Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF)-2α Enhances Proliferation Of Malignant Hematopoietic Cells In The Hypoxic Malignant Bone Marrow

Blood ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 122 (21) ◽  
pp. 2895-2895
Catherine E Forristal ◽  
Falak Helwani ◽  
Sally Martin ◽  
Bianca Nowlan ◽  
Ingrid G Winkler ◽  

Abstract Hypoxia and hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) are implicated in the regulation of normal and malignant hematopoiesis. HIF-1α stabilization makes leukemia stem cells and normal HSC dormant and is necessary to maintain their self-renewal potential. In sharp contrast, HIF-2α, which shares 60% homology with HIF-1a, promotes proliferation of renal clear carcinoma and embryonic stem cells by enhancing expression of oct-4, sox2 and activating c-myc. In this study, we investigated the role of hypoxia and HIF-2α in leukemia. In normal mouse and human bone marrow (BM), HIF-2α mRNA expression was observed predominantly in non-hematopoietic stromal cells, while hematopoietic cells displayed low to undetectable levels. In contrast, HIF-2α mRNA and protein were detected in the BM of moribund NOD/SCID mice engrafted with 3 different human ALL, and in cultured human ALL and AML cell lines, suggesting that HIF-2α is abnormally expressed in leukemic cells. To investigate the potential roles of HIF-2α in leukemic cells, we cloned human HIF-2α cDNA into the MXIE retroviral vector. In a 1st model the GM-CSF-dependent mouse pre-leukemic cell line FDCP1, which does not express HIF-2α, was retrovirally transduced with HIF-2α. HIF-2α provided a significant proliferative advantage to FDCP1 cells in hypoxic or normoxic cultures and reduced GM-CSF dependency. We next transplanted retrovirally transduced FDCP1 cells into non-irradiated syngeneic DBA/2 mice. All recipients of FDCP1 transduced with HIF-2α-MXIE vector succumbed to leukemia by week 28 post-transplantation. In sharp contrast, mice receiving FDCP1 transduced with empty MXIE vector, displayed a leukemia penetrance of only 15% by week 45 (Fig. 1a; p=0.0001 log rank, hazard ratio = 12.28).Fig. 1Percent survival of recipients of (a) FDCP1 cells retrovirally transduced with HIF-2α-MXIE vector or MXIE control empty vector, (b) vavBcl2 HSC transduced with HIF-2α-MXIE vector or MXIE empty vector, and (c) HL60 cells transduced with HIF-2α knocked-down or scrambled control lentiviral vectors.Fig. 1. Percent survival of recipients of (a) FDCP1 cells retrovirally transduced with HIF-2α-MXIE vector or MXIE control empty vector, (b) vavBcl2 HSC transduced with HIF-2α-MXIE vector or MXIE empty vector, and (c) HL60 cells transduced with HIF-2α knocked-down or scrambled control lentiviral vectors. In a 2nd model, HSC from vavBcl2 transgenic mice were transduced with human HIF-2α-containing or empty MXIE retroviral vectors and subsequently transplanted into lethally irradiated wild-type recipients. Transduction of vavBcl2 HSC with HIF-2α resulted in the outgrowth of HIF-2α-expressing B cells which was not observed in recipients of vavBcl2 HSC transduced with empty vector. Consequently recipients of HIF-2α transduced vavBcl2 HSC succumbed more rapidly to spontaneous lymphoma compared to controls (Fig. 1b; p=0.036 log rank, hazard ratio = 2.971, MXIE median survival = 56 weeks, HIF2α median survival = 41 weeks). Finally, HIF-2α was knocked-down in human leukemia cell lines U937 and HL60 using a shRNA lentiviral vector. HIF-2α knock-down resulted in a 2-fold decrease in proliferation in vitro. We next transplanted HL60-HIF-2a shRNA and HL60-scrambled shRNA cells into NOD/SCID/ IL2Rγ-/- (NSG) mice for each group. Notably, all recipients of HL60-HIF-2a shRNA cells succumbed to leukemia significantly later than recipients of HL60-scrambled shRNA cells (Fig. 1c; p=<0.027 Log-rank, hazard ratio = 0.1918, Scrambled median survival = 5 weeks, HIF-2α knock down median survival = 6 weeks). Together these data suggest that expression of HIF-2α in malignant hematopoietic cells provides a proliferative advantage in the hypoxic malignant BM enabling them to proliferate in the hypoxic leukemic BM while the proliferation of normal HSC, which do not express HIF-2α, is blocked by hypoxia-stabilized HIF-1α. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Blood ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 126 (23) ◽  
pp. 1192-1192 ◽  
Aya Fujishiro ◽  
Yasuo Miura ◽  
Masaki Iwasa ◽  
Sumie Fujii ◽  
Akihiro Tamura ◽  

