mathematics and science
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2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 794-806
Elizabeth L. Bouzarth ◽  
John M. Harris ◽  
Kevin R. Hutson

2022 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
Delia Marshall ◽  
Honjiswa Conana

Science disciplines are inherently multimodal, involving written and spoken language, bodily gestures, symbols, diagrams, sketches, simulation and mathematical formalism. Studies have shown that explicit multimodal teaching approaches foster enhanced access to science disciplines. We examine multimodal classroom practices in a physics extended curriculum programme (ECP) through the lens of new materialism. As De Freitas and Sinclair note in their book, Mathematics and the Body, there is growing research interest in embodiment in mathematics (and science) education—that is, the role played by students’ bodies, in terms of gestures, verbalisation, diagrams and their relation to the physical objects with which they interact. Embodiment can be viewed from a range of theoretical perspectives (for example, cognitive, phenomemological, or social semiotic). However, they argue that their new materialist approach, which they term “inclusive materialism”, has the potential for framing more socially just pedagogies. In this article, we discuss a multimodal and new materialist analysis of a lesson vignette from a first-year extended curriculum physics course. The analysis illuminates how an assemblage of bodily-paced steps-gestures-diagrams becomes entangled with mathematical concepts. Here, concepts arise through the interplay of modes of diagrams, gestures and bodily movements. The article explores how multimodal and new materialist perspectives might contribute to reconfiguring pedagogical practices in extended curriculum programmes in physics and mathematics. 

2022 ◽  
pp. 916-931
Lutfi Incikabi ◽  
Ibrahim Kepceoglu ◽  
Murat Pektas

Gamification, defined as the process of game-thinking and game mechanics to engage users and solve problems, is a fairly new and rapidly growing field. Literature suggests that gamification can contribute to develop higher order cognitive abilities such as problem solving and critical thinking skills. Using gamification in non-game situations enhances students' understanding and contributes on conceptual learning, especially in mathematics and science. This chapter introduces the concept of gamification in terms of its pedagogical underpinnings, integration of gamification into educational environments (with a focus on mathematics and science), a sample application of gamification in science content, and the future trends about possible directions of uses of gamification.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-20
Carol Munn

This chapter explores a unique framework that expresses freshness and innovation within revolutionary learning experiences. The chapter focuses on the implementation of computational thinking skills as an essential element of a robotics education program that was driven by hands-on activities instilling the notion of imagination through innovative projects. Engineering design applications with robotics created an atmosphere in which students applied abstract mathematics and science concepts. The robot and its technology imploding in the field of education created excitement in the minds of students with renewed, revitalized interest, and curiosity stretching across the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Robotics education along with computational thinking skills are primary keys for unlocking the unlimited creative and innovative potential with engaging hands-on activities. Robots, a fascinating learning instrument, rejuvenate, animate, and revive 21st century skills in tech-savvy language familiar with today's students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 189-195

The low ability of junior and senior high school students in the field of Mathematics and Science equal to their low interest in deciding their career in the STEM field prompted this research. This study aims to develop module car safety STELR – STEM based for learning physics and to test its effectiveness in learning. The type of this research is Research and Development (R & D) or development research using the 4D model, namely Define , Design , Development and Disseminate. The car safety  based STELR-STEM module - which is used as a medium for learning motion and force. The conclusions generated from this study are (1) From the results of the validation test obtained 90% results so that it can be concluded that the product development in this study has the eligibility criteria. The Car Safety module was declared valid by experts, very good category, (2) From the results of the questionnaire students got a score of 86% getting a very positive response in a limited trial, (3) In the effectiveness test the average test score of the experimental class is greater than the average value of the control class, with a difference of 11, the Car Safety module is declared effective in learning ABSTRAKRendah nya kemampuan siswa SMP dan SMA pada bidang Matematika sains juga rendah nya minat mereka dalam memutuskan karir mereka dibidang STEM mendorong penelitian ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul car safety berbasis STELR – STEM untuk pembelajaran fisika dan untuk menguji efektivitasnya dalam pembelajaran. Adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R & D) atau penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model 4D, yaitu Define (pendefinisian), Design (perancangan), Development (pengembangan) dan Disseminate (penyebaran). Modul yang diambil adalah modul car safety berbasis STELR-STEM yang digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran gerak dan gaya. Simpulan yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Dari hasil uji validasi didapat hasil 90 % sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa produk pengembangan pada penelitian ini telah memenuhi kriteria kelayakan.Modul Car Safety dinyatakan valid oleh ahli, kategori sangat baik, (2) Dari hasil angket siswa didapat skor 86% mendapatkan respons sangat positif dalam uji coba terbatas, (3) Dalam uji efektivitas Rata-rata nilai tes kelas eksperimen lebih besar dari rata-rata nilai kelas kontrol, dengan selisih 11,modul Car Safety dinyatakan efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran

