1949 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 667-669

The first meeting of the Section on Surgery of the American Academy of Pediatrics was held in the Chalfonte-Haddon Hall Hotel, Atlantic City, N.J., on Nov. 21, 1948. Those present were: charter members of the Section—Drs. W. E. Ladd, H. E. Coe, O. S. Wyatt, J. R. Bowman, F. D. Ingraham, C. E. Koop, T. N. Lanman, J. Lozoya, W. J. Potts, and Henry Swan, Jr., and guests— Dr. Fontana of Montevideo and Dr. Clifford Sweet. The Chairman reported that the Executive Board of the Academy had approved the following as charter members of the Section in addition to the 10 present: Drs. A. H. Bill, Jr., F. Cachof, T. C. Chishold, R. E. Gross, J. M. Moore, W. T. Mustard, D. W. MacCollum, C. Serinanan, Orvar Swenson, and F. R. Wilkinson and the following policy, or steering, committee: H. E. Coe, chairman, and C. S. Wyatt, to serve three years, R. E. Gross and J. Lozoya, to serve two years, and W. E. Ladd and Henry Swan to serve one year; two members are to be appointed for a three year term each year hereafter, each member being eligible to succeed himself only once. Dr. Coe then outlined briefly the history of the development of the Section: 1. Surgical subjects have been presented at meetings of the Academy by round table discussions at intervals over a period of some 15 years. 2. Constant expansion of the fields of activity of the Academy. 3. A plan for including children's surgery in Academy activities was presented formally to the Executive Board at the Detroit meeting in 1945. 4. The proposal was studied, reported at the meeting in Pittsburgh early in 1947 and a committee appointed consisting of Drs. Beaven, Ratner and Coe to consider enlarging the membership to include those in allied specialties whose work is limited to the care of children. 5. The report of the Executive Board recommending this expansion of membership was approved at the Dallas meeting in 1947 and the Committee was directed to collect and present further data.

1969 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-130

To be selected as President of the American Academy of Pediatrics is the greatest honor that could be given me. I approach this year with humility and pledge my best efforts. Never before in the brief history of the Academy has the pressure of time been so enormous and demanded as much immediate vigorous effort as now for the welfare of children. The many problems accompanied by this temporal pressure need no enumeration here. Dr. Logan has mentioned several. With each one, the degree of urgency and the length of time needed to accomplish realistic goals need evaluation. The fact that many problems will take years or decades to solve makes no less important the necessity to address ourselves to them now, before the welfare of a generation of children suffers irrevocably, or before alternative and less desirable solutions are imposed by government or other agencies. The American people are impatient. Witness only Head Start. The Administration was impatient to start the operation before it was pretested so that one year crop of 5 year olds would not be deprived of help. Many Fellows of the Academy, by the same token, have been impatient because the health aspects are not still functioning smoothly. If Head Start works well across the country in 10 years, it will have been a notable achievement. These factors of temporal pressure and impatience disturb pediatricians. Our training as scientists, which advocates careful and deliberate study of problems, makes us distrust hasty diagnosis or ill-considered therapy.

1954 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-77
Roger L. J. Kennedy

July 1, 1954, marks a milestone in the history of the American Academy of Pediatrics. For 22 years Doctor Hugh McCulloch has served the Academy, first as co-editor of the Journal of Pediatrics and since the establishment in 1948 of our own publication, Pediatrics, as Editor-in-Chief. Throughout his long term of office he has been an outstanding editor and in addition has found time to serve the Academy in many other ways. He was nominated by the Academy for membership on the American Board of Pediatrics and served as Chairman of the Committee on Rheumatic Fever, to mention only a few of his many activities. Few men have given as much of themselves to pediatrics and American medicine. Since he first served as a member of the Committee on Publication in 1931, Doctor McCulloch has been an inspiration to everyone who has had an opportunity to work with him. His superior qualities of executive ability and imagination have been important factors in establishing Pediatrics as an outstanding publication. Doctor McCulloch has found it necessary to ask to be relieved as Editor-in-Chief because of increasing demands on his time. It was with sincere regret and profound appreciation of Doctor McCulloch's contributions to the American Academy of Pediatrics that the Executive Board acceded to his request. It is impossible to express the magnitude of the debt that the Academy owes Doctor McCulloch for his many years of service. With the selection of Doctor Charles D. May as Editor-in-Chief, the Executive Board presents to its members a fellow member of the Academy who has a broad viewpoint of the responsibilities of the position. He is typical of the new leadership which steadily develops within the Academy and upon which we depend for even greater advances in the future.