Abstract [Background] Myelodysplastic syndrome is an intractable disorder characterized by ineffective hematopoiesis. Although allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is the only curative therapy for eligible patients, hematopoiesis-supportive pharmacotherapy is practically important for transplant-ineligible patients to overcome transfusion dependency and infections. Vitamin K2 (VK2, menatetrenone) is a drug used to aim at improvement of hematopoiesis in MDS patients (Leukemia 14: 1156, 2000). However, the exact mechanism how VK2 improves hematopoiesis remains largely unknown. It was reported that VK2 induces MDS cells to undergo apoptosis (Leukemia 13: 1399, 1999). Here, we investigated our hypothesis that VK2 exerts its hematopoiesis-supportive effects through acting on mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (BM-MSCs) in the bone marrow microenvironment. [Methods] Normal bone marrow (BM) samples from healthy adult volunteers were purchased from AllCells (Emeryville, CA). BM-CD34+ cells were isolated from BM-mononuclear cells using anti-CD34 immunomagnetic microbeads (Miltenyi Biotec, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany). Human BM-MSCs were isolated according to our previously published methods (Stem Cells 32:2245, 2014). In co-culture experiments, BM-MSCs with or without VK2 treatment were seeded on a 24-well culture plate. BM-CD34+ cells were applied on the MSC-grown plate and co-cultured in SFEM (StemCell Technologies, Vancouver, Canada) supplemented with 100 ng/mL SCF, 100 ng/mL Flt-3 ligand, 50 ng/mL TPO and 20 ng/mL IL-3. After 10 days of co-culture, the number and surface marker expression of the expanded hematopoietic cells were examined by flow cytometric analysis. [Results] We first tested the direct effect of VK2 on BM-CD34+ cells. BM-CD34+ cells were treated with VK2 at various concentrations ranged from 0 µM to 10 µM for 24 hours and then cultured in SFEM in combinations with cytokines. Surprisingly, viable hematopoietic cells were hardly detected in the expansion culture of BM-CD34+ cells treated with 10 µM VK2. Even with 1 µM treatment, the number of CD45+ cells was decreased, as compared to that of expansion culture of untreated BM-CD34+ cells. The apoptosis analysis showed that the percentage of AnnexinV+ PI+ cells in the expanded hematopoietic cells is increased by VK2 treatment. We next examined the effect of VK2 on the hematopoiesis-supportive capability of BM-MSCs. BM-MSCs were pretreated with VK2 at various concentrations and then co-cultured with BM-CD34+ cells. The numbers of CD34+ cells and CD45+ cells were increased in a VK2 dose-dependent manner. These results demonstrated that VK2 shows different effects on distinct stem/progenitor cells: the induction of apoptosis in BM-CD34+ cells and the enhancement of hematopoiesis-supportive capability of BM-MSCs. We then investigated whether apoptosis-related cell death of BM-CD34+ cells by VK2 treatment is ameliorated in the presence of BM-MSCs. Both BM-CD34+ cells and BM-MSCs were treated with VK2 for 24 hours, and then co-cultured. The number of CD34+ cells was not decreased significantly in contrast to its severe decrease in single culture of VK2-treated BM-CD34+ cells. We further analyzed the effect of VK2 on BM-MSCs. Subpopulation analysis in co-culture of CD34+ cells with VK2-treated BM-MSCs showed that the expansion efficacy of CD34+CD38+ cells is higher in comparison to that of CD34+CD38- cells. In addition, the percentages of CD34-CD33+ cells and CD34-CD13+ cells were higher than those in co-cultures with untreated BM-MSCs. Therefore, VK2-treated BM-MSCs supported the expanded CD34+ cells to skew their phenotype toward myeloid lineage. The presence of a transwell in the co-culture system was unrelated to the expansion pattern of CD34+ cells, which suggested the involvement of soluble factors with respect to the underlining mechanism. We therefore compared the levels of hematopoiesis-supporting cytokine mRNA expression in VK2-treated and untreated BM-MSCs: VK2-treated BM-MSCs showed lower expression of CXCL12/SDF-1 mRNA and a trend toward higher expression of GM-CSF mRNA. [Summary] VK2 acted on BM-MSCs to support their ability to enhance expansion and myeloid differentiation of BM-CD34+ cells probably via altered GM-CSF and CXCL12/SDF-1 expression in MSCs. These findings may help to identify the mechanisms of therapeutic effects of VK2 in patients with MDS (Figure). Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Blood ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 104 (11) ◽  
pp. 3423-3423
Daniel W. Lee ◽  
Quan-Sheng Zhu ◽  
Gus Zamora ◽  
Ogonna Nwawka ◽  
Elizabeth J. Shpall ◽  

