scholarly journals Relation between vitamins of the b complex, GABA and glutamate, and their role in neurocognitive disorders -Brief review

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 229 ◽  
Rayssa Justo ◽  
Marcelo Cesar ◽  
Edimilson Migowski ◽  
Rafael Cisne

Vitamins, especially the water-soluble complex of vitamins B, are highlighted in the daily clinical practice. Numerous studies emphasize the need for supplementation, mainly in groups with deficiency of these vitamins, such as the elderly, pregnant women, children and patients with diseases associates with cognitive disorder. Thiamine (B1), a vitamin of the diet, is an important cofactor for the three key enzymes involved in the citric acid cycle and the pentose phosphate cycle. Pyridoxine (B6) and cobalamin (B12) act in the CNS as a cofactor in the metabolism reactions of homocysteine. Deficiency of some neurotransmitter precursors can also cause symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children, especially amino acid and vitamin B deficiency. Inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitters regulate diverse behavioral processes, including sleep, learning, memory and sensation of pain. They are also implicated in many pathological processes, such as epilepsy and neurotoxicity. Studies suggest that the excitatory amino acids may play a role in learning and memory. The binding of glutamate to its receptor triggers molecular and cellular events associated with numerous physiological and pathophysiological pathways, including the development of an increased sensation of pain (hyperalgesia), brain neurotoxicity or synaptic alterations involved in certain types of memory formation. Between the two major classes of neuroactive amino acids, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the major inhibitory amino acid. It is known that GABA plays a fundamental role in encoding information and behavioral control, in the regulation of motor function and in motor learning. The inter-relationships between diet, the brain and behavior are complex. However, micronutrients are known to have a direct influence on cognitive function through their involvement in the energy metabolism of neurons and glia cells, the synthesis of neurotransmitters, receptor binding and the maintenance of membrane ion pumps.

1962 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 459-469 ◽  
P. H. Jellinck ◽  
Louise Irwin

Aerobic incubation of estrone-16-C14with peroxidase in the presence of serum albumin and other proteins resulted in the formation of water-soluble, ether-insoluble metabolites in high percentage yields. Similar products were formed when protein was replaced by cysteine or tryptophan but none of the other amino acids tested had any effect. The evidence points to an initial generation of hydrogen peroxide from these nitrogenous compounds by the enzyme acting as an aerobic oxidase, and the subsequent peroxidation of estrone to highly reactive products. These then combine with the protein or amino acid or else undergo alternative reactions. A strong chemical bond is formed with albumin and attempts to release the estrone metabolites from it were unsuccessful. Uterine homogenates from estrogen-treated rats showing high DPNH oxidase activity contained no "peroxidase" as measured by the formation of water-soluble products from estrone in the presence of protein.

2020 ◽  
Vol 78 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. 79-85
Kenji Nagao ◽  
Takeshi Kimura

Abstract This paper reviews developments regarding the use of plasma-free amino acid (PFAA) profiles as biomarkers for detecting and predicting disease risk. This work was initiated and first published in 2006 and was subsequently developed by Ajinomoto Co., Inc. After commercialization in 2011, PFAA-based tests were adopted in over 1500 clinics and hospitals in Japan, and numerous clinician-led studies have been performed to validate these tests. Evidence is accumulating that PFAA profiles can be used for diabetes prediction and evaluation of frailty; in particular, decreased plasma essential amino acids could contribute to the pathophysiology of severe frailty. Integration of PFAA evaluation as a biomarker and effective essential amino acid supplementation, which improves physical and mental functions in the elderly, could facilitate the development of precision nutrition, including personalized solutions. This present review provides the background for the technology as well as more recent clinical findings, and offers future possibilities regarding the implementation of precision nutrition.