1964 ◽  
Vol 34 (6) ◽  
pp. 885-886
Frank H. Douglass

UPON ASSUMING this office one year ago I stated that the founders and officers of the Academy who had served before me had set the purpose of the voyage of the Good Ship American Academy of pediatrics; the Executive Board of the Academy continually reviews our problems and charts our course, the Executive Director and Central Office staff arrange the cargo, but you, the stockholders, must work the cargo if our voyage is to be successful. Our 1963-64 voyage is completed. I have brought the good ship back to the home port and she is again ready to sail under Captain Harry Towsley. I am happy to tell you that you have worked the cargo well in every port of call. Our committees have been dedicated and active as their reports show. This next year the committee reports will be published in a special booklet as heretofore. I urge every one of you to read these reports so you may better understand what you are getting from your membership. The Executive Board has not wavered one bit from the original purpose of our voyage, though I am sure there are some among us who would have them do so. The Board, your Officers, and even the Academy itself cannot be all things to all people, but we have tried hard to please as many as possible. I can assure you that every effort is made to comply with the wishes of the majority and to carry out the original precepts that made us the largest and most influential organization interested in children in all the world.

1961 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 161-164
William W. Belford

AFTER SOME 30 years a member of the Academy and 6 years on the Executive Board, I come to this occasion very much aware of the great honor given me. Those before me have given us their concepts and philosophy of pediatrics and of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and what it has done. I am very humble in my comments about things as they appear to me. In the lives of all of us there is always something to be done—unfinished business. There is unfinished business for the American Academy of Pediatrics too. The last 10 years seem to have increased the number of factors and items of this unfinished business. There is so much to be done for the welfare of children! It is encouraging, though sometimes confusing, that so many groups are interested in the welfare of children besides pediatricians. It is good that the Fellows of the Academy takes part in the activities of these other organizations, for many of these lack pediatric guidance. The Academy's official liaison representatives to these groups are appreciated and we give them our thanks for their unselfish and outstanding efforts. It is evident that this phase of the work in child care will increase, and pediatricians must have an increasing role in the work of these organizations which are interested in various aspects of child health and welfare. The National Council of Organizations for Children and Youth now numbers 596 organizations as members. The recent White House Conference on Children and Youth was a huge affair! It was quite evident that there was a vast amount of knowledge unusued though known to one group but not realized or suspected to be available by others.

1968 ◽  
Vol 41 (6) ◽  
pp. 1143-1144
Henry P. Staub

In the Newsletter of January 1, 1968, the American Academy of Pediatrics reported that the executive board strongly endorsed time American Cancer Society's anti-smoking resolution. Personally, I cannot agree with the approach of the resolution to the public health hazard of smoking. If the American Academy of Pediatrics (or for that matter, the American Cancer Society) wanted to back effective measures, an entirely different type of resolution would have been adopted, one that would have put the emphasis On reaciling the younger generation.

1971 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 465-469
Russell W. Mapes

For any national organization striving to keep pace with increasingly diverse responsibilities and objectives, there are appropriate times when that organization must pause, reflect, and project before moving forward to meet the goals to which it has dedicated its programs and priorities. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the American Academy of Pediatrics. It was June 23, 1930 that 35 pediatricians met in Harper Hospital in Detroit to establish the Academy as the organization to speak for the interests and health of children, as well as the interests of its pediatric members. This year also marks the beginning of a new decade, a decade which holds great promise for the future of pediatrics but a decade which also presents significant challenges which we must meet if we are to deliver quality health care to all children. The American Academy of Pediatrics is indeed fortunate to be able to draw from the accomplishments of a progressive history of achievement, distinguished by the vision of its early founders. In the 1920's the medical community widely predicted that pediatrics was disappearing as a specialty, that in a few years it would merge into the field of general medicine. Concern was also expressed that pediatrics was not sufficiently represented in the echelons of organized medicine and, consequently, the cause of child health was not being served adequately. To pediatricians like Isaac A. Abt, the first president of the Academy, to John L. Morse, its first vice-president, and to Clifford G. Grulee, the Academy's pioneering executive director, these were very real challenges, but they were not causes for pessimism or defeatism.

