islamic family law
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-136
Heri Mahfudhi ◽  
M. Kholis Arrosid

One of the five major fiqhiyah rules that has a broad scope of discussion branches is Al-'adah muhakkamah. This rule is built on the basis of adat and local wisdom that exists in every community, where this custom is continuously carried out by the community without any denial of them. In fact, individuals who violate these customs will be considered as foreigners. Therefore, Islam makes the customs of the community as a legal basis as long as it fulfills the requirements set by the Shari'a. This paper aims to examine the rules of fiqhiyah "al-'âdat muhakkamah" in general and its implementation in the field of the Islamic family. This type of research is qualitative which relies on the analysis of data obtained from classical and contemporary literature. The results of the study suggest that al-'adah is something that occurs repeatedly which is accepted by common sense and human nature. The theory can also be a judge or legal determinant as long as it does not conflict with the Shari'a or does not go out of the way of maqosid sharia. The rule of al-'Adah muhakkamah can also be implemented as a judge in the field of Islamic family law both classical and contemporary. Abstrak Salah satu dari lima kaidah fiqhiyah besar yang memiliki cakupan cabang pembahasan yang luas adalah Al-‘adah muhakkamah. Kaidah ini dibangun atas landasan adat dan kearifan lokal yang ada pada setiap komunitas masyarakat, dimana adat ini secara kontinu dilakukan oleh masyarakat tanpa adanya pengingkaran dari mereka. Bahkan justru individu-individu yang menyelisihi adat tersebut akan dianggap sebagai orang asing. Oleh sebab itu, Islam menjadikan adat komunitas masyarakat sebagai landasan hukum selama memenuhi persyaratan-persyaratan yang ditetapkan oleh syariat. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kaidah fiqhiyah “al-‘âdat muhakkamah” secara umum serta implementasinya dalam bidang keluarga Islam. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif yang bertumpu pada analisis data yang diperoleh dari literatur-literatur klasik dan kontemporer. Hasil penelitian mengemukakan bahwa al-‘adah merupakan sesuatu yang terjadi secara berulang-ulang yang diterima oleh akal sehat dan fitrah manusia. Teori juga dapat menjadi hakim atau penentu hukum selama tidak bertentangan dengan syariat atau  tidak keluar dari jalur maqosid syariah. Kaidah al-‘Adah muhakkamah juga dapat di implementasikan sebagai hakim dalam bidang hukum keluarga Islam baik klasik maupun kontemporer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-87
Arif Sugitanata ◽  
Suud Sarim Karimullah ◽  
Mohamad Sobrun Jamil

This article discusses the products of Islamic family law in Turkey with the main focus of this article review is how the history and development of family law in Turkey and what are the products of family law reform in Turkey using literature studies. This paper finds that the development of family law reform in Turkey starting from al-Majallâh (1876), The Ottoman Law of Family Right (1917), Turkish Civil Code (The Turkish Civil Code of 1926) is a response to the influence and changes in social conditions. , politics, and an unstable economy, especially at that time the Turkish people were still experiencing an identity crisis. Then the product of family law reform in Turkey is divided into two scopes, namely munakahat and Mawaris, where part of the munakahat itself includes, khitbah, minimum age limit for marriage, prohibitions in marriage, polygamy, walimah, marriage annulment, marriage that is not legalized, divorce. , compensation in divorce, while in Mawaris includes, wills and the amount of distribution between men and women are equal. Abstrak Artikel ini membahas tentang produk-produk hukum keluarga Islam di Turki dengan fokus utama kajian artikel ini adalah bagaimana sejarah dan perkembangan hukum keluarga di Turki dan apa saja produk dari pembaharuan hukum keluarga di Turki menggunakan studi kepustakaan. Tulisan ini menemukan bahwa perkembangan pembaharuan hukum keluarga di Turki yang dimulai dari al-Majallâh (1876), The Ottoman Law of Family Right (1917), Peraturan Sipil Turki (The Turkish Civil Code of 1926) merupakan sebuah respon atas pengaruh dan perubahan kondisi sosial, politik, dan ekonomi yang tidak stabil apalagi pada masa tersebut masyarakat Turki masih mengalami kondisi krisis identitas. Kemudian produk dari pembaharuan hukum keluarga di Turki dibagi kedalam dua cakupan yakni munakahat dan mawaris, di mana bagian dari munakahat itu sendiri meliputi, khitbah, batas usia minimal menikah, larangan dalam perkawinan, poligami, walimah, pembatalan perkawinan, perkawinan yang tidak disahkan, perceraian, kompensasi dalam perceraian, Sedangkan dalam mawaris meliputi, wasiat dan jumlah pembagian antara laki-laki dan perempuan yang setara.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 804
Ismail Muhammad ◽  
Safrina Ariani ◽  
Muhammad Yusuf

Islam came in peace to Bali in the 14th century, initiated by communities from Java, and followed by those from Bugis, Makassar, Lombok, and even Malays and Arabs. Muslims in Bali are a minority group, which only accounts for 10.08% of the total population of Bali. This study aims to examine the rights of the Balinese Muslim minority in education and Islamic family law. This study is empirical legal research that examines the law in relation to problems in society realistically, or a socio-legal study, using a phenomenological approach. Data collection techniques included interview, observation, and literature review. The respondents interviewed were selected purposively from the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Mosque Management, the Provincial Council of Ulema, and the local Muslim community. The findings reveal that the rights of Balinese Muslim minority in terms of education, both formal and informal, are displayed through strengthening the family resilience by building the spirit of Islam, carrying out children’s education in an Islamic way by promoting tolerance, and sending children to Islamiceducational institutions such as Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur' an (TPA), Raudhatul Atfhal (RA), pesantrens, and madrasas. Further, Islamic family law is implemented in matters of marriage, divorce, waqf, child guardianship, and joint property under the simple, fast, and low-cost principles carried out by the Office of Religious Affairs, Religious Counselors, and the Religious Courts in Denpasar. It seems that historical bonding is highly fundamental that allows the Muslims and the Balinese people in general to continue to live in harmony and peace to this day.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
Mohd Syahmil Samsudin ◽  
Nur Sarah Tajul Urus ◽  
Shahmi Awang ◽  
Alias Azhar

