scholarly journals Determinación de la cinética, pruebas de crecimiento y efecto de inhibición in vitro de Lactobacillus casei en Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus agalactiae y Escherichia coli

Henry Jurado-Gámez ◽  
Manuel Gúzman-Insuasty

<p>Se determinó la cinética, pruebas de crecimiento y el efecto de inhibición <em>in vitro</em> de <em>Lactobacillus casei</em> sobre <em>Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus agalactiae </em>y<em> Escherichia coli</em>. Se usaron cepas de casa comercial y cepas aisladas en la Vereda La Victoria, Corregimiento de Catambuco al suroccidente del municipio de Pasto, Nariño, Colombia. Se evaluó el efecto de los antibióticos Dicloxacilina, Cefepima, Cefalotina, Ciprofloxacina, Gentamicina, Penicilina, Trimetropim Sulfa y Ampicilina. Se evaluó la inhibición producida por <em>L. casei</em> y su sobrenadante sobre las bacterias patógenas. El crecimiento de la bacteria láctica se evaluó con tres niveles de pH (2,5, 4,5 y 7),  tres concentraciones de sales biliares (0,5, 1 y 2%) y dos de bilis bovina (1 y 1,2%), y dos temperaturas (38 y 45°C). Igualmente se determinó la cinética de crecimiento y las variables pH, azúcar total, proteína y ácido láctico.  Mediante HPLC se determinaron los péptidos y los ácidos orgánicos presentes en el sobrenadante. <em>L. casei </em>mostró susceptibilidad a la Ciprofloxacina y Ampicilina, mientras que <em>S. aureus </em>mostró susceptibilidad y resistencia a todos los antibióticos para la cepa comercial y aislada respectivamente, el mismo comportamiento se presentó con <em>S. epidermidis</em>. Las cepas de <em>S. agalactiae</em> y <em>E. coli</em> aisladas y comerciales mostraron susceptibilidad a los antibióticos.  La cepa láctica mostró un efecto de inhibición de <em>S. aureus</em>, <em>S. epidermidis</em> y  <em>S. agalactiae</em>, pero no fue efectiva con <em>E. coli</em>, igual comportamiento se observó con el uso del sobrenadante de la bacteria láctica. Se encontró crecimiento de 1 x 10<sup>10</sup> y 5,1 x 10<sup>7</sup> UFC/ml para 1 y 1,2 % de bilis bovina; 2,3 x 10<sup>7</sup>, 1 x 10<sup>9</sup> y 3 x 10<sup>8</sup> UFC/ml para 0,5, 1 y 2 % de sales biliares respectivamente; 1,1 x 10<sup>11</sup>, 2,0 x 10<sup>10</sup> y 1,0 x 10<sup>10</sup> UFC/ml para  pH de 2,5, 4,5 y 7 respectivamente. La fase exponencial se encontró a 16:48 horas con un crecimiento de 3 x 10<sup>10</sup> UFC/ml. La variables pH, azúcar, acidez y proteína durante la fase exponencial fueron de 4,94, 0,88 mg/l, 2,89 mg/l y 1,9 mg/l, respectivamente. La prueba de HPLC para péptidos mostró la presencia de una cadena VAL-TIR-VAL y para ácidos orgánicos se encontró una producción de 83,46% de ácido láctico. <em>L. casei </em> mostró buenas características probiótica que permitirían su aplicación en ensayos in vivo para el control de microorganismos causantes de mastitis subclínica en vacas.</p>

