دية القتل الخطأ في الحوادث المرورية في الفقه الإسلامي: دراسة مقارنة Blood Money for Unintended Manslaughter in Traffic Accidents in Islamic Jurisprudence: A Comparative Study

عارف علي عارف القره داغي ◽  
فايزة بنت إسماعيل ◽  
ئاوات محمد آغا بابا

الملخّصيتعلق هذا البحث بموضوع دية القتل الخطأ في الحوادث المرورية في الفقه الإسلامي في العصر الحاضر لكثرة وقوعها وحاجة الناس إلى بيان أحكامها من حيث كيفية تقديرها. وتحرير الخلاف في دية المرأة، ومسألة دية الجنين في حال تعرضه للموت في بطن أمه نتيجة الحادث المروري، أو في حالة تعرضه للإجهاض والموت، وتناول أيضًا دية شخصين إذا ماتا نتيجة اصطدام سيارتين؛ فكيف تقدَّر الدِّية؟ وعالج البحث مسألة العاقلة في الوقت الحاضر التي تساعد الطرفين (الجاني والمجني عليه وذلك بجمع الدية وإعطائها للمجني عليه). وذلك من خلال استخدام المنهج الاستقرائي والمنهج المقارن: حيث يتم من خلاله جمع النصوص المتعلقة بالموضوع، وآراء العلماء المتقدمين، والمعاصرين، والمقارنة بينهما لمعرفة نقاط الاتفاق والاختلاف، لتجلية معالم الموضوع، وتسهيل مناقشتها بصورة دقيقة، ثم بيان الرأي الراجح. وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى أنَّ دية القتل في الحوادث المرورية في العصر الحاضر تساوي بالدينار الذهبي، الذي يساوي 4.250 جرامًا من الذهب، أو بما يساويها من النقد. وأنَّ الراجح هو تساوي دية الرجل مع دية المرأة. وفي حالة عدم وجود العاقلة لابأس من إنشاء شركة تعاونية لمساعدة من وقع منه الحادث.الكلمات المفتاحية: الدِّية، حوادث المرور، دية المرأة، دية الجنين، العاقلة. Abstract         This research addresses the subject of blood money for unintended manslaughter in traffic accidents according to Islamic jurisprudence in the present era due to the frequency of their occurrence and the need for people to understand the legal provisions concerning determining the amount. In this regard, we seek to clarify the disagreements regarding the blood money for women and foetuses that die in the mother’s womb as a result of traffic accidents or abortion. We also address the issue of blood money for two people who die as a result of collision between two cars. We also examine the issue of ʿĀqilah (those who pay the blood money) who helped the two parties (the offender and the victim by collecting blood money and giving it to the victim). To clarify these issues, we use the inductive approach and comparative method wherein we collect the various texts on the subject, and the views of classical and contemporary scholars to engage in a comparison between them in order to identify the points of agreement and disagreement between views. From here, we also hope to identify the major factors pertaining to such issues in order to facilitate a precise and concrete discussion to arrive at the most correct opinion. The study found that blood money for manslaughter in traffic accidents in the present era is equal to a gold dinar, which is equal to 4.250 grams of gold, or its cash equivalent. We advocate that the correct view is that the amount of blood money paid to a man is equal to that of a woman, and that in the absence of an ʿĀqilah it is possible to form a cooperative or mutual fund to render assistance to the victim.Keywords: blood money, traffic accidents, women, foetus, ʿĀqilah.