2021 ◽  
Alison McLachlan

<p>Complexity is a term that is now commonly used when discussing TV serial dramas and the way that, in recent years, creators and producers of this narrative form have embraced innovative and challenging strategies to tell their stories. As a result, it is also often argued that all TV serial dramas are strikingly different from one another; one of the few things that contemporary TV serial dramas have in common is their employment of complex narrative strategies. However, in this thesis, I argue that—while serial dramas are different from one another in many ways—they are also all the same at a fundamental level.  In order to examine the fundamental narrative components that all serial dramas employ, I use chaos as a framework. Chaos is a branch of mathematics and science which examines systems that display unpredictable behaviour that is actually determined by deep structures of order and stability. At its most basic level, chaos corresponds with the way in which serial dramas are both complex and simple at the same time; beneath the complexity of serial dramas are fundamental building blocks that are used to generate innovative, challenging and unpredictable narratives.  I apply the findings from my critical examination of chaos and TV drama narratives to the creation of my own TV projects, which employ the inherent structures and patterns of TV drama narratives in a way that produces innovative and complex stories. In doing so, I intend to highlight the potential of serial dramas to be endlessly creative yet consistently the same.</p>

Ahmad Isnaini

Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM) is one of the improvements on the learning evaluation provided by the government so far. The AKM is implemented to measure the literacy and numeracy abilities of Indonesia students, due to the low achievement of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). This article is a literature study discussing AKM from the Educational Philosophy point of view, concerning the Ontology, Epistemology, and Axiology of the AKM. The study concludes that AKM is feasible to implement for improving the literacy and numeracy of students in Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Alison McLachlan

<p>Complexity is a term that is now commonly used when discussing TV serial dramas and the way that, in recent years, creators and producers of this narrative form have embraced innovative and challenging strategies to tell their stories. As a result, it is also often argued that all TV serial dramas are strikingly different from one another; one of the few things that contemporary TV serial dramas have in common is their employment of complex narrative strategies. However, in this thesis, I argue that—while serial dramas are different from one another in many ways—they are also all the same at a fundamental level.  In order to examine the fundamental narrative components that all serial dramas employ, I use chaos as a framework. Chaos is a branch of mathematics and science which examines systems that display unpredictable behaviour that is actually determined by deep structures of order and stability. At its most basic level, chaos corresponds with the way in which serial dramas are both complex and simple at the same time; beneath the complexity of serial dramas are fundamental building blocks that are used to generate innovative, challenging and unpredictable narratives.  I apply the findings from my critical examination of chaos and TV drama narratives to the creation of my own TV projects, which employ the inherent structures and patterns of TV drama narratives in a way that produces innovative and complex stories. In doing so, I intend to highlight the potential of serial dramas to be endlessly creative yet consistently the same.</p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 002246692110541
Karin M. Fisher ◽  
Peggy Shannon-Baker ◽  
Kania Greer ◽  
Barbara Serianni

Students with disabilities (SWDs) are less likely to establish themselves successfully in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) careers. Researchers have identified barriers to participation in STEM, including deficits in mathematics and science, executive functioning skills, self-efficacy, and lack of exposure to STEM experiences. Researchers found students who participate in STEM clubs have higher grades in STEM content areas, have better attitudes toward school, and are more likely to graduate. This study aimed to understand student and parent perceptions about the influences and challenges to participation in STEM clubs. The researchers used a sequential explanatory mixed-methods design that began with a survey, followed by focus groups and interviews with parents and SWDs. We identified four salient meta-themes regarding what influences students to join and stay in a STEM club: fun and the subject matter, social and peer interactions, parent and teacher initiative, and a “semblance of normal.” In addition, we identified meta-themes on the barriers for SWDs to join and stay in STEM clubs. These include being a good fit, having no student interest, others not making accommodations, and overwhelmed parents. The researchers conclude with implications for educators to make STEM clubs more inclusive.

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