Henry Jurado-Gámez ◽  
Manuel Gúzman-Insuasty ◽  
V. Jarrín-Jarrín

<p>Se determinó la cinética, pruebas de crecimiento y efecto de inhibición <em>in vitro</em> de <em>Lactobacillus lactis </em>sobre las bacterias patógenas <em>Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus agalactiae </em>y<em> Escherichia coli</em>. Los análisis fueron realizados en el laboratorio de microbiología de la Facultad de Ciencias Pecuarias de la Universidad de Nariño. Las cepas patógenas fueron evaluadas por duplicado, la primera con el uso de cepas de referencia y las segundas, cepas aisladas de la región de Nariño, Colombia. Se determinó la inhibición de los antibióticos Gentamicina, Penicilina, Ciprofloxacina, Dicloxacilina, Cefepime, Cefalotina, Trimetropin Sulfa y Ampicilina mediante la metodología de kirby bauer. Se determinó la inhibición de <em>L. lactis</em> y el sobrenadante sobre todas las bacterias patógenas. Se evaluó el crecimiento de la bacteria láctica a 3 concentraciones de sales biliares (0,5, 1 y 2%) y 2 concentraciones de bilis bovina (1 y 1,2%); 3 pH (2, 4,5 y 7) y 2 temperaturas (38 y 45 °C). Se determinó la fase exponencial de crecimiento de la bacteria láctica y las variables cinéticas pH, azúcar, acidez y proteína. Se analizaron los péptidos presentes en el sobrenadante y la producción de ácidos orgánicos mediante HPLC. Se encontraron los microorganismos <em>S. aureus, S. epidermidis, S. agalactiae </em>y<em> E. coli</em> en leche de vacas con mastitis subclínica en la región de Nariño, Colombia; las cepas fueron aisladas para su análisis. Se encontró susceptibilidad de las cepas de referencia a los anbitióticos evaluados y resistencia de las cepas aisladas. Se observó que únicamente la cepa de referencia de <em>S. aureus </em>fue resistente a la bacteria láctica; ambas cepas de <em>S. agalactiae</em> presentaron resistencia; mientras que <em>S. epidermidis</em> y <em>E. coli</em> mostraron susceptibilidad. Se encontró que el sobrenadante inhibe en mayor proporción a las bacterias patógenas de referencia; mientras que las aisladas posee mayor resistencia. La cepa láctica tuvo un crecimiento de 0 y 5 x 10<sup>9</sup> UFC/ml a concentraciones de 1 y 1,2%; mientras que con sales biliares se encontró crecimiento únicamente a 0,5% (5 x 10<sup>8</sup> UFC/ml). La prueba de pH indicó crecimientos de 1,4 x 10<sup>12</sup>,  6,4 x 10<sup>11</sup> y 7,5 x 10<sup>11</sup> para pH 2, 4,5 y 7 respectivamente y la temperatura, 2,8 x 10<sup>12</sup> y 3,1 x 10<sup>12</sup> UFC/ml para 38 y 45°C. Durante la fase exponencial se encontraron valores de: 2 x 10<sup>11</sup> UFC/ml a las 14:48 horas; 4,29 de pH, 0,62% de acidez, 2,18 mg/l de azúcar y 0,279 mg/l de proteína. Las pruebas de HPLC indicaron la presencia del péptido VAL-TIRL-VAL y 82,9% de ácido láctico. <em>L. lactis</em> posee características <em>in vitro </em>adecuadas para inhibir cepas patógenas presentes en leche con mastitis subclínica de la región de Nariño, Colombia.</p>

