Nora Idiawati ◽  
Ikha Safitri ◽  
Mega Sari Juane Sofiana

Phytoplankton plays an important role in marine ecosystems as  primary producer, as the basis of food chains and the food web, and are widely used as bioindicators to monitor water condition. The study of phytoplankton is the primary interest to explore aquatic resources for blue biotechnology applications in conditions as a live feed, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, possibly food and health industry. The study aims to assess the composition, abundance and diversity of phytoplankton community in Lemukutan Island waters of West Kalimantan. The present study found 31 genera of phytoplankton, consisted of Bacillariophyceae (28 genera) and Dinophyceae (3 genera). In term of contribution, Bacillariophyceae were found to be dominant (93.035%) than dinophyceae (6.965%). The abundance of phytoplankton varied between 636.91 to 2034.48 cell.L-1. The diversity index (H’), the evenness (E) index, and the dominance (C) index ranged from 1.959–2.579, 0.582–0.868, 0.094–0.283, respectively. The result showed that the diversity index was moderate, the evenness index was high, and the dominance index was low. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 174-179
Widadi Padmarsari Soetignya ◽  
Patrisia Marniati ◽  
Mardan Adijaya ◽  
Yunita Magrima Anzani

Kakap River Estuary plays an essential role in the life organisms, but it is vulnerable to environmental changes and pollution caused by human activities. This study aims to assess the presence of plankton species, their abundance and diversity as aquatic ecological bio-indicators in Kakap River Estuary. Plankton and water samples were taken for three months, with a frequency of one sample per month, viz. in March, April and June 2020 from four sampling stations in Kakap River Estuary, West Kalimantan. A total of 34 species of plankton were observed from all sampling sites, and identified to belong to 18 classes. Chlorophyceae had the highest relative abundance among the phytoplanktons (40.10%), followed by Bacillariophyceae (21.86%) and Cyanophyceae (19.28%). Oscillatoria sp. and Hydrodictyon sp. were the most dominant phytoplankton species. There were 8 classes of zooplankton identified from all sampling stations throughout the research period. Hexanauplia had the highest relative abundance among the zooplanktons (36.56%) followed by Euglenophyceae (24.37%). The plankton diversity index (H ′) values ranged between 2.33 -3.11. The plankton evenness index value ranged from 0.79 to 0.89 which indicates high plankton evenness at all samping stations, and this is supported by a low dominance index value at all stations ranging from 0.06-0.16. Station 1 had high Shannon-Wienner diversity index score, while for station 2, 3, 4, their scores were in the moderate level. Overall. the diversity index of the plankton from all sampling sites indicated that the quality of the water had no pollution to light pollution level.Keywords:PhytoplanktonZooplanktonWater quality

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-87
Rafiq Prima Nugraha ◽  
Irvina Nurrachmi ◽  
Sofyan Husein Siregar

The research was conducted in December 2019 at Sungai Mesjid Village Dumai Riau Province. This study aims were to know the condition of water quality, know the structure of the phytoplankton community, know the concentration of chlorophyll-a and know the effect between chlorophyll-a concentration and phytoplankton abundance in waters. The method used in this study was a survey method. The research location is divided into 3 station points namely Bangsal Aceh, Marine Station and Jalan Dermaga. The results showed that the quality of waters classified as oligotrophic waters. Phytoplankton found in this study consisted of 4 classes and 12 species of phytoplankton and the abundance of phytoplankton has a range between 195.57 - 244.33 ind./l. Diversity index (H') ranges from 1.2951 - 2.1705, dominance index (D) ranges from 0.24 to 0.46 and uniformity index (E) ranges from 0.7825 to 0.9551. The chlorophyll-a concentration in waters of Sungai Mesjid Village in Dumai ranged from 0.0025 to 0.0210 mg/L. Phytoplankton abundance and chlorophyll-a concentration has a moderate effect, wherewith increasing chlorophyll-a concentration, phytoplankton abundance will also increase

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-188
M. Irsyad A. Ghafari ◽  
Gito Hadiprayitno ◽  
M. Liwa Ilhamdi ◽  
Noar Muda Satyawan

