Journal of Applied Biosciences
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2021 ◽  
Vol 157 ◽  
pp. 16254-16266
Dannon H. Fabrice ◽  
Douro Kpindou O. Kobi ◽  
Toffa Mehinto Joelle ◽  
Zantchedji D. M. Désiré ◽  
Zinsou A. Valerien ◽  

Objective: The leaf-roller caterpillar Haritalodes (=Syllepte) derogata (Fabricius, 1775) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) induces high yield losses by damaging cotton leaves and reducing the photosynthetic activity of the plant. Laboratory bioassays were carried to evaluate the effect of Beauveria bassiana on the survival of H. derogata larvae. Methodology and results: In the first trial, screening of thirteen B. bassiana isolates was performed on third larval instars at 107 conidia.mL-1 . In the second trial, effects of five concentrations (105 to 109 conidia.mL-1 ) of the three best isolates of the fungus were tested. Conidia suspension was applied on each larva topically. Germination rates of conidia used varied between 90.2% to 95.7%, 24 hours after incubation. Five isolates were found to be the most promising namely Bb116, Bb3, Bb11, Bb6 and Bb115. In the second bioassay, caterpillar mortality increased with fungal concentration. Lethal Concentration (LC50) was estimated to 1.18x1015 conidia.mL-1 , 1.75x1013 conidia.mL-1 , 1.75x1013 conidia.mL-1 , 9 days after inoculation for Bb3, Bb11 and Bb115, respectively. Conclusion and application of results: The use of B. bassiana as a biopesticide against H. derogata could be a good alternative method to control the pest. It is an environmentally friendly method with less side effects compared to the application of synthetic pesticides on cotton. This method could be tested in future station and field experiments. Keywords: Cotton, Integrated pest management, Haritalodes (=Syllepte) derogata, Beauveria bassiana, Lethal Concentration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 157 ◽  
pp. 16204-16212

Objectif : La présente étude a pour objectif d’évaluer les paramètres de production des animaux Nélores afin d’améliorer la conduite de ces derniers élevés pour la première fois au Congo. Méthodologie et résultats : Des données portant sur le poids des veaux de la naissance à 7 mois, le gain moyen quotidien des veaux, les poids post sevrages de 12 à 36 mois, les poids moyens et les rendements à l’abattage, ont été collectées sur 40 veaux, 40 vêlles, 80 taurillons, 42 génisses et 78 taureaux. Les animaux ont été nourries d’herbes telles que Bulbostylis laniceps, Trachypogon spicatus, Ctenium newtonii, Hyparrhenia wombaliensis sur pâturages naturel et Panicum massaye, Brachiara brizenta, Brachiara omidicola, Bracharia Laneiro sur pâturages artificiel. Leur alimentation a été supplémentée par le complément minérale azoté vitaminé et complément minéral vitaminé. Les veaux naissent avec un poids 27,97±0,58 kg contre 26,88±0,61 kg pour les vêlles. Les mâles naissent plus lourds que les femelles. Cet effet d’écart de poids s’amplifie jusqu’au 7è mois où l’on enregistre 140,63±1,20 kg et 131,45±3,41 kg respectivement pour les mâles et femelles, le dimorphisme sexuel est bien prononcé. Les gains moyens quotidiens des mâles et femelles de la naissance au sevrage sont respectivement de 536,48g/j et 497,95g/j. Le suivi post sevrage montre que les Nélores mâles et femelles atteignent 171,37±4,78 kg et 158,44±13,11kg à 12 mois. Ce poids est de 349,96±8,82 kg et 289,23±29,16 kg et de 418,97± 25,84 kg et 333,67±33,12 kg respectivement pour les mâles et femelles à 24 et 36 mois. Les animaux sont abattus à l’âge de 60 ± 6,3 mois avec un poids moyen de 484,64±23,4 kg. Le rendement net à l’abattage est de 55,5±18,7%. Conclusion et application des résultats : l’adaptation productive des Nélores aux espèces fourragères du ranch Kila prouve qu’ils s’adaptent bien aux conditions climatiques du Congo et constitue un atout considérable pour le développement de l’élevage bovin au Congo. Mots clés : Adaptation, Productive, Condition climatique, Nélore, Congo ABSTRACT Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate the production parameters of Nélores animals in order to improve the behavior of the latter reared for the first time in Congo. Methodology and results: Data on the weight of calves from birth to 7 months, average daily gain of calves, post-weaning weights from 12 to 36 months, average weights and slaughter yields were collected. on 40 Dimi Ngatse et al., J. Appl. Biosci. 2021 Adaptation productive de la race Nélore au ranch Kila République du Congo 16205 calves, 40 calves, 80 bulls, 42 heifers and 78 bulls. The animals were fed grasses such as Bulbostylis laniceps, Trachypogon spicatus, Ctenium newtonii, Hyparrhenia wombaliensis on natural pastures and Panicum massaye, Brachiara brizenta, Brachiara omidicola, Bracharia Laneiro on artificial pastures. Their diet was supplemented by the vitamin nitrogen mineral supplement and vitamin mineral supplement. Calves are born with a weight of 27.97 ± 0.58 kg against 26.88 ± 0.61 kg for calves. Males are born heavier than females. This weight difference effect is amplified until the 7th month when 140.63 ± 1.20 kg and 131.45 ± 3.41 kg are recorded respectively for males and females, the sexual dimorphism is quite pronounced. . The average daily gains of males and females from birth to weaning are respectively 536.48g / d and 497.95g / d. Post-weaning monitoring shows that male and female Nelores reach 171.37 ± 4.78 kg and 158.44 ± 13.11 kg at 12 months. This weight is 349.96 ± 8.82 kg and 289.23 ± 29.16 kg and 418.97 ± 25.84 kg and 333.67 ± 33.12 kg respectively for males and females at 24 and 36 month. The animals are slaughtered at the age of 60 ± 6.3 months with an average weight of 484.64 ± 23.4 kg. The net slaughter yield is 55.5 ± 18.7%. Conclusion and application of the results: The productive adaptation of the Nelores to the forage species of the Kila ranch proves that they adapt well to the climatic conditions of Congo and constitutes a considerable asset for the development of cattle breeding in Congo. Keywords : Adaptation, Productive, Climatic condition, Nélore, Congo