عارف علي عارف القره داغي ◽  
ئاوات محمد آغا بابا

الملخّص يتعلق هذا البحث بموضوع التدابير الوقائية والاحترازية للحد من الحوادث المرورية في الشريعة الإسلامية، في العصر الحاضر، لكثرة وقوعها، والحاجة إلى الحد منها وتقليلها، وذلك بوضع تدابير وقائية واحترازية من خلال النصوص الشرعية المتعلقة بحرمة إيقاع الضرر، وحرمة إيذاء الناس في الطرقات، ومن خلال النصوص التي تحث على إماطة الأذى عن الطريق، وكذلك من خلال ما يترتب من مسؤولية على من أحدث ضررًا بالناس في الطرقات؛ من عقوبات وضمانات. وذلك من خلال استخدام المنهج الاستقرائي: حيث يتم من خلاله جمع النصوص المتعلقة بالتدابير الوقائية والاحترازية للحد من الحوادث المرورية، لتجلية معالم الموضوع. والمنهج الوصفي: وذلك بدراسة شروط استخدام الطرق وآداب الارتفاق بها، ودراسة ما يترتب على الحوادث المرورية، من حيث العقوبات والتعويضات بالنسبة للقتل والجروح. وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى أنَّ الشريعة الإسلامية قد اعتمد على منهجين للحد من الحوادث المرورية: منهج قبل وقوع الحادث، وهو ما يسمى بالتدابير الوقائية المتمثلة بتنظيم الطرق وآداب الارتفاق بها، ومنهج بعد وقوع الحادث، وهو ما يسمى بالتدابير الاحترازية المتمثلة بالردع عن طريق العقوبات المترتبة على القتل ومن ضمنها عقوبة الكفارة، والتي تشمل تحرير إنسان من العبودية في حالة وجوده، أو صيام شهرين متتابعين. وأيضًا التعويضات المترتبة على القتل والجرح وتسمى بالدية التي هي مبالغ باهضة تُعطى للمجني عليه، أو ورثته. وقد قُدِّر دية القتل الخطأ بألف دينار من الذهب والتي تساوي (4.250) جرامًا من الذهب الخالص عيار (24). وقد حدد الشرع للجنين أيضًا دية ومقدارها بالذهب (213) مائتان وثلاثة عشر جرامًا من الذهب، بالإضافة إلى ديات الجروح. الكلمات المفتاحية: الدِّية، حوادث المرور، التدابير الوقائية، التدابير الاحترازية، الحد من حوادث المرور.   Abstract This research deals with the subject matter of preventive and precautionary measures to limit the traffic accidents in the contemporary time because of its frequent occurrences, according to the Islamic law. The research deals with the need for its limitation by putting down the preventive and precautionary measures derived from the legal texts related to prohibition of causing harm to people on the roads. This comes through the texts and religious literatures which urge removing harmful thing on the pathway, and by elucidating the responsibilities of the one who caused harm to the people on the road in terms of punishment and liabilities. This is done through inductive method in which the texts and literatures concerning the topic are extracted in order to present the peculiarity of the subject matter; and through descriptive method by studying the terms and conditions of the road’s utilization and what arises from traffic accident punishment and compensation concerning killing and injuries. The study realizes that Islamic law recons on two approaches in order to reduce traffic accidents: before the accident, designated as preventive measures. This comprises of road regulations and its utilization etiquettes. The approach after the accident designated as protective measures involves penalties arising from killing such as penalty of atonement (KaffÉrah) which includes freeing a slave (if available), or two months continuous fasting. Moreover, compensation also arises for killing or injury caused by accident and this is known as blood money which normally is huge money paid to the victim or his/her heirs. The estimation of blood money for unintentional killing is 1000 Dinar which is equivalent to 4.250 g. of pure gold (24 carat gold). Islamic law has also determined blood money for embryo a proportion of about 213 g. of pure gold in addition to the atonements of the injuries. Keywords: Blood money, Traffic accidents, preventive measures, Precaution measures.

Muhammad Ismail ◽  
Mushtaq Ahmad

Nikah is a sacrosanct social contract in Islamic Sharia that brings a man and a woman into formal and lawful relationship as husband and wife and creates the institution of family to serve a number of objectives of Sharia. In view of its centrality in Islamic social life, it has attracted significant scholarly debate among scholars of the four schools of Islamic jurisprudence. However, it is not easy for ordinary readers to grasp in the finer conceptual aspects that attend the concept of Nikah, more so in view of the enormity of the scholarly works on the subject penned down by scholars of the different schools of Muslim jurisprudence. Based on the analysis of the views and explanations of some leading men of letters of various schools, this article attempts to frame a kaleidoscopic picture of the concept of Nikah in Islam, its literal meaning, and the various tricky points related to Nikah. In doing so, it compares and analyses the juridical opinions of the jurists of the four schools. As a qualitative research, it is primarily textual and critical analysis of the written and published works of the scholars on the issues being examined. It entails hermeneutics, thematic analysis and synthesis of various views in order to derive and clarify key themes and issues related to the concept of Nikah.