Toshio Iwasaki ◽  
Yoshiharu Miyajima-Nakano ◽  
Risako Fukazawa ◽  
Myat T Lin ◽  
Shin-Ichi Matsushita ◽  

Abstract A set of C43(DE3) and BL21(DE3) Escherichia coli host strains that are auxotrophic for various amino acids is briefly reviewed. These strains require the addition of a defined set of one or more amino acids in the growth medium, and have been specifically designed for overproduction of membrane or water-soluble proteins selectively labeled with stable isotopes such as 2H, 13C and 15N. The strains described here are available for use and have been deposited into public strain banks. Although they cannot fully eliminate the possibility of isotope dilution and mixing, metabolic scrambling of the different amino acid types can be minimized through a careful consideration of the bacterial metabolic pathways. The use of a suitable auxotrophic expression host strain with an appropriately isotopically labeled growth medium ensures high levels of isotope labeling efficiency as well as selectivity for providing deeper insight into protein structure-function relationships.

1984 ◽  
Vol 103 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-80 ◽  
A. Iqtidar ◽  
S. F. Rehman

SummaryField experiments were conducted for 2 years in Peshawar, North West Frontier Province of Pakistan, to study the effect of three levels of boron (1, 2 and 3 kg/ha) on the amino acid composition of wheat protein. The soil was clay loam, alluvial in nature, with a pH value of 7·8, and hot-water-soluble boron content of 0·58 mg/kg.Positive linear and negative quadratic effects of boron were observed on the protein and ash contents of wheat grain. Most of the essential amino acids were linearly increased with increasing supply of boron. There was a negative linear relationship of boron with all non-essential amino acids, except histidine and tyrosine.Lysine was the most deficient amino acid in wheat protein. Chemical score based on this amino acid was positively affected by boron. There was also an improvement in the amino acid profile due to boron.

Botany ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 86 (10) ◽  
pp. 1101-1110 ◽  
S. Louahlia ◽  
P. Laine ◽  
J. H. MacDuff ◽  
A. Ourry ◽  
M. Humphreys ◽  

In most forage grass and legume species the recovery of leaf growth following severe defoliation depends on mobilization of carbon and nitrogen reserves from the remaining tissues. Unusually, Lolium perenne L. is able to compensate for low levels of available N storage compounds by rapid up-regulation of mineral N uptake. To investigate the physiological basis of this behaviour, perennial ryegrass plants were exposed to a 10 ​d period of optimal mineral N (high-N plants) or zero N (low-N plants) supply before defoliation. N deprivation decreased total N and amino acid concentrations in roots, and increased root water soluble carbohydrate concentrations. Compared with high-N plants (control), fructans and fructose concentrations in roots of low-N plants were 74% and 49% higher, respectively. Low-N plants had higher rates of nitrate uptake following defoliation, and lower amino acid concentrations in the roots (mainly as asparagine and glutamine); a causal role was suggested by the inhibition of nitrate uptake by external root supply of amino acids to low-N plants or by a stimulation of N uptake of high-N plants by sucrose supply to the roots. The results suggest that down-regulation of nitrate uptake following defoliation of plants with high levels of N reserves, may be effected through an increased cycling of amino acids within the plant and by a shortage of carbohydrates. Results are discussed in relation to the proteolytic activities and mobilization of C and N reserves to leaf meristem.

2020 ◽  
Gabriel Piedrafita ◽  
Sreejith Varma ◽  
Cecilia Castro ◽  
Christoph Messner ◽  
Lukasz Szyrwiel ◽  

