ارتفاع الضمان في الفقه الإسلامي : دراسة فقهية مقارنة بالقانون المدني الأردني = Canceling Insurance in Islamic Jurisprudence : A Comparative Study with Jordanian Civil Law

2016 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 371-390
نبيل محمد المغايرة ◽  
منصور محمود مقدادي
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 369-382
Bijan Haji Azizi ◽  
Marzieh Younesi

AbstractContract for practical investment are made in two forms, direct and indirect. Both of the contracts havedifferentiation so does the guaranteed interest condition for them. In the first method, which is the interest of direct investment, the owner of the capital is an investment agentand only interested investors are determined in terms and conditions. In this case from investment, interest is guaranteed by the fact that the investment recipient is committed to buy products produced at price that guarantee logical interest for investors. The accuracy of this guarantee condition is to ensure in term of Islamic law and jurisprudence because commitment to purchase is necessary condition. However in the second form, unlike the first, investor interest is indirectly decided and guaranteed and conditions are increasingly attractive by carrying out industrial and manufacturing activities. This form of interest is also considered legal and valid both in Islamic law and Iran's Civil Law and practically based on the principles of conditions and article 234 of Iran's civil law. So, the main problem of this research the validityof the guaranteed interest conditions in Iranian jurisprudence and law.Keywords: Guaranteed Profit Conditions, Jurisprudence, Iranian Law, MudarabahAbstrakKontrak untuk investasi praktis dibuat dalam dua bentuk, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung. Kedua metode investasi ini memiliki perbedaan, dan kondisi bunga yang dijamin untuk mereka juga akan berbeda. Pada metode pertama, yang merupakan bunga investasi langsung, pemilik modal adalah agen investasi, dan hanya bagi investor yang tertarik ditentukan dalam syarat dan ketentuan. Dalam hal investasi, bunga dijamin dengan fakta bahwa penerima investasi berkomitmen untuk membeli produk yang diproduksi dengan harga yang terjamin. Kondisi jaminan ini dipastikan baik dari segi hukum dan yurisprudensi Islam, karena adanya komitmen untuk membeli adalah syarat mutlak yang diperlukan. Namun dalam bentuk kedua, tidak seperti yang pertama, minat investor secara tidak langsung diputuskan dan dijamin dan kondisinya semakin menarik dengan melakukan kegiatan industri dan manufaktur. Bentuk minat ini juga dianggap sah, baik dalam hukum Islam dan Hukum Perdata Iran, serta sangat praktis berdasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip kelayakan dan pasal 234 hukum sipil Iran. Jadi, pertanyaan utama dari penelitian ini adalah seberapa validkah kondisi bunga yang dijamin dalam yurisprudensi dan hukum Iran?Kata kunci: Kondisi Keuntungan Terjamin, Yurisprudensi, Hukum Iran, MudarabahАннотацияКонтракты на практические инвестиции заключаются в двух формах - прямых и посредственных. У этих двух инвестиционных методов есть различия, и условия гарантированного процента для них также отличаются. В первом методе, который представляет интерес прямых инвестиций, владелец капитала также является инвестиционным агентом, и только заинтересованные инвесторы определяются по положениям и условиям. В случае инвестиций, интерес гарантируется тем фактом, что получатель инвестиций стремится покупать продукты, произведенные по гарантированным ценам. Условия данной гарантии обеспечиваются с точки зрения исламского права и исламской юриспруденции, поскольку обязательство по покупке является необходимым условием. Но во второй форме, в отличие от первой, заинтересованность инвестора определяется  и гарантируется посредственным образом, а условия становятся все более привлекательными при осуществлении промышленной и производственной деятельности. Эта форма также считается законной и действительной как в исламском праве, так и в гражданском праве Ирана и практически основана на принципах обладания правом и статье 234 гражданского права Ирана. Итак, главный вопрос этого исследования состоит в том, насколько верны условия гарантированного интереса в иранской юриспруденции и Иранском праве.Ключевые слова: условия гарантированной прибыли, юриспруденция, иранское право, мудараба  

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Mohammad Ali Ali Raghebi ◽  
Rezvan Najarian Darz

Stiman is one of the most important Fiqh rules by virtue of which, each individual by any reason becomes a trustee for property of another person will not be responsible for the loss of that property unless he has committed a mistake (whether extremes of excess and deficiency). The essence of Stiman's rule has been considered as the truth of title of an owner's deposit which in fact another one's being trustee is dependent on the property owner's permission and the religious deposit in which a person by the order of the religious order (or the legislator) becomes trustee. The Islamic Jurisprudence and civil law towards Stiman's rule in each of the contracts such as power of attorney, deposit, loan, renting, mortgage, bailment of a capital, and attending the ownership deposits which deposit description is the main base of these contracts and in religious deposits such as missed property and custody in which a profile of deposit description is observed, is in this way that the trustee in every above contracts shall not be regarded as guaranteed in case of the property loss and the owner or law has no right for seeking him the loss compensation and only in a way they can resort to him that the trustee has made extremes of excess and deficiency in it.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 102
Shams El-Din Qassem Al-Khazaleh

