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Published By Revista Tempos E Espacos Em Educacao


2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. e12313
Rosilene das Neves Pereira ◽  
Ricardo Franklin de Freitas Mussi ◽  
Claudio Bispo de Almeida ◽  
Roseanne Montargil Rocha

The present study aimed to describe the access and use of health services by hypertensive individuals living in quilombola communities in Bahia. This is a population-based descriptive investigation, with data obtained through the application of a validated questionnaire for the quilombola population,> 18 years old, of both sexes. Hypertension was determined by self-referral medical diagnosis. And, questions regarding access and use of the system and health were obtained. Blood pressure was measured by 72.7% of participants in the last six months. Hypertension was prevalent in 28.0% of the population, higher in the elderly and in women. The diagnoses occurred at 55.3+14.7 years on average. Among the sick, 55.5% cited consultations to monitor their clinical status, while 49.7% purchased all medicines from public health services. There is a discontinuity of assistance or use of health services, so it seems a misconception the indication of underutilization of services by quilombolas, the problem is the absence and / or barriers to access and accessibility for appropriate use to demand.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 11483
Igor Tairone Ramos dos Santos ◽  
Denise Aparecida Brito Barreto ◽  
Claudia Vivien Carvalho de Oliveira Soares

This article aims to discuss Formative Assessment as a relevant tool for the enhancement of teaching-learning from the perspective of a teacher and 10 (ten) students of a fourth year class of the Integrated Modality of the Federal Institute of Bahia campus Vitória da Conquest. Based on authors such as Perrenoud (1999), Luckesi (2005) and Guerra (2017) we conducted a qualitative exploratory research, with data production based on objective questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. We could perceive through the analysis of the data produced that Formative Assessment enhances teaching-learning and promotes the improvement of teaching practice, generating a collaborative learning environment, through the interaction between teachers and students, even improving the relationship between all involved in the educational process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. e12506
Mohammadbagher Forghani ozrudi ◽  
Aliakbar Raeispour ◽  
Reza Raeispour

Now day’s education is very important & more changes cause more attention to the training. These days training is the one of human body’s unavoidable needs. Training & increasing skills is a good way to encounter with the problems of today’s complex & changeable world. Education & especially training that train the new generation is the former need of a civilized society. The purpose of this research was Investigate the situation using information technology in elementary PE teachers of Babol city. The research type was descriptive, applicative and natural dispositional that was done by the field way. Statistical society included all the male & female employed elementary school’s PE teachers of Babol city. Statistical sample included 85 teachers that answered the questionnaire. The measuring tools were the Kalateahani (2009) (α=0.79). The used statistical way included the t-test & Pierson correlation coefficient. The research’s founding’s showed the teacher’s attitude about the IT was positive & there is a meaning relation among the skill, quantity of useag of them. About the use of IT & also there is not a meaningful difference among teacher’s attitudes about the use of IT in research & education task & quantity of need to education of them in difference sexuality & there is a meaningful difference among the skill & quantity of use of IT in research & education tasks in different education degrees.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. e13060
Germinio José da Silva Junior ◽  
Denise Aparecida Brito Barreto

This paper want to discuss and to present reflections on human formation, on the matter of identity and difference, in a school curriculum that seeks not only professional training for the capitalist labor market, but also the socialization and subjectivation of the individual. This is a bibliographical study, a dialogue with the concepts of Cestari (2014), Severino (2006), Biesta (2012) and Silva, (2001; 2014). The provocations established in this work are not intended to elicit ready-made solutions, but rather to point out reflections on the educational objectives regarding the formation of the being, permeated by identity and difference. What is proposed in this space is to provoke cogitations that enable everyone involved in education to think and rethink their actions and practices at educational matter.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. e11890
Rayssa Pereira Bemvenuto ◽  
Fabio Oliveira de Carvalho ◽  
Elenilton Correia de Souza

