the interest rate
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Evi Prihartini ◽  

This study aims to analyze financial feasibility and develop strategies for developing Black Souldier Fly (BSF) maggot cultivation business. The research location in Omah Maggot Warna Warni, which is located in the village of Puntir Martopuro, Purwosari Pasuruan, was chosen with the consideration of having good prospects for BSF maggot cultivation. Respondents include 4 resource persons who are directly involved in maggot cultivation. The analysis used is a quantitative financial analysis by calculating the value (Net B/C, NPV, IRR, and Payback Period and BEP) with a discount factor (DF) of 11 percent. Sensitivity analysis was used to determine the sensitivity of BSF maggot cultivation to a decrease in production which was conditioned by a 10% to 40% decrease in production. Descriptive analysis with SWOT analysis is used to find strategies for developing Maggot Cultivation Business. The results showed that maggot cultivation was profitable to cultivate. This business is feasible because the NPV and Net B/C values are greater than 1, and the IRR value is higher than the interest rate. Based on the SWOT analysis, it shows that the position of the internal-external matrix of the Omah Maggot Warna Warni maggot cultivation business is in quadrant II or the growth and development strategy with the IFAS factor value of 2.39 and EFAS 3.03. This phase shows that the colorful Omah Maggot maggot cultivation business is undergoing a growth stage and must be developed because it has great potential to develop. The priority of the BSF maggot cultivation development strategy is to improve the quality of maggots, expand network marketing, and increase the use of cultivation technology and collaborate with the local government for the development of the Colorful Omah Maggot maggot cultivation business.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Divya Mittal ◽  
Shiv Ratan Agrawal

PurposeThe current study employs text mining and sentiment analysis to identify core banking service attributes and customer sentiment in online user-generated reviews. Additionally, the study explains customer satisfaction based on the identified predictors.Design/methodology/approachA total of 32,217 customer reviews were collected across 29 top banks on posted from 2014 to 2021. In total three conceptual models were developed and evaluated employing regression analysis.FindingsThe study revealed that all variables were found to be statistically significant and affect customer satisfaction in their respective models except the interest rate.Research limitations/implicationsThe study is confined to the geographical representation of its subjects' i.e. Indian customers. A cross-cultural and socioeconomic background analysis of banking customers in different countries may help to better generalize the findings.Practical implicationsThe study makes essential theoretical and managerial contributions to the existing literature on services, particularly the banking sector.Originality/valueThis paper is unique in nature that focuses on banking customer satisfaction from online reviews and ratings using text mining and sentiment analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 155
Mohammad Farhan Qudratullah

Since the late 1960s, one of the stock performance analysis tools commonly used is Sharpe Ratio. The Sharpe Ratio consists of three components, namely stock return, risk-free returns, and stock risk. Many studies approach risk-free returns with interest rates, including when measuring the performance of Islamic stocks, while interest rates are prohibited in the concept of Islamic finance. Moreover, the stock risk is measured by a standard deviation which assumes returns are normally distributed, while many stock returns are non-normally distributed. This paper intends to measure the performance of Islamic stocks listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period of January 2011 to July 2018 using a modified Sharpe Ratio. The ratio is modified by replacing the interest rate with four approaches: eliminating the interest rate, changing with zakah rates, changing with inflation, changing with the nominal gross domestic product, and replacing the risk measurement from Standard Deviation to Value at Risk (VaR). The findings provide almost the same results as the original measurement and thus, show very high suitability for using these models in other circumstances. Therefore, on the concept of Islamic finance, risk-free returns can be measured using these four approaches, especially inflation and GDP. This study also recommends inflation and GDP to measure risk-free returns in the Sharia's Compliant Asset Pricing Model (SCAPM) or Islamic Capital Asset Pricing Model (ICAPM).====================================================================================================ABSTRAK – Pengukuran Kinerja Saham Syariah di Indonesia menggunakan Sharpe Ratio Modifikasi. Sejak akhir 1960-an, salah satu alat mengukur kinerja saham yang biasa digunakan adalah Sharpe Ratio. Model Sharpe Ratio terdiri atas tiga komponen, yaitu return saham, return bebas risiko, dan risiko saham. Return bebas risiko diukur mengunakan variabel suku bunga yang digolongkan riba dan dilarang dalam konsep keuangan islam. Sedangkan risiko saham diukur dengan standar deviasi yang mengasumsikan data berdistribusi normal. Paper ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kinerja saham syariah yang terdaftar pada Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) untuk periode Januari 2011 sampai Juli 2018 dengan menggunakan Sharpe Ratio modifikasi. Kajian akan memodifikasi model Sharpe Ratio dengan mencari variabel alternatif penganti suku bunga dengan empat pendekatan, yaitu: menghilangkan variabel suku bunga tersebut, mengganti dengan zakat rate, mengganti dengan inflasi, dan mengganti dengan produk domestik bruto, serta mengganti standar deviasi dengan Value at Risk (VaR) sebagai pengukur risiko saham yang selanjutnya diimplementasikan pada pasar modal syariah di Indonesia periode Januari 2011 - Juli 2018. Hasil kajian menunjukkan kesesuaian yang sangat tinggi untuk hasil pengukuran kelima model tersebut. Dilihat dari kedekatan hasil pengukuran kinerja, kelima model tersebut dapat dikelompokkan menjadi dua, yaitu model dengan tingkat suku bunga, inflasi, dan PDB sebagai kelompok pertama, sedangkan model tanpa suku bunga dan tingkat zakat sebagai kelompok kedua 

