scholarly journals El alivio del dolor en el parto. Empoderamiento y vulnerabilidad de las mujeres en la toma de decisiones. Estudio cualitativo.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Josefina Goberna-Tricas ◽  
Ainoa Biurrun-Garrido

Introduction In Spain the use of epidurals for pain relief during childbirth is widespread. Currently, we can observe a progressive change in attitude towards a less interventionist care and the use of non-pharmacological methods to reduce pain, unless the woman has left instructions otherwise. Aims To explore the decision-making process concerning pain relief methods in childbirth in order to detect the elements of vulnerability that are present in said process and examine the demands directed towards healthcare professionals. Methodology This study has applied a qualitative methodology with a phenomenological theoretical-methodological approach. The technique used to obtain information was the semistructured individual interview. The study was carried out in Catalonia. The participants were 17 adult women with low-risk pregnancies. Results Three categories have been identified after the analysis: (a) Completion of the birth plan: an approach to the decision; (b) The rationale of the decision: resources and barriers; and (c) The approach to pain in childbirth: elements of vulnerability. Conclusions Women do not always make firm decisions when completing the birth plan; The decisions expressed may be statements of intent. At the time of delivery, the perceived pain can be experienced as a threat that makes them feel vulnerable. The role of midwives and other healthcare professionals is to help work out this sense of vulnerability.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 202-219
Nathalia Cunha da Silva ◽  
Elizabeth Moraes Gonçalves

This article aims to understand how female photojournalists see maternity within the profession in the contemporary world through the use of a study on the cultural and historical influence of gender roles on the performance and development of female photojournalists in the city of São Paulo. A qualitative methodology was adopted using semi-structured interviews. The interviews were conducted with nine female photojournalists from three different age groups who work both formally and informally. For the purposes of this study, we selected only the parts of the interview where the interviewees referred to their role of mother and professional. The analysis was based on a discursive approach, with theoretical support from French Discourse Analysis. The results show the influence gender roles have on forming symbolic barriers that connect having a career with an imbalance between paid work and maternity.O artigo objetiva compreender como as mulheres fotojornalistas percebem a maternidade dentro da profissão na contemporaneidade por meio de um estudo sobre a influência cultural e histórica dos papéis atribuídos de gênero na atuação e desenvolvimento feminino no fotojornalismo paulistano. A metodologia empregada é qualitativa, com uso de entrevista do tipo semiaberta. As entrevistas foram realizadas com nove mulheres que têm o fotojornalismo como principal atividade, com relações de trabalho formais e informais, divididas em três grupos etários. Para este texto foram selecionadas apenas as falas em que as entrevistadas faziam referência ao papel de mãe e profissional. O procedimento de análise seguiu uma abordagem discursiva, com subsídios teóricos na Análise do Discurso de linha francesa. Os resultados apontam a influência dos papéis atribuídos aos gêneros sobre a configuração de barreiras simbólicas que atrelam a permanência na carreira à exigência de um desequilíbrio entre trabalho remunerado e a maternidade. El artículo objetiva comprender cómo las mujeres fotoperiodistas perciben la maternidad dentro de la profesión en la contemporaneidad por medio de un estudio sobre la influencia cultural e histórica de los roles socialmente asignados de género en la actuación y el desarrollo de mujeres en el fotoperiodismo de la ciudad de Sao Paulo. La metodología empleada es cualitativa, con uso de entrevista del tipo semiabierta. Se entrevistó a nueve mujeres que actúan en el fotoperiodismo, con relaciones de trabajo formales o informales. Ellas han sido divididas en tres categorías de edad. Para este texto se seleccionaron sólo las palabras en las que las entrevistadas se referían al papel de madre y profesional. Los resultados apuntan a la influencia de los papeles atribuidos a los géneros sobre la configuración de barreras simbólicas que atrevan la permanencia en la carrera a la exigencia de un desequilibrio entre trabajo remunerado y maternidad.

2012 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-113
Sonia Del Carmen García Aguilar ◽  
Argentina García Solórzano

