A Human Sexuality and Sex Education Information Service and Library

1986 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 43-48
Leigh Hallingby
1981 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 551-555
David B. Marcotte ◽  
James P. Held

Data are reported for performance on the problem of management of patients by 149 volunteer medical students from a class of 240 students enrolled in a required second-year course on human sexuality. The Patient-Management Problem has been used in a controlled setting to evaluate students' clinical judgment in treating a patient. The performance data are correlated with the volunteer students' dogmatism scores (Rokeach E form). The results indicate that performance on the problem is inversely related to high levels of dogmatism measured for these students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 425-429
Munarni Munarni

Sex education is a clear and correct information regarding the issue of human sexuality, which includes the occurrence of conception, pregnancy, sexual behavior, sexual relations and health, psychological and social aspects. The issue of sexual education provided should be related to the norms prevailing in society, what is prohibited, what is legal and how to do it without violating the rules that apply in society. This study aims to determine the perception of the Batak Toba community about sex education for adolescents in the Parparean III environment, Parparean III Village. This research is descriptive using primary data obtained through a questionnaire. The sample in this study was the Batak Toba people who had teenagers who were obtained using a total sampling technique. From the results of this study obtained data, respondents who have positive perceptions as many as 43 people (81.1%) and negative 10 people (18.9%). Given the importance of sex education for adolescents, it is necessary to coordinate between the government, health workers and the community to unifying perceptions about sex education so that adolescents get clear and correct information about sexuality to improve their reproductive health.   Abstrak Pendidikan seks adalah suatu informasi mengenai persoalan seksualitas manusia yang jelas dan benar, yang meliputi terjadinya pembuahan, kehamilan, tingkah laku seksual, hubungan seksual dan aspek-aspek kesehatan, kejiwaaan dan kemasyarakatan. Masalah pendidikan seksual yang diberikan sepatutnya berkaitan dengan norma-norma yang berlaku di masyarakat, apa yang dilarang, apa yang dilazimkan dan bagaimana melakukannya tanpa melanggar aturan-aturan yang berlaku di masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujan untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat Batak Toba tentang pendidikan seks bagi remaja di Lingkungan Parparean III Kelurahan Parparean III. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan menggunakan data primer yang didapat melalui kuesioner. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat Batak Toba yang memiliki remaja yang didapat menggunakan teknik total sampling. Dari hasil penelitian ini didapat data, responden yang memiliki persepsi positif sebanyak 43 orang (81,1%) dan negatif 10 orang (18,9%).Mengingat pentingnya pendidikan seks bagi remaja, perlu adanya koordinasi antara pemerintah, tenaga kesehatan dan masyarakat untuk menyatukan persepsi mengenai pendidikan seks agar remaja mendapatkan informasi yang jelas dan benar mengenai seksualitas untuk meningkatan kesehatan reproduksinya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 79 (278) ◽  
David Reyero García ◽  

This article aims to show how sex education today responds to the dominance that philosophies of suspicion have achieved over intellectual life, a dominance that hinders a normative judgment of human sexuality. Any attempt at regulation is suspected of concealing some kind of domination by some over others. The lack of regulations makes meaningful education about sexuality impossible and only allows for education that is superficial, instrumental, and limits itself to managing unwanted consequences such as teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. This work shows that there is another way of understanding intellectual life that is linked to moral life, open to the truth, and not just dedicated to denunciation. Thinking well involves living within a tradition and on the path of a good life. A concept of a good life supposes a teleological understanding of the human condition and the necessary cultivation of virtues in order to remain within it. In this dimension, sexuality has a meaning that is not merely biological but also relational, generative, and communicative, and it is subject to rules that derive from our personal character and sexuality’s relationship with intimacy.

Farah Ahmad

Background: Sex education is based on addressing the issues relating to human sexuality or other sexual activity includes reproductive health, emotional relations, reproductive rights and responsibilities, abstinence, consent and birth control. Youngsters, a vulnerable age group, experiment and engage in risky activities such as seeking information from adult themed content and pornography sources. Since, no study has addressed this subject thus; our study aims to see if there is an association between watching of pornography and lack of sex education among youngsters in Pakistan. Methods: The sample 151 at 95% confidence level consisted of both male and female participants (ages of 16-24 years). The data collection tool used in this study was an online questionnaire. Chi square was used to develop an association between lack of sex education and watching of adult themed content. All tests were significant when p<0.05. Results: Out of 151, only 46 (30.5%) had sex education. Options regarding what the person was told or taught to learn about sex education, 12 (7.9%) marked ‘puberty and adolescence’, while 116 (76.8%) were not comfortable asking their parents or guardians about sex education. A majority 102 (67.5%) participants have watched adult themed content. Additionally, 50 (33.1%) were introduced to adult themed content through their friends whereas, 46 (30.5%) by watching movies. Conclusion: The findings of our study show that young people want to learn about their sexual health and that lack of proper sex education does lead to a buildup of curiosity, which is satisfied by going on the internet, most often misleading the seeker towards pornography and other adult themed content.

1978 ◽  
Vol 10 (S5) ◽  
pp. 227-233 ◽  
N. Kodagoda

In my professional work I could not escape the realization that a major part of human suffering arose out of ignorance of simple facts, unquestioning acceptance of tradition, and unhealthy social pressures. This realization made me plunge into the stormy waters of human sexuality and sex education of young people in particular. To them I gained personal access, as well as access through mass media. The response I received from our target population was most gratifying. The bulk of the material I now present was derived from some of the responses.

Curationis ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
CX Williams

There has been growing concern about the increase in teenage pregnancies in relation to the teenagers’ knowledge of human sexuality and the impact sex education has on these teenagers in both the urban and rural areas. The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge of sex education and the health beliefs of teenagers with regard to teenage pregnancy.

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