AbstrakEchinodermata merupakan salah satu kelompok invertebrata yang memegang peranan penting, baik secara ekologi maupun ekonomi. Pengetahuan tentang organisme ini sangat dibutuhkan terkait dengan keberadaannya di alam yang semakin tergerus oleh pembangunan dan aktivitas manusia yang tidak ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas Echinodermata di kawasan intertidal Gili Meno, Lombok Utara, yang dilakukan pada bulan April 2018 di 6 stasiun pengamatan yang tersebar di kawasan intertidal. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode belt transect dengan pengulangan sebanyak 2–4 kali pada setiap stasiun, dengan luas transek 100 m2. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan 13 spesies yang berasal dari 4 kelas Echinodermata, yaitu Asteroidea (1 spesies), Echinoidea (4 spesies), Holothuroidea (4 spesies), dan Ophiuroidea (4 spesies). Hasil penghitungan indeks ekologi menunjukkan bahwa indeks keanekaragaman komunitas Echinodermata berkisar antara 0,16–1,36 (kategori rendah-sedang). Indeks dominansi di setiap stasiun berkisar antara 0,32–0,94 (kategori rendah-sedang), sedangkan indeks kemerataan sebesar 0,25 (kategori rendah). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa stabilitas komunitas Echinodermata di kawasan intertidal Gili Meno tergolong rendah. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan dalam pembangunan kawasan wisata yang ramah lingkungan tanpa mengabaikan keberadaan sumber daya hayati laut di kawasan Gili Meno, Lombok Utara.Abstract Echinoderms are one group of invertebrates that play an essential role, both ecologically and economically. Knowledge about this organism is needed concerning its presence in nature, which increasingly eroded by the development and activities of people who are not environmental friendly. This study aims to determine the structure of the Echinoderms community in the intertidal area of Gili Meno, North Lombok, were conducted on April 2018 at six observation stations. Data were collected by belt transect method with repetition of 2–4 times at each station, with 100 m2 transect area.  The observations showed that found 13 species included in 4 classes of Echinoderms, namely Asteroidea (1 species), Echinoidea (4 species), Holothuroidea (4 species) and Ophiuroidea (4 species). The ecological index of the Echinoderms community showed that the diversity index ranged from 0.16–1.36 (low-medium). The dominance index at each station ranged from 0.32 to 0.94 (low-medium), while the evenness index was 0.25 (low). The stability of the Echinoderms community in Gili Meno intertidal area relatively low. The results expected to be a reference in the development of environmentally friendly tourism areas without ignoring the existence of living aquatic resources in the Gili Meno, North Lombok.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 525
Niswatul Audah ◽  
Lalu Japa ◽  
M. Yamin

Tanjung Luar is coastal water used as a waste disposal area for Fish Landing Based (FLB) activities. However, the condition of the waters with phytoplankton as a bioindicator has never been reporting. This research aims to know Bacillariophyceae in terms of abundance, diversity, and measurement of environmental pollution variables. Methods Sampling at the study location was determined by a systematic random sampling method. Data analysis Bacillariophyceae were determined using formula abundance, diversity index, and dominance index. The index of similarity of species between sample points was determined based on the Bray-Curtis Cluster Analysis. Furthermore, the results showed an abundance of Bacillaryophyceae of 322,000 individuals / L classified as low, the diversity index of Bacillariophyceae of 2.162 classified as moderate, and a dominance index of 0.138 (without dominating species). The results showed that the highest species similarity index was between sample points II and III (57.9%), and the lowest species similarity index between sample points I and II was 23.7%. Water pollution on the waters of PPI Tanjung Luar is classified as moderate pollution level and oligotrophic fertility.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 448
Niswatul Audah ◽  
Lalu Japa ◽  
M. Yamin

Diatom class Bacillariophyceae are world wide distribution and commonly dominated the phytoplankton community. The community of diatom class Bacillariophyceae of the waters Tanjung Luar Fish Landing Based (FLB) has never been reported. This study aims to determine the abundance and diversity of diatom class Bacillariophyceae. The sampling sites were determined by using a systematic random sampling method. Data of diatom class Bacillariophyceae were analyzed for species abundance, species diversity index and species dominance index calculations. The results showed, that the abundance of diatom class Bacillariophyceae species were 322.000 ind/L (low category), the species diversity index of diatom class Bacillariophyceae was 2.162 (moderate category), and the species dominance index was 0.138 (none of species dominance).

