1956 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 334-340
Gilbert B. Forbes ◽  
Allen F. Reid ◽  
June Bondurant ◽  
John Etheridge

Total body content of chloride has been estimated in a series of infants and young adults by the method of radiobromide dilution. Results obtained by this method compare favorably with those reported for direct chemical analysis. Total body content of chloride is approximately 50 mEq./kg. body weight in young infants, 43 mEq./kg. in older infants, and 26 to 33 mEq./kg. in adults. Changes in chloride content occurring during growth can be described by the use of the differential growth equation, which states that chloride content is a simple power function of body weight. The similarity between the differential growth constants for sodium and chloride is noted.

1952 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-68

From midfetal life to the period of young adulthood, chemical growth, as regards Na, K and H2O, proceeds in a manner which conforms to the differential growth equation, y = bxk. Equations of this general form have been derived for each of the chemical constituents in question, from which mean total body content can be calculated for any normal subject of given body weight. Retentions of Na, K and H2O resulting from normal growth can be anticipated by means of these equations.

Children ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (9) ◽  
pp. 116 ◽  
Alexander Toth ◽  
Gricelda Gomez ◽  
Alpana Shukla ◽  
Janey Pratt ◽  
Hellas Cena ◽  

This paper presents a retrospective cohort study of weight loss medications in young adults aged 21 to 30 following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) and sleeve gastrectomy (SG) between November 2000 and June 2014. Data were collected from patients who used topiramate, phentermine, and/or metformin postoperatively. Percentage of patients achieving ≥5%, ≥10%, or ≥15% weight loss on medications was determined and percent weight change on each medication was compared to percent weight change of the rest of the cohort. Our results showed that 54.1% of study patients lost ≥5% of their postsurgical weight; 34.3% and 22.9% lost ≥10% and ≥15%, respectively. RYGB had higher median percent weight loss (−8.1%) than SG (−3.3%) (p = 0.0515). No difference was found in median percent weight loss with medications started at weight plateau (−6.0%) versus after weight regain (−5.4%) (p = 0.5304). Patients taking medications at weight loss plateau lost 41.2% of total body weight from before surgery versus 27.1% after weight regain (p = 0.076). Median percent weight change on metformin was −2.9% compared to the rest of the cohort at −7.7% (p = 0.0241). No difference from the rest of the cohort was found for phentermine (p = 0.2018) or topiramate (p = 0.3187). Topiramate, phentermine, and metformin are promising weight loss medications for 21 to 30 year olds. RYGB patients achieve more weight loss on medications but both RYGB and SG benefit. Median total body weight loss from pre-surgical weight may be higher in patients that start medication at postsurgical nadir weight. Participants on metformin lost significantly smaller percentages of weight on medications, which could be the result of underlying medical conditions.

1954 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-10

The distribution of bromide has been used to measure total body chloride in 50 infants and children. Total chloride has been found to follow the differential growth equation. An index of extracellular water has been obtained and followed with the progress of age. It has been found that infants in early life have 40% more chloride per unit weight than adults. Total chloride/kg. shows a rapid proportionate decrease during the first year of life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Moreno Zanardo ◽  
Fabio Martino Doniselli ◽  
Anastassia Esseridou ◽  
Massimiliano Agrò ◽  
Nicol Antonina Rita Panarisi ◽  

