Filippov solutions of vector Dirichlet problems

2020 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 401-416
Hana Machů

Abstract If in the right-hand sides of given differential equations occur discontinuities in the state variables, then the natural notion of a solution is the one in the sense of Filippov. In our paper, we will consider this type of solutions for vector Dirichlet problems. The obtained theorems deal with the existence and localization of Filippov solutions, under effective growth restrictions. Two illustrative examples are supplied.

Südosteuropa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 67 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-195
Petru Negură

Abstract The Centre for the Homeless in Chișinău embodies on a small scale the recent evolution of state policies towards the homeless in Moldova (a post-Soviet state). This institution applies the binary approach of the state, namely the ‘left hand’ and the ‘right hand’, towards marginalised people. On the one hand, the institution provides accommodation, food, and primary social, legal assistance and medical care. On the other hand, the Shelter personnel impose a series of disciplinary constraints over the users. The Shelter also operates a differentiation of the users according to two categories: the ‘recoverable’ and those deemed ‘irrecoverable’ (persons with severe disabilities, people with addictions). The personnel representing the ‘left hand’ (or ‘soft-line’) regularly negotiate with the employees representing the ‘right hand’ (‘hard-line’) of the institution to promote a milder and a more humanistic approach towards the users. This article relies on multi-method research including descriptive statistical analysis with biographical records of 810 subjects, a thematic analysis of in-depth interviews with homeless people (N = 65), people at risk of homelessness (N = 5), professionals (N = 20) and one ethnography of the Shelter.

2021 ◽  
pp. 310-312

This chapter examines Hanna Yablonka's Children by the Book, Biography of a Generation: The First Native Israelis Born 1948–1955 (2018). This book is unique in that it is neither politically committed to nationalist political slogans that are thrown daily into the arena of Israeli politics in the days of Netanyahu nor connected to the one-dimensional, sweeping condemnation of critics of the Israeli enterprise on the Right and Left. Instead, it suggests to set aside, even if only for a moment, what Yablonka calls “the current Israeli discourse, which furiously shatters everything that has happened in the state since it was established, brutally erasing all the achievements of Little Israel.” Yabonka is guided by Karl Mannheim's concept of a “historical generation”: a group in which there is a shared historical consciousness derived from historical experience. She shows how the state educational system fashioned the image of the new Israeli, endowing children with a local, native identity and imbuing them with the consciousness of belonging both to the people and to the land.

Grotiana ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 396-415 ◽  
Gustaaf van Nifterik

AbstractAn important aspect of any constitutional theory is the state's power to punish transgressions of the law, or the ius gladii. Although Grotius never formulated a complete, comprehensive constitutional theory, traces of such a theory can be found in many of his writings not explicitly devoted to constitutional law. Punishment even plays an important role in his books on war (and peace), since to punish transgressions of the law is ranked among the just causes of war.Given the fact that a state may punish transgressions of the law – transgressions by individuals within and even outside the state, but also transgressions of the law by other states – the question may arise concerning the origin of such a right to punish. It will be shown that Grotius did not give the same answer to this question in his various works. As the right to punish is concerned, we find a theory that seems to be akin to the one of John Locke in the De iure praedae (around 1605), one akin to the theories of the Spanish late-scholastics in De satisfactione and De imperio (around 1615), and a theory coming close to what Thomas Hobbes had said on the ruler's right to punish in the De iure belli ac pacis (around 1625).Of course, Grotius can only have been familiar with the theory of the Spanish late-scholastics, since those of Locke and Hobbes were still to be written by the time Grotius had passed away.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2011 ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
Ezzat G. Bakhoum ◽  
Cristian Toma

This study presents specific aspects of dynamics generated by the coherence function (acting in an integral manner). It is considered that an oscillating system starting to work from initial nonzero conditions is commanded by the coherence function between the output of the system and an alternating function of a certain frequency. For different initial conditions, the evolution of the system is analyzed. The equivalence between integrodifferential equations and integral equations implying the same number of state variables is investigated; it is shown that integro-differential equations of second order are far more restrictive regarding the initial conditions for the state variables. Then, the analysis is extended to equations of evolution where the coherence function is acting under the form of a multiple integral. It is shown that for the coherence function represented under the form of annth integral, some specific aspects as multiscale behaviour suitable for modelling transitions in complex systems (e.g., quantum physics) could be noticed whennequals 4, 5, or 6.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 79-85
Aramis Viktorovich Tishchenko ◽  
Anatoly Mikhailovich Kulabukhov ◽  
Victor Alexandrovich Masalskiy