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-15
Leonardo Elisa Aisoi

The research on abundance and diversity of phytoplankton has been conducted in the coastal waters of PLTU Holtekamp, Muara Tami district, Jayapura City, Papua Province. The background of this research is environmental was changed and it caused by human activities, PLTU activities, both of derived from organic and inorganic contamination. The purpose of research was to determine the abundance and diversity of phytoplankton in these waters. This research was observation research, namely by taking samples from 3 stations. Sampling was use planktonnet, observe was use microscope, identified, counted, and analyzed plankton diversity index. Identification was carried out at the Zoology Laboratory of the Biology Education Study Program, Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Teacher and Education Faculty, Cenderawasih University. Plankton abundance was calculated using Lackey Drop Micro Transect Counting Method and Plankton diversity was calculated using formulas Shannon-Weaner. The result shows that there were 17 genera of phytoplankton which were dominated by  diatoms and dinoflagellates. The highest abundance found in the station 3 is 2655 ind/l. Diversity index (H') ranged from 1.73 to 1.90 which indicates that there is unstable ecological conditions and dominance index (C) ranging from 0.24 to 0.28 which indicating there no dominant species.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Feybe H. A Zachawerus ◽  
Alex D. Kambey ◽  
Rose O. S. E. Mantiri

Seagrass community of Mokupa Beach waters, Tombariri sub-district, Minahasa Regency North Sulawesi was selected as study site to get information regarding the distribution, abundance, and diversity of species. Five species were identified in this study are as follow: Cymodocea rotundata, Thalassia hemprichii, Halopila ovalis, Halodule pinifolia, and Enhalus acoroides. T. hemprichii had the highest density among those 5 species with 80.266 individuals/m2, relative density 45.709 % and score of dominance index (C) 0.3269. Among three transects deployed in the study site, transect III has the highest diversity index representing by ‘H = 1.3072. The result showed that seagrass community could grow well in the area which is also shown through similar score of evenness index.Keywords: Seagrass, diversity, dominance A B S T R A K Komunitas Lamun di Perairan Desa Mokupa Kecamatan Tombariri, Kabupaten Minahasa Sulawesi Utara sebagai lokasi penelitian untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang distribusi, kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman spesies. Diperoleh 5 spesies yaitu : Cymodocea rotundata, Thalassia hemprichii, Halopila ovalis, Halodule pinifolia, Enhalus acoroides. Kepadatan spesies yang tertinggi adalah Thalassia hemprichii 80,266 ind/m2. Kepadatan relatif (%) yang tertinggi adalah Thalassia hemprichii 45,709 %. Nilai indeks dominasi (C) (0,3269). Nilai keanekaragaman tertinggi dari ketiga transek terdapat pada transek III dengan nilai (Hʹ) 1,3072. menunjukan bahwa komunitas ini masih dapat tumbuh dengan baik di daerah tersebut. Hal ini juga ditunjang dengan nilai kemerataan yang hampir sama di ketiga transek penelitian.                                                                               Kata Kunci : Lamun, keanekaragaman, dominasi1Mahasiswa Program Studi MSP FPIK-UNSRAT2Staf pengajar Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Sam Ratulangi

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 60
Nikita Kekenusa ◽  
Rose O.S.E Mantiri ◽  
Gaspar D Manu