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Joseph Bitar ◽  
Martin Boileau

Abstract In the context of a managed float regime, we adopt the portfolio balance view to show the effects of the net foreign assets of an economy and its gross international reserves level on interest rate differentials. We argue that the interest rate differential can be explained by three components, where the components are the expected depreciation of the domestic currency, a default risk premium, and a portfolio balance premium. Our theoretical analysis suggests that the interest differential is a convex function of the level of gross international reserves. In particular, the differential and gross reserves are inversely related at low levels of reserves, but positively at higher levels. We evaluate our framework for the case of Lebanon. We find that the differential is inversely related to both net foreign assets and gross international reserves. These findings are then confirmed with data from Indonesia and Mexico.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Muhammad Azhar Bhatti ◽  
Muhammad Yousuf Khan Marri ◽  
Ali Azam

Nowadays, economic growth has again gained global attention because of the uncertainty in global economic conditions and attracts the focus of regulators and recent research studies. In this scenario, this study examines the role of tourism growth and foreign direct investment (FDI) on the economic growth of South Asian countries. This study has used the interest rate and population growth as the control variables. The secondary data has been extracted from the world development indicators (WDI) from 2001 to 2020. The fixed effect model (FEM) and generalized method of moments (GMM) are run to test the linkage among the variables. The results expose that tourism growth, FDI, interest rate, and population growth have a positive and significant effect on the economic growth in South Asian countries. The results provide guidelines to the regulators and furnish policies regarding economic growth for tourism growth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
Engrina Fauzi ◽  
Busyra Azheri ◽  
M. Hasbi ◽  
Nani Mulyati

There is a legal vacuum regarding determining loan interest rates in Article 17 paragraph (1) POJK No. 77/01/2016 concerning Information Technology-Based Lending and Borrowing Services (ITBLBS). With this legal vacuum, O.J.K. has given the authority to AFPI to self-regulate the determination of loan interest rates at ITBLBS. With authority as an S.R.O. ( Self Regulating Organization ) institution owned by the Indonesian Joint Funding Fintech Association (IJFFA). The method used is normative legal research by analyzing primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials related to the research title. The interest rate in the code of conduct that IFFFA determines as the principle of operation in ITBLBS directly affects the inflation rate. However, Bank Indonesia, as the institution authorized and responsible for targeting inflation in terms of controlling interest rates circulating in the fintech market, is not given any authority based on Article 17 POJK N0. 77 of 2016. This is in contrast to the inflation targeting objective, which is the authority of B.I. It can be concluded that the determination of interest rates in the existing ITBLBS is normatively out of sync between the objectives of the legislation and the objectives of the IJFFA code of conduct.