1989 ◽  
Vol 84 (2) ◽  
pp. 400-400

The statement was developed by the Committee on Practice and Ambulatory Medicine (of which I was then chairman) with the approval and support of the American Academy of Pediatrics' Executive Board. It was designed to respond to the needs of the membership for direction and guidance in this area of practice activity. Establishing organizational policy on an issue such as this for which there are no hard data requires a consensus building process where expert opinion is solicited, competing views are evaluated, and a thoughtful position is fashioned. Our committee, at all times, sought substance, fairness, and balance in formulating the content of this statement.

1952 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 373-375

POSTGRADUATE COURSE IN PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM A Pediatric Postgraduate Endocrinology and Metabolism course will be held at the Burnham Memorial Hospital for Children, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, under the direction of Dr. Nathan B. Talbot and associates, Oct. 6 through Oct. 11, 1952, daily from 9:00 am, to 4:30 p.m. For further details, write Courses for Graduates, Harvard Medical School, 25 Shattuck St., Boston. ANNOUNCEMENT OF PEDIATRIC RESIDENCY FELLOWSHIPS Through the generosity of Mr. D. Mead Johnson and Mead Johnson and Company, the American Academy of Pediatrics is pleased to announce that 8 fellowships for pediatric residents will be available for a period of one year, beginning Jan. 1, 1953.

1952 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6

IT IS now, 21 years since the American Academy of Pediatrics was founded. It is not inappropriate at this time to call attention to this significant anniversary of our birth. In June 1930, at Detroit, its organization was completed and officers were elected. A year later, the first annual meeting was held in Atlantic City. It was made clear at that time that pediatricians were now convinced that a society was needed whose principal objective would be not solely to promote social and scientific needs of its members, but which would exist primarily to promote child welfare. The means by which this major objective would be gained would be to raise the standards of pediatric education and pediatric research; to encourage better pediatric training in medical schools and hospitals; to promote scientific contributions to pediatric literature; and to relate the private practice of pediatrics to the larger field of the welfare of all children. The society should cooperate with others whose objectives were similar, but would he the democratic forum for pediatric thought and endeavor. Following is a quotation from the constitution adopted at the first meeting: "The object of the Academy shall be to foster and stimulate interest in pediatrics and correlate all aspects of the work for the welfare of children which properly come within the scope of pediatrics. The Academy shall endeavor to accomplish the following purposes: to maintain the highest possible standards of pediatric education in medical schools and hospitals, in pediatric practice, and in research; ... to maintain the dignity and efficiency of pediatric practice in its relationship to public welfare; to promote publications and encourage contributions to medical and scientific literature pertaining to pediatrics."

1956 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 159-159

THE Committee on Nutrition of the American Academy of Pediatrics was established as a Scientific Committee by action of the Executive Board on April 1, 1954. It was created through due recognition of the importance of nutrition in the welfare of infants, children and adolescents. It had become evident that there should be an authoritative body, particularly concerned with the science and practice of nutrition in the periods of rapid growth which occupy the attention of pediatricians. In this manner it was hoped that special consideration of factors which affect the nutrition of infants, children and adolescents could be emphasized. The Committee should include persons capable of compiling and appraising the pertinent facts and who also would be sensitive to the needs of practitioners and to the position of purveyors of products intended for the nutrition of infants, children and adolescents. This Committee of the Academy shall offer guidance in selecting means of achieving optimal nutrition in those periods of rapid growth. Consultation and cooperation with other existing authoritative bodies are considered desirable. The Executive Board of the Academy on September 29, 1955, defined the scope and functions of the Committee on Nutrition to include: 1. Compilation of the essential facts which are the scientific basis for practical nutrition of infants, children and adolescents. 2. Publication of the findings of the Committee in a form suitable to convey the information to physicians, such as brief reports and commentaries in the official journal and publications of the Academy. This Committee shall concern itself with standards for nutritional requirements, optimal practices and the interpretation of current knowledge of nutrition as these affect infants, children and adolescents.

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