The role of the trade unions in fostering safety culture

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 330
Marco De Giuli
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-46
Maarten Keune

In the context of rising inequality between capital and labour and among wage-earners in Europe, this state-of-the-art article reviews the literature concerning the relationship between collective bargaining and inequality. It focuses on two main questions: (i) what is the relationship between collective bargaining, union bargaining power and inequality between capital and labour? and (ii) what is the relationship between collective bargaining, union bargaining power and wage inequality among wage-earners? Both questions are discussed in general terms and for single- and multi-employer bargaining systems. It is argued that collective bargaining coverage and union density are negatively related to both types of inequality. These relationships are however qualified by four additional factors: who unions represent, the weight of union objectives other than wages, the statutory minimum wage, and extensions of collective agreements by governments.

Richard Whiting

In assessing the relationship between trade unions and British politics, this chapter has two focuses. First, it examines the role of trade unions as significant intermediate associations within the political system. They have been significant as the means for the development of citizenship and involvement in society, as well as a restraint upon the power of the state. Their power has also raised questions about the relationship between the role of associations and the freedom of the individual. Second, the chapter considers critical moments when the trade unions challenged the authority of governments, especially in the periods 1918–26 and 1979–85. Both of these lines of inquiry underline the importance of conservatism in the achievement of stability in modern Britain.

1997 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-43 ◽  
Seoghun Woo

This paper argues that the future direction for the development of Korean industrial relations will evolve through direct interaction between employers and trade unions (either conflictual or cooperative). The government is likely to play a less interventionist role in industrial relations, compared with the past, and to adopt the role of mediator between unions and employers. Characteristics of Korean industrial relations during the pre- 1987 period is firstly examined; four major factors are used to explain the industrial relations practice during this time. Changes after 1987 are also considered. Special consideration is given to interaction between the environment and the three major industrial relations participants, and the interactions between them. Both macro and micro aspects of industrial relations are examined. The special Presidential Address (26/04/1996), known as New Conception of Industrial Relations, is also analysed in terms of its implications for future industrial relations issues in Korea.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-215 ◽  
Maria da Paz Campos Lima ◽  
Antonio Martín Artiles

Taking into consideration the debate on the role of social movements and of trade unions in organising social protests, in the light of contentious and conventional politics, this article examines participation in demonstrations in Europe and the political attitudes of the participants. The article uses data from the European Social Survey to examine the differences and similarities between European countries in respect of mobilisation levels over the past decade, arguing that distrust and dissatisfaction with political institutions might be a necessary condition but not a sufficient one to justify resorting to contentious politics. The article reveals the contrasts between the levels of mobilisation in southern European countries (Portugal and Spain) and Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries (Hungary and Poland) and examines the patterns and (re)configuration of the profile of the protestors in the 2002–2014 period.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-19
Widiastuti Widiastuti ◽  
Mohammad Mulyadi

This study aims to determine and analyze the magnitude of the influence of the development of leadership quality, coordination and training and education on improving safety culture. Based on the results of research using partial and multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS version 24 shows that: partially shows that the role of leadership has a positive and significant influence of 26.4% on safety culture. The second independent variable is coordination which has a positive and significant effect of 74.4% on safety culture. Partially the third independent variable of education and training also has a positive and significant effect of 20.5% on the quality of safety culture. Furthermore, the independent variables of the Role of Leadership, coordination, training and education are tested simultaneously or together using the F Test and prove to have an influence with three positive independent variables and all three are significant to the Improvement of Safety Culture with the magnitude of influence can be seen from the coefficient of determination (R2) is 74.9%

1970 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Linda Dickens

This article takes as its focus the labour legislation of the Conservative governments in Britain under Mrs. Thatcher since 1979. It locates the legislation in its broader context and examines three main prongs of what is seen as a legislative attack on the trade unions: the move away from collective industrial relations; the restricted terrain for lawful industrial action; and legal intervention in internal union affairs. The immediate impact, use of and response to this legislation is discussed and a broader question raised concerning whether, as well as having to adjust to the new legal framework, British trade unions are reappraising their attitude to the role of law in industrial relations more generally.