Muhammad Al-Sheikh Abdullah

There is a close relationship between the condition of the endower and the modern administration, whether as an organizational relationship or a purely administrative relationship, because the condition of the endower from the jurisprudential view is considered a criterion in determining the nature and powers of the endowment overseer Hence, it is important to know the legal background of the conditions of the endowment, so that we can imagine their relationship to the modern endowment institutions .This study comes to reveal these conditions, treat their effects, and clarify their privacy, to assess what should and what is forbidden according to a jurisprudential perspective, and what is related to management and what enhances it from a modern administrative perspective. In this research, the researcher used the descriptive analytical method, and some of the comparative method, by deeply analyzing the jurisprudential texts related to the subject of the study.

Ali Muhammad Ali Mahdi Uthman

يسلط البحث الضوء على أثر مراعاة المقاصد والنيات في العقود التي تقتضي الإيجاب والقبول من الطرفين كالبيع والإجارة والهبة والزواج إلى آخره، والتصرفات التي تقتضي وقوع الرضا من طرف واحد كالإبراء والإسقاط والطلاق، ويعالج البحث كثيرا من الإشكالات التي تقع – بحسن نية- أحيانا، وأحيانا أخرى تحت وطأة العرف الذي ينظر بعين الازدراء والاحتقار إلى من يخالف قواعده حتى ولو كان مطالبا بحقه الشرعي في ضوء مراعاة المقاصد الشرعية، ومواد القانون المدني المصري بما يساعد المفتين والقضاة على حل النزاع ورفع الإشكال بمنهجية علمية وفق الأحكام الشرعية. في هذا البحث رصد لكثير من الإشكالات العملية ووضع الحلول الفقهية العادلة لها، ومن هذه الصور: إنفاق الابن على الأسرة على ما جرت به العادة من غير تصريح بطلب المعاوضة ولا بالهبة ثم التنازع بعد ذلك في طلب العوض. مساهمة الزوجة براتبها في مسكن الزوجية، ثم طلب العوض عند النزاع. التوقيع على وثيقة الطلاق لا بقصد الفراق وإنما بغرض الحصول على معاش الوالد. التنازل عن الميراث خشية الازدراء من الأقارب. ومن أهداف البحث وضع الحلول الفقهية لكثير من الإشكالات العملية التي ترد إلى لجان الفتوى في موضوع البحث. التأكيد على مرونة الفقه، وقدرته على وضع الحلول العادلة لجميع مستجدات الحياة. استجابة لما نادى به مؤتمر الأزهر العالمي للتجديد في الفكر الإسلامي، من قدح زناد العقل الفقهي للخروج برؤى متطورة تبني على ما أصله الفقهاء السابقون لتضع الحلول العادلة لكثير من إشكالات العصر، وموضوع البحث أحد هذه الإشكالات. المنهج الذي سأتبعه في البحث- إن شاء الله- يتمثل فيما يلي: المنهج المقارن. منهج التحليل العلمي. منهج التخريج الفقهي. انتهى البحث إلى العديد من النتائج التي تدل على مراعاة مقاصد المكلفين في العقود والتصرفات وفق ضوابط شرعية تم بيانها تفصيلا في أثناء البحث، كما تم ذكر النتائج إجمالا في نهاية البحث. الكلمات المفتاحية: أثر، المقاصد، العرف، مراعاة، العقود والتصرفات.   Abstract The research sheds light on the effect of observing purposes and intentions in contracts that require an offer and acceptance by both parties, such as selling, leasing, gift, marriage...etc, and behaviors that require consent from one party, such as acquittal, abolition and divorce. The research deals with many problems that sometimes occur - in good faith. And sometimes under the pressure of custom, which looks with contempt at those who violate its rules, even if they are claiming their legitimate right in light of observing the legitimate purposes, and the articles of the Egyptian Civil Code in a way that helps the muftis and judges to resolve the dispute and raise the problems with a scientific methodology in accordance with the legal provisions. Research problem: In this research, many practical problems have been monitored and the fair jurisprudential solutions have been developed for them.The son’s spending on the family on what is customary, without permission to ask for compensation or as a gift, then dispute after that in the request for compensation.The wife’s contribution with her salary to the marital home, and then asking for compensation in the event of a dispute.Signing the divorce document not for the purpose of separation, but for the purpose of obtaining the father's pension. Relinquishing the inheritance for fear of contempt from relatives Research aims: Develop jurisprudential solutions to many practical problems that are referred to the fatwa committees about the research. Emphasis on the flexibility of jurisprudence, and its ability to develop just solutions to all developments in life. In response to what was called by the Al-Azhar International Conference for Renewal of Islamic Thought, to ignite the trigger of the jurisprudential mind to come up with advanced visions that build on the origins of the previous jurists to put just solutions to many of the problems of the time, and the subject of research is one of these problems. Research Methodology: The method that I will follow in the research - God willing - is as follows: The comparative method. Scientific analysis method. Jurisprudence graduation curriculum. Research results: The research ended with many results that indicate the observance of the purposes of the taxpayers in contracts and actions according to legal controls that were detailed during the research, and the results were mentioned in general at the end of the research. Keywords: Impact, intentions, custom, observance, contracts, actions.