2021 ◽  
Vol 157 ◽  
pp. 16223-16236
Holaly Efui Gbekley ◽  
Kokou Idoh ◽  
Nassifatou Titikpina ◽  
Kodjovi Agbodeka Agbodeka ◽  
Kokou Anani ◽  

Objective: this study was to evaluate the toxicity of a herbal recipe Diabeto-Dolvo® (DD) and its efficacy in streptozotocin-induced diabetic Wistar rats. Methodology and results: The toxicity test was performed by oral administration of the extract to rats while diabetes was induced with streptozotocin, the 250, and 500 mg / kg body weight. The results of the toxicity tests revealed no evidence of mortality or morbidity suggesting an LD50 greater than 5000 mg / kg. Similarly, the biochemical and haematological parameters remained unchanged. In antidiabetic tests, there was a progressive decrease followed by a normalization of the glucose level of the treated rats. Overall, the extract at 250 and 500 mg / kg body weight resulted in a significant reduction in glycated haemoglobin, amylase, lipase, G6PD and serum lipids. Conclusion and application of results: This study revealed that, the treatment with the recipe might repair oxidative damages, hyperglycaemia and hyperlipidaemia in diabetic rats in the same way as the treatment with glibenclamide. This study is a contribution to the experimental validation of the DD recipe. In research and development application, the DD recipe will be used in the treatment of cases of diabetes mellitus. A natural product, it will support the multiple treatments of so-called conventional medicine, relatively expensive for the population. Key words: Diabeto-Dolvo®; blood glucose; oxidative damage; streptozotocin; diabetes mellitus; Togo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 166 ◽  
pp. 17212-17222
Agnassim BANITO ◽  
Bitang BAMAZI ◽  
Essotina K. KPEMOUA ◽  
Rachidatou SIKIROU ◽  