The study dealt with the legal benefit in both: the legislations, specifically the Jordanian law, and the Islamic jurisprudence through the jurisprudence magazine. The study dealt with how to deal with the legal benefit in these legislations to reach the result of a discrepancy between these legislations and Islamic jurisprudence, it concluded that what is stated in Islamic jurisprudence is the best to apply. Results also showed the following: the Jordanian legislator did not provide for taking it into any of the unified or dual legal systems if the work is mixed, which caused a difference in the provisions of the judiciary The texts related to interest in Jordan are texts distributed between the Ottoman Murabaha system, the law of usury, the Jordanian trade law, the law of the Central Bank of Jordan, the Jordanian civil law and the Jordanian Code of Civil Procedure. All of the laws referred to above allow for the application of interest except the Civil Code, as article 640 states that: "If the loan contract provides an additional benefit to the contract, it is only to document the lender's right to the condition and validity of the contract", that is, the interest rate in loans is not considered. The provisions of the special laws referred to in respect of interest are applicable, without regard to the title of either party to the contract (that is, whether a trader or a non-trader), without regard also to the transactions of the parties to the contract by commercial transactions or related to the merchant's business needs or not related to those transactions especially considering some of the provisions of these special laws acts of banks as a commercial operation of banks and their customers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-106
صالح أحمد اللهيبي

This paper deals with the position of the UAE Civil Transactions Law No. 5 of 1985 on the harmful act and how it dealt with this subject, and we know that the direct historical source of the civil transactions law is the Jordanian Civil Code. Some texts are quoted literally from this law. The Jordanian civil law is clearly influenced by the jurisprudence of Hanafi and the jurisprudential jurisprudence, while the general orientation of the UAE legislator is to adopt the most appropriate solutions in the jurisprudence with the introduction of the Maliki and Hanbali and Hanafi and Shafei, in the absence of legislation to rule the matter, the authors of the law The United Arab Emirates have changed some of the texts passed on to the Jordanian, but they do not abide by the amendment of the subsequent texts which should be amended in accordance with the previous amendment. In this paper, we dealt with the issues that we find most important in relation to the harmful act of harm, direct initiator and the cause of harm. , The harmed gathering between the wergild and compensation, and the position of the Federal Supreme Court and the Court of Dubai discrimination of these topics, and then concluded from this study several results such as a conflict between the provisions of the law of civil transactions UAE, and the base if met direct initiator and the cause of the addition of the act to the direct without the culprit is the basis You need to modify and add a lot of situations that require adding the verb to the sub-direct cause.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Pardan Syafrudin

The Common properties (community property) is an asset that the husband and wife acquired during the household lifes, which both of them is agree that after united through marriage bonds, that the property produced by one or both of them will be common property. It shows, that if there's an agreement between husband and wife before marriage (did not to unify their property), then the property produced both will not become a joint treasure. Thus, if a husband or wife dies, or divorces, then the property owned by both of them can be distributed in accordance with their respective shares, another case when the two couples are not making an agreement, then the property gained during marriage bonds can be divided into types of communal property. In Islamic law, this kind of treasure is not contained in the Qur'an or Sunnah. Nor in Islamic jurisprudence. However, Islamic law legalizes the existence of common property as long as it is applicable in a society and the benefit in the distribution of such property. In contrast to the positive law, this property types have been regulated and described in the Marriage Law, as well as the Islamic Law Compilations, which became the legal restriction in the affairs of marriage in force in Indonesia. In this study, the author tries to compile the existence of common property according to the Islamic law reviews and positive law.

