFH/SFH online. Reduced expenses: spending on clothes / shoes / bags, cosmetics, and recreation. The social role of the public in this Covid situation is to participate in distributing food to the poor.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 547-558
Roman N. Lunkin

In the article analyzed the social and political consequences of pandemic of coronavirus for the Russian Orthodox Church in the context of the reaction of different European churches on the quarantine rules and critics towards the church inside Russia. The author used the structural-functional and institutional approaches for the evaluation of the activity of the Russian Orthodox Church, was analyzed the sources of mass-media and the public claims of the clergy. In the article was made a conclusion that Orthodox Church expressed itself during the struggle with coronavirus as national civic institute where could be represented various even polar views. Also the parish activity leads to the formation of the democratic society affiliated with the Church and the role of that phenomenon have to be explored in a future. The coronacrisis makes open the inner potential of the civic activity and different forms of the social service in Russian Church. In the same time pandemic provoked the development of the volunteer activity in the around-church environment and also in the non-church circles among the young people and the generation of 40th age where the idea of the social responsibility for themselves and people around and the significance of the civil rights was one of the popular ideas till 2019. The conditions of the self-isolation also forced the clergy to struggle for their parishioners and once again renovate the role of the church in the society and in the cyber space.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Izmy Khumairoh

Abstract This article analyzes the close relationship between religion (i.e. religious discourses in the context of everyday life) and modernization (i.e. the intensive and excessive use of social media in society). This article is based on literature and social media review—in particular it reviews on how the role of religion changed drastically due to mediatization process that occurs in the public sphere; as well as how the social media plays a dynamic role in society. This article concludes that the new image of religion as shown in mass media and social media demonstrates its shifting power from traditional institutions to mass and social media. Religious value immerses into every aspect of the everyday life and the religious aura; and this phenomenon neglects the secularization theory. Keywords: anthropology, social media, marriage, Islam  Abstrak Artikel ini menganalisis hubungan erat antara agama (yaitu wacana keagamaan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari) dan modernisasi (yaitu penggunaan media sosial yang intensif dan eksesif dalam masyarakat). Analisis berdasar pada studi literatur dan observasi di dunia maya - termasuk beberapa akun media sosial dan interaksi antara netizen - terutama bahasan mengenai perubahan peran agama yang drastis akibat proses mediatisasi yang di ranah publik; sebagaimana media memainkan peran dinamis dalam masyarakat. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa citra baru agama, yang terpampang di media massa dan media sosial, mencerminkan pergeseran kekuasaan agama dari institusi tradisional ke media. Nilai-nilai agama terus menemukan celah untuk memasuki setiap aspek kehidupan dan mencakup aspek aura agama sehingga fenomena ini tidak sesuai dengan teori sekulerisasi. Kata kunci: antropologi, media sosial, pernikahan, Islam

I Gusti Ayu Stefani Ratna Maharani

This research is focused to identify and analyze the role of the expert information as evidence in the case of corruption. One of the criminal acts of corruption that often occurs in the government is the criminal act of corruption in goods and services procurement, in which the perpetrators have abused the social aid fund from the government. There was the case of criminal act of corruption in goods and services procurement for social aid fund that occurred in Tabanan -Bali, which committed by I Wayan Sukaja, who had corrupted the State’s financial or social aid fund. Within the process of verification in the trial, the public prosecutors submit 2 (two) experts who provided information to assist in terms of verification. This study uses normative research methods. The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of expert information as evidence in criminal act of corruption. The role of an expert cannot be ignored because it will help the judges, prosecutors and lawyers who have limited knowledge. If the expert’s information is contrary, it could be ruled out by the judges but the expert’s information that excluded must be based on clear reason, and the judges must have strong base in assess the role of the expert’s information.

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