Abstract Objectives Iodinated contrast media (ICM) could be more appropriately dosed on patient lean body weight (LBW) than on total body weight (TBW). Methods After Ethics Committee approval, trial registration NCT03384979, patients aged ≥ 18 years scheduled for multiphasic abdominal CT were randomised for ICM dose to LBW group (0.63 gI/kg of LBW) or TBW group (0.44 gI/kg of TBW). Abdominal 64-row CT was performed using 120 kVp, 100–200 mAs, rotation time 0.5 s, pitch 1, Iopamidol (370 mgI/mL), and flow rate 3 mL/s. Levene, Mann–Whitney U, and χ2 tests were used. The primary endpoint was liver contrast enhancement (LCE). Results Of 335 enrolled patients, 17 were screening failures; 44 dropped out after randomisation; 274 patients were analysed (133 LBW group, 141 TBW group). The median age of LBW group (66 years) was slightly lower than that of TBW group (70 years). Although the median ICM-injected volume was comparable between groups, its variability was larger in the former (interquartile range 27 mL versus 21 mL, p = 0.01). The same was for unenhanced liver density (IQR 10 versus 7 HU) (p = 0.02). Median LCE was 40 (35–46) HU in the LBW group and 40 (35–44) HU in the TBW group, without significant difference for median (p = 0.41) and variability (p = 0.23). Suboptimal LCE (< 40 HU) was found in 64/133 (48%) patients in the LBW group and 69/141 (49%) in the TBW group, but no examination needed repeating. Conclusions The calculation of the ICM volume to be administered for abdominal CT based on the LBW does not imply a more consistent LCE.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (Supplement_1) ◽  
Jennifer Ford ◽  
Georg Lietz ◽  
Anthony Oxley ◽  
Joanne Green ◽  
Michael Green

Abstract Objectives We applied a new modeling approach to generate estimates of vitamin A total body stores (TBS) for previously-studied subjects (Green et al. J Nutr 2016;146:2129–36) who were consuming moderate amounts of preformed vitamin A. Based on recent work, we hypothesized that inclusion of an estimate of vitamin A dietary intake (DI) during modeling would help compensate for the less-than-optimal study duration (14 d). Methods We reanalyzed retinol kinetic data collected after ingestion of [13C10]retinyl acetate by 26 young adults of European ancestry for whom estimates of DI were available. To predict TBS by compartmental analysis, geometric mean (GM) data on fraction of dose in plasma versus time plus estimated intake (2.9 µmol retinol activity equivalents/d) were analyzed using the Simulation, Analysis and Modeling software in light of previously-established models. We also used modeling to estimate coefficients (“FaS”) used in retinol isotope dilution (RID) equations and calculated TBS for the group and individuals. Results TBS predicted by the model without DI data included was 98 µmol; when the GM DI was included in the modeling data stream, predicted TBS was 273 µmol. Including DI data during modeling also resulted in lower predictions of intake [2.9 versus 8.7 µmol/d without DI, compared with the average RDA for adults (2.8 µmol/d)] and longer predicted days of vitamin A stores (125 versus 15 d). Using the FaS at 7 d (0.90) predicted by the model with DI, RID-predicted TBS agreed with the model prediction (GM, 274 µmol, range 106–889 µmol). Conclusions Results indicate that including an estimate of DI during modeling provides more realistic predictions of TBS for studies of short duration and improves confidence in model prediction of vitamin A status. Funding Sources Original human studies were supported by Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council (grant BB/G004056/1 to GL) and Cancer Research UK; current analyses were supported by College of Health and Human Development, Penn State University.

Aaron R. Caldwell ◽  
Megan E. Rosa-Caldwell ◽  
Carson Keeter ◽  
Evan C. Johnson ◽  
François Péronnet ◽  