2021 ◽  
Μαρία Χρυσούλη

Συντέθηκε και χαρακτηρίστηκε πλήρως το νέο μεταλλοθεραπευτικό Ph2Sn(CIP)2 (CIPTIN) (HCIP = σιπροφλοξασίνη) από την αντίδραση του εμπορικά διαθέσιμου αντιβιοτικού υδροχλωριωμένη σιπροφλοξασίνη (HCIP·HCl) με το άλας του διφαινυλοδιχωροκασσιτέρου (Ph2SnCl2 DPTD). Επίσης απομονώθηκε και λύθηκε η κρυσταλλική δομή του εσωτερικού άλατος της σιπροφλοξασίνης (HCIP). Στη συνέχεια, με σκοπό να ενισχυθεί η υδατοδιαλυτότητα και κατ’ επέκταση η βιολογική δράση και η βιοδιαθεσιμότητα του CIPTIN και του DPTD, παρασκευάστηκαν τα μικκύλια SLS@CIPTIN, CTAB@CIPTIN, SLS@DPTD και CTAB@DPTD (SLS = sodium lauryl sulphate and CTAB = cetrimonium bromide).Το νέο μεταλλοθεραπευτικό χαρακτηρίστηκε σε στερεά κατάσταση με μελέτη της περίθλασης ακτίνων Χ (XRD), ανάλυση της περίθλασης ακτίνων Χ κόνεως (XRPD), φασματοσκοπία φθορισμού ακτίνων Χ (XRF), φασματοσκοπία υπερύθρου (FT-IR), φασματοσκοπία 119Sn Mössbauer, θερμική ανάλυση (TG / DTA), διαφορική θερμιδομετρία σάρωσης (DSC), μελέτη του σημείου τήξεως και σε υγρή κατάσταση με φασματοσκοπία υπεριώδους-ορατού (UV-VIS), φασματοσκοπία πυρηνικού μαγνητικού συντονισμού πρωτονίου (1Η-NMR) και με φασματοσκοπία μάζας ιοντικού ηλεκτροψεκασμού (ESI-MS). Ο χαρακτηρισμός των μικκυλίων πραγματοποιήθηκε με μελέτη του σημείου τήξεως, με φασματοσκοπία φθορισμού ακτίνων Χ, υπερύθρου, 119Sn Mössbauer, πυρηνικού μαγνητικού συντονισμού πρωτονίου, με θερμική ανάλυση και με διαφορική θερμιδομετρία σάρωσης. Η αντιπολλαπλασιαστική δράση του CIPTIN και των μικκυλίων SLS@CIPTIN, CTAB@CIPTIN, SLS@DPTD και CTAB@DPTD, μελετήθηκε έναντι των ανθρώπινων καρκινικών κυτταρικών σειρών του μαστού: MCF-7 (εκφράζουν οιστρογονικούς υποδοχείς) και MDA-MB-231 (δεν εκφράζουν οιστρογονικούς υποδοχείς). Η τοξικότητα των ενώσεων ελέγχθηκε in vitro έναντι φυσιολογικών κυττάρων MRC-5 και in vivo με το ζωικό μοντέλο Artemia Salina, ενώ η πιθανή γονοτοξικότητα ελέγχθηκε in vitro με μελέτη των μικροπυρηνίσκων και in vivo με τη βοήθεια του μοντέλου Allium cepa. Οι μελέτες της μορφολογίας των κυττάρων, του κυτταρικού κύκλου και του κατακερματισμού του πυρηνικού DNA που πραγματοποιήθηκαν σε κύτταρα MCF-7 μετά την επώασή τους με τις ενώσεις που συντέθηκαν και αποδεικνύουν ότι οι νέες ενώσεις προκαλούν κυτταρικό θάνατο μέσω απόπτωσης. Ταυτόχρονα, οι μελέτες της διαπερατότητας της μιτοχονδριακής μεμβράνης αποκάλυψαν ότι οι νέες ενώσεις προκαλούν απόπτωση μέσω της επίδρασής τους στα μιτοχονδριακά μονοπάτια των κυττάρων. Επιπλέον, μελετήθηκε η αλληλεπίδραση των ενώσεων με το DNA, καθώς και η αντιμικροβιακή δράση των νέων ενώσεων έναντι των βακτηριακών στελεχών Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa), Escherichia coli (E. coli), Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) και Staphylococcus epidermidis (S. epidermidis), με προσδιορισμό της ελάχιστης ανασταλτικής συγκέντρωσης (MIC), της ελάχιστης βακτηριοστατικής συγκέντρωσης (MBC), των ζωνών αναστολής (IZs) και της επίδρασης των ενώσεων στο σχηματισμό βακτηριακού βιοφίλμ. Τέλος, διερευνήθηκε η σχέση μεταξύ της αντικαρκινικής και της αντιμικροβιακής δράσης που επιδεικνύουν οι βιοδραστικές ενώσεις.