Objectifs : Dans le cadre de la recherche de mesures de lutte efficace et durable contre le flétrissement bactérien causé par Ralstonia solanacearum (Rs), la présente étude s’est proposé d’évaluer les variétés de tomate pour leur résistance à la maladie. Méthodologie et Résultats : Six variétés de tomate cultivées aux Togo ont été inoculées par une suspension de la souche de Rs isolée du site de CECO de la prefecture de Sotouboua (Togo). Les résultats ont montré de fortes incidences et sévérités du flétrissement bactérien sur les variétés testées. Cependant, des différences de comportement vis-à-vis de cette maladie ont été observées entre les variétés. En considérant l’indice de maladie après inoculation et l’analyse des closters, deux groupes de variétés ont été identifiés parmi les six testées : un groupe “Résistant” constitué de la seule variété Cobra et un groupe “Sensible” constitué des variétés Petomech, Tropimech, Padma, Roma et Platinum. Conclusions et application des résultats : Cette étude a permis d’obtenir des données sur l’incidence et la sévérité du flétrissement bactérien cause par Rs et le comportement des variétés de tomate vis-à-vis de cette pathologie, et a permis aussi d’identifier les variétés Cobra, Roma et Platinum comme résistantes au flétrissement bactérien en conditions contrôlées. Ces résultats constituent une base de données importante pour des investigations futures en conditions de champs dans diverses zones agroécologiques du pays. Ces expérimentations permettront d’identifier des variétés résistantes pouvant être recommandées aux producteurs pour une gestion durable du flétrissement bactérien. Mots clés : R. solancearum, flétrissement bactérien de la tomate, criblage, résistance. Banito et al., J. Appl. Biosci. Vol : 166 2021 Criblage de variétés de tomate pour de la résistance au flétrissement bactérien causé par Ralstonia solanacearum au Togo 17213 ABSTRACT Objectives: In order to develop a control strategy against bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum (Rs), one of the most destructive diseases of tomato worldwide, the present study aimed to evaluate tomato varieties for resistance to Rs. Methodology and Results: Six tomato varieties cultivated in Togo were inoculated with Rs strain isolated from CECO site in the Prefecture of Sotouboua (Togo).The results revealed high incidence and severity occurring on these varieties. However, differences were observed among the tested varieties. The discrimination analysis based on the disease index after inoculation and the clusters analysis identified two groups of varieties: the resistant group composed of the varieties Cobra, Roma and Platinum and the susceptible group including the varieties Petomech, Tropimech, Padma. Conclusions and application of findings: The results provided useful information in terms of incidence and severity of Rs wilt on tomato and the behaviour of varieties against the disease. The results allowed identifying three tomato varieties, Cobra, Roma and Platinum as resistant to bacterial wilt under controlled conditions. These results are useful for further experiments under field conditions in different agroecological zones to find out resistant tomato varieties for sustainable management of bacterial wilt caused by Rs. Keywords: R. solancearum, bacterial wilt of tomato, screening, resistance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 157 ◽  
pp. 16237-16253
Avaligbé Yasminath Judith Follone ◽  
Gnanglè Césaire Paul ◽  
Yabi Ibouraima ◽  
Bello Orou Daouda ◽  
Ahoton Essèhou Léonard ◽  

