scholarly journals Europos Sąjungos teisės įtaka Lietuvos baudžiamajai teisei

Teisė ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 74 ◽  
pp. 7-20
Gintaras Švedas

Straipsnyje analizuojama Europos Sąjungos (ES) institucijų kompetencija baudžiamosios teisės klausi­mais, ES baudžiamosios teisės turinys, raidos tendencijos ir perspektyvos, taip pat materialios ES bau­džiamosios teisės aspektai, kurie daro reikšmingą įtaką Lietuvos baudžiamajai (baudžiamojo proceso) teisei ir ateityje gali kelti didesnių problemų. This article deals with the competence of EU institutions in the field of criminal law, its content, ten­dencies and perspectives of EU criminal law, as well as certain aspects of EU criminal law that make influence to the Lithuanian criminal (criminal procedure) law and may create problems in the future.

Igor Antonov ◽  
Igor Alekseev

The authors use a communicative approach to the theory of law in their analysis of criminal procedure policy and its role in crime prevention. This approach allowed them to determine the content of criminal procedure work that lies outside the scope of criminal law. This content is its ability to regulate social conflicts of criminal law character. Within this framework, the criminal procedure is viewed as a platform for resolving social conflicts, the sides use it to resolve a conflict between them in socially acceptable ways in the process of communication. The involvement of the aggrieved party in the process of communication in connection with the crime intensifies the correctional impact of the criminal process and its significance for crime prevention. The authors suggest using simplified measures of criminal procedure law for reforming this process and basing it on the procedure of terminating a criminal case with the imposition of a court fine as a measure of criminal law influence. They suggest using the same approach when terminating a criminal case due to the reconciliation of the sides, with one exception: during the reconciliation of the sides, only grounds provided for in Art. 76 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation should be proven. If they are established, the investigator is obliged to petition to the court and the court, having established their validity, should decide to terminate the criminal case.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-69
Diah Ratri Oktavriana ◽  
Nasiri Nasiri

This research is a normative research. One of the fulfillment of human rights is justice in equalizing the position of every citizen before the law, as stated in Article 27 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The right to equality before the law or what is commonly referred to as equality before the law is a principle that provides recognition and protection of human rights for every individual regardless of one's background. Therefore, it is true that Law Number 16 of 2011 concerning Legal Aid for People Who Are Less Capable to Guarantee Constitutional Rights of Citizens for Justice and Equality before the Law emerged. Legal aid is a legal service provided by advocates to the community seeking justice In the realm of criminal cases, the provision of legal assistance is described in Article 54 of the Criminal Procedure Code which explains that in the interests of defense, a suspect or defendant has the right to receive legal assistance from one or more legal advisers during the time and at each level of examination. The provision of legal assistance must be based on the principle of equality before the law as stated in the explanation of Law Number 8 of 1981 concerning Criminal Procedure Law. From the various analyzes that have been carried out, in the perspective of Islamic criminal law it can be concluded that the principle of equality before the law as described in Article 54 of the Criminal Procedure Code is equivalent to an order to provide legal aid which in Islamic criminal law is spelled out in Surah Al-Maidah verse 2 which states that as a fellow humans are ordered to help each other as a form of horizontal worship to fellow humans (habl minan-nas). In addition there are many more both in the Al Qur'an and the hadith of the prophet regarding the application of the principle of equality before the law.

10.12737/2580 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 53-62
Марина Кострова ◽  
Marina Kostrova

The article views the basic theoretical provisions on the interrelation between the criminal law and the criminal procedure law and its objectivation in a linguistic form; proved the need to harmonize the language expression of the criminal and criminal procedure laws’ regulatory prescriptions.