VUZF Review ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 187-194
Anna Małgorzata Jatczak

Mathematical modeling is the description of the reality in the language of the mathematics and formal logic which creates symbols, mathematical relation and also strictly determined rules of employing them (Jaworski, Micał 2005). This article is devoted to the structure of the model describing the process of increasing the capital value within the time which basis constitutes the calculations based on the rule of simple percentage. In its content are determined the chosen, basic terms associated with the financial activity of the bank (including interest rate, interest, discount). Mathematical models are also discussed enabling to count: the final capital for the initial capital with the fixed annual interest rate for the set time, the initial capital which generated the determined final capital with the fixed annual interest rate for the set time, the interest rate on the basis of the initial and final capital after certain time, the initial value of the loan for the amount of the payoff within the fixed discount rate within the certain time, the value of the commercial discount for one year on the basis of the initial value of the loan and the amount of its payoff. The presented content will supply the reader with the knowledge in calculations applied in the banks associated with the simple percentage. The article constitutes the example of combination of the theoretical knowledge with the practice and it also shows how important mathematical modeling is in the modern world.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
Mohammad Farajnezhad

This article uses commercial bank-level data to examine a credit channel of the monetary policy transmission mechanism in the Brazilian economy from BRICS countries.  Static panel data with a fixed-effect model are used for data analysis. Using a sample of 212 commercial banks from 2009 to 2018. According to the findings of this study, there is a significant and positive relationship between macroeconomic variables that affect the interest rate and GDP with the loan amount, but not with the inflation rate. Also, it is reasonable to conclude that banks in Brazil react to monetary policy in a variety of ways.

M. U. Spanov ◽  
E. M. Spanova

The emergence of a pandemic has a great impact on the macroeconomic processes taking place in the world. These processes are also superimposed by the crises of political transformation associated with the emergence of new political elites in global centers that influence the management of economic and political processes around the world. The article examines the probability of a possible economic crisis in Kazakhstan and its consequences. Today, it is very important for the country to objectively analyze all our achievements and failures in economic policy over the past thirty years in order to move forward. The emergence of new payment instruments, digital currency and cryptocurrency contributes to the destruction of the old model of financing the economy, which will inevitably lead to global changes in the world economy and a possible crisis in all areas of development. The main place where these events related to the virtualization of financial resources take place are the stock exchanges and stock markets of the leading countries of the world economy, the so–called “G-7”, and China. Reduction of energy prices may cause deterioration of the balance of payments and sharply increase the costs from the funds of the National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan. High inflation under any economic development scenarios can accelerate and go beyond the boundaries of the “inflation corridor” and exceed 10%. Another factor of pressure on the financial and banking sector is an increase in the interest rate at the Central Bank of Russia in the near future to 6.75–7.0%, given our close economic ties within the EAEU.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Kenan Li ◽  
Xin Li ◽  
Zhijun Lin ◽  
Jing Lu ◽  
Pak Hou Che

We construct a stochastic model to study the fund matching between fund-raisers and investors in a financing platform. The raising time is assumed to be a random variable. Then, there is a successful transaction probability that the fund matching is realized. Meanwhile, the interest and the commission rate that the platform earns affect the value of the probability. The platform maximizes its revenue by adjusting the commission rate. We find that the optimal commission rate decreases in investment time. However, when the time interval between two adjacent investments obeys the general distribution, the optimal commission rate increases in the annual interest rate. Besides, we extend the model into a duopoly case in which two fund-raisers compete for customers in the same platform by deciding their own interest rate. Due to lacking competition, the optimal interest rate in the monopoly case is lower than that in the duopoly case. Because the interest rate is the cost for the fund-raiser, the expected profit of the fund-raiser in the monopoly is higher than the expected profit of each fund-raiser in the duopoly case but lower than the total expected profit of two fund-raisers. The platform should choose some small loans as far as possible. The loans with smaller amount are easier for the platform to complete fundraising. For those large loans, the platform should try to ask for higher interest rates or more sufficient time to raise funds.

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