scholarly journals Harbin and Parisian “Notes”: the Originality of Sound

Literatūra ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 10-28
Elena Proskurina

The article is an attempt at a comparative analysis of two emigrant “notes”. Both of them have already been studied separately in detail by literary scholars. However, a comparison of these two phenomena has not yet received sufficient coverage in science. This work presents the socio-historical context of each of the “notes”. It shows the influence of this context on the creative consciousness of authors, poetics, literary correlates. While one of the characteristic features of the “Parisian note” is the scarcity of literary authorities, the poetry of the “Harbin note”, on the contrary, is distinguished by its receptive breadth. The relationship of Russian Parisians with European culture is a failed dialogue. In addition to the focus on lyrical documentary, initiated by the theorist of the “note” G. Adamovich, this became one of the reasons for the asceticism of his poetics. “Harbin note” was created in a different socio-cultural atmosphere. Unlike Paris, China has become a second home for the Russian Harbinians. This explains vital poetic colors in the poetry of the “Harbin note”. Paris is most often painted by the representatives of the “Parisian note” in the colors of death. The poetry of China occupies a special place among the poetic attractions of the “Harbin note”. This was reflected in the linguistic wealth of the Harbin poets. Thus, in contrast to the “Parisian note”, the “Harbin note” demonstrates the literary transfer that took place with the country of residence.

2012 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 303-329 ◽  

This article examines Charles Villers'sEssay on the Spirit and Influence of Luther's Reformation(1804) in its intellectual and historical context. Exiled from France after 1792, Villers intervened in important French and German debates about the relationship of religion, history, and philosophy. The article shows how he took up a German Protestant discussion on the meaning of the Reformation that had been underway from the 1770s through the end of the century, including efforts by Kantians to seize the mantle of Protestantism for themselves. Villers's essay capitalized on a broad interest in the question of Protestantism and its meaning for modern freedom around 1800. Revisiting the formation of the narrative of Protestantism and progress reveals that it was not a logical progression from Protestant theology or religion but rather part of a specific ideological and social struggle in the wake of the French Revolution and the collapse of the Old Regime.

Sumitra Kirtania ◽  
Pintulal Mondal ◽  
Mahesh Sawata Khetmalis

<div><p><em>The aim of this study is to identify the Anthropometric and profiles of sub-Junior National level Boxers and also to find out the relationship of Anthropometric profiles and psychomotor abilities of the sub-Junior National level Boxers.</em><em> </em><em>A total 22 female Boxers (11 medalists and 11 non-medalists) age range between 12<sup>th</sup> to 16<sup>th</sup> years will be select from SAI, SAG, Imphal centers. Selected Anthropometric variables (Body composition) will be taken on each Boxer. Total Psychomotor ability scores (Speed, Agility, Differentiation, Orientation, Balance, Rhythm Ability) will be taken. For interpretation of data a comparative analysis of the selected variable, the “t” test was applied. The data of both groups were collected separately for all the variables. Statistic such as mean and standard deviation was computed. The level of significance was set at 0.05. It was found that in BMI, BMR do not have significant deference between the Manipur and West Bengal female Boxers and significant deference was found on Speed, Agility, Differentiation, Orientation, Balance, Rhythm Ability.</em></p></div>

Мархат Увайсовна Яхьяева

В статье предпринята попытка соотношения таких юридических категорий, как «уголовное преследование» и «функция обвинения». Проводится компаративный анализ обвинения и подозрения как неотъемлемых элементов деятельности органов, осуществляющих уголовное преследование. The article attempts to correlate such legal categories as “criminal prosecution” and “function of accusation”. A comparative analysis of charges and suspicions as integral elements of the activities of bodies carrying out criminal prosecution is carried out.

