scholarly journals A Critical Evaluation of Qualitative Reports and Their Contributions to Educational Research

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 13
Mukhlash Abrar

This purpose of this article was to critically assert the contribution of qualitative research in education. The article offers a theoretical exploration of qualitative (qualitative historical background, features, methods and qualitative strengths and weaknesses) and a structural critical analysis on qualitative studies (study purpose, literature review, study design, method, results and discussion, and conclusion). Two qualitative education research paper were selected and analysed with a view to arguing that qualitative research gives more contributions than others. The results of the analysis indicated that qualitative research positively contributes to education research in many ways, including the possibility of direct interaction in gathering the data, and providing in-depth and critical interpretation of meanings

Geisa da Silva Medeiros ◽  
João Bernardes Da Rocha Filho

A fenomenologia, para educadores dialógicos, apresenta-se como instrumento essencial na avaliação crítica e na construção das diferentes visões de mundo, as quais conduzem ao ensino. Também possibilita a verificação, o estudo e o esclarecimento dos fenômenos em sala de aula – e para além dela –, bem como os relacionados às perspectivas e orientações do pesquisador no ensino e na educação. Para sua articulação, é aplicável a hermenêutica, como compreensão da realidade, na observação reflexiva/refletiva e descritiva dos fenômenos, com consciência intencional e objeto intencionado. A hermenêutica nasce na fenomenologia, da necessidade do aprender junto, de compreender a realidade, de captar as intenções na sua essência mais pura no contexto dos acontecimentos. A fenomenologia hermenêutica permite a compreensão e a interpretação provindas da imersão do observador no mundo do observado, a aproximação com o fenômeno e a reestruturação da própria visão de mundo. A proposição de uma pesquisa qualitativa para o ensino e a educação, com essas concepções, permite ir ao significante, cuja emersão se dá na aproximação com o fenômeno em si e, fundamentado na compreensão e na interpretação, busca o significado a partir do contexto em que o significante se mostra, com a inserção das visões de mundo do próprio pesquisador como sujeito ativo de sua pesquisa.Palavras-chave: Educação dialógica. Fenomenologia reflexiva. Interpretação dos fenômenos.AbstractThe phenomenology, for dialogic educators, presents itself as an essential tool in the critical evaluation and in the construction of different world views for the teaching. It allows the verification, study and explanation of phenomena in the classroom as well as those related to the prospects and directions of research in education. For its articulation, hermeneutics, as an understanding of reality, is applicable in the reflective/reflected and descriptive observation of phenomena with intentional consciousness and intended object. The hermeneutics was born in phenomenology, by the need to learn together, to understand the reality, to grasp the intentions in its purest essence in the context of events. The hermeneutic phenomenology, allows the understanding and interpretation from the observer’s immersion in the world of the observed, the approximation with the phenomenon and the restructuring of own worldview. The proposition of a qualitative research for teaching, with these conceptions, allows to go to the signifier, emerging in the approximation in the phenomenon itself that, based on understanding and in the interpretation, search the meaning from the context in which the signifier is shown, with the inclusion of worldviews by the own researcher as an active subject of his/her research.Keywords: Dialogic education. Reflective phenomenology. Interpretation of phenomena.ResumenLa fenomenología de educadores dialógicas, se presenta como una herramienta esencial en la evaluación crítica y la construcción de diferentes visiones del mundo, que conducen a la enseñanza. Permite la verificación, el estudio y la explicación de los fenómenos en el aula, y más allá, así como los relacionados con las perspectivas y líneas de investigación en la enseñanza y la educación. Para su articulación, se aplica la hermenéutica, como la comprensión de la realidad, la observación reflexiva/reflectiva y descriptiva de los fenómenos con la conciencia intencional y el objeto pretendido. La hermenéutica nace en la fenomenología, la necesidad de aprender juntos, para comprender la realidad, para capturar las intenciones en su esencia más pura en el contexto de los acontecimientos. La fenomenología hermenéutica permite la comprensión e interpretación del observador derivaron inmersión en el mundo de la observada, la aproximación al fenómeno y la reestructuración de la propia visión del mundo. La propuesta de una investigación cualitativa para la enseñanza y la educación, con estas ideas, permite ir al significativo, emergente de aproximación al fenómeno en sí que, con base en la comprensión e interpretación, buscar el significado por el contexto en el que el significante se muestra, con la inserción de las visiones del mundo del investigador, como sujeto activo de su investigación.Palabras clave: Educación dialógica. Fenomenología reflexiva. Interpretación de los fenómenos.