Abstract Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) results from ineffective hematopoiesis characterized by peripheral cytopenia(s) and hypercellular bone marrow. Both enhanced proliferation and accelerated apoptosis are hallmarks of the early phases of MDS, while the latter phases are characterized by diminished apoptosis and the accumulation of blasts. The genetic and biochemical basis of this clonal disorder is poorly understood; cell lines and mouse models are few and incomplete. We propose that patients with Severe Congenital Neutropenia who have a ten thousand-fold risk of developing MDS/AML provide a well-defined entity to study the signaling dysfunction in MDS. Almost all of these patients have a truncated G-CSF Receptor. We then compared Ba/F3 cells expressing either the full-length or the truncated G-CSF Receptor. Stimulation with G-CSF led to sustained Lyn tyrosine kinase activity. Altered PI 3-kinase signaling was evidenced by enhanced and sustained Akt serine kinase activity with diminished tyrosine phosphorylation of the adaptor molecule Gab2 and the inositol phosphatase SHIP-1. Furthermore, an in vitro lipid phosphatase assay showed decreased SHIP activity in cells expressing truncated G-CSF Receptor following G-CSF stimulation. Both Gab2 and SHIP-1 critically regulate PI 3-kinase activity in hematopoietic cells. We next sought to corroborate these findings in primary hematopoietic cells from adult patients with MDS. Biochemical analysis of CD3/CD19 depleted bone marrow mononuclear cells from patients with mid- to late-stage MDS revealed similar findings: increased tyrosine phosphorylation of the activated form of Lyn (of 13 specimens, 10 demonstrated 2 to 30-fold increase by western blotting when compared to CD34+ cells from umbilical cord blood), increased serine and threonine phosphorylation of Akt (8/10 specimens), and decreased tyrosine phosphorylation of Gab2 (6/6) and SHIP-1 (9/9). Importantly, decreased total protein levels of Gab2 and SHIP-1 accounted for their decreased tyrosine phosphorylation. Real-time PCR studies confirmed expression of Gab2 and SHIP-1 in MDS patients, but the level of SHIP-1 transcripts was ~40% less than that in CD34+ cells. Short-SHIP (SIP110), a 104 kDa form of SHIP-1 that lacks the SH2 domain and is expressed only in embryonic stem cells and hematopoietic stem cells, was not identified by RT-PCR in MDS mononuclear cells, and hence, it could not substitute for SHIP-1 deficiency. Ongoing studies are examining hypermethylation state of these genes and their sensitivity to azacytidine. Altogether, these findings suggest that enhanced proliferation and diminished apoptosis may be due to changes in PI 3-kinase regulation and activity in some patients with MDS, which is consistent with both cell lines expressing the truncated G-CSF Receptor and the SHIP−/ −, PTEN+/− mouse model for MDS (Blood103:4503, 2004).