Objectifs : l’objectif de la présente étude était d’analyser les perceptions des gestionnaires des parcs à karité sur les effets du changement climatique sur la productivité des arbres de karité tout le long du gradient climatique au Bénin. Méthodologie et Résultats : 420 gestionnaires des parcs à karité dans les communes de Bohicon (au sud), Savè (au centre), Parakou, Bembèrèkè et Kandi (au nord) ont été soumis à un questionnaire semi-structuré relative aux caractéristiques sociodémographiques des personnes enquêtées, aux tendances des facteurs climatiques, aux indicateurs d’appréciation de l’effet des changements climatiques sur la productivité du karité et aux stratégies d'adaptation développées. Une analyse en composante principale suivi d’une analyse factorielle des correspondances ont été faites. Ensuite, une régression logistique polychotomique ordinale a été utilisée en vue d’étudier les déterminants de l’adoption des stratégies d’adaptation aux effets du changement climatique par les gestionnaires des parcs à karité. Les résultats ont montré que la température (38,65%), la pluviométrie (50,27%) et les vents violents (2,43%) sont les facteurs climatiques affectant négativement la productivité des arbres selon personnes enquêtées. L’association du karité avec les cultures annuelles et l’entretien périodique des peuplements ont été les principales stratégies d’adaptation au changement climatique développées respectivement par 98,33% et 48,55% des personnes enquêtées. La zone agroécologique, le sexe des gestionnaires des parcs à karité, l’appartenance à une organisation paysanne et la densité des arbres de karité ont influencé significativement (p < 0,05) le choix des stratégies d’adaptation développées. Conclusion et Application des Résultats : La variation des facteurs climatiques a provoqué selon les personnes enquêtées l’avortement des fleurs et par conséquent une diminution du rendement en noix des arbres. Le choix des stratégies d’adaptation par les gestionnaires des parcs à karité aux changements climatiques est fonction de la zone agroécologique, du sexe des gestionnaires des parcs à karité, de l’appartenance à une organisation paysanne et de la densité des arbres de karité. L’étude suggère une Avaligbé et al., J. Appl. Biosci. 2021 Tendances climatiques, perceptions des gestionnaires des parcs à karité sur la productivité du karité (Vitellaria paradoxa) au Bénin. 16238 analyse de l’efficacité de ces stratégies d’adaptation afin de mettre en place des paquets technologiques garantissant la durabilité de ce système agroforestier. Mots clés : Stratégie d’adaptation, facteurs climatiques, phénologie des arbres, systèmes agroforestier. Climate trends, perceptions of the shea park managers on the productivity of shea (Vitellaria paradoxa) in Benin. ABSTRACT The objective of the present study was to analyze the perceptions of shea park managers of the effects of climate change on the productivity of shea trees along the climatic gradient in Benin. Methodology and Results: 420 shea-park managers in the municipalities of Bohicon (located in the south), Savè (located in the centre), Parakou, Bembèrèkè and Kandi (located in the north) were subjected to a semistructured questionnaire. Socio-demographic characteristics of the people surveyed, trends in the climatic factors, criteria used to appreciate effect variability of climate parameters on shea trees’ productivity and the adaptation strategies developed were data collected. These data were analyzed using principal component analysis and correspondence factorial analysis. Then, an ordinal polychotomic logistic regression was used to assess the determinants of the adoption of the adaptation strategies to climate change by shea park managers. The results showed that temperature (38.65% of the respondent), rainfall (50.27% of the respondent) and wind (2.43% of the respondent) are climatic factors affecting negatively trees’ productivity. Intercropping of shea tree with annual crops and regular maintenance of the trees were the main adaptation strategies to climate change developed by 98.33% and 48.55% of the respondents respectively. The agroecological zone, gender of the shea park managers, membership of farmer organization and density of shea trees significantly influenced (p < 0.05) the choice of the adaptation strategies developed. Conclusion and Application of Results: The variation in climatic factors caused, according to the people surveyed, abortion of flowers and consequently a decrease in the trees’ nut yield. The choice of an adaptation strategies by shea trees park managers to climate change depends on the agroecological zone, gender of the managers, membership of farmers’ organization and density of shea trees. We suggested an analysis of the effectiveness of these adaptation strategies in order to develop crop management technology that guarantee the sustainability of this agroforestry system. Keywords: Adaptation strategy, climatic factors, tree phenology, agroforestry systems

2021 ◽  
Vol 157 ◽  
pp. 16182-16193
Massembo Israël Prince ◽  
Mankessi François ◽  
Shaolong Sun ◽  
Xiao Lin Fan

Objective: The objective of this study was to develop a simple and feasible methodology which makes possible restoration of soils polluted by cadmium using two types of fertilizers (alkaline and conventional), and the technique of phytoremediation (low rice variety, and hyper accumulator of cadmium). Methodology and results: Its application mode was experimented at Guangdong Provincial Research Center for Environmentally Friendly Fertilizer Engineering Technology in Guangzhou, republic of china. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, with an average daytime temperature of 25.5°C, in the city of Guangzhou (China). Polyethylene pots with an inner diameter of 25 cm and a height of 25 cm were each filled with 5 kg of air-dried soil and passed through a 1cmx1cm mesh of a sieve. Four factors were studied, soil contamination level (soil contaminated with Cd, soil with low Cd contamination), pH of the fertilizer (high, pH = 9.5, normal pH 5.8), dosage of the fertilizer applied (low level, medium level, high level) and low Cd accumulating rice variety (Xiangwanxian 12) and hyper Cd accumulating rice (Yuzhenxiang). Soil samples taken from a depth of 0 to 30 cm were delivered to the laboratory for analyses. Results obtained showed that the soil pH was higher with the treatment of alkaline fertilizer compared to that of normal fertilizer. The pH in the soil contaminated with Cd was 5.80 (alkaline fertilizer applied), higher than that of 5.74 (normal fertilizer applied), alkaline fertilizer improve pH soil, cure Cd pollution, bring to rice specific nutrients, at specific moment that rice need to growth and achieve the effect of inhibiting soil pollution, more in hyper accumulation rice than that low accumulation one. Conclusion and application of results: The results should be helpful in determining appropriate amounts of alkaline fertilizer rice farmers should use to return farm land to productive food crop use, beyond that it was thought cane would be helpful in cadmium uptake from soil. Some rice farmers were reluctant to follow this transition and insisted on growing their rice for survival, alkaline fertilizers can better stop soil pollution and increase the soil pH value. The application of alkaline fertilizer achieves the effect of "controlling Cd pollution with fertilizer". Key words: alkaline fertilizer, pH, Cd, normal pH fertilizer, accumulation