2020 ◽  
pp. 66-70
Mikhail S. Spiridonov ◽  

With the introduction of continuous cassation in criminal cases on 01 October 2019, the content of the verification of the validity of the cassation complaint and presentation has changed. The science of criminal procedure has been faced with a new problem: to assess the effectiveness of legal regulation, in which the validity of the cassation complaint or presentation is verified directly at the hearing, not at the preliminary stage. The object of this research is criminal procedural relations that develop in the implementation of the norms of criminal procedure law that regulate cassation proceedings in criminal procedure. The research focuses on the norms of the constitutional and criminal procedure law of the Russian Federation, domestic and foreign legislation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law governing cassation proceedings, provisions of the science of criminal law and criminal procedure. The aim of the research is to reveal the essence of the introduced legislative changes concerning the stage of verification of the validity of the cassation complaint or presentation, to develop proposals for improving the legislation. The methods of analysis, synthesis and comparison were applied to determine the procedure for the verification of the validity of the cassation complaint or presentation by the court of the cassation instance. The comparative legal method was employed to study foreign forms of cassation proceedings. The formal legal method was used to analyze the content of the texts of normative legal acts regulating cassation proceedings. The research resulted in the following conclusions. The lack of a stage for assessing the validity of the cassation complaint (presentation) and the grounds for its transfer to the cassation court excessively strengthens the revision principle and shifts the balance towards the task of identifying and eliminating violations of the requirements for the final court decision. The solution to this problem is possible through the introduction of written cassation proceedings carried out by a panel of three judges, which will consider the issue of admissibility and validity of the complaint (presentation).

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 73-80
Aleksandr V. Fedorov ◽  

The article is dedicated to the issues of introduction of criminal liability of legal entities in Hungary. Attention is paid to the fact that the establishment of criminal liability of legal entities in this country has been largely caused by the need for bringing its national laws in compliance with the provisions of a number of acts of the European Union (EU) and its membership in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The Hungarian legal acts on criminal liability of legal entities are reviewed; the main of them are the special omnibus law On Measures Applicable to Legal Entities within the Framework of Criminal Law 2001 which came into effect on May 1, 2004, and contains provisions of criminal and criminal procedure law as well as the Hungarian Criminal Code 2012 which came into effect on July 1, 2013. It is indicated that under the Hungarian laws, a legal entity is a criminal liability subject criminal law measures are applicable to. At the same time, it is highlighted that not all legal entities can be held criminally liable. It is noted that criminal liability of legal entities is possible in case of any willful violation of the Hungarian Criminal Code by an individual acting in the interests of a legal entity in case of the presence of conditions stipulated by the law. Criminal law measures applicable to legal entities are named: liquidation, fine, restriction of activity. A conclusion is made that in Hungary, criminal liability of a legal entity is understood as application of criminal law measures to a legal entity by court in the course of a criminal procedure in the event of a willful crime (criminally punishable act) committed by an individual acting in the interests of the corresponding legal entity upon the presence of conditions stipulated by the law On Measures Applicable to Legal Entities within the Framework of Criminal Law 2001.

Svetlana Kornakova ◽  
Ekaterina Zavgorodnevа

The authors analyze the opinions of scholars about the correlations between the categories «corpus delicti» and «subject of proof». The main object of their criticism is the idea, supported by some scholars, that the elements of corpus delicti equal the circumstances to be proven that are included in the key fact. The authors use the logical criterion to demonstrate that this claim is unsubstantiated. The circumstances stated in Clauses 1 and 2, Part 1, Art. 73 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation characterize the key features of corpus delicti only conditionally. In this connection, the key fact is the aggregate of factual circumstances that constitutes the basis of corpus delicti. In the logical aspect, the qualification of a crime is a syllogistic inference, according to which, if the essential features of the action under investigation coincide with the features of the concept of a specific crime as described in criminal law, then this crime becomes the concept of this action. According to the authors, from this standpoint it is possible to discuss not the equivalence of circumstances to be proven and corpus delicti, but only the equivalence of their essential features as determined by criminal law. They point out the specific character of criminal law and process terminology that also does not make it possible to equate the categories «corpus delicti» and «subject of proof». The significance of the existence of a formulated subject of proof in criminal procedure law and its interconnection with corpus delicti is demonstrated. It is concluded that proof in a criminal case is based on certain knowledge, which performs a methodological function. In this connection, the subject of proof, in the gnoseological sense, is a program of criminal procedure activities determined by the lawmaker. The norms of criminal law determined the parameters of criminal procedure proving, so the subject of proof is based on the criminal law characteristic of the action but does not equal it. The circumstances of the case, determined in the process of proving, are correlated with the norms of criminal law with the purpose of possible criminal law qualification of the action. Corpus delicti, determined in the criminal law, and the subject of proof, formulated in the criminal procedure law, ensure strict certainly and specification of the process of proving carried out by the preliminary investigation bodies and the court.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 37-50
Józef Koredczuk