The article presents the synthesis of a functional diagram of an adaptive automatic control system (ACS) for controlling an aircraft with an automatically reconfigurable multidimensional PI controller, which provides the minimum static and minimum mean square error of control with minimal energy consumption for the formation of the control exposure. The synthesis of ACS algorithms is performed as a result of solving the problem of conditionally minimizing the quadratic functional of the generalized work (taking into account restrictions on state variables and control actions given by differential equations of the control object (CO) and inequalities). The mathematical description of the multidimensional CO is carried out using the CO model in the state space, which automatically takes into account the mutual influence of individual control loops on each other. As the state variables of the aircraft, linear displacements, speeds and accelerations of the center of mass of the aircraft, and angular displacements, speeds and accelerations of the rotational movement of the aircraft relative to the center of mass are used. The matrix equation of dynamics of the aircraft is formed by a system of nonlinear differential equations of the first order of forces and moments of forces acting on the aircraft. To ensure the minimum static control error, integrators are included in the ACS (for each control action). The algorithm for the formation of control actions of the extended CO, providing the declared properties of the ACS, is obtained as a result of solving the problem of conditional minimization of the generalized work functional. The task of conditional minimization of a functional with constraints is performed by the maximum principle. The resulting two-point boundary value problem is transformed by the invariant immersion method into a Cauchy problem for optimal values of state variables. The evaluation of the characteristics of a specific adaptive ACS for the spacecraft is expected to be obtained as a result of further research by mathematical modeling.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 647-663
Vasily K. Pinkevich

The purpose of the article is to trace the connection between the change in the religious policy of the state and the anti-clerical protests of the 2016-2020s. Statements against Church restitution and the construction of churches have caused extensive discussion, which has given rise to a number of contradictory, sometimes mutually exclusive interpretations. According to the author, the reason for these protests was not private reasons, but deeper reasons related to the religious policy of the state. The author pays special attention to changes in religious legislation, which led to increased control over the private life of citizens and infringement of the right to freedom of ideological choice. The article points out that the religious issue has divided Russian society: the ruling class on the one hand, and a significant part of citizens on the other, have become increasingly different in understanding the place and role of religion in the life of the country. According to the author, the protests in Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, and Moscow were special cases of numerous manifestations of politicization of society and growing dissatisfaction with the state of state-confessional relations in modern Russia. The author concludes that the degree of conflict, the high level of solidarity actions, a diverse and resonant series of events, as well as the level of ideological discussion allow us to classify these events as political and plebiscite.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-50
Nadirsah Hawari ◽  
Rachma Octariani ◽  
Eva Rosalia ◽  
Sinta Arifka ◽  
Asep Candra

Abstract According to Islamic Shari'a, holding a public office is not a right for an individual, but an obligation for the State. Therefore, the government, both the regional head and all its officials, must select the most suitable and most suitable person for every government job. It should not be made of nepotism by looking at kinship, friendship, or faction from any relationship with the eligibility of someone to hold a position .The existing rulers should appoint officials from the best people (al-ashlah), the Prophet said which means "whoever holds a Muslim's business (meaning being a ruler) then he appoints someone to be an official even though he knows there are more people good for (benefit) of the Muslims, then really he has betrayed Allah and His Messenger "(Ibn Taimiyah). If the head of state or other officials do not find the right person for a certain position, in this situation they must choose the person who is more representative. Representative here means the person who is the most appropriate from the one for each government position. And also in this selection process, the head of state and other officials must know about the standards of eligibility al-quwwah (strength) and al-amanah (trust). Al-Quwwah is the ability and feasibility of a job assignment. Whereas trusteeship is a behavior that focuses on the management process regarding the position or function of a position that is in accordance with Islamic Shari'a with the intention of only devoting to Allah and not based on fear of humans and expecting their self-interest. nominating yourself is required to convey the vision and mission and the state program that will be implemented. In this case, the community or community is very necessary to obtain information on the candidate pairs who nominate themselves, and the campaign that can be used as a means of communicating politics and public education. The leaders, servants of the State, civil servants or the military, judges and so on, are essentially representations of the voices of the people they lead. The leaders are no more than public servants who must devote and dedicate their leadership to the benefit of the people. The leaders are only representatives of the fulfillment of the rights of the people, so that they are obliged to run the government properly.    Abstrak Menurut syariat islam, memegang suatu jabatan-jabatan umum bukanlah hak  bagi individu, melainkan kewajiban atasnya bagi Negara. Oleh sebab itu, pemerintah baik kepala daerah dan seluruh pejabatnya harus menyeleksi orang yang paling cocok dan paling layak bagi setiap pekerjaan pemerintahan.Tidak boleh beerbuat nepotisme dengan memandang kekerabatan, persahabatan, atau golongan dari manapun yang tidak ada hubunngannya dengan kelayakan seseorang untuk memegang suatu jabatan.Para penguasa yang telah ada hendaknya mengangkat para pejabat dari orang orang terbaik (al-ashlah), Nabi bersabda yang artinya“barang siapa memegang suatu urusan kaum muslimin (maksudnya menjadi penguasa) kemudian ia mengangkat seseorang menjadi pejabat padahal ia mengetahui ada orang yang lebih baik bagi (kemaslahatan) kaum muslimin, maka sungguh ia telah mengkhianati Allah dan Rasul-Nya” (Ibnu Taimiyah).Apabila kepala Negara atau para pejabat lainnya tidak menemukan orang yang tepat untuk suatu jabatan tertentu, dalam keadaan ini mereka harus memilih orang yang lebih representative. Representative disini memiliki arti yakni orang yang paling tepat dari yang ada untuk setiap jabatan pemerintahan. Dan juga dalam proses penyeleksian ini, kepala Negara dan pejabat lainnya harus mengetahui tentang standar kelayakan  al-quwwah (kekuatan) dan al-amanah (kepercayaan).Al-Quwwah ialah kemampuan dan kelayakan suatu tugas jabatan. Sedangkan amanah, merupakan perilaku yang dititik beratkan pada proses  pengelolaan perihal jabatan atau fungsi dari suatu jabatan yang sesuai dengan syariat islam dengan niat hanya bertaqwa kepada Allah dan bukan berdasar pada ketakutan kepada manusia dan mengharap pamrih dari mereka.Didalam pelaksanaan kampanye, pasangan calon kandidat yang mencalonkan diri diharuskan untuk menyampaikan visi dan misi serta program kenegaraan yang akan dijalankan. Dalam hal ini, umat atau khalayak masyarakat sangat perlu untuk memperoleh informasi atas pasangan calon kandidat yang mencalonkan diri tersebut, dan kampanyelah yang dapat dijadikan sebagai sarana berkomunikasi politik dan pendidikan masyarakat. Para pemimpin, abdi Negara, pegawai sipil atau militer, hakim dan lain sebagainya, pada hakikatnya merupakan representasi suara rakyat yang mereka pimpin. Para pemimpin tidaklah lebih dari pelayan masyarakat yang harus mengabdikan dan mendedikasikan kepemimpinannya untuk kemaslahatan rakyat. Para pemimpin hanyalah wakil akan pemenuh hak hak umat, sehingga mereka wajib menjalankan roda pemerintahan dengan baik.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-45
I Nyoman Budiana