عارف علي عارف القره داغي ◽  
فايزة بنت إسماعيل ◽  
ئاوات محمد آغا بابا

الملخّصيتعلق هذا البحث بموضوع دية القتل الخطأ في الحوادث المرورية في الفقه الإسلامي في العصر الحاضر لكثرة وقوعها وحاجة الناس إلى بيان أحكامها من حيث كيفية تقديرها. وتحرير الخلاف في دية المرأة، ومسألة دية الجنين في حال تعرضه للموت في بطن أمه نتيجة الحادث المروري، أو في حالة تعرضه للإجهاض والموت، وتناول أيضًا دية شخصين إذا ماتا نتيجة اصطدام سيارتين؛ فكيف تقدَّر الدِّية؟ وعالج البحث مسألة العاقلة في الوقت الحاضر التي تساعد الطرفين (الجاني والمجني عليه وذلك بجمع الدية وإعطائها للمجني عليه). وذلك من خلال استخدام المنهج الاستقرائي والمنهج المقارن: حيث يتم من خلاله جمع النصوص المتعلقة بالموضوع، وآراء العلماء المتقدمين، والمعاصرين، والمقارنة بينهما لمعرفة نقاط الاتفاق والاختلاف، لتجلية معالم الموضوع، وتسهيل مناقشتها بصورة دقيقة، ثم بيان الرأي الراجح. وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى أنَّ دية القتل في الحوادث المرورية في العصر الحاضر تساوي بالدينار الذهبي، الذي يساوي 4.250 جرامًا من الذهب، أو بما يساويها من النقد. وأنَّ الراجح هو تساوي دية الرجل مع دية المرأة. وفي حالة عدم وجود العاقلة لابأس من إنشاء شركة تعاونية لمساعدة من وقع منه الحادث.الكلمات المفتاحية: الدِّية، حوادث المرور، دية المرأة، دية الجنين، العاقلة. Abstract         This research addresses the subject of blood money for unintended manslaughter in traffic accidents according to Islamic jurisprudence in the present era due to the frequency of their occurrence and the need for people to understand the legal provisions concerning determining the amount. In this regard, we seek to clarify the disagreements regarding the blood money for women and foetuses that die in the mother’s womb as a result of traffic accidents or abortion. We also address the issue of blood money for two people who die as a result of collision between two cars. We also examine the issue of ʿĀqilah (those who pay the blood money) who helped the two parties (the offender and the victim by collecting blood money and giving it to the victim). To clarify these issues, we use the inductive approach and comparative method wherein we collect the various texts on the subject, and the views of classical and contemporary scholars to engage in a comparison between them in order to identify the points of agreement and disagreement between views. From here, we also hope to identify the major factors pertaining to such issues in order to facilitate a precise and concrete discussion to arrive at the most correct opinion. The study found that blood money for manslaughter in traffic accidents in the present era is equal to a gold dinar, which is equal to 4.250 grams of gold, or its cash equivalent. We advocate that the correct view is that the amount of blood money paid to a man is equal to that of a woman, and that in the absence of an ʿĀqilah it is possible to form a cooperative or mutual fund to render assistance to the victim.Keywords: blood money, traffic accidents, women, foetus, ʿĀqilah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 271-305
Paula Giliker

AbstractThe law of tort (or extra or non-contractual liability) has been criticised for being imprecise and lacking coherence. Legal systems have sought to systemise its rules in a number of ways. While civil law systems generally place tort law in a civil code, common law systems have favoured case-law development supported by limited statutory intervention consolidating existing legal rules. In both systems, case law plays a significant role in maintaining the flexibility and adaptability of the law. This article will examine, comparatively, different means of systemising the law of tort, contrasting civil law codification (taking the example of recent French proposals to update the tort provisions of the Code civil) with common law statutory consolidation and case-law intervention (using examples taken from English and Australian law). In examining the degree to which these formal means of systemisation are capable of improving the accessibility, intelligibility, clarity and predictability of the law of tort, it will also address the role played by informal sources, be they ambitious restatements of law or other means. It will be argued that given the nature of tort law, at best, any form of systemisation (be it formal or informal) can only seek to minimise any lack of precision and coherence. However, as this comparative study shows, further steps are needed, both in updating outdated codal provisions and rethinking the type of legal scholarship that might best assist the courts.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 176-203
Christina Zournatzi

This paper brings together a comparative study alongside expert analysis of the most important International Maritime Conventions of interest to two European Member States with extensive and significant maritime traditions, Italy and Greece. Initially the general legal framework of these two States with civil law systems is pointed out, followed by an analysis of the most influential and eminent maritime Conventions that have been implemented in the States’ legal systems. The Conventions on salvage, arrest of ships, maritime liens and mortgages and limitation of liability are considered and scrutinised. The methods and the legislative actions that the States adopted for the International rules to become part of their national legislative systems are examined thoroughly.

Fahad Khamis Ahmad Al- fahdi

The importance of this research lies in identifying the significance of giving due regard to the jurisprudential maxims, especially those related to judicial work. Islamic jurists have paid attention to the maxim of “lot upon dispute” to console the souls and reconcile litigants. This maxim represents the highest and loftiest degrees of social interactions in the Islamic community depending on a prudent Quranic provision and wise prophetic Sunnah. This study is divided into three subjects: First: the definitions of study terms. Second: the researcher addresses the impact of the maxim in the judiciary literature and related topics in the code of procedures, personal affairs and civil transactions. Third: the researcher mentions some exceptions of maxim and the characteristic of lot, then clarifies the legal status of the maxim. The researcher concludes the study with the most important results, such as the jurisprudential maxim combines different issues in a phase of an eloquent meaning and precise wording. Jurists adopt this maxim more than the people of law do in order to achieve justice and block the accusation door. The study refers also to the necessity that those who work in the judiciary work should consider these jurisprudential maxims through establishment and application. Judge or arbitrator shall also act upon this maxim, and seek to reconcile between people through balloting. In addition, the specialized colleges and universities shall adopt the “lot upon dispute” maxim, and exert due diligence in studying it and any subdivided contemporary issues.

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