2020 ◽  
pp. 41-58
Владимир Викторович Бельский

Цель исследования - раскрытие особенностей взаимосвязи видения «одежд первосвященника Иисуса» (Зах. 3, 1-7) с описаниями поставления первосвященника в Пятикнижии (Исх. 28-29 и Лев. 8). В рамках сравнения в статье показана тенденция реинтерпретации пророком Захарией жреческой традиции. В этом переосмыслении пророк задействует образы и мотивы как пророческой традиции,так и предания, зафиксированные в хокмической литературе. Использование этих текстов, по мнению автора исследования, позволяет пророку избежать сугубо ритуального понимания текста Зах. 3, 1-7. Автор статьи предпринимает попытку осмыслить место видения первосвященника Иисуса, сына Иоседекова, в композиции изначально существовавшего текста цикла видений пророка (Зах. 1-6). The purpose of the study is to reveal the features of the relationship of the vision of «the garments of the high priest of Joshua» (Zech. 3, 1-7) with descriptions of the investiture of the high priest in the Pentateuch (Ex. 28-29 and Lev. 8). As part of the comparison indicated in the article, the tendency of the reinterpretation of the priestly tradition by the prophet Zechariah is shown. In this rethinking, the prophet uses the images and motives of both the prophetic tradition and the traditions recorded in literature of Wisdom. The use of these texts, according to the author of the study, allows the prophet to avoid a purely ritual understanding of the text of Zech. 3, 1-7. The author of the article makes an attempt to comprehend the place of vision of the high priest Joshua ben-Yehozadak, in the composition of the originally existing text of the cycle of visions of the prophet (Zech. 1-6).

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (117) ◽  
pp. 69-79
A.Ó. Tupcynbaeva ◽  
A.J. Maldybek ◽  

The article describes the relationship between Kazakh Proverbs and sayings with the «Words of Edification» of Abay. The heritage of the great Abay is an inexhaustible Treasury, a spiritual source for many generations. It is difficult to assess the significance of his work in one word, but the legacy of Abay occupies a special place in the modern history, culture and literature of our people. Abay and its heritage are the most popular among the people. In his work, all problems were analyzed through the true mind and consciousness, and the main core turned into the good of life. Perceiving as a source of virtue faith, love, kindness, benevolence, he urged the people and young people to love life, respect each other and educate themselves. Abay's works cover all spheres of life of the people, linking their past, present, and future. Abay's «Words of Edification» have not lost their meaning even now, although several generations and epochs have changed, and if we consider that national characteristics and human values continue to grow and develop, we must recognize that Abay's «Words of Edification» will continue to be a valuable source of knowledge of the truth. Мaқaлaдa қaзaқ мaқaл-мәтeлдepi жәнe Aбaй «Қapa cөздepi» oй жeлiciндeгi өзapa бaйлaныc бaяндaлaды. Қaзaқ xaлқының мaңдaйынa бiткeн oйшыл дaнa Aбaйдың мұpacы – caн ұpпaққa pyxaни aзық бoлaтын capқылмac мoл қaзынa. Қазақ хaлқының бүгінгі тарихында, дәстүрі мен мәдениетінде Aбaйдың aлaтын opны айрықша, оны бір деммен, бір сөзбен жеткізу мүмкін емес. Aбaй мұpacы aдaм тipшiлiгiнiң caн-caлacын қaмтып, қaзaқ xaлқының өткeнi мeн бүгiнiн, бoлaшaғын ұштacтыpғaн өмipшeңдiгiмeн, мәңгiлiк өзeктiлiгiмeн қымбaт. Бapлық адамдық ілімді, өмір сүрудің мәнін, адамның адамдығының формуласын барлық шығарамаларына өзек еткен Aбaй мұрасы, тағлымы қазіргі таңда аса қажетті, көкейтесті мәселе болып отыр. Абай туындыларында түгел дерлік барлық мәселелер сау ақыл арқылы сарапталып, сұрыпталып, басты мазмұн өзегін өмip игiлiгiнe aйнaлдыpa бiлгeн. Ұлы жapaтылыcқa деген иман мен үмітті мaxaббaт пeн мeйipiмнiң, жaқcылықтың көзi peтiндe бaғaлay apқылы қaлың жұpтын өмipдi cүюгe, aдaмдapды aялayғa, жacтapды бiлiм aлyғa шaқыpғaн бoлaтын. Aбaйдың рухани мұрасы, қаншама заман ауысып, уақыт өзгерседе, ешуақытта құндылығы жойылмайды. Aбaй шығaрмaлaрының қaншa yaқыт өтce дe өз құндылығын жoғaлтпayының cыры адамшылық идеясында жатыр. Aл адамның aдaмшылығы кeз кeлгeн қoғaмның өзекті мәceлeci eкeнi анық.

