scholarly journals At the Crossbreaks of Time ... My Chronicle of Half a Century. Essay. Part two

Yu. Makogon ◽  

An autobiographical attempt to tell about the time in which he lived, became who he is now, and the need to tell about the experienced, and still experiencing, the consequences of changing times ... Each author has his own vision, in the formation of which many factors mattered: the state of society, education, a profession that has lost and gained age – and so can be listed indefinitely.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-145
Ahyuni Yunus ◽  
Agustina Ali Bilondatu

Penelitian ini bertujuan, pertama Bentuk perlindungan hukum konsumen pada perjanjian baku (Standart Contract) PT Telkomsel Terhadap Penggunaan Kartu Pasca Bayar (Halo Kick), kedua Upaya hukum konsumen Konsumen tindakan sepihak yang dilakukan oleh pihak Telkomsel. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, pertama, Perlindungan hukum terhadap pekerja dimaksudkan untuk menjamin hak-hak dasar dan menjamin kesamaan kesempatan serta perlakuan tanpa diskriminasi atas dasar apapun untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan pekerja beserta keluarganya. Perlindungan pekerja tersebut hanya dapat tercapai jika adanya peran serta Negara secara aktif dalam menjaga stabilitas iklim industrialisasi dengan perindungan terhadap pekerja, atau dengan kata lain ditengah gesekan perubahan zaman dan menggeliatnya pertumbuhan ekonomi maka peran serta Negara merupakan keniscayaan. This study aims, firstly, the form of consumer legal protection in the PT Telkomsel standard contract against the use of postpaid cards (Halo Kick), secondly the consumer's legal efforts for unilateral actions taken by Telkomsel. The research method used is normative legal research method. The results show that, first, legal protection for workers is intended to guarantee basic rights and guarantee equal opportunity and treatment without discrimination on any basis to realize the welfare of workers and their families. Protection of workers can only be achieved if there is an active role of the State in maintaining the stability of the industrialization climate with protection of workers, or in other words, amidst the friction of changing times and stretching economic growth, the participation of the State is a necessity.

Yu. Makogon ◽  

An autobiographical attempt to tell about the time in which he lived, became who he is now, and the need to tell about the experienced, and still experiencing, the consequences of changing times ... Each author has his own vision, in the formation of which many factors mattered : the state of society, education, a profession that has lost and gained age – and so can be listed indefinitely.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 6
Lusy Liany ◽  
Ely Alawiyah Jufri ◽  
Mohammad Kharis Umardani

Abstrak: Pancasila bagi masyarakat Indonesia bukanlah suatu hal yang baru dan asing. Pancasila terdiri dari lima sila yang tertuang dalam Pembukaan UUD 1945 Alinea ke-IV dan diperuntukkan sebagai dasar negara Republik Indonesia. Di Indonesia, pelaksanaan  pendidikan nasional diatur dalam UU No. 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Pendidikan Nasional. Pasal 2 UU No. 20 Tahun 2003  menyebutkan bahwa: “Pendidikan nasional berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Pada saat ini Pancasila seiring dengan perkembangan dan perubahan zaman yang begitu pesat dan kompleks yakni di era globalisasi ini,moralsiswa-siswi Indonesia mulai dipertanyakan. Di tengah hegemoni media, revolusi iptek tidak hanya mampu menghadirkan sejumlah kemudahan dan kenyamanan hidup bagi manusia modern, melainkan juga mengundang serentetan permasalahan dan kekhawatiran terhadap kepribadian bagi seluruh bangsa Indonesia khususnya dalam hal ini para siswa-siswa. Untuk itulah, pemberian materi tentang nilai-nilai Pancasila kepada siswa-siswi mutlak diperlukan supaya para siswa-siswa agar dapat memahami nilai-nilai yang terdapat didalam Pancasila itu sendiri sehingga dapat menerapkannya dalam kehidupan berbangsa,bernegara dan bermasyarakat.Abstrak: Pancasila for the Indonesian people is not something new and unfamiliar. Pancasila consists of five precepts contained in the 1945 opening paragraph of all IV and designated as the foundation of the Republic of Indonesia. In Indonesia, the implementation of national education stipulated in Law No. 20 Year 2003 on National Education. Article 2 of Law No. 20 of 2003 states that: "The national education based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945. At this time Pancasila along with the development and the changing times is so rapid and complex that in this era of globalization, moralsiswa-Indonesian student was questioned. In the center of media hegemony, a revolution in science and technology is not only able to present a number of conveniences and comforts of life for modern humans, but also invited a spate of issues and concerns about the personality of the people of Indonesia, especially in this case the students. For this reason, the provision of material about the values of Pancasila to students is absolutely necessary in order for the students to understand the values contained in Pancasila itself so that it can apply in the life of the nation, the state and society.