AbstractHow metabolic pathways emerged in early evolution remains largely unknown. Recently discovered chemical networks driven by iron and sulfur resemble reaction sequences found within glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, the oxidative and reductive Krebs cycle, the Wood Ljungdahl as well as the S-adenosylmethionine pathways, components of the core cellular metabolic network. These findings suggest that the evolution of central metabolism was primed by environmental chemical reactions, implying that non-enzymatic reaction networks served as a “template” in the evolution of enzymatic activities. We speculated that the turning point for this transition would depend on the catalytic properties of the simplest structural components of proteins, single amino acids. Here, we systematically combine constituents of Fe(II)-driven non-enzymatic reactions resembling glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), with single proteinogenic amino acids. Multiple reaction rates are enhanced by amino acids. In particular, cysteine is able to replace (and/or complement) the metal ion Fe(II) in driving the non-enzymatic formation of the RNA-backbone metabolite ribose 5-phosphate from 6-phosphogluconate, a rate-limiting reaction of the oxidative PPP. In the presence of both Fe(II) and cysteine, a complex is formed, enabling the non-enzymatic reaction to proceed at a wide range of temperatures. At mundane temperatures, this ‘minimal enzyme-like complex’ achieves a much higher specificity in the formation of ribose 5-phosphate than the Fe(II)-driven reaction at high temperatures. Hence, simple amino acids can accelerate key steps within metal-promoted metabolism-like chemical networks. Our results imply a stepwise scenario, in which environmental chemical networks served as primers in the early evolution of the metabolic network structure.Significance StatementThe evolutionary roots of metabolic pathways are barely understood. Here we show results consistent with a stepwise scenario during the evolution of (enzymatic) metabolism, starting from non-enzymatic chemical networks. By systematic screening of metabolic-like reactivities in vitro, and using high-throughput analytical techniques, we identify an iron/cysteine complex to act as a ‘minimal enzymelike complex’, which consists of a metal ion, an amino acid, and a sugar phosphate ligand. Integrated in a metal-driven, non-enzymatic pentose phosphate pathway, it promotes the formation of the RNA-backbone precursor ribose 5-phosphate at ambient temperature.

1972 ◽  
Vol 50 (6) ◽  
pp. 513-522 ◽  
C. Y. Cho ◽  
H. S. Bayley

The usefulness of amino acid digestibility measurements as indices of availability can be evaluated by comparing the amino acid composition of distal ileal digesta (where absorption is believed to be complete) with that in the rectum. Two semipurified diets containing either soybean or rapeseed oil meals were each fed to four castrated male pigs of 60 kg liveweight. The pigs were sacrified and samples of digesta were removed from the stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, colon, and rectum. The concentrations of nitrogen and the proportions of 14 amino acids in the samples were studied. Digesta taken from the duodenum contained the greatest concentration of nitrogen; the nitrogen concentration decreased through the small intestine, and then remained constant through the large intestine. Comparing the ileal and rectal digesta, there were no significant differences in the proportions of valine, arginine, serine, tyrosine, threonine, phenylalanine, and aspartic acid for both diets. This was also true for lysine for the soybean meal diet and for methionine and alanine for the rapeseed meal diet, so that for these amino acids, digestibility should be a good estimate of availability. However, there were lower proportions of leucine plus glycine, proline, and glutamic acid in the rectal than in the ileal contents for both diets, and for lysine in the rapeseed meal diet, suggesting that digestibility values would overestimate availability. In contrast, there were higher proportions of isoleu-cine in the rectal than in the ileal contents for both diets, and of methionine and alanine for the soybean meal diet, suggesting that digestibilities would underestimate the availabilities of these amino acids.Partition of the digesta and the water-soluble digestion marker (polyethylene glycol) in the stomach precluded reliable quantitation of digesta flows through the ileum, but the experiment suggests that such quantitative measures would provide a basis for more valid estimates of amino acid availabilities than measurements of the amounts of amino acids voided in the feces.

2019 ◽  
Christian M.K. Sieber ◽  
Blair G. Paul ◽  
Cindy J. Castelle ◽  
Ping Hu ◽  
Susannah G. Tringe ◽  