Mahmoud Ali Moafa Mahmoud Ali Moafa

System of Professional Companies is considered one of the modern matters of concern to a large category of professionals, and due to the absence of a previous scientific study, and owing to the significance of the subject, this study aimed to demonstrate the penalty for violating the system of professional companies in legal system of Saudi Arabia (Comparative Study), between the law in the legal system of Saudi Arabia and Islamic jurisprudence The researcher followed the descriptive comparative approach, with a focus on the penalty for violating the provisions of the system of professional companies, as it is in fact in the system approved by the Saudi government and comparing it with Islamic jurisprudence to demonstrate its compatibility with Islamic law (Islamic Sharia). The study concluded that in defining the penalty we find that it includes, in the system of professional companies, for a worldly penalty, in contrast to Islamic jurisprudence, which has arranged for a worldly penalty and a hereafter penalty, and that the system of professional companies, in imposing a financial fine on the violator, is consistent with the doctrine of the majority of jurists. The study recommended severe proposals including: The legislator shall stipulate the penalty for not obtaining coverage insurance and the legislator must take care of the community’s conditions and what is appropriate for its interests.

2021 ◽  
pp. 279-291

The subject of the paper is the institute of piercing the corporate veil – the review of norms as well as court practice cases related to the application of this institute. The primary goal of this paper is detailed presentation of the institute of piercing the corporate veil, as an important exception from the principle of limited liability with certain forms of companies and recognition of important significance that is still not entirely used in practice. The conclusion from research is that it is necessary to provide a more precise and clearer positive legal regulations of this institute in order to unify court practice and facilitate creditors in applying and proving rights through the institute of piercing the corporate veil. With more precise regulation of legal provisions and positive examples of court practice, the creditors would be encouraged to use this instrument more frequently. Methods used in this paper include dogmatic method, normative method, comparative method as well as axiology method, explained in more detail below.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (Special Issue) ◽  
pp. 34-74
Ali Muhammad Ali Mahdi Uthman

The research sheds light on the effect of observing purposes and intentions in contracts that require an offer and acceptance by both parties, such as selling, leasing, gift, marriage...etc, and behaviors that require consent from one party, such as acquittal, abolition and divorce. The research deals with many problems that sometimes occur - in good faith. And sometimes under the pressure of custom, which looks with contempt at those who violate its rules, even if they are claiming their legitimate right in light of observing the legitimate purposes, and the articles of the Egyptian Civil Code in a way that helps the muftis and judges to resolve the dispute and raise the problems with a scientific methodology in accordance with the legal provisions. Research problem: In this research, many practical problems have been monitored and the fair jurisprudential solutions have been developed for them.The son’s spending on the family on what is customary, without permission to ask for compensation or as a gift, then dispute after that in the request for compensation.The wife’s contribution with her salary to the marital home, and then asking for compensation in the event of a dispute.Signing the divorce document not for the purpose of separation, but for the purpose of obtaining the father's pension. Relinquishing the inheritance for fear of contempt from relatives Research aims: Develop jurisprudential solutions to many practical problems that are referred to the fatwa committees about the research. Emphasis on the flexibility of jurisprudence, and its ability to develop just solutions to all developments in life. In response to what was called by the Al-Azhar International Conference for Renewal of Islamic Thought, to ignite the trigger of the jurisprudential mind to come up with advanced visions that build on the origins of the previous jurists to put just solutions to many of the problems of the time, and the subject of research is one of these problems. Research Methodology: The method that I will follow in the research - God willing - is as follows: The comparative method. Scientific analysis method. Jurisprudence graduation curriculum. Research results: The research ended with many results that indicate the observance of the purposes of the taxpayers in contracts and actions according to legal controls that were detailed during the research, and the results were mentioned in general at the end of the research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 57 ◽  
pp. 5-5
Małgorzata Szymszon

