scholarly journals La representación parlamentaria en América latina. Las comisiones permanentes y los partidos en el congreso

2009 ◽  
Vol 47 ◽  
Luisa Béjar

RESUMEN: El principal argumento de este escrito es que la heterogeneidad de los diseños institucionales que prima en el campo electoral en América Latina (Carroll y Shugart, 2005) también se reproduce en el parlamentario. El perfil morfológico del sistema de comisiones propio de cada Congreso y el lugar que la ley les asigna en el proceso legislativo son prueba evidente de ello. Mientras el marco normativo de algunas legislaturas no deja lugar a dudas en cuanto a la intención de delegar en los partidos las decisiones encomendadas a estos cuerpos; en otros casos, ello ocurre en menor medida. En los casos formalmente ceñidos a una lógica de partido, por otra parte, se alientan esquemas de delegación de corte muy diverso. En este escrito se revisa el acomodo institucional del sistema de comisiones de la Cámara Baja en: Argentina; Bolivia; Brasil; Colombia; Chile; México; Paraguay; República Dominicana y Uruguay. En este sentido, el estudio examina tanto la importancia concedida a su trabajo, como algunos aspectos de su morfología que afectan la estructura de incentivos que acota el desarrollo del proceso legislativo. Asimismo, se analizan los procedimientos utilizados en cada Congreso para enfrentar los problemas de acción colectiva. Por último, se presentan algunas ideas para la elaboración de una futura taxonomía sobre la relación que guardan en la región los partidos y las comisiones permanentes del Congreso.ABSTRACT: The main argument of this paper is that the heterogeneity of the institutional framework that prevails in Latin America’s electoral field (Carroll y Shugart, 2005), also reproduces itself in the parliamentary one. This is proved by the morphologic profile of each Congress’ commission system and the place that the law assigns to the system. While some legislative frameworks clearly intend to delegate to parties the decisions entrusted to this bodies; in other cases, this takes place in a less important way. In the cases formally related with a party logic, on the other hand, diverse delegation schemes are encouraged. In this article we analyze the institutional framework of the commission systems of the low chamber in: Argentina; Bolivia; Brazil; Colombia; Chile; Mexico; Paraguay; Dominican Republic and Uruguay. In this sense, this work examines the importance given to their job and some aspects of its morphology that affect the structure of incentives that narrows the development of the legislative process. We also analyze the procedures used by each Congress to solve its problems of collective action. Lastly, some ideas for the elaboration of a future taxonomy on the relationship between parties and permanent commissions in the region are presented.

1998 ◽  
Vol 37 (4II) ◽  
pp. 1155-1161
Fazal Husain ◽  
Tariq Mahmood

The relationship between money and prices has been a debated issue among economic schools of thought particularly between the Monetarists and the Keynesians. The monetarists claim that changes in money stocks cause changes in price levels. In other words, the direction of causation runs from money to prices implying that prices can be controlled through money supply. The keynesians, on the other hand, argue that money is important but is not responsible for changes in price levels. Instead, structural factors play important role suggesting that money supply is not an effective instrument to control price changes. The causal relationship between money and prices has been extensively tested in various countries. For example, Brillembourg and Khan (1979) examined this relationship in USA. Using Sims procedure for the period 1870-1975, they found unidirectional causality running from money to prices. Similar directions of causation are reported by Lee and Li (1983) and Ramachandran and Kamaiah (1992) who investigated the causal relationship in Singapore and India respectively. On the other hand, Aghevli and Khan (1978), while investigating the causal relationship in Brazil, Columbia, the Dominican Republic, and Thailand, found bidirectional causality between money and prices in these countries.