2018 ◽  
pp. 31-36
S S Hasani

Constitution means the structure of a body, organism or organization i.e. what constitutes it or of what it consists of. Constitution of a country spells out the basic fundamental principles or established precedents on which the state is organized. It lays down the structure of the political system under which its people are to be governed. It establishes the main organs of the State-the legislature, the executive and the judiciary, demarcates their responsibilities and regulates their relationships with each other and with the people. All authority in the hands of any organs, institutions or functionaries of the state flow from the Constitution. In a country like ours, adopting a written Constitution which mandates Judicial Review of the constitutionality of State activity in cases needing it and the laws enacted by legislature, the role of Judiciary cannot be restricted to the primitive function of dispensing justice. The role of judiciary in enforcing judicial review, must for all purposes keep the Government in good tune with the changing times and it should not be allowed to drift to become anachronistic or out of reasoning with the need of the day.

Education is not the basis for civilization, it is civilization (Jay Newman, 1977) [1]. To be precise Civilization is the form of development of a community with the changing times evolving psychologically and intellectually at the same time. Education forms the basis on which the community evolves. There is no denying that education can elevate a person’s standard of living which includes health, employment prospects, and income. While states like Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat have definitely shown tremendous growth in literacy rate, States like Odisha and Bihar are still struggling to keep pace with them. Odisha has devised numerous programmes in order to fast-track the literacy rate. According to Census 2011 the literacy rate of Odisha rose to 72.9%. Male and female literacy rates are 83.2% and 67.8% respectively. According to the Human Development Index (HDI) 2017 [2] India scored around 0.640 ranking 130nd among 189 countries while Odisha scored 0.597 and ranked 32nd out of the enlisted 36 States and Union Territories. Despite all the efforts the State was placed among the last 5 positions in the hierarchy. One of the reasons behind this disparity is because of the 8 most backward districts of the country constituting this state. Nuapada, Malkangiri, Nabarangpur, Boudh, Mayurbhanj, Gajapati, Kandhamal, Kalahandi are those 8 rundown districts which demand immediate attention. The HDI of these districts range between 0.12-0.15 making them least developed districts as far Human Capital is concerned. This paper will analyse the nuances of low education level in one of the most backward district of Odisha known as Malkangiri with that of the discrepancies faced by the residents and provide reasonable solution for it.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 78
Sri Sudarsih

The nation of Japan have experienced a slump since its defeat in World War II. The State of the community are truly of concern. The nation of Japan immediately first settled in many ways especially the cultural reform. The method used is a description and the interpretation. The success of the nation of Japan to build his country with cultural reforms. They change the mental attitude through the reform of customs that are no longer in accordance with the changing times. Consistency and continuity into the keyword success of the Nation of Japan. The process of reform for hundreds of years was able to change the character of the nation of Japan to reach its zenith.Key words: reformation; culture; character

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 226-235
Anurag Dilraj ◽  
Robin Thomas

Across the globe a degree in business management is highly coveted as it is perceived to open doors to opportunities and high-paid jobs and India is no exception. However, with the increased inclination towards gaining management degrees and a rapid increase in number of BSchools in the country a big question mark raises not only on the quality of management education and its relevance but also on the acumen of MBA aspirants and students pursuing MBA degrees.The top b-schools in India admit candidates through stringent selection criteria and then impart relevant and contemporary management education. On the other hand admissions in many other institutions are neither stringent nor rigorous and therefore the competency of pass-outs remains a question mark. Management education is facing multiple challenges in maintaining its relevance and keeping pace with changing demands of the industry. Although issues such as the quality of faculty and infrastructure concerns the entire academia but discussions must also take into consideration the quality of MBA aspirants, mushrooming B-schools and loop holes in regulation of professional education. The current paper aims at finding some of the important challenges andissues concerning management education in India in the changing times while discussing examples, lessons and insights from the state of Madhya Pradesh. The scope of the paper covers years from 2008 to 2012.The paper also discusses ‗Sallis‘ quality imperative model in educational establishments in Indian context.

Yu. Makogon ◽  

An autobiographical attempt to tell about the time in which he lived, became who he is now, and the need to tell about the experienced, and still experiencing, the consequences of changing times ... Each author has his own vision, in the formation of which many factors mattered: the state of society, education, a profession that has lost and gained age – and so can be listed indefinitely.

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