Se identificó el nivel de desempeño de las mujeres en las Unidades Productivas Familiares (UPF) y la relación existente entre las familias de la comunidad El Zopilote, municipio de Rosita, Región Autónoma Atlántico Norte. El estudio es cualitativo, se han descrito situaciones, personas, interacciones, actitudes y comportamientos observables. Los fundamentos teórico-metodológicos tienen como enfoque el interaccionismo simbólico porque se reflexiona sobre los significados sociales que las personas asignan al mundo que les rodea para valorar o visibilizar la participación de las mujeres en el trabajo y en la toma de decisiones en las UPF. Las técnicas fueron entrevistas, observación participante, grupos focales, mapeo de las unidades productivas seleccionadas y revisión documental. Se encontró que las mujeres de la comunidad El Zopilote están involucradas en diferentes actividades dentro de las Unidades Productivas Familiares. Tienen un alto nivel de participación en todo el ciclo productivo, evidenciándose así que tienen parte en algunas decisiones y que es menor sobre los rubros de mayor valor para la comercialización de los productos. El estudio aporta la facilitación de nuevas estrategias a todas las ONG e instituciones del Estado que desean trabajar en la comunidad con temas relacionados al estudiado. SUMMARY We identified the level of performance of women in the Family Production Units (FPU) and the relationship between the families of the community El Zopilote, municipality of Rosita, North Atlantic Autonomous Region. The study is qualitative and it describes situations, people, interactions, attitudes and observable behaviors. The theoretical and methodological approach are focus on a symbolic interactionism because it examines the social meanings that people put on the world that surrounds them to assess and highlight women participation in the work and decision-making in the FPU. The techniques that were applied are: interviews, participant observation, focus groups, mapping of the selected production units and document review. Among the results we found that the women of the community El Zopilote are involved in different activities within the family production units. They have a high level of participation in the entire production cycle, and this is evident that they are taken into consideration in some decisions which are less on the items of greater value for the marketing of products. The study provides new strategies to the NGO’s and state institutions who are interested to work in the community on issues related to this study.

2012 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 40-52
Narda Wilson Blandford

El estudio ha versado sobre la participación de las mujeres indígenas rama de la comunidad de Rama Cay en los espacios de la toma de decisiones. El objetivo planteado fue comprender la lógica estructural de esta dinámica. Se implementó la metodología cualitativa y se enfocó en la Teoría Crítica, particularmente la que se inscribe en el conocimiento de las reglas implícitas que generan actuación e interpretación. Técnicamente se describe e interpreta la actuación de las mujeres ramas en determinados contextos políticos, lo cual implica necesariamente adentrarse en las esferas del poder.   El estudio presenta la situación de la mujer indígena rama de la comunidad de Rama Cay en los espacios de toma de decisiones, las limitantes y los desafíos a fin de lograr una mayor integración y participación cualitativa en estos ámbitos. SummaryThe study is focused on the participation of Rama’s indigenous women from the community of Rama Cay in decision-making spaces. The objective was to understand the structural logic of this dynamic. Qualitative methodology was implemented and it focused on the critical theory, particularly those that are inscribed in the knowledge of the implicit rules that generate action and interpretation. Technically it describes and interprets the performance of the Rama’s women in certain political contexts, which necessarily involves getting inside the spheres of power.The study presents the situation of indigenous women from Rama Cay community in decision-making spaces, as well as the constraints and challenges to achieve greater integration and qualitative participation in these areas.

2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 7
Nalda Arias Cascante ◽  
Shirley León Jiménez

<p>El presente artículo pretende ofrecer una reflexión<br />sobre el papel de la mujer trabajadora en América Latina<br />y Europa, orientada al cambio y a la toma de decisiones,<br />por medio de la metodología cualitativa (Taylor y<br />Bogdan, 1986), basada en el paradigma interpretativo,<br />cuyo fin es comprender e interpretar, mediante el análisis<br />documental consultado sobre esta relevante temática,<br />una serie de elementos en su comprensión.El abordaje<br />de la temática de la mujer trabajadora comprende<br />muchas aristas, por lo que utilizaremos la perspectiva<br />de género, con lo que se pretende mostrar cómo se complejiza<br />y transforma en una categoría de análisis para<br />pensar/repensar y transformar las relaciones sociales entre<br />los sexos que aún pugnan en el ámbito de la organización<br />social y cultural actuales. Asimismo, se aportan<br />los hallazgos encontrados sobre esta temática, los cuales<br />permitirán ampliar el campo de investigación y brindar<br />nuevos elementos para plantear cambios estructurales<br />profundos que den paso al rompimiento de los viejos<br />paradigmas patriarcales.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>This article calls for a consideration of the role of<br />working women in Latin America and Europe, oriented<br />towards change and decision making using a qualitative<br />methodology (Taylor and Bogdan, 1987) based on<br />interpretative paradigm and whose objective is to comprehend<br />and interpret a series of elements of this topic<br />through an analysis of documented research.<br />The approach of the working woman’s topic can<br />be done from several angles, so we will use a gender<br />perspective to show how it becomes an analytical category<br />to think, rethink and transform the gender<br />relations still present in current social and cultural<br />organizations. Also, new findings on this subject are<br />presented that will allow broaden the investigation field<br />and propose deep structural changes to break old patriarchal<br />paradigms.</p>

Seila Llorente-Pulido ◽  
Estefanía Custodio ◽  
María Rosario López-Giménez ◽  
Laura Otero-García