Introdução: as disfunções sexuais masculinas são alterações no funcionamento do sistema genital masculino, ocasionando déficits funcionais. Entre as disfunções mais comuns, estão: a disfunção erétil (DE), que é definida como uma incompetência persistente de dar início e manter uma ereção satisfatória, a qual permita ter um desempenho sexual suficiente; e a ejaculação precoce (EP), que é detalhada como a dificuldade de reter a ejaculação, e/ou mantê-la por mais de um minuto durante a penetração ou diante de outra forma de estimulação sexual. Em detrimento aos problemas de disfunções sexuais, os homens têm buscado alternativas para amenizar os sintomas, fazendo uso de drogas lícitas e ilícitas, acarretando prejuízos à saúde, levando a um quadro de drogadição, toxicodependência e até ao óbito. Pensando nessa perspectiva, a atuação da fisioterapia frente a essas disfunções se faz extremamente necessária a fim de reestabelecer o quadro funcional dos homens de forma segura e eficiente, priorizando um atendimento não medicamentoso e convencional. Objetivo: desse artigo é compreender a atuação fisioterapêutica nas disfunções sexuais masculinas. Método: Nesse trabalho, é uma revisão integrativa em que se aplicaram os Descritores em Ciências da Saúde (DeCS), tais como: “sexual dysfunction”, “men”, “physical therapy”, limitando-se aos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol, aos estudos com seres humanos, aos temas em conformidade a esse trabalho e aos textos na íntegra, com restrições temporais de 2010 a 2020, para os artigos, e tendo suas consultas realizadas nas bases de dados: Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO, 2 artigos), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (Medline, 307 artigos/PubMed, 243 artigos), Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS, 7 artigos), Biblioteca Virtual em Ciências da Saúde (BVS, 320 artigos). Resultados: Se mostraram positivos e eficientes, pois, a atuação da fisioterapia frente a essas disfunções apresenta efeitos promissores no reestabelecimento do quadro funcional desses pacientes. Discussão: O uso da cinesioterapia, eletroterapia, vacuoterapia e terapias por ondas de choque de baixa intensidade têm se mostrado eficazes na melhora da ejaculação precoce e disfunção erétil. Conclusão: É notório observar que a atuação da fisioterapia na saúde pélvica é eficiente e eficaz, pois, através de anamnese, exame físico, testes e escalas funcionais, avaliará o paciente de forma individual e empática, a fim de utilizar os recursos próprios e indicados para cada paciente, visando fortalecer os músculos do assoalho pélvico e melhorar o fluxo peniano, aprimorando o desempenho sexual satisfatório e devolvendo qualidade de vida, autoestima e saúde biopsicossocial para os pacientes e a família. Palavras-chave: Disfunções sexuais; Fisioterapia; Homem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. e11992
Samuel Santos dos Reis ◽  
Elenilton Correia de Souza ◽  
Fábio Luiz Oliveira de Carvalho

A fraqueza muscular adquirida (FMA) é descrita por fraqueza muscular extrema, comumente apresenta-se bilateral e simétrica e sem distúrbio neuromuscular prévio. Essa condição é perceptível em pacientes que permanecem nos leitos hospitalares por longos períodos de imobilismo, resultando em declínios funcionais. Objetivo: Compreender os fatores que geram o quadro de fraqueza muscular adquirida na unidade de terapia intensiva, bem como, verificar a aplicabilidade dos recursos terapêuticos na prevenção e recuperação da capacidade funcional dos indivíduos internados em unidade de terapia intensiva. Métodos: O trabalho consiste em uma revisão integrativa de literatura, realizada entre os meses de agosto e novembro de 2020, realizou-se uma vasta pesquisa nas principais bases de dados em saúde, almejando a temática aqui a argumentar. As bases de dados utilizadas foram: PUBMED, Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) e Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS). Sendo considerados os idiomas português e inglês, com limitadores de publicação no período entre 2015 e 2020, em todos os períodicos. Resultados: Foram observados os seguintes efeitos da fisioterapia: melhora da força muscular, do condicionamento cardiorrespiratório e habilidades para deambular; a eletroestimulação neuromuscular apresentou efeitos sistêmicos. Além disso, nota-se que a vibração do corpo inteiro tem caráter preventivo. Diversos autores concordam com esses achados. Conclusão: Houve concordância, entre os autores, no que se refere aos efeitos positivos da mobilização precoce, da eletroestimulação neuromuscular, fisioterapia motora e respiratória.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. e12326
Antoniclebio Cavalcante Eça ◽  
Claudio Pinto Nunes