AbstractThe Candidate Phyla Radiation (CPR) comprises a large monophyletic group of bacterial lineages known almost exclusively based on genomes obtained using cultivation-independent methods. Within the CPR, Gracilibacteria (BD1-5) are particularly poorly understood due to undersampling and the inherent fragmented nature of available genomes. Here, we report the first closed, curated genome of a Gracilibacteria from an enrichment experiment inoculated from the Gulf of Mexico and designed to investigate hydrocarbon degradation. The gracilibacterium rose in abundance after the community switched to dominance byColwellia. Notably, we predict that this gracilibacterium completely lacks glycolysis, the pentose phosphate and Entner-Doudoroff pathways. It appears to acquire pyruvate, acetyl-CoA and oxaloacetate via degradation of externally derived citrate, malate and amino acids and may use compound interconversion and oxidoreductases to generate and recycle reductive power. The initial genome assembly was fragmented in an unusual gene that is hypervariable within a repeat region. Such extreme local variation is rare, but characteristic of genes that confer traits under pressure to diversify within a population. Notably, the four major repeated 9-mer nucleotide sequences all generate a proline-threonine-aspartic acid (PTD) repeat. The genome of an abundantColwellia psychrerythraeapopulation has a large extracellular protein that also contains the repeated PTD motif. Although we do not know the host for the BD1-5 cell, the high relative abundance of theC. psychrerythraeapopulation and the shared surface protein repeat may indicate an association between these bacteria.ImportanceCPR bacteria are generally predicted to be symbionts due to their extensive biosynthetic deficits. Although monophyletic, they are not monolithic in terms of their lifestyles. The organism described here appears to have evolved an unusual metabolic platform not reliant on glucose or pentose sugars. Its biology appears to be centered around bacterial host-derived compounds and/or cell detritus. Amino acids likely provide building blocks for nucleic acids, peptidoglycan and protein synthesis. We resolved an unusual repeat region that would be invisible without genome curation. The nucleotide sequence is apparently under strong diversifying selection but the amino acid sequence is under stabilizing selection. The amino acid repeat also occurs in a surface protein of a coexisting bacterium, suggesting co-location and possibly interdependence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Marina Alfosea-Simón ◽  
Silvia Simón-Grao ◽  
Ernesto Alejandro Zavala-Gonzalez ◽  
Jose Maria Cámara-Zapata ◽  
Inmaculada Simón ◽  

Agriculture is facing a great number of different pressures due to the increase in population and the greater amount of food it demands, the environmental impact due to the excessive use of conventional fertilizers, and climate change, which subjects the crops to extreme environmental conditions. One of the solutions to these problems could be the use of biostimulant products that are rich in amino acids (AAs), which substitute and/or complement conventional fertilizers and help plants adapt to climate change. To formulate these products, it is first necessary to understand the role of the application of AAs (individually or as a mixture) in the physiological and metabolic processes of crops. For this, research was conducted to assess the effects of the application of different amino acids (Aspartic acid (Asp), Glutamic acid (Glu), L-Alanine (Ala) and their mixtures Asp + Glu and Asp + Glu + Ala on tomato seedlings (Solanum lycopersicum L.). To understand the effect of these treatments, morphological, physiological, ionomic and metabolomic studies were performed. The results showed that the application of Asp + Glu increased the growth of the plants, while those plants that received Ala had a decreased dry biomass of the shoots. The greatest increase in the growth of the plants with Asp + Glu was related with the increase in the net CO2 assimilation, the increase of proline, isoleucine and glucose with respect to the rest of the treatments. These data allow us to conclude that there is a synergistic effect between Aspartic acid and Glutamic acid, and the amino acid Alanine produces phytotoxicity when applied at 15 mM. The application of this amino acid altered the synthesis of proline and the pentose-phosphate route, and increased GABA and trigonelline.

2018 ◽  
Adhish S. Walvekar ◽  
Rajalakshmi Srinivasan ◽  
Ritu Gupta ◽  
Sunil Laxman

AbstractMethionine availability during overall amino acid limitation metabolically reprograms cells to support proliferation, the underlying basis for which remains unclear. Here, we construct the organization of this methionine mediated anabolic program, using yeast. Combining comparative transcriptome analysis, biochemical and metabolic flux based approaches, we discover that methionine rewires overall metabolic outputs by increasing the activity of three key regulatory nodes. These are: the pentose phosphate pathway coupled with reductive biosynthesis, and overall transamination capacity, including the synthesis of glutamate/glutamine. These provides the cofactors or substrates that enhance subsequent rate-limiting reactions in the synthesis of costly amino acids, and nucleotides, which are also induced in a methionine dependent manner. This thereby results in a biochemical cascade establishing an overall anabolic program. For this methionine mediated anabolic program leading to proliferation, cells co-opt a “starvation stress response” regulator, Gcn4p. Collectively, our data suggest a hierarchical metabolic framework explaining how methionine mediates an anabolic switch.

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