María Luisa Pfeiffer

ResumenLa ética, como praxis debe crear espacios de convivencia que permitan descubrir cuál es la característica de los espacios de dominación en que habitamos y tratar de construir otros donde los hombres y los pueblos puedan vivir libremente su destino. El planteo de este trabajo es que, en  América Latina, el espacio biotecnológico debido a que es una gran fuente de ambigüedades cuando de valores se trata, termina siendo aliado de los poderes dominantes. Se analiza especialmente esa característica en el uso de la ingeniería genética para la transformación de semillas, mostrando que si bien por un lado se puede considerar a la misma como una resultante valiosa de la ciencia, por el otro resulta dañina no sólo en lo relativo a la conservación de la vida con toda su diversidad, sino en lo económico, social, cultural, antropológico e incluso médico. El propósito final del trabajo es una reflexión sobre el mito del progreso asociado al crecimiento de la biotecnología y la necesidad de establecer límites éticos al mismo.  Palabras clave: Biotecnología, tecnociencia, progreso, transgénicos, América Latina.***************************************************The relationship between biotechnology and progress as “unquestioned values”, its ethical and political implicaturesAbstractEthics, as praxis, must create spaces for coexistence that allow us to discover what is the characteristic of the domination spaces we live in, as well as to create others where individuals and peoples can live their destiny in a free way. This paper states that in Latin America, given that it is a source of  ambivalence when thinking about values, biotechnology ends up being an ally of the dominant powers. This characteristic is specially analyzed in the use of genetic engineering for seed transformation, showing that, even though it can be considered as a valuable result of science, on the other hand it is hazardous not only in regards to conservancy of life in all its diversity, but also in economic, social, cultural, anthropological, and even, medical respects. The final aim of the paper is to stimulate a reflection about the myth of progress associated to the growth of biotechnology, and to state theneed to establish ethical limits to it. Key words: biotechnology, techno-science, progress, transgenic, Lain America***************************************************A relação entre biotecnologia e progresso como “valores indiscutidos”, suas implicações éticas e políticasResumoA ética, como práxis, deve criar espaços de convivência que permitam descobrir qual é a característica dos espaços de dominação em que habitamos e tratar de construir outros onde os homens e os povos possam viver livremente seu destino. O foco deste trabalho é que na América Latina o espaço biotecnológico devido a que é uma grande fonte de ambiguidades quando de valores se trata, acaba sendo aliado dos poderes dominantes. Analisa-se especialmente essa característica no uso da engenharia genética para a transformação de sementes, mostrando que se bem por um lado se pode considerar a mesmo como uma resultante valiosa da ciência, pelo outro resulta danosa nãosó no relativo à conservação da vida com toda sua diversidade, mas no econômico, social, cultural, antropológico e até no médico. O propósito final do trabalho é uma reflexão sobre o mito do progresso associado ao crescimento da biotecnologia e à necessidade de estabelecer limites éticos ao mesmo. Palavras chave: Biotecnologia, tecnociência, progresso, transgênicos, América Latina.

2011 ◽  
Vol 60 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-56 ◽  
Trevor C Hartley

AbstractThe voluntary assignment of contractual (and non-contractual) obligations in conflict of laws is governed by article 14 of the Rome I Regulation. Under this, the validity of the assignment as between the assignor and assignee is governed by the law applicable to the contract between them (paragraph 1 of article 14). On the other hand, the assignability of the claim and the relationship between the debtor and the assignee are governed by the law applicable to the obligation assigned (paragraph 2 of article 14). Certain issues are, however, outside the scope of article 14 as it stands at present. These are the question of priorities between competing assignments (if the same obligation is assigned twice to different assignees) and the rights of third parties (mainly creditors of the assignor). This article examines the precise scope of the two existing paragraphs and considers the arguments that might be relevant in deciding what law should govern the issues at present not covered by either paragraph, a question that has become more pressing in view of the fact that negotiations will soon begin on a possible amendment of article 14 to deal with it.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
Hans-Georg Wünch

This article explores the attitude God shows towards the animals as presented in Old Testament (OT) texts outside of the law texts. While these law texts present God’s imperative for his people, the other OT texts display his attitude towards nature more directly. We will interpret the findings as part of a “cosmic covenant” (Robert Murray) between God and his animals on the one hand and God and humans as his viceroys on earth on the other hand. The article is written from a canonical viewpoint. This means that it does not try to distinguish divergent aspects or developments of ideas but rather looks at their similarities. The aim is not just to do an exegesis on certain Old Testament tests but to explore the relationship between God and his creation as displayed in these verses. The canonical viewpoint in connection with the idea of a “cosmic covenant” presents a new angle on this topic. The article intends to show that God, being the creator of everything, cares for his whole creation. As his people, we should therefore also treat his creation with respect and care.