Crista Banks

The volume of researchers interested in pursuing qualitative methods of research continues to grow. However, the foundational components of qualitative research in education are often confusing and overwhelming for the novice researcher and can often pose challenges for more experienced researchers. Egbert and Sanden (2014) offer an easy to follow format in explaining the foundations and theoretical components of research for all levels of learners.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-93
Maria da Conceição Alves Ferreira

RESUMO Trata-se de um artigo sobre os pressupostos da multirreferencialidade e das pesquisas em Educação como possibilidades para as pesquisas de abordagem qualitativa em espaços multirreferenciais de aprendizagem que envolvem a Gestão, as tecnologias digitais, a formação de professores e a Educação de Jovens e Adultos. Explicita a origem dos conceitos, os teóricos que sustentam esses princípios, o itinerário que sustenta as análises, que mobiliza os olhares para o campo da Etnopesquisa crítica/formação e as possibilidades, propriedades e critérios que devemos ter para compor um ambiente de rigor que esses estudos apresentam. O objetivo é, portanto, contribuir para o adensamento de reflexões, práticas em pesquisas que se preocupem em entender os movimentos da horizontalidade nos grupos sociais nas mais diversas áreas do conhecimento, em especial, na educação ajudando constituir outros olhares sobre a formação de professores, a pesquisa, a Educação de jovens Adultos, a gestão e as tecnologias digitais em espaços multirreferenciais de aprendizagem.    PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Mulltirreferencialidade; Etnopesquisa crítica/formação; Pesquisas em Educação.   Abstract It is an article about the assumptions of multireferentiality and research in Education as possibilities for qualitative research in multireferential learning spaces that involve Management, digital technologies, teacher training and Youth and Adult Education. It explains the origin of the concepts, the theorists who support these principles, the itinerary that sustains the analyzes, which mobilizes the perspectives for the field of Critical Ethnography / formation and the possibilities, properties and criteria that we must have to compose an environment of rigor that these studies present. The objective is, therefore, to contribute to the consolidation of reflections, research practices that are concerned with understanding horizontal movements in social groups in the most diverse areas of knowledge, especially in education, helping to create other perspectives on teacher education, research, young Adult Education, management and digital technologies in multi-reference learning spaces.   KEYWORDS: Multireferentiality; Ethnopesquisa critique / formation; Research in Education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Elizabeth De Souza Oliveira ◽  
Marizete Lucini

In this article, we will analyze the narratives about the natural resources indicated as conducive to cultivation in Brazilian soil present in the reading book Cousas Brasileiras (1896) as instructors of useful knowledge for the ideal republican man between 1890 and 1896. Therefore, we will dialogue from decolonial concepts and, when selecting the speeches, we will carry out the analyzes to highlight the educational purposes of the period that were immersed in liberal ideas, intending to point out the ideal citizen. With this, when developing the study we will present the effort undertaken by the author to form modern values that are directly linked to the formation of the colonizing aspects. Situating within the scope of qualitative research in Education, of documentary type, with procedures for discourse analysis, thus, we will demonstrate how the formation of the values of modernity was inherent to the formation of the colonizing aspects as an initiative of political-ideological affirmation for the development of Brazilian nationality and its economic progress.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-128
Siti Zulfa Palem Zainol ◽  
Izziah Suryani Mat Resad @ Arshad

