scholarly journals Hukum Waris Mazhab Negara: Sebuah Tinjauan Sisi Maslahah (Studi Analisis Pemikiran Hazairin dan KHI)

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-146
Defel Fakhyadi

This article proves that the modernization of inheritance law is a form of reformation in Islamic law by taking into account the sociological condition of the society to achieve maslahah (maqasid al-shariah). Islamic inheritance law is influenced by the Arabic inheritance law in the pre-Islam era that followed patrilineal system, which influenced the mainstream thoughts of Islamic scholars in understanding inheritance law. This, in turn, resulted in patriarchal Islamic inheritance law. For that reason, it is necessary to re-interpret the law in order to construct a comprehensive fiqh (Islamic law). Hazairin’s thoughts are a revolutionary of inheritance law in Indonesia, such as bilateral inheritance, ahli waris pengganti and kala>lah. Some inheritance law reform contained in KHI are not addressed in conventional fiqh, because there are several aspects to be taken by Indonesian scholars whose ideas are not in conflict with the principles of Sharia (maslahah).  

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-165
Gibtha Wilda Permatasari ◽  
Yuliati Yuliati ◽  
Herman Suryokumoro

This research journal discusses legal issues relating to the substitution of places made by the heirs who previously rejected the inheritance which falls to him by comparison of the perspectives of civil inheritance law and Islamic inheritance law. Pursuant to Article 848 and Article 1060 of the Civil Code on the replacement of the place by the heirs who reject the inheritance and the notary's role as a general official in providing legal certainty to prevent the issue of inheritance according to the law of civil inheritance and the Islamic inheritance law. The purpose of this research is to know and to analyze whether or not the heirs who have rejected inheritance replace other heirs as well as to know the role of notary in giving legal certainty to prevent problems in the civil inheritance law and Islamic inheritance law. The research method used by the writer is the statue approach and comparative approach. Heirs who reject inheritance under civil law of inheritance cannot change place (plaatsvervulling) because the requirement of replacement of place according to the law of civil inheritance is derived from families of blood in the same degree and not reject the inheritance. The replacement of places in Islamic inheritance law is known as mawali however, Islamic law does not recognize the denial of inheritance only known in the law of civil inheritance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-64
Moza Jadeed ◽  
Attiya Waris ◽  
Celestine N Musembi

This article argues that the observance of Islamic inheritance law (IIL) by Muslims in Kenya while the rest of the citizens employ a universal inheritance law is legitimate. It is within the Muslims’ right to equality and freedom from discrimination both under the now-repealed 1963 independence Constitution and the present Constitution of Kenya 2010. Through analysis of previous works, cases (local and foreign), statutes, international human rights instruments, international consensus documents, other international agreements, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, the article justifies the application of IIL in the country. It also conducts a thematic reading of the Qur’an, the Muslim Holy Book and the primary source of Islamic law, to demonstrate that IIL is a matter of exceptional importance to Muslims and therefore deserves accommodation in the Kenyan legal system under the right to equality and freedom from discrimination. The article, therefore, allays fears and misconceptions that the recognition of IIL in the country’s normative structures gives Muslims special treatment, makes them lucky and/or disunites Kenyans. Instead, it shows that such an arrangement is lawful and aligns with the principle of separation of the state and religion. It also makes Kenya inclusive and cohesive as it respects the rights of all its citizens, including the minorities. And because the enjoyment of this right is personal, the article highlights that the hesitance by other minority groups (locally and abroad) to assert it during their countries’ lawmaking or law reform processes does not estop Kenyan Muslims from doing it.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 191-205
Moh. Dahlan

Social change has driven Islamic law reform. The reform of Islamic law has encouraged one of Indonesia's Islamic law reformers, Munawir Sjadzali, to re-realize Islamic law in the distribution of inheritance in Indonesia. By using the contemporary paradigm, the results of this study indicate that Munawir Sjadzali's ijtihad paradigm has given birth to a new spirit to implement ijtihad in Islamic law reform in Indonesia, namely the renewal of inheritance law by reinterpreting the Qur’an text about 2: 1 between men and women become equal between the two. The provisions of the inheritance law are formulated and applied based on the consideration of the true sense of justice and the benefit of human life.Keywords: Social Change, Ijtihad, Reactualization, Islamic Law, Custom, and Inheritance.