Blood ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 116 (21) ◽  
pp. 199-199
Elie Traer ◽  
Ryan MacKenzie ◽  
Jennifer Snead ◽  
Brian J Druker ◽  
Michael W Deininger

Abstract Abstract 199 Background: The tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) imatinib, nilotinib and dasatinib are very effective for the treatment of chronic phase CML. However, the majority of these patients continue to have persistence of CML cells despite continued therapy, suggesting that TKIs fail to target leukemic stem cells (LSCs). There is increasing evidence that the bone marrow microenvironment provides a sanctuary to LSCs, thereby contributing to persistence. Results: We used the human stromal cell lines (HS-5, HS-23, HS-27a) to model the microenvironment. Conditioned media from HS-5, but not HS-23 or HS-27a, reduced apoptosis of CML cell lines treated with TKIs (K562, LAMA-84, KBM-5 and KYO-1), consistent with previous reports. Similarly, CML CD34+ cells were protected from 5 μ M imatinib in a 4 day co-culture with HS-5 cells, as assessed by CFU-GM colony survival (23% vs 9% when compared to untreated controls, N=6, p=0.018). We were also able to demonstrate protection from TKIs with transwells over HS-5 and with HS-5 conditioned media, which suggests that factors secreted by HS-5 cells protect CML cells from TKIs. Cytokine analysis of conditioned media revealed relatively higher concentrations of IL6, IL-8, MCP-1, MCP-3, G-CSF and GM-CSF from HS-5 as compared to HS-23 and HS-27a. Since IL-6, G-CSF and GM-CSF are known to signal via JAK2, we tested combinations of imatinib and JAK2 inhibitors (TG101209 or CYT387) using our in vitro assay. Combination treatment with imatinib and CYT387 or TG101209 abrogated the protective effects of HS-5 conditioned media in CML cell lines. Combination treatment of CML CD34+ in HS-5 co-culture assays also abrogated the protective effects of stroma on colony formation. However, we observed that both normal CD34+ and CML CD34+ colony formation was dramatically reduced by JAK2 inhibitors using our HS-5 co-culture system, particularly at higher doses. Thus, it was unclear if a potential therapeutic window existed in vivo. To test the potential of combination therapy in vivo, we infected marrow from Balb/c mice with a retrovirus that simultaneously expresses BCR-ABL and GFP, followed by transplantation into lethally irradiated syngeneic recipients. The mice were separated into five cohorts: vehicle control, TG101209 (200mg/kg/d), nilotinib (75mg/kg/d), nilotinib + low-dose TG101209 (50mg/kg/d) and nilotinib + high-dose TG101209 (200mg/kg/d). The vehicle-treated control group died rapidly of myeloproliferative disease (MPD) with a median survival of 15.5 days. The median survival of mice treated with TG101209 was slightly prolonged at 20.5 days (p=0.06); however, these mice also died of MPD with enlarged spleens/livers and lung hemorrhage. The survival curves of mice treated with nilotinib monotherapy and nilotinib + low-dose TG101209 were similar (median survival not reached at termination of experiment). Mice treated with nilotinib + high-dose TG101209 initially had minimal mortality, however on day 26 the mice began to die without signs of MPD (no definitive cause of death at autopsy) and thus the remaining cohort was sacrificed on day 27 for analysis. In stark contrast to the other cohorts, the spleens of these mice were very small, leukopenic, and largely devoid of normal follicles, with decreased spleen weight compared to mice treated with nilotinib monotherapy (0.025 vs. 0.072 gm, p<0.01). The bone marrow was also profoundly hypocellular, suggesting that myelosuppresion (anemia and leukopenia in particular) may have been a factor in mortality. However, despite toxicity this combination may retain a degree of selectivity for BCR-ABL cells since disease burden, as measured by the percentage of GFP-positive cells, was reduced compared to nilotinib monotherapy (spleen: 4% vs 11.7%, p=0.047; bone marrow: 8.7% vs 13.8%, p=0.22). Conclusions: (1) Factors secreted by human bone marrow stromal cells attenuate the effects of imatinib in CML cell lines and primary CML CD34+ cells in a JAK2-dependent fashion. (2) Simultaneous in vivo inhibition of BCR-ABL and JAK2 dramatically reduces BCR-ABL expressing cells, but at the cost of marrow toxicity. We speculate that this limitation may be overcome by intermittent rather than continuous JAK2 inhibition, a strategy that might avoid toxicity while reducing persistent BCR-ABL disease burden. Disclosures: Deininger: Novartis: Consultancy; Bristol-Myers Squibb: Consultancy; Genzyme: Research Funding; Ariad: Consultancy.