Sains Insani ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 82-90
Mohd Huefiros Efizi Husain ◽  
Noor Naemah Abd Rahman ◽  
Nor Fahimah Mohd Razif

Pembentukan al-'aqd dalam perniagaan ditunjangi kehendak syara' bagi memastikan kebajikan setiap pihak berakad dijamin dan sesuatu matlamat yang disasarkan dapat dicapai dengan sempurna. Al-'aqd yang mewakili kepada pelaksanaan kontrak, menuntut kepada pematuhan di atas persepakatan sepanjang tempoh ia berlangsung. Keperluan al-'aqd ditonjolkan melalui ciri-ciri dan syarat tertentu mengikut disiplin muamalat Islam merangkumi pelbagai sudut bermula daripada sighah, pelaksana akad, perkara diakadkan dan kesan terhadap hukum. Kelebihan mematuhi prinsip ini bukan hanya dibuka kepada usahawan di kalangan muslim sahaja, bahkan secara menyeluruh merentasi agama, adat dan budaya. Manakala perniagaan francais pula, merupakan perniagaan yang dijalankan bersandarkan kepada kontrak sepenuhnya terutama kepada hubungan di antara pemberi dan penerima francais. Pelbagai isu melibatkan kontrak francais berlaku di kalangan pengusaha perniagaan tersebut di Malaysia merangkumi bermacam jenis produk dipasarkan. Melihatkan kepada isu yang berbangkit, maka kajian ini menemukan kelebihan prinsip al-'aqd kepada usahawan francais yang terdiri daripada agama berbeza. Oleh itu, pengkaji menggunakan kaedah kualitatif untuk mencapai objektif kajian dengan melibatkan kaedah kepustakaan dari pelbagai rujukan dan sesi temu bual bersama mereka yang berkenaan dengan perniagaan francais. Hasil kajian mendapati al-'aqd menawarkan kelebihan yang mampu memberi kemanfaatan kepada pihak berkontrak dalam francais sama ada di kalangan muslim atau sebagainya mencakupi pemilihan pihak berkontrak, penjelasan bentuk penawaran dan penerimaan serta kesan yang akan diterima untuk jangka masa panjang. Kajian ini mencadangkan agar al-'aqd dapat diperkenalkan dengan berkesan dan kesedaran ke atas pelaksanaan prinsip ini dipertingkatkan kepada lebih ramai pengusaha francais bagi memastikan pihak berkontrak mengenalpasti hak dan batasan dalam sesebuah kontrak dengan sewajarnya berpandukan kepada ajaran Islam sebenar. ABSTRACT Al-'aqd in business is based on the requirements of syara’ to ensure the welfare of each party is guaranteed and a targeted goal can be achieved perfectly. It represents the execution of the contract, demands compliance with the agreement throughout the period in which it is in force. The need for al-'aqd is highlighted through certain characteristics and conditions according to the discipline of Islamic muamalat covering various angles starting from sighah, the executor of the contract, the matter in question, and the effect on the law. Its advantages are not only open to entrepreneurs among Muslims only but across religions, customs, and cultures. The franchise business, on the other hand, is a business conducted based on a full contract, especially on the relationship between the grantor and the recipient of the franchise. Various issues involving franchise contracts occurred. This study examines the advantages of the al-'aqd principle to franchise entrepreneurs of different religions. Using qualitative methods by involving the library method and interview with the franchisee. The results of the study found that al-'aqd offers advantages that provide benefits to the contracting parties in the franchise whether among Muslims or so covering the selection of contractors, the explanation of the form of supply and acceptance as well as the effects that will be received in the long run. This study suggests that al-'aqd can be introduced effectively and awareness on the implementation of this principle is increased to more franchisees to ensure that contractors identify the rights and limitations in a contract accordingly based on the true teachings of Islam.