Abstract Abdul Hay Kurban Ali’s arrival in Japan in 1924 has a huge impact on the development of Islam and towards the Muslim community in Tokyo Japan. The migration of the Turkic Tatar Muslim to Japan resulting from the Russian Revolution un 1917 has cause several Islamic Associations to emerge in Japan. Abdul Hay Kurban Ali was the leader of one of this Islamic Association for the Muslim community representing the Turkic-Tatar Muslim in Japan under the name Mahalla Islamiya. With this, Abdul Hay Kurban Ali has carried the interests from each of the Islamic Association from the Muslim community in Japan to build education institution and mosque in Tokyo, Japan. As such, Abdul Hay Kurban Ali cooperate with Syeikh Abdul Rashid Ibrahim in creating good relationship between Turkey and Japan to ease the construction of education institution and mosque in Tokyo, Japan. This research is a qualitative research using the historical history design. This research used the documentation method through data collection that focus on sources under four themes which is historical background of Abdul Hay Kurban Ali, the arrival of Islam in Japan, the role of Da’wah by Abdul Hay Kurban Ali and his contributions in Tokyo, Japan. Meanwhile, the researcher use descriptive and historical methods in analysing the data and sources under the prescribed themes. The finding from the research showed that the four thematic analyses has given a clear and organized information. The role of Abdul Hay Kurban towards the development of Islam in Tokyo, Japan is very significant for the Da’wah aspect towards the Japanese community, the Islamic Association of the Muslim community and the construction of education institution and mosque. Keywords: Abdul Hay Kurban Ali, Muslim community, Turkey, Islam in Japan, mosque   Abstrak   Kedatangan Abdul Hay Kurban Ali ke Jepun pada tahun 1924 memberi kesan yang besar terhadap perkembangan Islam dan komuniti Muslim di Tokyo, Jepun. Penghijrahan komuniti Muslim Turki Tatar ke Jepun akibat revolusi Rusia pada tahun 1917 telah menyebabkan wujudnya beberapa persatuan-persatuan Islam di Jepun. Abdul Hay Kurban Ali telah mengetuai salah satu daripada persatuan komuniti Muslim bagi bangsa Turki-Tatar di Jepun, Mahalla Islamiya. Menerusi hal ini, Abdul Hay Kurban Ali telah membawa hasrat daripada setiap persatuan-persatuan komuniti Muslim di Jepun untuk membina institusi pendidikan dan masjid di Tokyo, Jepun. Oleh itu, Abdul Hay Kurban Ali bekerjasama dengan Syeikh Abdul Rashid Ibrahim untuk mengadakan hubungan baik bersama kerajaan Turki dan Jepun bagi memudahkan pembinaan institusi pendidikan dan masjid di Tokyo, Jepun. Kajian Ini merupakan kajian berbentuk kualitatif dengan menggunakan reka bentuk kajian sejarah. Kajian ini menggunakan metode dokumentasi melalui pengumpulan data dengan menfokuskan pada sumber-sumber yang berkaitan empat tema iaitu, sejarah latar belakang Abdul Hay Kurban Ali, kedatangan Islam di Jepun, peranan dakwah Abdul Hay Kurban Ali dan sumbangan beliau di Tokyo, Jepun. Manakala pengkaji menggunakan metode deskriptif dan metode sejarah untuk menganalisis data-data dan sumber-sumber menerusi tema yang ditetapkan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa sumber-sumber menerusi empat tematik yang dikaji oleh pengkaji telah memberikan maklumat yang tersusun dan jelas. Peranan Abdul Hay Kurban Ali terhadap perkembangan Islam di Tokyo, Jepun amat besar jasanya dari aspek dakwah kepada komuniti Jepun, penyatuan persatuan-persatuan komuniti Muslim dan pembinaan institusi pendidikan dan masjid. Kata kunci: Abdul Hay Kurban Ali, Komuniti Muslim, Turki, Islam di Jepun, Masjid

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (Especial 2) ◽  
pp. 27-32
Daniele dos Santos Martins Vieira ◽  
Renata Portela Rinaldi

The didactics is configured as a broad field of investigation and has as object of study the teaching process. It encompasses several actions on pedagogical practice, but also involves the conception of education that the teacher possesses, since to human and integral formation it is necessary to consider the political, social, cultural and economic scenario in which the subjects are inserted. In the light of the above, the objective of this article is to analyze from the productions in the field, specifically the Working Group on Didactics (GT04) of the National Association of Postgraduate and Research in Education (ANPED), which reveal about the role of didactics in teacher training. It is based on the qualitative research, of the bibliographic type; the data collection took place in the ANPED database between 2007-2017 and data analysis was performed from a descriptiveanalytical perspective. The results reveal mainly the research focus in the researched area.