This work consists of analyzing and discussing some aspects that are implicit in the Common Base National Curriculum - BNCC, which was approved by the National Education Council and approved by the MEC, initially in the year 2017 with early childhood education and, later, in 2018, high school. Based on a bibliographic and documentary research, it was possible to identify that the BNCC, when approved and ratified on different dates when related to the teaching stages, members of basic education, demonstrated to have a certain fragmentation, opposing the critical conception of rights, objectives of learning and development, as provided for by law. It is concluded, therefore, that the implications implicit in this official document, dated and published in the context of a political-ideological, economic and social crisis, consequently have been unfolding and strengthening the precariousness and the dismantling of Brazilian education, requiring a wide opening of debates and discussions for new possibilities of changes in the structure and current conjuncture of the country.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. e12740
Stanley U. Nnorom ◽  
Vivian Ngozi Nwogbo ◽  
Obinna Nonso Anachuna

The seeming decline in the quality of teachers in Nigeria necessitated this study. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. Four research questions guided the study while three hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The population of the study comprised 323 respondents made up of 240 final students and 83 lecturers in the seven Departments of the faculty of Education Imo State University, Owerri. The entire population was used for the study. A researcher developed questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. The instrument was validated by three experts. The Cronbach’s alpha method was used to determine the internal consistency of the items and it yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.74. The researchers with the help of four research assistants distributed and successfully collected 298 copies of the questionnaire administered. The research questions were answered using the mean, while the hypotheses were tested using z-test at 0.05 level of significance. It was found among others that pre-observational techniques were used to a very low extent t in Imo state university Owerri for teaching practice supervision. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that conference, workshops and seminars should be organized for lecturers at Imo State University where various techniques of clinical supervision will be exposed to them towards ensuring qualitative teaching practice supervision.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. e12739
Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin

The study aims to know the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, educational attainment, and monthly family average income of parents and to identify how the support is extended by the parents on their special need children toward their studies along the area of becoming a strong advocate, getting acquainted with school regulation, learning to access additional services, developing relationship with children module tutors, and future of special need children. The descriptive quantitative research design is employed in the study. The subjects of the study are the parents of the special needs children who are enrolled in the different Higher Education Institutions (HEI) both in private and government entities in the GCC country. Twenty (20) parents are topped in the utilization of the study. A non-probability sampling technique is utilized in the study which is purposive sampling because it is appropriate in the development of the study. The results show that there is no significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and how support is extended by the parents of the special need children toward their studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. e12741
Brighton Kumatongo ◽  
Kenneth Kapalu Muzata

The level of education attained by students is dependent on their ability to understand learnt concepts and demonstrate their acquired knowledge and skills in problem solving as well as their performance academically. This study sought to investigate the perceptions of lecturers on academic performance of student teachers with hearing impairments. A descriptive case study was used as research design. The study sample included three (3) Lecturers and four (4) student teachers with hearing impairments making the total of seven (7) participants who were purposively sampled. Data was generated using interviews and analysed qualitatively using thematic analysis techniques based on emerging themes from the study. The study revealed that lecturers perceived student teachers with hearing impairments as average and below-average performers academically. The study further revealed that student teachers with hearing impairments had mixed feelings towards their academic performance and perceived their academic performance as being influenced by their inability to understand concepts as well as lecturers’ inability to handle them appropriately. The study recommended the need by educators of students with hearing impairments to have positive perception towards students in order to instill self-positive regard in students. The study further recommended need for lecturers to adapt tests and examinations items in order to accommodate deaf student teachers.

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