scholarly journals A’ingae (Cofán/Kofán) Operators

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 328-355
Kees Hengeveld ◽  
Rafael Fischer

Abstract The aim of this paper is to show how the TAME system of A'ingae, a language isolate spoken in Colombia and Ecuador, can be captured within the theoretical framework of Functional Discourse Grammar. An important prediction in this theory is that the surface order of TAME expressions reflects the scope relations between them in their underlying representation. An initial analysis reveals that, with three exceptions, the A'ingae TAME system confirms this prediction. Closer inspection of the three exceptions, which concern basic illocution, evidentiality, and quantificational aspect, then reveals that on the one hand, the theoretical model has to be adapted, while on the other hand some of the A'ingae facts allow for an alternative interpretation.

After having briefly but exhaustively recalled the main lines of Freudian psychoanalytic thought, we have discussed a possible psychoanalytic theoretical model for human symbolic function mainly centred on the action of a set of primary psychic mechanisms rejoined around the negative, in its widest sense according to the works of André Green. A chief aspect of this pattern has turned out to be an underlying, irreducible dialecticity that reflects on the one hand, the typical feature of human symbolic function, and, on the other hand, the main outcome of the unavoidable presence of a basic dichotomy formalized the so-called phallic logic, that is, that primordial, ancestral and irreducible logical nucleus inevitably present in the deepest meanders of human psyche as an inborn structure phylogenetically preformed and ontogenetically re-established during the psychic evolution of any human being.

Pau Conde Arroyo

Este artículo trata de problematizar la definición taxonómica de Testo yonqui desde una óptica literaria que atiende a su faceta narrativa para dilucidar los cauces por los que se manifiesta en tanto que ensayo queer. Dicha problematización es abordada desde dos lugares: por un lado, desde la propia obra, atendiendo a las autodefiniciones presentes en el texto, que son examinadas a partir del marco teórico de la autobiografía; y, por otro lado, desde la recepción crítica de Testo yonqui. En último lugar, a la luz de lo anterior, se exponen una serie de tensiones relativas a la relación entre narración, referente y representación en la propuesta experimental del principio autocobaya.   This article aims to question the taxonomical definition of Testo Junkie from a literary perspective that considers its narrative aspect in order to elucidate the ways in which it can be regarded as a queer essay. Such questioning is approached from two angles: on the one hand, from the work itself, examining the self-definitions found in the text, which are studied on the basis of the theoretical framework of autobiography; and, on the other hand, from Testo Junkie’s critic reception. Lastly, the principle of the auto-guinea pig is also explored, in reference to the series of tensions arising from the relationship between narration, referent and representation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (31) ◽  
pp. 222
Younes El Bakirdi ◽  
Said Radi

By mobilizing the theoretical framework of the specificity of SMEs, this work tries, through the observation of accounting practices, to answer the question of the relevance (production and use) of the accounting data for the managers of Moroccan SMEs. Indeed, through semi-structured individual interviews with SME managers, accounting and financial directors of SMEs and accountants, it is about to describe the different accounting practices of SMEs on the one hand, and to highlight potential determinants that may explain the differentiation of these practices on the other hand.

2020 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Olaf Hoffjann ◽  
Karina Hoffstedde ◽  
Franziska Jaworek

PurposeAlthough the market for communication consultancies has been booming worldwide for many years now, there are still only a handful of theoretical concepts and empirical findings pertaining to communication consulting. This is the fundamental starting point for this paper, which sets out to answer the following research questions: What is the function of communication consulting? What are the differences between consultants' expectations of consulting and those of clients? How do consultants and clients deal with the contradiction between proximity and distance? What are the potential threats to the autonomy of consulting?Design/methodology/approachThe paper combines a theoretical framework of communication consulting with a survey of German communication consultants and clients.FindingsFirst, a theoretical framework is developed in which communication consulting is defined as follows: First, it opens up decision-related contingency and thus produces additional options for managing communicative relationships with internal and external target groups, before helping to close decision-related contingency. The results of the survey show that the expectations of clients and consultants for communication consulting are largely similar. In the closing dimension especially, most clients share the active role of self-conception of most consultants. On the other hand, in some opening activities, clients wish for more critical, independent and courageous consulting.Research limitations/implicationsThe scope of the empirical material is limited to communication consultants and clients in Germany and may therefore not be valid in other cultural contexts.Originality/valueThe paper closes a gap in both theory building and empirical research in communication consulting. The theory presented conceives of communication consulting as a hybrid of management consulting and process consulting and, in addition to the opening dimension, also takes the closing dimension of consulting into consideration for the first time. The study reveals a certain schizophrenia in clients: on the one hand, clients demand more critical consultants and thus call for more distance; on the other hand, clients prefer to be close to their consultants, particularly if they wish to work with them for the long-term.