The aim of this study is to describe the perspectives of Primary Care midwives regarding factors that benefit or are detrimental to exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) within the health system and public policies. The study was carried out in Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain) and is based on qualitative methodology. Twenty in-depth interviews were carried out with midwives who work in Primary Care centres in Tenerife, using a content analysis approach. The transcript data were then encoded following an inductive approach. The factors, according to midwives, that affect EBF, with regard to the healthcare system, are related to training of healthcare professionals in breastfeeding and their support to women during pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal care. Regarding public policies, midwives believe the maternity leave periods in Spain, together with a lack of laws and social policies to protect EBF are detrimental. The findings from our study show that there is a need to boost training and the role of professionals in EBF and, at the same time, promote protective policies that foster equality, favouring, among other issues, the work-life balance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 98-121
Elena Andina Díaz ◽  
Maria Fátima Silva Vieira Martins ◽  
José Siles-González

Objetivo: Describir las creencias y prácticas culturales relacionadas con la alimentación durante el embarazo y puerperio en mujeres adultas (mayores de 60 años) en dos culturas diferentes, aplicando el Modelo de Tradiciones de Salud. Método: Se llevó a cabo un estudio cualitativo. Participaron 16 mujeres residentes durante su embarazo/parto/puerperio en un área rural de Braga (Portugal), o León (España). La técnica de recogida de información fue la entrevista semiestructurada. Se hizo un análisis de contenido, siguiendo el Modelo de Tradiciones de Salud. Resultados: Se identificaron creencias y prácticas relacionadas con la alimentación, encaminadas a proteger, mantener y recuperar la salud de la madre/recién nacido, desde la esfera física/mental/espiritual (9 dimensiones interrelacionadas). Conclusión: Se describieron creencias y prácticas alimentarias en embarazo/puerperio de mujeres mayores, constatando el papel de la cultura en las mismas. Se consideraron 9 dimensiones interrelacionadas, y el rol relevante de familiares/allegadas. Estos datos pueden ayudarnos a planificar acciones de salud maternal en la actualidad, participativas (familia/comunidad), corregir ciertas prácticas, y proporcionar cuidados congruentes con la cultura de las mujeres. Ello puede ayudar a transformar creencias, o valores y actitudes que incardinan una determinada forma cultural en la enfermería. Objective: To describe the cultural beliefs and practices related to food during pregnancy and the puerperium in adult women (over 60 years old) in two different cultures by applying the Health Traditions Model. Method: A qualitative study was carried out with the participation of 16 women resident during their pregnancy / childbirth / puerperium in a rural area of Braga (Portugal), and León (Spain). The information collection technique was the semi-structured interview. A content analysis was made, following the Health Traditions Model. Results: Beliefs and dietary practices related to feeding were identified, aimed at protecting, maintaining and recovering the health of the mother / newborn, from the physical / mental / spiritual sphere (9 interrelated dimensions). Conclusion: Eating beliefs and practices in pregnancy / puerperium of older women were described, confirming the role of culture in them. 9 interrelated dimensions were considered, as well as the relevant role of family / relatives. These data can help us plan for current, participatory (family / community) maternal health actions, correct certain practices, and provide care consistent with the culture of women. This can help transform beliefs, or values and attitudes that embody a certain cultural form in nursing.