Purpose. The aim of the article is to show the significance and diversity of legal constructions concerning the facilitations of proof in provisions regulating package travel and hotel services in the context of protecting travellers and tourists. Method. Analysis regarding the regulation of package travel and hotel services including the facilitations of proof are carried out using the formal-dogmatic and legal comparison method. The comparative method has a significant meaning for the proper interpretation of provisions regulating package travel and hotel services due to the interpenetration of national and international regulations. In the process of recreating norms from legal provisions, it is therefore helpful to analyse their similarities and differences. Findings. The provisions regulating package travel and hotel services include the facilitations of proof which improve the legal situation of travellers and tourists, as well as ensuring their protection. Research and conclusions limitations. There is no comprehensive study on facilitations of proof in the regulation of package travel and hotel services in literature on the subject. Practical implications. Conclusions resulting from the article will allow to determine the proper nature of the provisions referring to the facilitations of proof in the regulation of package travel and hotel services, which will enable their proper application in practice. Originality. The issue of the facilitations of proof in the regulation of package travel and hotel services has not been comprehensively researched so far. Type of work. Problem article.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Pardan Syafrudin

The Common properties (community property) is an asset that the husband and wife acquired during the household lifes, which both of them is agree that after united through marriage bonds, that the property produced by one or both of them will be common property. It shows, that if there's an agreement between husband and wife before marriage (did not to unify their property), then the property produced both will not become a joint treasure. Thus, if a husband or wife dies, or divorces, then the property owned by both of them can be distributed in accordance with their respective shares, another case when the two couples are not making an agreement, then the property gained during marriage bonds can be divided into types of communal property. In Islamic law, this kind of treasure is not contained in the Qur'an or Sunnah. Nor in Islamic jurisprudence. However, Islamic law legalizes the existence of common property as long as it is applicable in a society and the benefit in the distribution of such property. In contrast to the positive law, this property types have been regulated and described in the Marriage Law, as well as the Islamic Law Compilations, which became the legal restriction in the affairs of marriage in force in Indonesia. In this study, the author tries to compile the existence of common property according to the Islamic law reviews and positive law.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Sholeha Rosalia ◽  
Yosi Wulandari

Alif means the first, saying the Supreme Life and is Sturdy and has the element of fire and Alif is formed from Ulfah (closeness) ta'lif (formation). With this letter Allah mementa'lif (unite) His creation with the foundation of monotheism and ma'rifah belief in appreciation of faith and monotheism. Therefore, Alif opens certain meanings and definitions of shapes and colors that are in other letters. Then be Alif as "Kiswah" (clothes) for different messages. That is a will. "IQRO" is a revelation that was first passed down to the Prophet Muhammad. Saw. Read it, which starts with the letter Alif and ends with the letter Alif. The creation of a poem is influenced by the environment and the self-reflection of a poet where according to the poet's origin, in comparing in particular Alif's poetry from the two poets. The object of this research is the poetry of Zikir by D. Zawawi Imron and Sajak Alif by Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda. This study uses a comparative method and sociology of literature. Through a comparative study of literature between the poetry of Zikir D. Zawawi Imron and Sajak Alif Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda, it is hoped that the public can know the meaning of Alif according to the poet's view. With this research, the Indonesian people can accept different views on the meaning of Alif in accordance with their respective understanding without having to look for what is right and wrong. The purpose in Alif is like a life, in the form of letters like a body, a tree that is cut to the root, from the heart is split to the seeds, then from the seeds are split so that nothing is the essence of life. So, it is clear that Alif is the most important and Supreme letter. Talking about the meaning of Alif as the first letter revealed on earth. After the letter Alif was revealed, 28 other Hijaiyah letters were born. The letter Alif is made the beginning of His book and the opening letter. Other letters are from Alif and appear on him.

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