2002 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 257-267 ◽  
Mohammed Farghal

Abstract The present paper aims to shed light on the notion of managing in the process of translating. It firmly distinguishes between two types of managing: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic managing. Intrinsic managing, on the one hand, is entailed by the numerous asymmetries existing between the SL and TL, thus aiming to bring about natural naturalations. Extrinsic managing, on the other hand, is the translator's ideological superimposition on the SL text, thus steering it in a way as to meet his own goals. It is demonstrated that these two types of managing may operate at different levels in the process of translating, viz, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, textual and cultural levels. The paper argues that intrinsic managing is inevitable, hence is commendable; whereas, extrinsic managing constitutes the translator's premeditated intervention in the message of the SL text, hence is condemnable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 07 (01) ◽  
Zargane Kawtar ◽  

The objective of this work is twofold, on the one hand, it concerns the definition of the basic concepts of our theoretical framework which touches the adaptive e-learning, the pedagogical scenario, and collaborative/cooperative learning. On the other hand, it concerns the proposal of a work methodology to lead to the design and realization of educational scenarios based on collaboration for adaptive online training.

2019 ◽  
pp. 64-90 ◽  
Mario Bruzzone

Michel Foucault’s Punitive Society lectures make clear that, for him, punishment presents a critical problem. On the one hand, Foucault struggles to develop a conceptual vocabulary adequate to punishment, and particularly to the prison-form as a penal development. On the other hand, the Punitive Society lectures clearly indicate the stakes of punishment. How, Foucault asks, might punishment focalize relations of power? How might it serve as a field of struggle? What does a punitive technology of power look like, if it exists? Indeed, across numerous works from the 1970s and 1980s, Foucault traces the varying place of penalties within penal and punitive tactics, showing how punishment reciprocates historical relations of power and problems of power. Yet it remains necessary to develop Foucault’s account of punishment, which is never formalized. In this paper, I develop punishment as a polyvalent technology. Foucauldian punishment may be an analytic, a technology, and—in the allegorical “punitive city” from Discipline and Punish—a diagram of power. I argue that Foucauldian punitive power seizes the body in the name of an authority or a reified power to subordinate individuals to that authority, and with an objective to correct the individual’s relation to a multiplicity. It operates “above,” at the level of, and in “fragments” of embodied individuals. Further, with Foucault’s account of the “punitive city,” we find a theoretical model in whichpunishment becomes the ordering force of the social, and therein a diagram of punitive power exerted in extensive form across the social field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 3-14
Sergey S. Zenin ◽  

The proposed article makes an attempt at a study of the processes of the origination and development of theoretical bases for the idea of the rule of the people in the medieval theological tradition. The author systematically analyzes the systems of ideas of Aurelius Augustinus, Thomas Aquinas, Manegold of Lautenbach, John of Salisbury and other thinkers. The paper notes that the development of the rule of the people doctrine in the medieval theological tradition has secured the establishment of a theoretical framework. The idea of the rule of the people is developed during the studied period taking into account two interdependent tendencies. On the one hand, it is drawn up as the main argument in justification of derivativeness and limitation of the monarch’s secular authorities. On the other hand, it is established as a theoretical basis of a new legitimate ground for the king’s rule.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (4) ◽  
pp. 81-94
Veronica Manole ◽  

Address Forms in a Multisystemic Approach: A New Theoretical Model of Analysis. The aim of this paper is to propose a new theoretical model for the analysis of address forms. In the first part of the paper, I do a critical evaluation of existing theoretical models, showing, on the one hand, that the divergent approaches reflect the complexity of address research, and, on the other hand, that there is a need for a unified model to englobe morphosyntactic, semantic, pragmatic, discursive, and diachronic approaches. In the second part of the paper, I present the multisystemic theory developed by the Brazilian linguist Ataliba de Castilho and demonstrate that it can be successfully used for the analysis of address forms. In the last part of the paper, I show that lexicalization, semanticization, discursivization, and grammaticalization (linguistic processes identified by Ataliba de Castilho in his theory) can explain linguistic phenomena of the address systems in Portuguese and Romanian. Keywords: address forms, European Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Romanian, multisystemic theory, multisystemic theory of Ataliba de Castilho

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-87
Zoltán Szabó

AbstractThe link between avant-garde cinema and painting has always been a conspicuous one but perhaps never as much as in the case of landscape films. However, not only repurposing or evoking specific paintings but constructing entire films with the intention of producing cinematic analogies to certain traditions of landscape painting presents a number of issues, especially when the films in question are inspired by the sensibilities of 19th-century Romanticism and explore similar topics, such as the works of Peter Hutton. The problem is essentially twofold: on the one hand, how to break away from the painterly roots and make an exclusively cinematic pictorial representation of landscape and, on the other hand, how to account for the complicit position of the filmmaker with regard to the nature–technology opposition they address. Within the theoretical framework of the recent speculative turn in philosophy and the implications of this with regard to aesthetics, I argue that an object-oriented approach to landscape filmmaking – as seen in the works of Chris Welsby –, by establishing pre-compositional rules within which landscape itself can intervene in the filmmaking process, provides a solution to both the aesthetic and the ethical anxiety that haunt landscape filmmakers.

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