Blood ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 114 (22) ◽  
pp. 2166-2166 ◽  
Miki Takeuchi ◽  
Shinya Kimura ◽  
Junya Kuroda ◽  
Eishi Ashihara ◽  
Makoto Kawatani ◽  

Abstract Abstract 2166 Poster Board II-143 Normal hematopoietic stem cells reside in the epiphyses of the bone marrow that is a low oxygenated area and are protected against ROS-induced DNA damages. Recent study showed that the hypoxic environment plays a crucial role not only in maintaining stem cells but also in tumorigenesis. Hypoxia induces dramatical changes in cell characteristics including cell cycle quiescence, self renewal potency, and shift in energy production from an aerobic to anaerobic pathway, and it induces resistance to a variety of cell death stimuli. Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is a disorder of hematopoietic stem cells caused by the constitutive activation of the Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) have led to marked improvement in prognosis of CML patients. However, CML cells could not be eradicated completely by TKI alone because quiescent CML stem cells are less sensitive to such molecular target drugs. Therefore, we speculate that the adaptation of leukemic cells to hypoxia in the bone marrow niche alters their characteristics contributing to minimal residual disease. We first evaluated the oxygen levels of engrafted leukemic cells by pimonidazol (hypoxia specific marker) staining.We transplanted K562 cells to the bone marrow of NOD/SCID/gcnull (NOG) mice and found that those cells engrafted and survived in the epiphysis of the bone marrow where O2 concentrations are less than 1.3%. Then, we generated two hypoxia-adapted (HA) CML subclones from K562 and KCL22 by cultivating under 1.0% O2, and were denoted as K562/HA and KCL22/HA, respectively. Both cell lines survived and proliferated continuously for years under 1.0% O2 conditions, although their growth was slower than that of their parental counterparts under 20% O2 conditions. Interestingly, HA-CML cells exhibited several unique characteristics compared to their parental cells. First, these HA cells showed higher transplantation efficacy in NOG mice. The transplanted HA cells grow more rapidly in vivo than the parental cells and mice transplanted with HA cells died earlier. Next, the percentage of G0 fractions in K562 and K562/HA cells were 0.87 ± 0.58 % and 4.9 ± 2.1 %, respectively, indicating that K562/HA cells included more quiescent fractions than the parental K562. Hoechst staining analysis confirmed that HA cell lines include more SP (side population) fractions than their parental cells, indicating that HA cells contains more dormant cells. We next examined the signaling pathway of HA cell lines. Despite the unchanged levels of AKT, STAT, and ERK phosphrylation, BCR-ABL phsophrylation was suppressed in HA cells. Both of HA cell lines showed higher expression of b-catenin which is considered essential for survival and self-renewality of CML stem cells. Furthermore, HA cells were less sensitive to TKIs (imatinib, dasatinib, and bafetinib) and chemotherapeutic agents (daunorubicin and busulfan). Taken together, our HA cell lines have characteristics of more primitive CML cell populations resistant to cytotoxic agents. We next examined the energy metabolites such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP), glucose consumption, and lactate production in HA cells. The amounts of ATP in K562/HA and KCL22/HA cells decreased, whereas glucose consumption and lactate production increased compared with those in their parental cell lines. These findings indicate that ATP production of HA cells depends on glycolysis. Furthermore, we found higher expression and kinase activity of Glyoxalase-1 (Glo-I). Glo-I is an enzyme that detoxifies glycolysis-specific cytocidal byproducts in glycolytis system. Glo-I inhibitors such as S-p-bromobenzylglutathione cyclopentyl diester (BBGC), 2-crotonyloxymethyl-4,5,6-trihydroxycylohex-2-enone (COTC), and methyl-gerfelin were much more cytotoxic against HA-CML cells than their parental cells in vitro. Notably, when K562/HA-transplanted mice were treated with 100 mg/kg/day BBGC for 8 days, the treated mice survived longer than the untreated mice (Figure 1). These findings suggest that Glo-1 plays an important role in primitive CML cells survival under hypoxia. In conclusion, Glo-1 is a novel attractive target against hypoxia-adapted primitive CML cells in the bone marrow milieu. Investigation of hypoxia-specific pathways and roles on CML cells could develop novel therapeutic approach targeting TKIs resistance. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Blood ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 120 (21) ◽  
pp. 911-911
Chun Shik Park ◽  
Ye Shen ◽  
Takeshi Yamada ◽  
Koramit Suppipat ◽  
H. Daniel Lacorazza