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Khaeron Sirin

Abstract: Analysis of a Text and Context Approach within the Formulation of Islamic Inheritance Distributions. For about fourteen centuries Islamic inheritance law has always been regarded as a qat‘î doctrine which covers for ijtihad and should be taken for granted. However, changes and developments over time, the existence of Islamic inheritance in the Quran have started to be claimed. To some liberalists and feminist activists, the law on Islamic inheritance is a product of salaf scholars to be regarded as rules that tend to be discriminative—just like the discrediting and prejudicing the rights of women—and not oriented towards human justice. Therefore, the provisions of Islamic inheritance need to be reviewed, even deconstructed by considering the social development of society.Keywords: Islamic law, justice, inheritance, tafsîrAbstraksi: Analisis Pendekatan Teks dan Konteks dalam Penentuan Pembagian Waris Islam. Selama lebih kurang empat belas abad hukum kewarisan Islam selalu dianggap sebagai doktrin yang bersifat qat‘î yang menutup rapat ruang ijtihad dan harus diterima secara taken for granted. Namun seiring perubahan dan perkembangan zaman, eksistensi hukum kewarisan Islam dalam Alquran mulai digugat. Oleh sebagian pemikir liberal dan aktivis feminisme, hukum kewarisan Islam produk ulama salaf dianggap sebagai aturan yang cenderung diskriminatif—semisal mendiskreditkan dan merugikan hak-hak perempuan—dan tidak berorientasi pada keadilan manusia. Karenanya, ketentuan hukum waris Islam tersebut harus ditafsir ulang, bahkan didekonstruksi dengan mempertimbangkan perkembangan sosial masyarakat.Kata Kunci: hukum Islam, keadilan, kewarisan, tafsirDOI: 10.15408/ajis.v13i2.941

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 213-222
Dr. H. Umar

Islamic law in the form of legislation in Indonesia is that which is legally binding on the constitution, even its binding capacity is broader. Therefore, as an organic regulation, sometimes it is not elastic to anticipate the demands of the times and change. For example, Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. The law contains Islamic law and is binding on every citizen of the Republic of Indonesia. Problems that occur such as in Jambi Province at this time the fiqh law which is very broad in its scope is worthy of being called "Islamic law" is marriage law, inheritance law and waqf law. Laws or provisions that are applied to administer and settle marriages, inheritance and endowments as material laws, are still diverse. Marriage and Wakaf cases are regulated in statutory law; marriage is regulated by Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage and waqf law regulated by Government Regulation No.28 of 1977; as executor of the Agrarian Basic Law of 1961. Whereas inheritance law has not been regulated by law and by itself is still guided by Jurisprudence.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Syarief Husien ◽  
Akhmad Khisni