Abdul Latef bin Alhadri ◽  
Muhamad Rozaimi bin Ramle

The introduction of Quranic and Fardhu Ain courses (Kelas Al-Quran dan Fardhu Ain (KAFA) by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) is an effort to produce a generation that is moulded by the teachings of Al-Quran and Al-Sunnah. However, there are specific ḥadīths quoted in the textbook that require further attentive verification. This study seeks to verify the status of the ḥadīth mentioned in the ‘Aqīdah textbook in the eyes of the Ahlussunnah Wal Jama’ah scholars. This is because ‘Aqīda his the most important subject in Islamic studies.This research is a qualitative research which uses data analysis method, where allthe data and information obtained will be analysed using descriptive method. The method of takhrijal-ḥādīth will be applied to verify the status of the ḥadīths. This study reveals that there are six ḥadīths mentioned in the ‘Aqīdah textbook and the status of 3 of them are problematic. The origin of one of these ḥadīths isunknown while two of them are not properly narrated. This study also suggests the establishment of a committee or panel that is comprised of ḥadīth scholars/experts from the local universities in order to makesureall ḥādīths mentioned in the textbooks would adhere to the prescribed standards.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Eleni Vakali ◽  
Alexios Brailas

There is a new area flourishing within qualitative research based on methods using all forms of art: music, theatre, visual arts, and literature. In this paper we present an overview of the basic features of arts-based research; emphasizing on their meaning on education research, on the freedom of expression given to the participants in the research, and on the method the researcher applies to evaluate the collected data. We then present an arts-based research case study where the research questions relate to teachers’ reactions to the use of smartphones by students in the classroom. In this case study, teachers, especially those working on secondary education, are invited to portray their thoughts, emotions, and images that respond to these questions by painting them on a paper using markers. The findings show that the majority of the teachers are negative about the children using their smartphone in the classroom, along with evidence for teachers’ emotional response and how to confront the phenomenon.

2020 ◽  
pp. 30-56
María Aparecida Viggiani Bicudo

Este texto se configura más como un ensayo en relación con un tema, que como un artículo científico académico. En él son tratadas dos cuestiones de fondo relativas a la investigación fenomenológica en educación, destacándose la propia fenomenología, la educación y la investigación. De la fenomenología, se exponen comprensiones acerca de los siguientes asuntos: lo dado, la subjetividad, la intersubjetividad, y la objetividad, que son temas que se entrelazan cuando se busca comprender la educación y la investigación desde el abordaje fenomenológico. Además, también fue explicitado el entendimiento de la educación que subyace en sus procedimientos de pesquisa. Entre éstos se destaca la importancia de la descripción y los posibles modos de registrarla y analizarla.Palabras clave: Fenomenología, Educación, Investigación.Pesquisa fenomenológica em educação: possibilidades e desafiosResumoEste texto se configura mais como um ensaio a respeito do tema, do que como um artigo científico-acadêmico. Trata das questões de fundo que envolvem a pesquisa fenomenológica em educação, destacando a própria fenomenologia, a educação e a pesquisa. Da fenomenologia, expõe compreensões sobre o dado, percepção, subjetividade, intersubjetividade, objetividade temas que se entrelaçam quando se busca compreender educação e pesquisa nessa abordagem. Foi explicitado o entendimento de educação que subjaz os procedimentos de pesquisa. Sobre estes foi destacada a importância da descrição e modos possíveis de registrá-la e de analisá-la.Palavras-chave: Fenomenologia, Educação, Pesquisa.Phenomenological research in education: possibilities and challengesAbstract.This text is configured more as an essay on the theme, than as a scientific-academic article. It deals with important issues involving phenomenological research in education, highlighting phenomenology itself, education and research. From phenomenology, understandings on givenness, perception, subjectivity, intersubjectivity, objectivity are exposed. These are themes that intertwine with those of education and research assumed in this approach. The understanding of education that underlies research procedures was made explicit. Regarding these, the importance of description and possibible ways of recording and analysing it were hightlighted.Key-words: phenomenologuy; education; research.

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