II.—English Psychological Literature

1863 ◽  
Vol 9 (47) ◽  
pp. 396-398
Thomas B. Peacock

“In 1847 (says Dr. Peacock), I published a series of weights of the human brain, collected at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, together with tables prepared from these observations, together with the much larger number of weights previously recorded by the late Professor John Reid. The observations which follow have been obtained since that time, and though comparatively few in number, yet, as they are not likely to be materially increased and may furnish a useful comparison with the former, I have thought them worthy of being placed on record. The observations on the specific gravity of the brain are entirely new. They were obtained by a different mode from that followed by Dr. Sankey, in his observations of the specific gravity of the healthy brain, and by Dr. Bucknill in his investigation of the density of the brain of insane persons. The former of these observers ascertained the specific gravity of the different portions of the brain, by placing pieces in solution of common salt of different densities; the latter adopted a similar plan, except that he employed solutions of Epsom salts. My own observations were made by first weighing the brain and its several portions in air, and then in distilled water, and calculating the specific gravity by the common formula, viz., as the weight lost by the brain in water is to the weight in air, so is the specific gravity of distilled water (1000) to the weight required.”

In this lecture the author pursues his researches respecting the anatomy of the human brain, and compares it with that of fishes, insects, and worms, in the hope of developing the connexion between the action of the nerves and the motion of the muscles. To obviate the sources of error attendant upon the usual methods of dissecting and examining the brain, a portion of it in a very recent state was submitted to the microscope, after having been immersed in distilled water. Rows of globules were thus detected passing in straight lines from the circumference of the cortical substance into the medullary portion, the appearance of which is shown by Mr. Bauer in an annexed drawing. From a representation, also by Mr. Bauer, of the tench, it appears that its relative proportion to the size of the animal is smaller than in the bird, —that it has a central cavity and a nodulated basis. In insects the brain contains, and its principal portion is connected by, nervous chords, with what is usually called a ganglion, but which, when examined accurately, is found to resemble the brain in texture, and which, from the office of the nerves it sends off, the author considers, as Medulla oblongata . Below this is a regular line of ganglions united by a double nerve, the details of these structures being illustrated by annexed drawings. Among insects the bee has the largest proportion of brain relative to the size of its body. In the moth and caterpillar it is smaller, but similar in structure, as also in the lobster. In the garden snail the brain is relatively larger than in the bee, but there are no ganglions, although the structure of the Medulla spinalis is the same.

1866 ◽  
Vol 11 (56) ◽  
pp. 465-511 ◽  
H. Charlton Bastian

The question of the specific gravity of the brain has already engaged the attention of several British investigators, the results of whose labours have from time to time been made known, but with the exception of a few isolated observations little has been done to this subject by continental anatomists or pathologists. At a time like the present, when the attention of scientific men is directed with renewed interest to all details concerning weight, form, and configu ration of the human brain, it seems reasonable to suppose that more complete observations upon the specific gravities of its several parts would be of itself a matter of scientific interest, independently of the importance attaching to the subject on account of the probable light which such an investigation might throw upon the situations of change in brain tissue, in connection with certain obscure forms of cerebral disease. The observations of previous inquirers have been directed to the estimation of the specific weights of the cere brum and cerebellum as a whole, of the gray and white matter separately, and of the combined central ganglia of the cerebrum. These investigations have been made by some, upon the brains of sane, and by others, upon those of insane individuals; and amongst the forty persons whose brains I have myself examined, there are also representatives of these two classes, though a large majority is included under the former denomination. Whilst tho actual number of brains inspected by myself is, therefore, limited, still the examination of their several parts has been more complete, so that this communication contains a record not only of differences found to exist in the specific gravity of gray matter taken from frontal, parietal, and occipital convolutions respectively; but, also, I believe for the first time, of the specific weights of the optic thalami, pons, medulla oblongata, and different parts of the corpora striata, taken sepa rately. Some of the facts so ascertained are very interesting, and seem to justify their early publication. Owing, also, to the existence of certain discrepancies in the results arrived at by preceding inves tigators and myself, it seems desirable that these discrepancies as well as our respective methods should be considered, with a view, if possible, of ensuring greater uniformity of results for the future. Investigations of a delicate nature such as these, when conducted by different observers, are comparatively useless for the purposes of comparison, unless some uniform method be adopted. These considerations have induced me to make known the results of my own observations sooner than I should otherwise have done, and will, I hope, be deemed a sufficient justification for my bringing them forward before they are sufficiently numerous to enable me to draw any very safe deductions from them. The present paper may, therefore, be con sidered as a first contribution towards the elucidation of a subject, at which I hope to work more thoroughly in the future.

1803 ◽  
Vol 93 ◽  
pp. 195-199

The functions of the eye, so far as they are physical, have been found subject to the common laws of optics. It cannot be expected that chemistry should clear up such obscure points of physiology, as all the operations of vision appear to be; but, some acquaintance with the intimate nature of the substances which produce the effects, cannot fail to be a useful appendage to a knowledge of the mechanical structure of the organ. The chemical history of the humours of the eye, is not of much extent. The aqueous humour had been examined by Bertrandi; who said, that its specific gravity was 975, and therefore less than that of distilled water. Fourcroy, in his Système des Connoissances chimiques , tells us, that it has a saltish taste; that it evaporates without leaving a residuum; but that it contains some animal matter, with some alkaline phosphate and muriate. These contradictions only prove, that we have no accurate knowledge upon the subject.