María Isabel Núñez Paz

Resumen: La condición femenina incapacitó durante siglos para la administración de los bienes y alejó de los ámbitos de toma de decisiones. Se utilizó el expediente de la imbecilitas sexus, o la levitas animi, desde la antigüedad grecorromana para legitimar la violencia emocional, jurídica y económica ejercida todavía hoy de modo permanente sobre mujeres del presente. La historia ha sido narrada por los vencedores a partir de un mundo de guerras y luchas de poder en el que las mujeres y las emociones (también de los varones) fueron excluidas por igual. En este trabajo se ofrece una síntesis de resultados acerca de cómo nuestro pasado de discriminación y violencia de género permeabiliza nuestro presente. El resultado es la desigualdad normativa, en menor medida jurídica y en mayor medida social. Se analizan con perspectiva de género algunas causas, por las cuales el patriarcado trató a mujer adulta como una menor o discapacitada mental, susceptible además de sufrir legítimamente castigos físicos. Los estudios de género y su flexibilidad en el acercamiento interdisciplinar ofrecen nuevas perspectivas científicas a la hora de abordar la continuidad histórico jurídica del silencio de las mujeres, descritas a partir del “deber ser” de la feminidad. En las líneas que siguen se afronta la interpretación de distintas fuentes histórico –jurídicas en torno a la negación de la palabra femenina. Junto a los métodos tradicionales, el método diacrónico comparativo permite constatar la profunda huella que el pasado dejó en el presente. El punto de partida de este trabajo es que a las mujeres se nos ha normativizado en tres fases. Primero se convino que somos inferiores y debemos silenciarnos; después que la subordinación debe ser recibida con resignación y alegría; en tercer término, que la cancelación de la palabra femenina puede imponerse mediante la violencia. Palabras clave: mujeres, historia, derecho, silencio, emociones, violencia. Abstract: Since classical times, history has been written predominantly by victors and, in a world that continues to be dominated by military and political power struggles, both women and feelings (including those of men) remain repressed. Women were frequently denied formal legal capacity and excluded from administrative decision-making, and over time this institutionalised gender bias (imbecilitas sexus and levitas animi) served to reinforce more comprehensive emotional, legal and economic discrimination against women. Moreover, entrenched patriarchal attitudes meant that adult women were invariably treated as if they were either minors or mentally handicapped and, consequently, physical and psychological abuse against women became normalised. This article seeks to expose how modern legislation reflects and reinforces historic discrimination, both social and legal, against women. Drawing upon interdisciplinary gender studies that apply diverse and novel methodologies, the aim of this analysis is to give voice to “silent women” and so challenge the idealised stereotypical notion of what it means to be “perfectly feminine”. Through deploying a diachronic comparative method, a range of social and legal sources are investigated to illustrate how women’s voices were effectively silenced, and with significant consequences for the present. Here it is offered an account of how female subordination occurred incrementally and in three distinct phases: first, women were classified as inferior beings, both legally and socially, and therefore compelled to remain silent; second, women were taught to accept their inferior status with both joy and satisfaction; and third, when necessary violence was used to silence female resistance. Keywords: women, history, law, silence, emotions, violence.doi:

2018 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
Nkholedzeni Sidney Netshakhuma

This study was conceptualised in order to assess the strategies used to incorporate the homeland of KaNgwane into Mpumalanga province after the cessation of apartheid in 1994. The specific objective of the study was to investigate the compliance of records and archives with the National Archives and Records Service of South Africa Act (Act No 43 of 1996), during the incorporation of the homeland of KaNgwane into Mpumalanga. The study adopted a qualitative methodology through document analysis, interviews and observations. The key findings revealed that the archives of the former homeland of Kangwane were not aligned with the requirements of the National Archives and Records Service of South Africa Act (Act No.43 of 1996.) Institutions seem to lack experience when it comes to the challenges of storing records and implementing arrangement and control systems. The frequent lack of a records management policy and few to no staff with record-keeping and archival backgrounds was also a concern. A shortage of space to store records safely was also one of the major issues that the study uncovered. There appears to be no concerted effort to retain important historical records. Many records are stored in several different locations in government buildings.  I conclude that archives play an essential role to the nation as the institutional memory.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Laura Hall ◽  
Urpi Pine ◽  
Tanya Shute

Abstract This paper will reflect on key findings from a Summer 2017 initiative entitled The Role of Culture and Land-Based Healing in Addressing and Ending Violence against Indigenous Women and Two-Spirited People. The Indigenist and decolonizing methodological approach of this work ensured that all research was grounded in experiential and reciprocal ways of learning. Two major findings guide the next phase of this research, complicating the premise that traditional economic activities are healing for Indigenous women and Two-Spirit people. First, the complexities of the mainstream labour force were raised numerous times. Traditional economies are pressured in ongoing ways through exploitative labour practices. Secondly, participants emphasized the importance of attending to the responsibility of nurturing, enriching, and sustaining the wellbeing of soil, water, and original seeds in the process of creating renewal gardens as a healing endeavour. In other words, we have an active role to play in healing the environment and not merely using the environment to heal ourselves. Gardening as research and embodied knowledge was stressed by extreme weather changes including hail in June, 2018, which meant that participants spent as much time talking about the healing of the earth and her systems as the healing of Indigenous women in a context of ongoing colonialism.

Alan Baron ◽  
John Hassard ◽  
Fiona Cheetham ◽  
Sudi Sharifi

This chapter looks ‘outside’ the Hospice at issues of the organization’s image. The authors talked to staff, volunteers, and members of the general public, as well as to a number of key stakeholders in the local healthcare community, in order to gauge their views on the host organization. The analysis examines the problems associated with the image of hospices and discusses attempts of staff and volunteers to ‘dispel the myths’ about the nature of hospice care work—a form of labour which potentially runs the risk of being characterized as ‘dirty work’. The chapter then examines how the Hospice is seen in the eyes of other healthcare professionals and discusses the choice of palliative medicine as a career for junior medics. Finally it discusses a degree of ‘confusion’ that staff and volunteers claim exists in the minds of GPs and consultants in specialist cancer hospitals about the role of hospices.

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