In his contribution, the author presents the work on the codification (initially on the Act) of procedural criminal law in Poland in the years 1919–1928. Those works were initially led by the Criminal Department of the Codification Committee, and then by the Criminal Proceedings Section of the Codification Commission. The first period of the work on the criminal procedure law was characterized by some disputes between the members of the Department, i.e. supporters of the classical school (E. Krzymuski) vs. the sociological school (J. Makarewicz), the discussion aiming at defining the relationship of procedural criminal law and substantive criminal law. The work on the draft law was carried out faster after the appointment (on 16 July 1920) of the Criminal Proceedings Section, which in 1924 published the first version of the draft criminal law bill. E. Krzymuski, A. Mogilnicki, Z. Rymowicz and E.S. Rappaport had played the main role in the development of the project. After a very deep criticism in the columns of Gazeta Administracji i Policji Państwowej [The Gazette of State Administration and Police], Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny [The legal, economic and sociological movement] and Palestra [The bar], the project was rejected. Only the second version of the bill prepared in 1925-1926, re-worked by the committee composed of W. Makowski, A. Mogilnicki and S. Śliwiński (appointed by the Minister of Justice), became the basis for the President of the Republic of Poland to adopt the first Polish Code of Criminal Procedure of 19 March 1928.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 142-145
K. A. Talalaev

The author of the article uses historical and comparative legal research methods and studies the term criminal prosecution. The term criminal prosecution is compared with other similar concepts in the article. The author examines the historical process of formation of this concept. The author of the article will outline the content of the discussion about the term criminal prosecution. The modern definition of this term is not correct in the criminal procedure law of the Russian Federation. The author proposes a new definition of the term. Criminal prosecution is the procedural activity of the prosecution in order to expose a person of committing an act prohibited by the criminal law.

Аlla Endoltseva ◽  
Yulia Endoltseva ◽  
Natalya Platonova

The authors analyze publications in criminal policy, study its understanding by scholars of criminal and criminal procedure law and criminology, and present their own vision of different aspects of the development and implementation of criminal policy in the Russian Federation. They examine criminal policy as a complex pheno­menon which has law enforcement and human rights dimensions aimed at counteracting crime, as a system which includes criminal law, criminal procedure, investigation, penitentiary and criminological policies; the authors present arguments in favor of using such an approach. Criminal policy cannot be designed independently from state legal policy; it should be developed with the participation of civil society institutions and should be approved by it. The main goal of this work is to determine the basics (the principles) of Russian criminal policy, to describe their contents, interconnections and interpenetration. The authors examine and analyze different approaches to specifying the principles of criminal policy. They come to the conclusion that the principles of criminal policy differ from the principles of anti-criminal branches of law, but the latter should determine the basic clauses of criminal and criminal procedure law. It is stressed that a system of principles focusing on a common goal — crime counteraction — can only be discussed within the framework of criminal policy. The authors study the international experience of criminal policy in different countries and determine four fundamental principles of criminal policy in the member states of the Council of Europe. The analysis of modern criminal law and criminal procedure legislation with its numerous changes and amendments, the identified lack of coordination and inconsistency of the actions of lawmakers allow the authors to discuss the necessity of developing a unified criminal law, criminal procedure and penitentiary policy, i.e. criminal policy in a broad sense. They conclude that it is necessary to design a document, officially recognized at the state level, that would stipulate and reflect the basics (the principles), goals and tasks, as well as the priority directions for developing the criminal policy.

2003 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 421-431 ◽  
Christoph Krehl

Once a major reform has been concluded, one might easily be tempted to be just glad about what has been achieved and to think that nothing more needs to be done. However, experience in Germany as regards the amendment of criminal law and law of criminal procedure has shown that “after the reform” has, at the same time, always meant “before the reform.” The history of German criminal law is the history of a never-ending reform. The reform has not only consisted in making individual corrections to the existing positive law; time and again, developments in society have posed new challenges to criminal law, which, in the course of time, have resulted in profound changes in its structure. This means that even after a reform has been concluded, there must be willingness to further shape criminal law or, as the case may be, to protect it from changes that might be brought about by new influences. German criminal law, with its more than 130 years of history, and with its almost 180 more or less profound amendments of the law, bears eloquent witness to the profound changes that criminal law can experience, in spite of individual extensive reforms, admittedly in a time of historical upheavals. The present contribution provides an outline of the history of German criminal law through the present time and tries, on the basis of this outline, to develop a forecast of the influence to which criminal law will be exposed in the future.

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