Improvement of Personnel Office Administration As an Anti-Recessionary Measure of Reduction of Expenses and Potential Losses of Organization

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-13 ◽  
Рязанцева ◽  
Margarita Ryazantseva ◽  
Субочева ◽  
A. Subocheva

This article assesses the problem of organizations’ compliance to labor legislation. It demonstrates results of the analysis which was carried out to evaluate the dynamics of the employers’ violations of the labor legislation revealed by the State Labor Inspection of Moscow. The data of 2011-2014 suggests that the number of violations had increased. Moreover, the article speci es several changes in the legislation regulating responsibility of employers at labor law. Attention is drawn to the fact that one of the possible ways to prepare for revisions carried out by State Labor Inspection is the audit of the Personnel Office administration. Taking into account a signi cant increase in the size of penalties for violations of the labor legislation, the article substantiates the anti-recessionary role of Personnel Office administration and the necessity of its audit; and gives practical recommendations for procedures of Personnel Office administration audit.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (40) ◽  
Vanda Micheli Burginski

Resumo – Este artigo explicita a afinidade entre o pensamento neoestruturalista da Cepal e o neoliberalismo, tendo como foco o papel do Estado na acumulação capitalista em face à crise estrutural do capital. O objetivo é trazer os principais elementos teóricos do pensamento estruturalista clássico da Cepal para demonstrar que o neoestruturalismo não se constitui em alternativa ao neoliberalismo. O Estado é acionado para estabelecer a primazia do mercado na definição do desenvolvimento, no sentido de fazer com que as regulações referentes à legislação trabalhista e os direitos sociais sejam reduzidas, em sintonia com as contrarreformas em curso. O programa neoestruturalista não produz enfrentamentos às medidas regressivas que acirram a barbarização da vida social, o que sugere a mobilização de forças sociais para a construção coletiva de um programa de esquerda, de transição para outra sociabilidade. Palavras-Chave: Cepal; neoliberalismo; neoestruturalismo; contrarreforma; Estado.  Abstract – This article explores the affinity between neoestructuralist thinking of ECLAC and neoliberalism, focusing on the role of the state in capitalist accumulation in face of the structural capital crisis. Its goal is to bring the main theoretical elements of classical estructural thinking of ECLAC to demonstrate that neostructuralism does not constitute an alternative to neoliberalism. The state is called upon to establish the defining role of the market primacy in development, in order to ensure that regulations regarding labor legislation and social rights are reduced, in tune with current counter-reformations. The neoestructuralist program does not produce confrontations with regressive measures that aggravate the barbarization of social life, which suggests the mobilization of social forces for the collective construction of a left-wing program, in transition to another type of sociability. Keywords: ECLAC; neoliberalism; neostructuralism; counter-reformation; State.

2021 ◽  
pp. 38-43
O. V. Bailo

The article considers the problematic issues of the organization of state supervision (control) over the observance of labor legislation. The urgency of the research topic is determined by the dependence of the state of human rights on the effectiveness of supervision and control by the state. The relevance of the study of legal relations in the field of state supervision (control) is determined by the fact that state control (supervision) over compliance with labor legislation and other regulations containing labor law is considered in the science of labor law as a jurisdictional way to protect labor rights and freedoms. The study of case law shows the ineffectiveness of state supervision (control) in the field of labor in connection with the violation of the procedure for such measures. The vast majority of court proceedings on administrative claims of business entities to the Territorial Departments of the State Labor Service on the recognition of illegal and revocation of the decision are decided in favor of business entities. The article pays special attention to the problematic issues of the procedure of implementation of measures of state supervision (control) in the field of labor, namely the grounds for the implementation of such unscheduled measures (inspection visits). During the inspection of an business entity, the State Labor Service must in any case follow the procedure for appointing and conducting such inspection, established by the legislation of Ukraine. Convention no. 81 (1947) does not provide for exceptions to bring business entities to justice based on the results of inspections violation of the procedure established by national law and the results of which do not give rise to legal consequences for business entities. The provisions of the draft Labor Code of Ukraine on the organization of state supervision over compliance with labor legislation are analyzed. On the basis of the analyzed normative-legal acts, amendments to the legislation are developed and offered, which will eliminate shortcomings in the organization and activity of subjects of supervision and control over observance of the labor legislation that as a whole will promote realization of the state policy in the field of effective employment.

2021 ◽  
pp. 168
Lyubov A. Lomakina

The article highlights some issues of solving the priority tasks of labor legislation, coordination of the interests of the parties to labor relations, the interests of the state, which are determined by the principles of legal regulation of labor relations. Principles, as a legal category, form the basis for regulating any branch of law, including labor law, and determine the direction of development of the branch of law. One of these principles is the principle of combining private and public interests, which is reflected in Labor Law as the principle of combining state and contractual regulation of labor relations, it is aimed at balancing the various interests of the parties to the labor contract and the state.

2021 ◽  
Vol 284 ◽  
pp. 02020
Zeinegul Yessymkhanova ◽  
Shakizada Niyazbekova ◽  
Lida Tochieva ◽  
Makka Goigova ◽  
Vasiliy Varsin ◽  

Currently, the agro–industrial complex (AIC) of the Republic of Kazakhstan has all the advantages and opportunities to become a new driver of economic development. The article examines the state of households of the population provides statistical data on the main indicators of the dynamics and structure of livestock products and the productivity of livestock and poultry for all categories of farms in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The paper shows the role of production of household farms in comparison with other categories of farms. In recent years, households (formerly personal subsidiary farms) play an important role in the country’s agriculture and make a significant contribution to ensuring the food security of the state. Further development of farms of the rural population is directly related, in particular, to the improvement of the living standards of rural residents, and in general to the development of rural areas. The aim of the study is to develop theoretical and practical recommendations for the further growth of the main indicators of livestock production by households and their significant impact in ensuring the country’s food security. In this regard, it is necessary to consider trends in the production of livestock products by all categories of farms, and in particular the contribution of households to the process of trends in the production of livestock products by households in the context of ensuring food security in our state.