The Islamic Family Law Enactment for the states in Malaysia have recognized that jointly acquired property can be claimed by a Muslim woman due to death, divorce, or polygamy. It is in line with the TN50 target to empower women and elevate the dignity of women and prepare them for 2050. Besides that, the legal stipulation shows the law protects the rights of women to enables them to prepare for their future financial planning even after becoming widows or single mothers. The first objective of this study is to identify the legal provisions related to jointly acquired property. The second objective is to highlights the previous studies and cases related to jointly acquired property claims and the third is to propose a simple, quick and friendly standard procedure for jointly acquired property applications. This paper is also expected to provide an understanding regarding on jointly acquired property for future research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-202
Idrus Al-Ghifarry ◽  
A. Kumedi Ja'far ◽  
Liky Faizal

This research was made to analyze the urgency of the marriage agreement in marriage. To analyze the urgency of the marriage agreement in forming a sakinah family in the perspective of Islamic Family Law. This type of research is library research. This research is descriptive in nature, namely by using qualitative methods. The results of this study show that the urgency of the marriage agreement is that the marriage agreement has good benefits as a preventive measure in the event of a divorce because the marriage agreement will facilitate the distribution of assets. The urgency of the marriage agreement in forming a sakinah family in the perspective of Islamic family law, namely. First, to form a sakinah family, it is best if the prospective husband and wife make a marriage agreement which includes communication problems, personal and shared assets, biological needs (sex), economic problems, and appearance. Second, the marriage agreement includes a form of maslahah for married couples to achieve maqashid asy-syari'ah. Through a marriage agreement, what is the goal of the Shari'a, namely to achieve benefit can be realized or achieved.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-124
Mohammad Fauzan Ni'ami

Tulisan kali ini mengupas alasan penolakan masyarakat Pakistan, Afghanistan, dan Indonesia. Menggambarkan alasan penolakan masyarakat atas lahirnya reformasi hukum keluarga Islam, dengan didahului uraian historitas pro-kontra reformasi Hukum keluarga pada ketiga negara tersebut. Hasil tulisan ini menunjukan terdapat relevansi antara alasan penolakan umat atas risalah kenabian dengan alasan penolakan masyarakat atas reformasi hukum keluarga Islam. Relevansi yang ditemukan adalah keduanya menolak perubahan (ideas movement), dan hanya ingin mempertahankan nilai kemapanan. (This article explores the reasons for the people of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Indonesia. The people's reasons for reforming Islamic family law explain the historical pros and cons of Drawing Family Law in the three countries. The results of this paper indicate a relevance between the reasons for rejecting the prophetic message and the reasons for the users of Islamic family law reform. The relevance found is that both resist change (idea movement) and only want to maintain established values.)

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 85
Puad Muzakkar Siregar

Fatwa is a practical law similar to fiqh (al-ahkām al-'amaliyah). Therefore, the fatwa must be context-bound; context of time (tempus), place (locus), context of natural conditions, social context, demographic context, and other contexts. In the Indonesian context, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) is the official state-recognized institution to issue fatwas as guidelines for Indonesian Muslims. This paper answers two questions: how is the MUI fatwa related to the legal status of interfaith marriages? Furthermore, is the MUI fatwa on interfaith marriage relevant to the reform of Islamic family law in Indonesia? As a result, although many scholars allow interfaith marriages because Muslim men and women are experts of the book, the MUI fatwa forbids interfaith marriages based on sadd al-dzari'ah to prevent negative impacts. This is a family law product with a renewal side, because it is responsive to social dynamics and changing times, by prioritizing the benefit based on maqasid shari'ah

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-162
Fulera Issaka-Toure ◽  
Ousseina D. Alidou

Abstract This special issue of Islamic Africa brings together new critical perspectives on the status of Islamic Family Law, commonly referred to as sharīʿa, within four African countries – Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique and Senegal – each reflecting distinctive gendered cultural, colonial and postcolonial realities. The introduction provides a general overview of the state of the art on Islamic family law in Africa and highlights the significant thematic focus of each contribution and the new areas for further inquiry that the volume opens. These topics and questions include among others: (a) the ways in which European colonialism and contemporary democratization processes have opened spaces for religious pluralism, thereby shaping the articulation of Muslim personal law within different African postcolonial state judicial systems; (b) how Islamic judicial practices, institutions, and authorities such as malamai and/or Kadhis engage themselves with the secular state and/or are constrained by both the state and by the legal pluralism encountered within both Muslim majority and minority African countries; (c) the gendered implications of the hierarchical relation between Kadhi Courts and a national High Court; (d) the benefits and/or shortcomings of harmonizing Islamic Family Law; (e) what is to be learnt from women choosing to settle marital disputes and divorce within and/or outside the “legal protective space” afforded by the state judicial system and its inclusion of Islamic Family Law; (f) the role of human agency in influencing the administration of Islamic family law and/or interpreting the law; how judicial systems that are shaped by European and Islamic patriarchal systems confronted by the resilience of indigenous matrilineal Customary Law within contemporary African societies; and (g) the compatibility between the various articulation of African Islamic family laws with universal human rights and individual freedom. Ultimately, this special issue of Islamic Africa offers an insightful reflection on how Islamic Family Law plays an important role in democratic constitution-making or testing processes.

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