2020 ◽  
Vol 151 ◽  
pp. 15550-15558
Amégninou Agban ◽  
Yao Hoekou ◽  
Passimna Pissang ◽  
Tchadjobo Tchacondo ◽  
Komlan Batawila

Objectif : L’objectif de ce travail était d’évaluer in vitro l’activité antimicrobienne des extraits de feuilles et tige de Jatropha multifida sur la croissance de Candida albicans, Escherichia coli et Staphylococcus aureus, puis d’évaluer in vivo la toxicité de cette plante. Méthodologie et résultats : Les méthodes de diffusion en milieu gélosé et de microdilution en milieu liquide ont été utilisées pour évaluer l’effet antimicrobien. Une étude en subaigüe était réalisée afin d’explorer les effets toxiques de l’extrait aqueux des feuilles. Les résultats des tests antimicrobiens montrent une activité des extraits de feuilles et tige de J. multifida sur la croissance des souches utilisées avec des diamètres de zones d’inhibition allant de 8 à 25 mm et des concentrations minimales inhibitrices (CMI) variant de 0,039 mg/mL à 1,25 mg/mL à l’exception des souches de E. coli qui sont résistantes aux extraits de la tige. L’administration en subaigüe de l’extrait aqueux des feuilles de J. multifida à la dose de 600 mg/kg entraîne une perte significative de poids chez les souris. Conclusion et applications des résultats : Les extraits aqueux, éthanolique et hydroéthanolique des feuilles et tige de J. multifida possèdent d’activité antimicrobienne et pourraient être utilisés dans le traitement des Candidoses à C. albicans et des infections à S. aureus. Mais l’essai de toxicité subaigüe montre que l’extrait aqueux de la plante serait toxique. Des études toxicologiques approfondies restent donc nécessaires sur ces extraits afin de mieux élucider leur inocuité. Mots-clés : Jatropha multifida, extraits de feuilles et de tige, activités antifongique et antibactérienne, toxicité. Agban et al., J. Appl. Biosci. 2020 Evaluation du potentiel antimicrobien et de la toxicité des extraits de Jatropha multifida Linn, (Euphorbiaceae) 15551 Evaluation of antimicrobial potential and toxicity of Jatropha multifida Linn, (Euphorbiaceae) extracts ABSTRACT Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro the antimicrobial activity of leaves and stem of Jatropha multifida extracts against Candida albicans, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, and then to evaluate in vivo the toxicity of this plant. Methodology and Results: The agar well-diffusion and the NCCLS broth microdilution methods were used to assess the antimicrobial effect. A subacute study was carried out to explore the toxic effects of the aqueous extract of the leaves. The results of the antimicrobial tests show an activity of the extracts of leaves and stems of J. multifida on the growth of the strains used with diameters of inhibitory zones ranging from 8 to 25 mm and minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) varying from 0.039 mg/mL to 1.25 mg/mL exception E. coli strains which are resistant to extracts from the stem. Subacute administration of the aqueous extract of the leaves of J. multifida at a dose of 600 mg/kg leads to a significant loss of weight in the mice. Conclusion and application of findings : The aqueous, ethanolic and hydroethanolic extracts of the leaves and stem of J. multifida have antimicrobial activity and could be used in the treatment of Candidiasis and bacterial infections due respectively to C. albicans and S. aureus. But the subacute toxicity test shows that the aqueous extract of the plant would be toxic. Extensive toxicological studies therefore remain necessary on these extracts in order to better elucidate their safety. Keywords: Jatropha multifida extracts of leaves and stem, antifungal and antibacterial activities, toxicity

Miladys Esther Torrenegra Alarcón ◽  
Nerlis Paola Pájaro ◽  
Glicerio León Méndez