Abstract Abstract 911 The identification of pathways that differentially regulate the self-renewal in normal hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and leukemic stem cells (LSC) is critical for effective treatment of relapsed leukemia without affecting normal hematopoiesis. Krüppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) is a bi-functional transcription factor that can either activate or repress transcription and thus function as an oncogene or a tumor suppressor depending on the cellular context. We have previously shown that loss of KLF4 leads to increased self-renewal of HSC in serial bone marrow transplantation. In this work, we investigated whether KLF4 also regulates self-renewal in LSCs using a mouse model of somatic deletion of KLF4 in hematopoietic cells (Klf4fl/fl Vav-iCre+) and the BCR-ABL-induced chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) model. Mice transplanted with wild type bone marrow (BM) cells transduced with retrovirus carrying BCR-ABL (p210) (n=18) showed an expansion of myeloid cells (GFP+ Gr1+) with a median survival of 19 days. In contrast, mice transplanted with KLF4-deficient BM cells transduced with BCR-ABL retrovirus (n=12) exhibited prolonged survival with a median survival of 27 days (p<0.0011). Progression of leukemia was monitored in peripheral blood, BM and the spleen by flow cytometry. Mice transplanted with KLF4-deficient cells showed expansion of myeloid leukemic cells (GFP+ Gr1+) in the first two weeks after BM transplant, which was followed by a progressive loss of myeloid cells and an expansion of B cells (GFP+ B220+). In control group, 90% of leukemic mice succumbed from CML whereas more than 50% of KLF4-deficient leukemic mice developed mixed CML and B-ALL leukemia. These results suggest that loss of KLF4 impairs the maintenance of BCR-ABL-induced CML, while allowing expansion of BCR-ABL positive B cells (GFP+ B220+). Since KLF4 deletion prevented continuous expansion of myeloid leukemic cells (GFP+ Gr1+), we postulated that KLF4 may be critical to LSC maintenance. Thus, we analyzed the frequency of LSCs (GFP+ Lin–c-Kit+ Sca-1+and GFP+ Lin– c-Kit+ Sca-1+Flt3–) in BM and the spleen. We found that LSCs were significantly reduced in recipients of BCR-ABL-transduced KLF4-deficient BM cells 18 days after transplantation (n=6, p <0.001). These studies demonstrate that KLF4 has different roles in the maintainenance of LSCs and normal HSCs and that inactivation of KLF4 provides a therapeutic strategy for eradicating LSCs without damaging normal HSC. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Blood ◽  
1996 ◽  
Vol 88 (10) ◽  
pp. 3774-3784 ◽  
F Morel ◽  
SJ Szilvassy ◽  
M Travis ◽  
B Chen ◽  
A Galy