2020 ◽  
pp. 126-133
S. K. Eshugova ◽  
S. K. Khamirzova

Studying the role and place of state corporations, as well as improving their activities in the framework of stimulating the real sector of the Russian economy is a relevant issue. The subject of the research is organizational and managerial relations arising in the system of functioning of state corporations and their impact on the real sector of economy. The aim of the research is to substantiate the role of state corporations in the development of the real sector of the Russian economy and to develop practical recommendations to improve the efficiency of their functioning in modern conditions. The article reveals the essence, as well as the significant role of state corporations in the innovative modernization of the Russian economy; the necessity of using impressive organizational, financial and economic potential of state corporations in stimulating the development of competitive industries in various sectors of the real sector of the economy is substantiated. There are three main types of state corporations in the Russian economy: a) financial development institutions; their activities are aimed at financing large projects; b) industrial corporations; c) directorates for the implementation of government programs with limited periods of operation and a set of specific tasks for implementation. An analysis of the scale of activity of the state corporate sector has shown that at present state corporations control about 40% of the economy and provide more than half of the state GDP; their financing accounts for about 25% of the expenditure side of the RF budget. The article concludes that state corporations are the locomotives of growth in the real sector of economy, established by the state at the expense of the budget to carry out large-scale projects or to solve important economic and social problems.

2020 ◽  
pp. 40-50
A. A. Grishkovets

The article analyzes the problems of correlation between administrative and labor law of Russia in regulating relations in the civil service, with consideration of the possibility of subsidiary application of the norms of labor legislation of the Russian Federation in regulating relations in the civil service. It is concluded that the state-service relations themselves are not identical with those related to the state civil service. In this regard, the prospects for the development of the civil service in order to further strengthen the public legal status of civil servants are outlined.

Iryna Sakharuk ◽  
Alina Magomedova ◽  
Oleksandra Pоhorielova ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of the main factors influencing the preservation and development of Ukraine's labor potential, the study of key areas of public policy in this area and the definition of recommendations for its improvement. The condition and current problems of implementation of labor legislation are studied, the ways of reducing unregulated employment are determined; areas for reforming labor legislation in the field of wages, ensuring proper and safe working conditions are identified; the need to increase the role of social dialogue in the regulation of social and labor relations is stressed; the need to improve the system of vocational guidance and vocational training is identified. The article analyzes the relationship between educational policy and the condition of education at all levels and its impact on the preservation and development of labor potential. Emphasis is placed on the need to revise the system of vocational training by state order, which will help reduce the imbalance of supply and demand in the labor market for certain specialties. Attention is paid to the issues of self-education of employees and lifelong learning. The authors analyze in the article the demographic situation in Ukraine and the role of demographic policy in preserving and developing the labor potential of Ukraine. One of the factors that also affect the preservation and development of Ukraine's labor potential is the high level of external labor migration. Special attention is paid to issues related to the educational migration of Ukrainian citizens. The conclusions emphasize the need to develop a comprehensive “Strategy for the preservation and development of labor potential of Ukraine”, which will include: 1. The normative component determines the legal provision for the preservation and development of labor potential. It is based on labor and social legislation that establishes the level of protection of persons who exercise or may exercise their right to work in the future. At the same time, the normative component is the whole set of normative-legal acts that will regulate practical steps to the preservation and development of labor potential, including the definition of state policy in this direction. 2. The economic component includes the analysis of economic policy of the state as a whole; determining the economic opportunities of society and the individual in Ukraine, their relationship with similar opportunities that exist in the realization of the labor potential of the individual abroad; establishment of favorable and unfavorable conditions that affect the development of labor potential of the state and society. 3. The educational component provides an analysis of the market of educational services, its compliance with the requirements and challenges of the labor market; determination of qualification requirements and skills of graduates, most necessary from the position of the employer; establishing ways to balance supply and demand in the labor market through educational policy, in particular, shifting the emphasis from the theoretical to the practical component of training within vocational and higher education; development of an adult education program (lifelong learning). An important area of educational policy is measures aimed at reducing the level of educational migration. 4. The migration component is an analysis of the migration policy of Ukraine and identification of ways to reduce the level of labor migration of workers and the outflow of qualified personnel. 5. The demographic component includes identifying ways to improve the demographic situation of Ukraine and its individual regions as a factor that directly affects the labor potential of the state in the future. It also includes health policy, in particular, the study of factors influencing the health of the population, ways to improve the quality and accessibility of medical services, the introduction of compulsory state health insurance.

1966 ◽  
Vol 15 (03/04) ◽  
pp. 519-538 ◽  
J Levin ◽  
E Beck

SummaryThe role of intravascular coagulation in the production of the generalized Shwartzman phenomenon has been evaluated. The administration of endotoxin to animals prepared with Thorotrast results in activation of the coagulation mechanism with the resultant deposition of fibrinoid material in the renal glomeruli. Anticoagulation prevents alterations in the state of the coagulation system and inhibits development of the renal lesions. Platelets are not primarily involved. Platelet antiserum produces similar lesions in animals prepared with Thorotrast, but appears to do so in a manner which does not significantly involve intravascular coagulation.The production of adrenal cortical hemorrhage, comparable to that seen in the Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome, following the administration of endotoxin to animals that had previously received ACTH does not require intravascular coagulation and may not be a manifestation of the generalized Shwartzman phenomenon.

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