Se evaluó la actividad antibacteriana in vitro de aceites esenciales de diferentes especiesdel género Citrus frente a cepas ATCC de Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis,Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa y Escherichia coli, determinandola concentración mínima inhibitoria (CMI) y la concentración mínima bactericida(CMB). Las bacterias se replicaron en medios de agar y caldos específicos. Se determinóel momento de máxima densidad óptica (DO620) para emplearlo como tiempode incubación; luego se hicieron pruebas de evaluación de sensibilidad con la exposiciónde las cepas a concentraciones a 1000 g/mL del extracto en caldo. Para solubilizarse empleó dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO) al 1%. Posteriormente, se le determinó laconcentración mínima inhibitoria mediante metodologías de microdilución en caldoy la concentración mínima bactericida. Encontrándose una actividad de los aceitesesenciales del género Citrus, con valores de CMI ≥ 600 mg/mL frente a S. aureus,S. epidermidis, K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa y E. coli. En función a los resultados obtenidos,se concluye que las diferentes especies del género Citrus son consideradas comopromisorias para el control del componente bacteriano.

1978 ◽  
Vol 15 (6) ◽  
pp. 770-775 ◽  
J. C. Anderson

The possibility of adherence of Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli or Streptococcus agalactiae to the epithelium of the mammary gland was investigated by inoculating them into this gland of mice. S. aureus, S. epidermidis and E. coli did not adhere to alveolar epithelium in suckling or non-suckling mice. S. agalactiae adhered to alveolar epithelium in non-suckling mice but adhesion was not sufficiently strong to withstand suckling. Bacterial adherence probably does not play a significant role in the establishment of mastitis by these organisms.

2019 ◽  
Md Akil Hossain ◽  
Hae-Chul Park ◽  
Kwang-jick Lee ◽  
Sung-Won Park ◽  
Seung-Chun Park ◽  

Abstract Background: Bacteria have remarkable abilities to acquire resistance against antibiotics by several mechanisms. New strategies are needed to block the development of resistance and to prolong the life of traditional antibiotics. This study aimed to increase the efficacy of existing antibiotics by combining them with the opportunistic phenolic compound gallic acid (GA) and its derivatives. Fractional inhibitory concentration (FIC) indexes of phenolic compound-antibiotic combinations against Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were determined. Based on the FIC indexes and clinical importance, 3 combinations were selected to evaluate their effects on the virulence factors of these bacteria. The in vitro cytotoxicity of GA and hamamelitannin in the Rattus norvegicus (IEC-6) cell line were evaluated. Results: Phenolic compounds demonstrated considerable antibacterial effects as the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of epigallocatechin, GA and hamamelitannin found against different strains were (32–1024), (128–1024) and (512–≥2048) μg/mL, respectively. The FIC indexes of the combined antibacterials against these strains were 0.281–1.016. The ultrastructural morphology and time-kill assays showed that the GA-ceftiofur combination, and hamamelitannin-erythromycin and GA-ampicillin combinations more efficiently inhibited the growth of S. Typhimurium and E. coli, respectively, compared to the individual antibiotics. Biofilm viability and the swimming and swarming motilities of S. Typhimurium in the presence of GA-ceftiofur and E. coli in the presence of the hamamelitannin-erythromycin and GA-ampicillin combinations were more competently inhibited than individual antimicrobials. The 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC50) of GA and hamamelitannin in IEC-6 cells were 564.55 μM and 988.54 μM, respectively. Conclusions: The phenolic compounds increase the efficacy of existing antibiotics might be by disrupting virulence factors. We can conclude that these antibacterial combinations are safe and can be potential medications to treat S. Typhimurium, E. coli and S. aureus infections in animals and humans. Further study to confirm this effect in in vivo system and to determine the precise mechanism of action should be undertaken to establish these combinations as medications.