1868 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 236-241

It would naturally be expected that great attention had been directed to the human brain, the organ of mental manifestation. Still little has been done to ascertain its relative magnitude in the different races of mankind. Opportunities for examining exotic brains are rare, and it is only by gauging the internal capacities of human skulls, and deducing the weight of the brain, that data can be obtained. The inferiority of this method is not so clear as has been assumed, since we are able to fix upon an unchangeable substance of definite specific gravity for the purpose of this gauging, whereby we compensate for the variable condition of the brain, depending upon disease and other causes, and the immediate occasion of death.

1844 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 387-395
John Davy

That the common varieties of wood which float in water, owe their apparent lightness to air contained in their structure, is generally admitted by those who have paid any attention to the subject. By means of the air-pump, the fact is clearly demonstrated. Under the exhausted receiver, after a certain time, the time varying with the quality of wood, all the different specimens which I have tried have sunk; I may mention two or three in particular, as examples. A piece of oak, weighing 29.7 grs., sank in distilled water, after having been subjected to the air-pump three days;—a piece of deal, weighing 16.3 grs., similarly acted on, floated ten days;—and a portion of the pith of the elder, weighing only .133 grain, floated seven days.

William P. Wergin ◽  
Eric F. Erbe

The eye-brain complex allows those of us with normal vision to perceive and evaluate our surroundings in three-dimensions (3-D). The principle factor that makes this possible is parallax - the horizontal displacement of objects that results from the independent views that the left and right eyes detect and simultaneously transmit to the brain for superimposition. The common SEM micrograph is a 2-D representation of a 3-D specimen. Depriving the brain of the 3-D view can lead to erroneous conclusions about the relative sizes, positions and convergence of structures within a specimen. In addition, Walter has suggested that the stereo image contains information equivalent to a two-fold increase in magnification over that found in a 2-D image. Because of these factors, stereo pair analysis should be routinely employed when studying specimens.Imaging complementary faces of a fractured specimen is a second method by which the topography of a specimen can be more accurately evaluated.

Preecha Yupapin ◽  
Amiri I. S. ◽  
Ali J. ◽  
Ponsuwancharoen N. ◽  
Youplao P.

The sequence of the human brain can be configured by the originated strongly coupling fields to a pair of the ionic substances(bio-cells) within the microtubules. From which the dipole oscillation begins and transports by the strong trapped force, which is known as a tweezer. The tweezers are the trapped polaritons, which are the electrical charges with information. They will be collected on the brain surface and transport via the liquid core guide wave, which is the mixture of blood content and water. The oscillation frequency is called the Rabi frequency, is formed by the two-level atom system. Our aim will manipulate the Rabi oscillation by an on-chip device, where the quantum outputs may help to form the realistic human brain function for humanoid robotic applications.

Sally M. Essawy ◽  
Basil Kamel ◽  
Mohamed S. Elsawy

Some buildings hold certain qualities of space design similar to those originated from nature in harmony with its surroundings. These buildings, mostly associated with religious beliefs and practices, allow for human comfort and a unique state of mind. This paper aims to verify such effect on the human brain. It concentrates on measuring brain waves when the user is located in several spots (coordinates) in some of these buildings. Several experiments are conducted on selected case studies to identify whether certain buildings affect the brain wave frequencies of their users or not. These are measured in terms of Brain Wave Frequency Charts through EEG Device. The changes identified on the brain were then translated into a brain diagram that reflects the spiritual experience all through the trip inside the selected buildings. This could then be used in architecture to enhance such unique quality.

Henrik Hogh-Olesen

Chapter 7 takes the investigation of the aesthetic impulse into the human brain to understand, first, why only we—and not our closest relatives among the primates—express ourselves aesthetically; and second, how the brain reacts when presented with aesthetic material. Brain scans are less useful when you are interested in the Why of aesthetic behavior rather than the How. Nevertheless, some brain studies have been ground-breaking, and neuroaesthetics offers a pivotal argument for the key function of the aesthetic impulse in human lives; it shows us that the brain’s reward circuit is activated when we are presented with aesthetic objects and stimuli. For why reward a perception or an activity that is evolutionarily useless and worthless in relation to human existence?

Ann-Sophie Barwich

How much does stimulus input shape perception? The common-sense view is that our perceptions are representations of objects and their features and that the stimulus structures the perceptual object. The problem for this view concerns perceptual biases as responsible for distortions and the subjectivity of perceptual experience. These biases are increasingly studied as constitutive factors of brain processes in recent neuroscience. In neural network models the brain is said to cope with the plethora of sensory information by predicting stimulus regularities on the basis of previous experiences. Drawing on this development, this chapter analyses perceptions as processes. Looking at olfaction as a model system, it argues for the need to abandon a stimulus-centred perspective, where smells are thought of as stable percepts, computationally linked to external objects such as odorous molecules. Perception here is presented as a measure of changing signal ratios in an environment informed by expectancy effects from top-down processes.

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