<b><i>Background:</i></b> Debate continues over whether or not individuals with low total water intake (TWI) are in a chronic fluid deficit (i.e., low total body water) [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="ref1">1</xref>]. When women with habitually low TWI (1.6 ± 0.5 L/day) increased their fluid intake (3.5 ± 0.1 L/day) for 4 days 24-h urine osmolality decreased, but there was no change in body weight, a proxy for total body water (TBW) [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="ref2">2</xref>]. In a small (<i>n</i> = 5) study of adult men, there were no observable changes in TBW, as measured by bioelectrical impedance, after increasing TWI for 4 weeks [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="ref3">3</xref>]. However, body weight increased and salivary osmolality decreased indicating that the study may have been underpowered to detect changes in TBW. Further, no studies to date have measured changes in blood volume (BV) when TWI is increased. <b><i>Objectives:</i></b> Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify individuals with habitually low fluid intake and determine if increasing TWI, for 14 days, resulted in changes in TBW or BV. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> In order to identify individuals with low TWI, 889 healthy adults were screened. Participants with a self-reported TWI less than 1.8 L/day (men) or 1.2 L/day (women), and a 24-h urine osmolality greater than 800 mOsm were included in the intervention phase of the study. For the intervention phase, 15 participants were assigned to the experimental group and 8 participants were assigned to the control group. The intervention period lasted for 14 days and consisted of 2 visits to our laboratory: one before the intervention (baseline) and 14 days into the intervention (14-day follow-up). At these visits, BV was measured using a CO-rebreathe procedure and deuterium oxide (D<sub>2</sub>O) was administered to measure TBW. Urine samples were collected immediately prior, and 3–8 h after the D<sub>2</sub>O dose to allow for equilibration. Prior to each visit, participants collected 24-h urine to measure 24-h hydration status. After the baseline visit, the experimental group increased their TWI to 3.7 L for males and 2.7 L for females in order to meet the current Institute of Medicine recommendations for TWI. <b><i>Results:</i></b> Twenty-four-hour urine osmolality decreased (−438.7 ± 362.1 mOsm; <i>p</i> &#x3c; 0.001) and urine volume increased (1,526 ± 869 mL; <i>p</i> &#x3c; 0.001) in the experimental group from baseline, while there were no differences in osmolality (−74.7 ± 572 mOsm; <i>p</i> = 0.45), or urine volume (−32 ± 1,376 mL; <i>p</i> = 0.89) in the control group. However, there were no changes in BV (Fig. <xref ref-type="fig" rid="f01">1</xref>a) or changes in TBW (Fig. <xref ref-type="fig" rid="f01">1</xref>b) in either group. <b><i>Conclusions:</i></b> Increasing fluid intake in individuals with habitually low TWI increases 24-h urine volume and decreases urine osmolality but does not result in changes in TBW or BV. These findings are in agreement with previous work indicating that TWI interventions lasting 3 days [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="ref2">2</xref>] to 4 weeks [<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="ref3">3</xref>] do not result in changes in TBW. Current evidence would suggest that the benefits of increasing TWI are not related changes in TBW.

1983 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 138-141 ◽  
Brigitte Heide ◽  
Andreas Pierratos ◽  
Ramesh Khanna ◽  
Jean Pettit ◽  
Raymond Ogilvie ◽  

Nutritional follow-up of 20 CAPD patients for 18–24 months showed a decrease in total body nitrogen, increase in total body potassium and body weight, and a decrease in protein intake over time. There was no correlation between changes in TBN and the biochemical parameters measured. Serial dietetic assessments and measurements of total body nitrogen as well as adherence to an adequate protein intake will assist in the prevention of malnutrition in CAPD patients.

2002 ◽  
Vol 57 (3) ◽  
pp. 107-114 ◽  
Pauline L. Martin ◽  
Joan Lane ◽  
Louise Pouliot ◽  
Malcolm Gains ◽  
Rudolph Stejskal ◽  

1929 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 311-324

1. Throughout post-natal life the relative weights of the pituitary body, thyroid, thymus and adrenals in the rabbit may be expressed by the equation y = axk + c. 2. A similar association is indicated in the rat for the weights of eyeballs, liver, pancreas, hypophysis, thyroid, adrenals, submaxillary glands, kidney and fresh skeleton (data from Donaldson, 1924). 3. In giant and pigmy rabbits, the ultimate proportions of body parts are not the same, but (for any given body weight) corresponding tissues in the two groups tend to exhibit an identical relation to total body mass. 4. The adrenals and testes of the Polish rabbits are relatively much larger than those of the Flemish. But in each case the growth of the adrenal approximates to a constant power function of body weight. Moreover, in these two groups and in their hybrids, the growth of the testes adheres to a simple association with adrenal weight identical for each. 5. These data suggest the generalisation that in a growing organism the magnitude of any part tends to be a specific function of the total body mass or of some portion so related to the whole. 6. These associations may be explained by surmising that each tissue is in equilibrium with the internal milieu with regard to the distribution of nutrient growth essentials; that in each case the equilibrium point would be determined by the nature of the cell and after differentiation would tend to remain constant; and that the relative enlargement of each tissue is limited by the excess of the equilibrium value over the katabolic expenditure. 7. According to the above hypothesis of organ growth, the equation y = axk + c may possess a physical significance. Eight types of growth relationships may thus exist, differing because of the apparent inactivity of one or more constants in this equation.

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