В.Г. Арзуманян ◽  
А.М. Иксанова ◽  
Т.А. Артемьева ◽  
Л.М. Бутовченко ◽  
Е.Т. Мальбахова

Широкое использование антибиотиков и противогрибковых препаратов при лечении дисбиозов влагалища сопровождается появлением резистентных штаммов микроорганизмов. В этой связи актуальной является разработка новых препаратов, в частности, основанных на натуральных антимикробных пептидах (АМП), отличающихся более широким спектром действия и высокой активностью. Цель работы - изучение возможности использования сывороточных АМП в лечении вагинальных дисбиозов различной этиологии на мышиной модели. Методика. Активность АМП фракции сыворотки крови кролика оценивали в опытах in vitro и in vivo. В первом случае проверяли действие АМП на клетки Candida albicans, Escherichia coli и Staphylococcus aureus спектрофотометрическим методом. Данный метод основан на поглощении красителя бромкрезолового пурпурного клетками с нарушенной цитоплазматической мембраной и, как результат, снижении оптической плотности надосадочной жидкости в опытных вариантах по сравнению с контрольными. Во втором случае оценивали лечебный эффект концентрированного препарата сывороточных АМП на мышах, зараженных интравагинально теми же культурами. После заражения мышей пролечивали введением препарата тем же путем, а результат оценивали методом высевов из влагалища на селективные среды. Результаты. Установлено, что наиболее выраженное действие в опытах in vitro сывороточные АМП оказывали на клетки C. albicans (активность составила 32,9 % от контроля), тогда как менее выраженный эффект имел место в отношении E. coli (23,3 %) и S. aureus (14,4 %). Аналогичная закономерность имела место и в опытах in vivo: высев C. albicans после лечения препаратом АМП составил 44,6% от исходного в сравнении с 42,2% после лечения пимафуцином и 90,2% без лечения (плацебо); высев E. coli - 65,6% от исходного в сравнении с 26,3% после лечения метронидазолом и 94,8% в варианте плацебо; высев S. aureus - 76,9% от исходного в сравнении с 11,4% после лечения клиндамицином и 73,0% в варианте плацебо. Заключение. Наибольшей чувствительностью к сывороточным АМП среди изученных видов обладали клетки C. albicans, а наименьшей - S. aureus, причем как в опытах in vitro, так и in vivo. Препарат на основе АМП фракции сыворотки крови можно рассматривать как альтернативу традиционным препаратам при лечении вагинальных дисбиозов, особенно вульвовагинального кандидоза. Extensive use of antibiotics and antimycotics in the treatment of vaginal dysbiosis may result in emergence of resistant microbial strains. Therefore, development of new, broad-spectrum and highly active drugs, particularly based on antimicrobial peptides (AMP) is relevant. The aim of the present study was to evaluate a possibility of using serum AMP in the treatment of vaginal dysbiosis of different etiology on a murine model. Methods. Activity of the AMP fraction of rabbit serum was evaluated in in vitro and in vivo experiments. In the in vitro experiment, the effect of AMP on Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus cells was measured spectrophotometrically. This method was based on uptake of the bromocresol purple stain by cytoplasmic membranes of destroyed cells, which resulted in decreased optical density of the supernatant in experimental variants compared to the control. In the in vivo experiments, the therapeutic effect of concentrated serum AMP was evaluated in mice intravaginally infected with the same microbial cultures. The infected mice were treated similarly with the AMP preparation, and the outcome was evaluated using the inoculation of plates with selective media by vaginal material. Results. The serum AMP fraction exerted the most noticeable effect in in vitro experiments on C. albicans cells (activity 32.9 % of control) vs. lower effects on E. coli (23.3 %) and S. aureus (14.4 %). Consistently in the in vivo experiments, the abundance of C. albicans colonies was 44.6% of the initial value after the AMP drug treatment compared to 42.2% after the pimafucin treatment and 90.2% in placebo. The abundance of E. coli colonies after the AMP drug treatment was 65.6% of the initial compared to 26.3% after the metronidazole treatment and 94.8% in placebo; for S. aureus, the abundance was 76.9% (AMP) compared to 11.4% (clindamycin) and 73.0% (placebo). Conclusion. Among the studied microorganisms, C. albicans had the highest susceptibility to serum AMP while S. aureus was the least susceptible both in in vitro and in vivo experiments. Drugs based on the serum AMP preparation may be considered as a possible alternative to traditional medications for the treatment of vaginal dysbiosis, especially for vulvovaginal candidiasis.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Edy Kurniawan ◽  
Dwi Soelistya Dyah Jekti ◽  
Lalu Zulkifli