Article 28E paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution states "Every person shall be free to choose and to practice the religion of his/her choice, to choose one’s education, to choose one’s employment, to choose one’s citizenship, and to choose one’s place of residence within the state territory, to leave it and to subsequently return to it.” In paragraph (2), everyone has the right to the freedom to believe in his/her beliefs, to express his/her views and thoughts, according to his/her conscience. The constitutional guarantees for believers can also be seen in Article 29 of the 1945 Constitution stating that the state shall be based upon the One and Only God and the State guarantees all persons the freedom of worship, each according to his/her own religion or belief. The Constitutional Court affirms that the right to adhere to a religion or belief in God Almighty is a citizen's constitutional right, not a gift from the state. Therefore, the state is obliged to protect and guarantee the fulfillment of the rights of it’s the citizens to embrace a belief other than the six religions developed in Indonesia. However, in practice the dissolution of beliefs is actually carried out by community organizations. In this study, two things will be discussed namely: 1) What is the legal position of adherents of belief in the national legal system? 2) Do community organizations have the authority to dissolve religious beliefs? This research is normative juridical research, in which the problems in this research are analyzed qualitatively.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 60 ◽  
Matti Harjula ◽  
Jarmo Malinen ◽  
Antti Rasila

The question model of STACK provides an easy way for building automatically assessable questions with mathematical content, but it requires that the questions and their assessment logic depend only on the current input, given by the student at a single instant. However, the present STACK question model already has just the right form to be extended with state variables that would remove this limitation. In this article, we report our recent work on the state-variable extension for STACK, and we also discuss combining the use of state variables with our previous work on conditional output processing. As an outcome, we propose an expansion to the STACK question model, allowing the questions to act as state machines instead of pure functions of a single input event from the studentWe present a model question using the state variable extension of STACK that demonstrates some of the new possibilities that open up for the question author. This question is based on a finite state machine in its assessment logic, and it demonstrates aspects of strategic planning to solve problems of recursive nature. The model question also demonstrates how the state machine can interpret the solution path taken by the student, so as to dynamically modify the question behaviour and progress by, e.g., asking additional questions relevant to the path. We further explore the future possibilities from the point of view of learning strategic competencies in mathematics (Kilpatrick et al., 2001; Rasila et al., 2015).

2012 ◽  
Vol 61 (3) ◽  
pp. 337-345
Andrzej Jąderko ◽  
Jędrzej Pietryka

Convergence of the identification algorithm applied to the mutual inductance of the induction motor A new observer of induction motor state variables is proposed in the paper. A nonlinearity of the main magnetic path is expressed as a function of a properly chosen parameter versus the position vector length. The value of the mutual inductance received in the identification algorithm is calculated exploiting the estimated values of the state variables. The coefficients appearing in the differential equations of the observer system are modified in each step of the algorithm on the basis of the calculated mutual inductance. The analysis of convergence of the identification algorithm is shown in this paper.

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