2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-189
André Krebber

Abstract This article explores Theodor W. Adorno’s recovery of natural beauty in Aesthetic Theory against the background of current debates in environmental aesthetics and evinces the relationship of his reading of natural beauty to his critique of the domination of nature. From there, a critique of natural domination can be issued through the artwork. Whereas Adorno specifies that artworks do not relate to natural beauty in a positive, pseudomorphotic sense, they nevertheless inherit a quality of natural beauty as presenting to humans what is not reducible to the human. Within the specific historical context of an environmental crisis, then, a case is finally made for art as an area of ecological critique that recovers the artwork and nature from both the artwork’s reduction to a propagandistic tool and its idealistic enlisting for reinstating a bourgeois ideal of nature.

Adam Evans

Since the Treaty and Acts of Union in 1707, Scotland has returned MPs to Westminster. Whilst dwarfed, at least demographically by its partner in that Union, England, Scotland has, on a number of occasions, punched above its weight at the Centre—most notably at either end of the twentieth century when Liberalism and then Labour dominated Scottish politics. This chapter examines the relationship of Scotland with the UK Parliament. It begins by placing this relationship in its historical context, before then turning to an audit of contemporary Scottish influence and representation at Westminster, post-devolution. This chapter does this by breaking down two of the main and interconnected dimensions of Scottish representation at Westminster: (1) Scottish parliamentarians and the Westminster party system; and (2) institutional representation within Parliament. This latter category includes both Scottish-specific institutional mechanisms, such as the Scottish Affairs Committee and the Scottish Grand Committee, and the broader Westminster apparatus that can be leveraged for influence, such as parliamentary question times.

2016 ◽  
Vol 33 (S1) ◽  
pp. s225-s226
T. Alves-dos-Reis ◽  
M.A. Matias

IntroductionPsychotropic drugs are among the most utilized medications in Europe.ObjectivesTo perform an international comparison of the utilization trends of antidepressants, anxiolytics, hypnotics and sedatives (AHS).MethodsWe used data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). We used the World Health Organization's Defined Daily Dosage (DDD) per 1000 inhabitants per day (DHD) methodology. We performed a general comparison between 14 European countries and a more detailed comparative analysis between Portugal, Italy, Spain and Germany. These countries were selected according to the following criteria: similar 12-month prevalence of mental health disorders, similar results for negative mental health (SF-36 questionnaire) and similar standardized death rates for suicide.ResultsPortugal had the highest overall utilization of antidepressants and AHS in 2011, amounting to 110.7 DHD, and the highest increase in utilization of AHS (1.8%) from 2003 and 2011. Concerning antidepressants, Portugal had the third highest utilization of these drugs in 2011 (78.3 DHD). Regarding the more detailed comparative analysis, utilization of AHS was still significantly higher in Portugal. Considering antidepressants, Portugal experienced an increasing utilization, which grew by approximately 11.4% from 2003 and 2008. From 2009 onward the utilization increased but at a slower pace.ConclusionThe very high utilization of these drugs, especially of AHS, is a worrying fact since this might indicate an inadequate treatment choice for anxiety and depressive disorders. Further research is needed to better understand the relationship of these findings with regulations concerning utilization of psychotropic drugs and compliance with best medical practices between distinct European countries.Disclosure of interestThe authors have not supplied their declaration of competing interest.

2010 ◽  
Vol 53 (4) ◽  
pp. 1049-1070

ABSTRACTInterpretations that solely emphasize either continuity or controversy are found wanting. Historians still question how the English became Protestant, what sort of Protestants they were, and why a civil war dominated by religion occurred over a hundred years after the initial Reformation crisis. They utilize many approaches: from above and below, and with fresh perspectives, from within and without. Yet the precise nature of the relationship of the Reformation, the civil war, the interregnum and the Restoration settlement remains controversial. This review of recent Reformation historiography largely validates the current consensus of a balance of continuity and change, pressure for further reform and begrudging conformity. Yet ultimately it argues that continuity must form the foundation for any interpretation of the Reformation, for controversial or dramatic alterations to the status quo only made sense to contemporaries in the context of what had come before. Challenging ideas, like challenging individuals, did not exist in a vacuum devoid of historical context. The practical limits of possibility, constrained largely by the established norms and procedures, shaped the course of English Reformation. As such, practicality seems a unifying and central theme for current and future investigations of England's long Reformation.

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