Abstract : Strychnos ligustrina stem has been empirically used by the people of West Nusa Tenggara and Bali in the treatment of malaria, tooth ache and diarrhea, but there is no scientific data that supports it. This study aims to determine and prove the antibacterial activity of Strychnos ligustrina methanol extract to pathogenic bacteria in vitro and in vivo. This research is an experimental study conducted by measuring the inhibition zone (mm) growth of pathogenic bacteria, determining minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum killing concentration (MKC) in vitro, and determining the percentage of antibacterial activity of methanol extract of S. ligustrina stem in vivo. The experiment was conducted using 4 groups of concentrations of S. ligustrina stem methanol extract in an in vitro study of 25, 50, 75, and 100% with ciprofloxacin as a positive control and aquadest as a negative control. In vivo studies experiments were carried out using 6 treatment groups of test animals male mice Balb / c (Mus musculus). The in vitro test results showed that methanol extract of S. ligustrina stems was able to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria with medium categories of clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus and categories of weaks to Klebsiella pneumonia and Escherichia coli isolates. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for S. aureus and K. pneumonia bacteria isolates was at a concentration of 25% while for E. coli isolates at a concentration of 30%. The methanol extract of the S. ligustrina stem has no killing power against the pathogenic bacteria tested. Antibacterial activity in vivo was able to inhibit the growth of S. aureus pathogenic bacteria by 6.60% (at 25% concentration), 8.62% (at 50% concentration), and 17.31% (at 100% concentration), against K. pneumonia was 11.85% (at 25% concentration), 51.21% (at 50% concentration), and 65.92% (at 100% concentration), against E. coliat 19.18% (at concentration 25%), 29.98% (at 50% concentration), and 40.88% (at 100% concentration). Methanol extract of S. ligustrina stem proved to have antibacterial activity in vitro and in vivo. Key words: Srychnos ligustrina, pathogenic bacteria, antibacterial, in vitro, in Vivo. Abstrak : Strychnos ligustrina secara empiris  telah digunakan oleh masyarakat Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Bali dalam pengobatan penyakit malaria, sakit gigi, dan diare, tetapi belum ada data ilmiah yang mendukung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan dan membuktikan aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak metanol batang bidara laut terhadap bakteri patogen secara in vitrodan in vivo. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental yang dilakukan dengan mengukur zona hambat (mm) pertumbuhan bakteri patogen, menentukan konsentrasi hambat minimum (KHM) dan konsentrasi bunuh minimum (KBM) secara in vitro, serta menentukan persentase aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak metanol batang bidara laut secara in vivo. Percobaan dilakukan menggunakan 4 kelompok konsentrasi ekstrak metanol batang bidara laut pada penelitian in vitro yaitu 25, 50, 75, dan 100% dengan ciprofloxacin sebagai kontrol positif serta aquadest sebagai kontrol negatif. Pada penelitian in vivo percobaan dilakukan menggunakan 6 kelompok perlakuan hewan uji mencit jantan galur Balb/c (Mus musculus). Hasil uji in vitro menunjukkan ekstrak metanol batang bidara laut mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri patogen dengan kategori sedang terhadap Staphylococcus aureus isolat klinis dan kategori lemah terhadap Klebsiella pneumonia dan Escherichia coli isolat klinis. Nilai konsentrasi hambat minimum (KHM) untuk isolat bakteri S. aureus dan K. pneumoniae adalah pada konsentrasi 25% sedangkan untuk isolat E. coli pada konsentrasi 30%. Ekstrak metanol batang bidara laut tidak memiliki daya bunuh terhadap bakteri patogen yang diuji. Aktivitas antibakteri secara in vivo mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri patogen S. aureus sebesar 6,60% (pada konsentrasi 25%), 8,62% (pada konsentrasi 50%), dan 17,31% (pada konsentrasi 100%), terhadap K. pneumonia sebesar 11,85% (pada konsentrasi 25%), 51,21% (pada konsentrasi 50%), dan 65,92% (pada konsentrasi 100%),   terhadap E. coli sebesar 19,18% (pada konsentrasi 25%), 29,98% (pada konsentrasi 50%), dan 40,88% (pada konsentrasi 100%). Ekstrak metanol batang bidara laut terbukti memiliki aktivitas antibakteri secara in vitro dan in vivo. Kata kunci: Srychnos ligustrina, bakteri patogen, antibakteri, in vitro, in vivo