The CD34 antigen is expressed on most, if not all, human hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and hematopoietic progenitor cells, and its use for the enrichment of HSCs with repopulating potential is well established. However, despite homology between human and murine CD34, its expression on subsets of primitive murine hematopoietic cells has not been examined in full detail. To address this issue, we used a novel monoclonal antibody against murine CD34 (RAM34) to fractionate bone marrow (BM) cells that were then assayed in vitro and in vivo with respect to differing functional properties. A total of 4% to 17% of murine BM cells expressed CD34 at intermediate to high levels, representing a marked improvement over the resolution obtained with previously described polyclonal anti-CD34 antibodies. Sixty percent of CD34+ BM cells lacked lineage (Lin) markers expressed on mature lymphoid or myeloid cells. Eighty-five percent of Sca-1+Thy-1(10)Lin- /10 cells that are highly enriched in HSCs expressed intermediate, but not high, levels of CD34 antigen. The remainder of these phenotypically defined stem cells were CD34-. In vitro colony-forming cells, day-8 and -12 spleen colony-forming units (CFU-S), primitive progenitors able to differentiate into B lymphocytes in vitro or into T lymphocytes in SCID mice, and stem cells with radioprotective and competitive long-term repopulating activity were all markedly enriched in the CD34+ fraction after single-parameter cell sorting. In contrast, CD34-BM cells were depleted of such activities at the cell doses tested and were capable of only short-term B-cell production in vitro. The results indicate that a significant proportion of murine HSCs and multilineage progenitor cells express detectable levels of CD34, and that the RAM34 monoclonal antibody is a useful tool to subset primitive murine hematopoietic cells. These findings should facilitate more direct comparisons of the biology of CD34+ murine and human stem and progenitor cells.

Blood ◽  
1985 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 229-232
BG Durie ◽  
TM Grogan

Detailed immunotyping was carried out on 21 direct myeloma bone marrow aspirates and eight human myeloma cell lines. Four previously untreated common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen (CALLA)-positive myeloma patients were identified and six of eight cell lines (75%) were also positive. CALLA positivity, as part of an immature B phenotype, was found to correlate with very aggressive clinical disease: median survival six months v 56 months for the CALLA-negative group.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Soukaina Bahsoun ◽  
Karen Coopman ◽  
Elizabeth C. Akam

Abstract Background The effects of cryopreservation on human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hBM-MSCs) are still ill-defined. In this study, a quantitative approach was adopted to measure several post-thaw cell attributes in order to provide an accurate reflection of the freezing and thawing impact. Methods Fresh and cryopreserved passage-matched cells from three different donors were discretely analysed and compared for their viability, apoptosis level, phenotypic marker expression, metabolic activity, adhesion potential, proliferation rate, colony-forming unit ability (CFUF) and differentiation potentials. Results The results of this study show that cryopreservation reduces cell viability, increases apoptosis level and impairs hBM-MSC metabolic activity and adhesion potential in the first 4 h after thawing. At 24 h post-thaw, cell viability recovered, and apoptosis level dropped but metabolic activity and adhesion potential remained lower than fresh cells. This suggests that a 24-h period is not enough for a full recovery. Beyond 24 h post-thaw, the observed effects are variable for the three cell lines. While no difference is observed in the pre- and post-cryopreservation proliferation rate, cryopreservation reduced the CFUF ability of two of the cell lines and variably affected the adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation potentials of the three cell lines. Conclusion The data collected in this study clearly show that fresh and cryopreserved hBM-MSCs are different, and these differences will inevitably introduce variabilities to the product and process development and subsequently imply financial losses. In order to avoid product divergence pre- and post-cryopreservation, effective strategies to mitigate freezing effects must be developed and implemented.