ABSTRAKPenelitian dengan judul ”Hukum Waris Islam Di Indonesia (Studi Perkembangan Hukum Kewarisan Dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam Dan Praktek Di Pengadilan Agama )”Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normative, dalam pengumpulan data lebih ditekankan pada sumber bahan primer, berupa peraturan perundang-undangan, menelaah kaidah-kaidah hukum maupun teori ilmu hukum yang terkait dengan masalah yang di teliti.Berdasarkan metode tersebut penelitian menghasilkan pada pokoknya : (1) Formulasi hukum kewarisan islam dalam fiqih dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam (a) Formulasi hukum kewarisan Islam dalam fiqih pada al quran dan al hadist yaitu : Al quran, QS. An-nisa (4): 7, QS. An-nisa (4): 11, QS. An-nisa (4): 12, QS. An-nisa (4): 33, QS. An-nisa (4): 176, QS. Al-anfal (8): 75, dan Hadist Rasulullah SAW (b) Formulasi hukum kewarisan Islam dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam di atur dalam Pasal 171 sampai dengan Pasal 193.(2) Perkembangan hukum kewarisan Islam dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam di banding dengan kewarisan dalam fiqih yaitu banyak memasukkan unsur-unsur hukum adat dan kepentingan-kepentingan yang dibutuhkan masyarakat Indonesia masa sekarang, maka banyak bentuk-bentuk hukum kewarisan yang belum tertuang dalam fiqh konvensional (fiqh al-mawarits), namun hal itu telah termuat dan terkodifikasikan dalam hukum kewarisan Kompilasi Hukum Islam, antara lain: pasal 171 tentang harta bersama, pasal 177 tentang pembagian ayah secara `ashabah, pasal 209 yang menyatakan bahwa ayah angkat dan anak angkat menerima warisan, dan bila mereka tidak menerima wasiat, maka berhak menerima wasiat wajibah dan Kopilasi Hukum Islam pun mengakui harta gono-gini padahal fiqh tidak mengakui; (3) Perkembangan hukum kewarisan Islam dalam praktek putusan pengadilan agama di Indonesia hal ini tidak lepas dari Kompilasi Hukum Islam merupakan intruksi Presiden No. 1 Tahun 1991 tanggla 10 Juni 1991, sehingga perkawinan, kewarisan, dan wakaf bagi pemeluk-pemeluk Islam telah ditetapkan sehingga dapat dijadikan pengadilan agama sebagai “pedoman” dalam artian sebagai sesuatu petunjuk bagi para hakim Peradilan Agaman dalam memutus dan menyelesaikan perkara, maka kedudukannya adalah tergantung sepenuhnya dari para Hakim dimaksud untuk menuangkannya dalam keputusan-keputusan mereka masing-masing sehingga kompilasi ini akan terwujud dan mempunyai makna serta landasan yang kokoh dalam yurisprudensi Peradilan Agama. Dengan cara demikian, maka Peradilan Agama tidak hanya berkewajiban menerapkan ketentuan-ketentuan yang sudah digariskan dalam kompilasi, akan tetapi justru mempunya peranan yang lebih besar lagi untuk memperkembangkan dan sekaligus melengkapinya melalui yurisprudensi yang dibuatnya..Kata kunci : Hukum waris Islam, hukum Kewarisan, Kompilasi Hukum Islam ABSTRACTThe research entitled "The Law of Inheritance of Islam in Indonesia (Study of Legal Development of Inheritance in Compilation of Islamic Law and Practice in Religious Courts)" This research uses normative juridical approach, in collecting data more emphasized on primary source material, in the form of legislation, - the rule of law and the theory of jurisprudence associated with the problem in the perusal.Based on these methods, the research produces basically: (1) Formulation of Islamic inheritance law in fiqh and Compilation of Islamic Law (a) Formulation of Islamic inheritance law in fiqih on al quran and al-hadist namely: Al Quran, QS. An-nisa (4): 7, QS. An-nisa (4): 11, QS. An-nisa (4): 12, QS. An-nisa (4): 33, QS. An-nisa (4): 176, QS. Al-anfal (8): 75, and Hadith Rasulullah SAW (b) The formulation of Islamic inheritance law in the Compilation of Islamic Law is set in Articles 171 to 193. (2) The development of Islamic inheritance law in the Compilation of Islamic Law in appeal to inheritance in fiqih which includes many elements of customary law and the interests that are needed by Indonesian society today, so many forms of inheritance law that has not been contained in the conventional fiqh (fiqh al-mawarits), but it has been contained and codified in the law of inheritance The Compilation of Islamic Law, among others: article 171 on common property, article 177 on the division of fathers asabah, article 209 which states that foster and adopted sons receive inheritance, and if they do not receive a will, it is entitled to a mandatory and compulsory law Islam also recognizes the property gono-gini fiqh although do not recognize; (3) The development of Islamic inheritance law in the practice of religious court ruling in Indonesia is not separated from the Compilation of Islamic Law is the Presidential Instruction. 1 In 1991 on 10 June 1991, so that marriage, inheritance and endowments for the followers of Islam have been established so that it can be used as religious courts as a "guide" in the sense that a guide for the judges of the Religious Court in deciding and settling the case, depends entirely from the Judges intended to put it in their respective decisions so that this compilation will materialize and have a firm meaning and foundation in the jurisprudence of the Religious Courts. In this way, the Religious Judiciary is not only obliged to apply the provisions outlined in the compilation, but it has a greater role to develop and at the same time complete it through the jurisprudence it makes.Keywords: Islamic inheritance law, law of Inheritance, Compilation of Islamic Law

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 9-20
Maylissabet Maylissabet