1998 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 414-418 ◽  
F. Fuentes ◽  
J. Izquierdo ◽  
M. M. Martín ◽  
M. L. Gomez-Lus ◽  
J. Prieto

ABSTRACT Investigations of pharmacodynamic parameters (postantibiotic effect [PAE], sub-MIC effects [SMEs], etc.) have been progressively employed for the design of dosing schedules of antimicrobial agents. However, there are fewer in vivo than in vitro data, probably because of the simplicity of the in vitro procedures. In this study, we have investigated the in vitro PAE, SME, and previously treated (postantibiotic [PA]) SME (1/2 MIC, 1/4 MIC and 1/8 MIC) of azithromycin and isepamicin against standard strains ofStaphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coliby using centrifugation to remove the antibiotics. In addition, the in vivo PAE and SME have been studied with the thigh infection model in neutropenic mice. Finally, in vivo killing curves with two dosing schedules were determined to examine whether the PAE can cover the time that antimicrobial agents are below the MIC. The two antimicrobial agents induced moderate-to-high in vitro PAEs, SMEs, and PA SMEs against S. aureus (>8 h) andE. coli (3.38 to >7.64 h). The in vivo PAEs were also high (from 3.0 to 3.6 h), despite the fact that isepamicin had lower times above the MIC in serum. Only azithromycin showed a high in vivo SME against the two strains (1.22 and 1.75 h), which indicated that the in vivo PAEs were possibly overestimated. In the killing kinetics, no great differences (<0.5 log10) were observed between the schedule that took the PAE into account and the continuous administration of doses. These results are comparable with those of other authors and suggest that these antimicrobial agents could be administered at longer intervals without losing effectiveness.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (19) ◽  
pp. 2272-2282
Vu Ngoc Toan ◽  
Nguyen Minh Tri ◽  
Nguyen Dinh Thanh

Several 6- and 7-alkoxy-2-oxo-2H-chromene-4-carbaldehydes were prepared from corresponding alkyl ethers of 6- and 7-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxo-2H-chromen-2-ones by oxidation using selenium dioxide. 6- and 7-Alkoxy-4-methyl-2H-chromenes were obtained with yields of 57-85%. Corresponding 4-carbaldehyde derivatives were prepared with yields of 41-67%. Thiosemicarbazones of these aldehydes with D-galactose moiety were synthesized by reaction of these aldehydes with N-(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-β-Dgalactopyranosyl) thiosemicarbazide with yields of 62-74%. These thiosemicarbazones were screened for their antibacterial and antifungal activities in vitro against bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and fungi, such as Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans. Several compounds exhibited strong inhibitory activity with MIC values of 0.78- 1.56 μM, including 8a (against S. aureus, E. coli, and C. albicans), 8d (against E. coli and A. niger), 9a (against S. aureus), and 9c (against S. aureus and C. albicans).

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