Blood ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 96 (10) ◽  
pp. 3385-3391 ◽  
Stephane Barrette ◽  
Janet L. Douglas ◽  
Nancy E. Seidel ◽  
David M. Bodine

Abstract The low levels of transduction of human hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) with Moloney murine leukemia virus (MLV) vectors have been an obstacle to gene therapy for hematopoietic diseases. It has been demonstrated that lentivirus vectors are more efficient than MLV vectors at transducing nondividing cell lines as well as human CD34+ cells and severe combined immunodeficiency disease repopulating cells. We compared transduction of cell lines and Lin− bone marrow cells, using a vesicular stomatitis virus G (VSV-G)-pseudotyped lentivirus or MLV vectors carrying a green fluorescent protein marker gene. As predicted, the lentivirus vector was more efficient at transducing mouse and human growth-inhibited cell lines. The transduction of mouse HSC by lentivirus vectors was compared directly to MLV vectors in a co-transduction assay. In this assay, transduction by ecotropic MLV is a positive internal control for downstream steps in retrovirus transduction, including cell division. Both the VSV-G lentivirus and MLV vectors transduced mouse HSCs maintained in cytokine-free medium at very low frequency, as did the ecotropic control. The lentivirus vector and the MLV vector were equally efficient at transducing bone marrow HSCs cultured in interleukin 3 (IL-3), IL-6, and stem cell factor for 96 hours. In conclusion, although lentivirus vectors are able to transduce growth-inhibited cell lines, the cell cycle status of HSCs render them resistant to lentivirus-mediated transduction, and it is hypothesized that entry into cycle, not necessarily division, may be a requirement for efficient lentivirus-mediated transduction.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. S956-S956
Dmitry Kondrikov ◽  
Ahmed Elmansi ◽  
Xing-ming Shi ◽  
Sadanand Fulzele ◽  
Meghan mcGee-Lawrence ◽  

Abstract Aging is characterized by progressive decline of tissue functionality and age-related accumulation of cellular and molecular damage leading to multiple pathological conditions including osteoporosis and increased fracture rates. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) play an essential role in bone development and regeneration with their ability to undergo differentiation into osteogenic, chondrogenic, myogenic, and adipogenic cell lines cell lines. Proliferation rate of MSC is declined with ages leading to misbalance between bone resorption and osteogenesis. A recently identified age-related change in bone and bone marrow is an accumulation of tryptophan metabolite, kynurenine (KYN), catalyzed by indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) or free-radical oxidation. We previously reported that KYN suppresses autophagy in BMSC. We now investigated the effect of KYN on BMSC cellular function. In vitro treatment of murine BMSC isolated from 18 month old mice with kynurenine disrupted autophagy suppressing autophagic flux. KYN treatment also induces senescence in BMSC marked by increase in SA-beta-galactosidase activity as well as, increased expression of senescence marker p21. Inhibition of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) by AhR inhibitors significantly reduced β-galactosidase activity increase and blocked p21 expression elevation suggesting that KYN induces senescence in BMSC through the AhR pathway. Interestingly, KYN treatment failed to up-regulate beta-gal activity in BMSC isolated from 6 month-old mice suggesting that KYN induction of senescence maybe potentiated with aging. Together those data support the idea that KYN shifts the homeostatic balance of BMSC during prolonged stress or in aging through downregulating survival autophagic pathway in favor of driving BMSCs to senescence.

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