2012 ◽  
Vol 59 ◽  
pp. 117-131
Adomas Taraskevičius

Žiniasklaida – vienas iš pagrindinių komunikacijos proceso tarp demokratinės visuomenės grupių elementų. Atlikdama visuomenės informavimo funkciją žiniasklaida užtikrina, kad piliečiai reikiamu atveju –pavyzdžiui, balsuodami – priims tinkamus sprendimus, o valdžios institucijos ir politikai taip pat galvos apie savo veiksmus, siekdami išvengti kritikos, visuomenės neigiamos nuostatos arba siekdami didesnio populiarumo ir pakliūti į valdžios institucijas. Kita vertus, elgdamosi taip, kaip ir visi, būdamos tiesiog visumos dalimi, valdžios institucijos ir politikai nėra įdomūs, todėl šios dvi grupės nuolat turi galvoti, kaip sudominti ir atkreipti į save dėmesį begaliniame informacijos sraute.Šio straipsnio tikslas – įrodyti, kad tie politikai, kurie svarstant ir priimant Nepilnamečių apsaugos nuo neigiamo viešosios informacijos poveikio įstatymą (toliau – Nepilnamečių apsaugos įstatymą) daugiausia kalbėjo Seimo plenariniuose posėdžiuose, buvo dažniausiai Lietuvos internetinės žiniasklaidos ir vieno iš dienraščių pasitelkiami kaip naujienų šaltiniai, neatsižvelgiant į kalbos turinį.Straipsnyje aptariami politikų ir žiniasklaidos santykiai, analizuojama politikų ir žiniasklaidos tarpusavio priklausomybė, kokiomis priemonės politikai siekia patraukti žiniasklaidos dėmesį. Tyrimu parodoma, kaip pasisakymų ilgis ir dažnumas svarstant konkretų įstatymo projektą gali nulemti žiniasklaidos dėmesį, o kartu ir matomumą visuomenei.Reišminiai žodžiai: žiniasklaida, politinė komunikacija, žiniasklaidos dienotvarkė, politikaiPoliticians as a Source of News: the Case of Adopting the Law on Minors’ ProtectionAdomas Taraskevičius SummaryThe media are on of the basic components of communication among the elements of democratic society. By informing the audience, the media ensure that citizens in cases like voting will make right decisions, and the authorities and politicians will be careful about their own actions in order to avoid criticism or negative attitudes of society or to become more popular and to get into government structures. On the other hand, by doing so as everybody else and just being part of the whole, governments and politicians are not interesting for the media. As a result, these two groups must always think how to attract attention to themselves in the endless stream of information.The purpose of this article is to show the existence of politicians’ desire to construct the media agenda (to be the source of news) while adopting the Law on Minors’ Protection against Detrimental Effects of Public Information. The article also discusses the relationship between politicians and the media, the interdependence between politicians and the media. The author also shows how politicians try to atract the media by adopting laws and how the length and frequency of politicians’ speeches during the reading of a particular law can attract the attention of the media and thus of the public.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-182
Maria Poggi Johnson

In his trilogy of space travel novels, published between 1938 and 1945, C.S. Lewis strikingly anticipates, and incarnates in imaginative form, the insights and concerns central to the modern discipline of ecotheology. The moral and spiritual battle that forms the plot of the novels is enacted and informed by the relationship between humans and the natural environment, Rebellion against, and alienation from, the Creator inevitably manifests in a violent and alienated attitude to creation, which is seen as something to be mastered and exploited. Lives and cultures in harmony with the divine will, on the other hand, are expressed in relationships of care and respect for the environment. The imaginative premise of the Trilogy is that of ecotheology; that the human relationships with God, neighbour, and earth and are deeply and inextricably intertwined.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Nurul Aini Musyarofah

The relationship between Islam and state raises a controversy that includes two main groups;formalists and substantialists. Both of them intend to achieve a good social condition which is inaccordance with Islamic politics. The ideal form of good society to be achieved is principallydescribed in the main source of Islamic law, Al Qur’an and As Sunnah, as follows. A form of goodsociety should supprot equality and justice, egalitarianism, and democracy in its social community.The next problem is what the needed methods and instruments to achieve the ideal Islamic politicsare. In this case, the debate on the formalization and substance of Islamic teaching is related to therunning formal political institution.Each group claims itself to be the most representative to the ideal Islam that often leads to anescalating conflict. On the other hand thr arguments of both groups does not reach the wholeMuslims. As a result, the discourse of Islam and state seems to be elitist and political. As a result,Both groups suspect each other each other and try to utilize the controversy on the relationshipbetween Islam and state to get their own benefit which has no relation with the actualization ofIslamic teaching.

2020 ◽  
putri asifa ◽  
Hade Afriansyah

This article discusses the administration of school and community relation. The existence of schools is driven by the needs of the community, because educational responsibilities are governed by the responsibilities of the community, family, and government. Based on these relationships, the relationship is always enhanced. But something is seen. Changes in nature, goals, and methods of teaching relationships. On the other hand, the community also demands the change in education. In Indonesia, the relationship between schools and the community has been established. This is good progress.Therefore, Husemas is a process of communication between schools and the community to increase community understanding of educational needs and activities and encourage community interest and cooperation in school improvement and development.

Nimer Sultany

This chapter analyzes concrete Egyptian and Tunisian cases that showcase the interplay between continuity and rupture. These cases illustrate the lack of a systemic relation between law and revolution. On the one hand, the judiciary that interprets and applies the law is part of the very social and political conflicts it is supposed to resolve. On the other hand, the law is incoherent and there are often resources within the legal materials to play it both ways. Thus, the different forces at work use both continuity and rupture to advance their positions. Furthermore, legitimacy discourse mediates the contradictions between law and revolution in the experience of different legal and political actors. This mediation serves an ideological role because it presupposes a binary dichotomy between continuity and rupture, papers over law’s incoherence by reducing it to a singular voice, and reduces revolution to an event rather than a process.

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