Abstrak Hukum Waris Islam adalah hukum yang mengatur peninggalan harta seseorang yang telah meninggal dunia dan diberikan kepada yang berhak. Indonesia mempunyai Kompilasi Hukum Islam yang mengatur hukum waris Islam, yang berisi pembahasan tentang ahli waris dan bagian warisan. Di dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam terdapat beberapa pembaharuan hukum waris yang belum ada pada masa sebelumnya, seperti pembagian harta waris untuk anak angkat, orang tua angkat, dan ahli waris non-muslim. Hal ini menjadikan penulis merasa tertarik untuk mengkaji lebih dalam hukum waris Islam dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam dengan menggunakan kacamata filsafat hukum. Hukum Kewarisan Indonesia menggunakan mazhab hukum sosiologi. Mazhab hukum sosiologi sesuai dengan keadaan masyarakat karena sangat mempertimbangkan adat yang ada di masyarakat.   Kata kunci: Hukum Waris, Kompilasi Hukum Islam, Filsafat Hukum.   Abstrac Islamic Inheritance Law is a law that regulates heritage treasure someone who has passed away and given to the beneficiary. Indonesia has set the Compilation of Islamic Law Islamic law of inheritance, such as heirs and inheritance. In the Compilation of Islamic Law, there are several updates to the law of inheritance that do not have in the past, such as the division of the estate for the adopted child, the adoptive parents, and non-Muslim heirs. It makes the writer feel compelled to study deeper the Islamic law of inheritance in Islamic Law Compilation by using glasses philosophy of law. Indonesian Inheritance Law uses a school of sociology law. The school of sociology law is in accordance with the conditions of the community because it takes into account the existing customs in the community.   Keywords: Law of Inheritance, Islamic Law Compilation, Philosophy of Law.

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 463
Komari Komari

Islamic law of inheritance is, to be followed by all Muslims, but its implementation is not in accordance with the provisions of Islamic law, this is caused by lack of understanding of Islamic inheritance law. In the application of the Islamic law of inheritance can be different from the norms of Islamic law itself, which is done by reconciliation or peace, which is not in accordance with the provisions of Islamic law, but through the application of such a method of interpretation. Interpretation in the application of the law of inheritance is possible in an understanding of the heirs any other alternative that contains the values of justice and peace among the heirs and families. Keywords: Dynamics, Elestisitas, Islamic inheritance law

2012 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-153 ◽  
Muhammad Zubair Abbasi

Abstract The purpose of this article is to provide a concise and brief introduction to the classical Islamic law of waqf. This study is based on the Fiqh literature of four Sunni schools of thought. The primary focus is on the Ḥanafī Fiqh, however, representative texts of the other schools have also been taken into account. There are three major findings in this article. First, the law contained in Fiqh texts is incomplete because it does not encompass ʿurf (custom) and qānūn (imperial decrees). Custom is recognised in these texts in support of Fiqh, but qānūn is totally missing despite references to the power of rulers regarding certain provisions of waqf law. Second, the legal theory is inconsistent, as the majority of jurists hold that the ownership of a founder terminates with the creation of a waqf. However, not only the founder and his legal heirs maintain a limited proprietary interest in waqf property; the waqf also dissolves with the apostasy of its founder. Third, family awqāf (pl. of waqf) come into direct conflict with the law of inheritance and the law of gifts. However, the testamentary waqf and waqf during terminal illness are subservient to inheritance law, and jurists have tried to harmonise waqf law with inheritance law whenever an opportunity arose.

2017 ◽  
Rahmah Murtadha ◽  
Muhammad Mutawali

The law of Bima Sultanate was shaped by two legal traditions, Mbojo custom and Islamic law. The encounter between them did not stir up conflicts and tensions. Mbojo custom representing the local tradition and Islamic law as the external element were complementary each other; they were mutually enforcing. This article examines the implementation of Islamic family law, marriage, divorce and inheritance in Bima Sultanate. This article shows that Islamic family law was applied effectively in Bima. This can be seen from the various legal cases. One example dealt with violation of conditional divorce by Im‟s husband, Smdn. The Sultanate Court ruled one repudition on this case because Smdn was proved guilty for breaking his conditional divorce oath by leaving his wife for seven years without any support. The other case was concerned with inheritance where Islamic inheritance law was fully applied. The assimilation of adat and Islam in the Sultanate was realized by applying Islamic law or adopting its stipulations and expressing this in the language of local custom

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