Nuraida Nuraida ◽  
Deddy As Shidik

Penelitian ini membahas mengenai Pembinaan dan Perlindungan ketenagakerjaan di Kabupaten Subang. Bidang Pembinaan dan Perlindungan Tenaga kerja pada Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Subang memiliki tanggung jawab dalam pembinaan kerja para serikat kerja melalui peningkatkan komunikasi maupun mediasi dengan Perusahaan. Maraknya permasalahan upah tenaga kerja yang tidak sesuai dan perlakuan perusahaan terhadap para pegawai yang tidak sesuai membuat Dinas Ketenagakerjaan khusunya Bidang Pembinaan dan Perlindungan Tenaga kerja mengambil alih peranan sebagai katalisator komunikasi Antara perusahaan dan para pegawai yang menyampaikan aspirasi dan keluhan mengenai permaslahan ketenagakerjaan. Hasil Penelitian yang didapat bahwa Kinerja Bidang Pembinaan dan Perlindungan Tenaga kerja pada Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Subang dinilai belum optimal dikarenakan dimensi akuntanbilitas dan dimensi responsivitas belum optimal dalam pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggungjawabnya, namun dalam dimensi kualitas pelayanan peran para pegawai sudah optimal dalam pemberian layanan, selanjutnya dalam dimensi produktivitas telah optimal hal ini terlihat dari sikap pegawai, kemampuan pegawai dan semangat pegawai yang tinggi serta dalam dimensi responsibilitas dapat dilihat dari pelaksanaan kegiatan organisasi sudah sesuai dengan prosedur dan mekanisme yang ditetapkan.   Employment Development and Protection has many dimensions and links. The Division of Manpower Development and Protection at the Subang Regency Manpower and Transmigration Office carries out the work of the trade unions through enhanced communication and mediation. The rise of labor wage problems that are not appropriate and the company's treatment of inappropriate employees makes the Department of Labor especially in the Field of Manpower Development and Protection take over the role as a catalyst for communication between companies and employees who submit aspirations and complaints about labor problems. Based on the research, it is known that the Performance of the Field of Guidance and Workforce Protection at the Subang District Manpower and Transmigration Office is optimal, this is because only the accountability and responsiveness dimensions have not been optimal in carrying out their duties and responsibilities, but in the service quality dimension the role of the employees is optimal in service delivery, then in the optimal productivity dimension it can be seen from employee attitudes, employee capability and high employee morale and in the dimension of responsibility can be seen from the implementation of organizational activities in accordance with established procedures and mechanisms.

Khrystyna Romanivna Martsikhiv ◽  
Liliia Yevgenivna Horbachova

The concept of «civil society» in modern political science is given. The relevance of its theoretical and practical aspects which is caused by the obvious increase the role of ordinary citizens and their voluntary associations in all spheres of human society: economic, political, social, spiritual, is analyzed. The successes of public organizations and movements of people of good will in the field of detente of international tensions, in providing assistance to peoples affected by natural disasters, catastrophes and other social unrest are widely known. It was established that the basis of victories is the development of civil society, high activity of citizens and their voluntary associations. This is achievable only in a sufficiently developed civil society. It has been proved that success comes where the business activity of citizens and the non-governmental structures they create increases, state intervention in economic, social and spiritual life is limited, where civil society develops and improves. The theoretical and applied aspects of the phenomenon of civil society are comprehended through a theoretical analysis of the concept of civil society in the history of socio-philosophical and political thought, from Plato and Aristotle to the views of modern researchers. It is emphasized that civil society is a type of social system, the hallmark of which is the real multi-subjectivity of economic, social, cultural and political life. The formation and development of civil society in Ukraine during the years of independence is analyzed. It is proved that the formation of civil society is manifested in the formation of its institutions - voluntary public associations, public movements, trade unions, independent media, public opinion as a social institution, elections and referendums as a means of public expression and protection of public-dependent interests. judicial and law enforcement systems, etc. The peculiarities of the interaction of civil society and the rights` state are substantiated.

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