This research was conducted at 3 stations in the seagrass ecosystem of the Tongkeina coastal waters district of Bunaken Darat Manado on March 16, 2019, at 10:35 - 13:45 WITA. This study aims to know the types and community structures of phytoplankton in the Tongkeina seagrass ecosystem and its environmental conditions. The method used to collect the sample is sampling. Samples were taken using a plankton net measuring 20 cm in mouth diameter with a mesh size of 60 microns. Based on the results of observations obtained by the composition of phytoplankton species, namely 17 genera of 22 species in 3 classes namely Bacillariophyceae, Cyanophyceae, and Pyramimonadophyceae. The highest density of phytoplankton in Tongkeina waters is at Station 2 (0.360 cells / l) with the highest relative density of Chaetoceros sp. (19.10%). While the highest density of phytoplankton is found at Station 3 (0.516 cells / l) with the highest relative density of Melosira sp. (21.69%). The lowest Diversity Index at Station 2 (H '= 2,217) and the highest at station 3 (H' = 2,284). This shows that overall these waters have moderate diversity values. The lowest Uniformity Index at Station 1 (e = 0.858) and the highest at Station 2 (e = 0.924). This shows that overall these waters have a medium uniformity value. The lowest dominance index at Station 3 (C = 0.119) and the highest at Station 1 (C = 0.127). This shows that no species dominate the waters. The water conditions such as temperature, salinity, pH, and brightness still support the growth of phytoplankton.Keywords: phytoplankton, community structure, seagrass, Tongkeina ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan pada 3 stasiun di  perairan ekosistem lamun kelurahan  Tongkeina kecamatan Bunaken Darat pada tanggal 16 Maret 2019 pukul 10:35 – 13:45 WITA, dengan tujuan mengetahui jenis dan struktur komunitas fitoplankton yang ada di perairan ekosistem lamun  Tongkeina serta kondisi lingkungannya. Metode yang digunakan adalah Metode sampling. Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan plankton net berdiameter mulut berukuran 20 cm dengan mesh size 60 mikron. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan diperoleh komposisi jenis fitoplankton  yakni 17 genus 22 spesies dalam 3 kelas yaitu Bacillariophyceae, Cyanophyceae, dan Pyramimonadophyceae.Kepadatan tertinggi fitoplankton di perairan Tongkeina terdapat pada Stasiun 2 (0.360 sel/l) dengan kepadatan relatif tertinggi Chaetoceros sp. (19.10%). Sedangkan  kepadatan fitoplankton tertinggi terdapat pada Stasiun 3 (0.516 sel/l) dengan kepadatan relatif tertinggi Melosira sp. (21.69%). Indeks Keanekaragaman terrendah pada Stasiun 2 (H’= 2.217) dan tertinggi pada stasiun 3 (H’= 2.284). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan perairan ini memiliki nilai keanekaragaman sedang. Indeks Keseragaman terrendah pada Stasiun 1  (e= 0.858) dan tertinggi pada Stasiun 2  (e= 0.924). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan perairan ini memiliki nilai keseragaman  sedang. Indeks Dominansi terrendah pada Stasiun 3 (C= 0.119) dan yang tertinggi pada Stasiun 1 (C= 0.127). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada jenis yang mendominasi perairan. Adapun kondisi perairannya seperti suhu, salinitas, pH dan kecerahan masih menunjang pertumbuhan fitoplankton.Kata Kunci :Fitoplankton, Struktur Komunitas, Lamun, Tongkeina,

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-83
Farah Diba ◽  
R Ressiawan ◽  
N Nurhaida

The Budi watershed, which is located in Sungai Betung Subdistrict, Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan Province, is a land and water conservation area which is a source of clean water for the community. The forest in the Budi watershed becomes a habitat for butterflies. The research aims to analyze the community structure and identify the types of butterflies in Budi watershed Sungai Betung Subdistrict, Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan Province. The research methods used survey method with scan sampling technique in the morning and evening. Data from the inventory of butterfly species and the number of individuals of each species were analyzwd using the Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H”), the Margalef species richness index (DMg) and the Simpson dominance index (D). The results showed that the total number of butterfly species found in the Budi watershed was 22 species with 148 individuals belonging to three families, namely Nymphalidae (14 species), Papilionoidae (3 species), and Pieridae (5 species). The most dominance species found were Eurema blanda, Hypolimnas bolina, and Letopsia nina. The index of butterfly species richness in Budi watershed was DMg = 9.67 and is included in categorized high species richness. The butterfly dominance index D = 0.0066 and it categorized to low species dominance. Species diversity index H” = 2.093 and showed the diversity of butterfly species in the Budi watershed, Sungai Betung sub district, Bengkayang Regency is included in the medium diversity category.  

Yusrizal Akmal ◽  
Rindhira Humairani ◽  
Muliari Muliari ◽  
Hanum Hanum ◽  
Ilham Zulfahmi

Phytoplankton is a bio-indicator of fertility in waters. This study aims to determine the impact of detergent and pesticide waste on the phytoplankton community structure in in tilapia aquaculture media. The phytoplankton identification stage was carried out at the MIPA Laboratory Almuslim University. The parameters studied were phytoplankton abundance, diversity index, uniformity index, dominance index, and water quality parameters. The results of this study showed that detergent and pesticide waste at the end of the study had caused a decrease in the abundance value of phytoplankton by 3,250 individual/L and 3,750 individual/L. In the control treatment, the highest phytoplankton composition was dominated by Chaetoceros sp., while the pesticide and detergent treatments were dominated by Golenkenia sp. and Microcystis sp. Exposure to detergent and pesticide waste reduced the diversity index value, the phytoplankton uniformity index value. At the beginning of the study, it has a moderate diversity index (H '= 2.485–3.072), while at the end of the study it shows low diversity (H' = 2.111–2.375). Furthermore, at the beginning and at the end of the study there was a decrease in the uniformity index value (E = 0.87–1.01) and (H '= 0.88–0.94).

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