2021 ◽  
Vol 158 ◽  
pp. 16351-16362
Mariama FAYE ◽  
Awa NDIAYE ◽  
Ibrahima DIALLO ◽  
Pape Mbacké SEMBENE

Objectives: the study examines the effect of the host plant and of the agro-ecological area on the genetic structure of populations of Bactrocera dorsalis in order to apprehend an appropriate period to fight this pest. Methodology and results: this study was conducted in two large areas mango productions Senegal (area Niayes and the forest area South) on 41 individuals of Bactrocera dorsalis with mitochondrial gene sequencing (cytochrome B). Several haplotypes (28) of which 27 individual have been identified with a high level of genetic diversity (Hd 0.972 and Pi 0.1563). The genetic demo tests suggested a population in equilibrium, a moderate expansion and a grouping according to the areas thus revealing a genetic structure linked to the localities. In addition, the haplotype network showed a majority haplotype comprising all areas, 24 individual haplotypes and a typical haplotype to Notto. Conclusion and application of findings : this exploratory study was in addition to having provided information on the genetic characterization of the species Bactrocera dorsalis , describes its structure and its genetic differentiation based on two areas - ecological where mango is practically cultivated in Senegal . It helped to understand the genetic identity card of the species Bactrocera dorsalis, whose purpose will be to know its weakest link and food preferences to provide alternative struggles. Keywords: Bactrocera dorsalis, Niayes, lower Casamance, mangoes, citrus, PCR, sequencing, cytochrome B

2021 ◽  
Vol 158 ◽  
pp. 16332-16339
Kane Fako ◽  
Djina Yves ◽  
Brou Koffi Siméon ◽  
Gonnety Tia jean

Objectives: this study aims to compare composition and sensorial characteristics of infusions of leaves from broad leave morphotype (blmLM) and long leave morphotype (llmLM) of Lippia multiflora (Savannah tea) cultivated in three localities, in order to identify the morphotype and/or locality, which offer the better biochemical composition and organoleptic qualities of tea. Methodology and results: Leaves harvested were dried and pulverized. Infusions were prepared using standard methods and sensorialy analysed by Mossion methods. Elements were determined according to AOAC methods. Phenolics compounds and caffeine was analysed by a standard method. Infusions of blmLM are rich in tannins (12.15-14.26 mg/L), quercetin (0.33-0.95 mg/L) and flavanone (05.75-13.33 mg/L), while those of llmLM are rich in caffeine (19.07-20.14 mg/L) and catechin (08.89-59.56 mg/L). Calcium (50.96- 51.54 mg/L) and magnesium (35.10-37.08 mg/L) contents are highest in infusions of BlmLM, while llmLM infusions are richer in K (97.78-103.46 mg/L) and Na (143.01-156.03 mg/L). Globally, infusions are brown to greenish yellow, astringent, slightly bitter with a pleasant smell. Infusions of Béoumi and Korhogo have a mint scent; those of Béoumi have a scent of lemongrass. Conclusion and Application of results: The qualities of infusions depend on the morphotype and the growing area. Their richness in phenolic compounds, caffeine and essential minerals gives them nutritional, medicinal and pharmacological properties and can be a replacement for ordinary teas sold on the market. This study provides information on the choice of the plant morphotype and the cultivation area according to the needs of the consumer. Consumption of infusions of leaves from Korhogo and Béoumi that are richer in tannins, catechin, quercetin and essential minerals (calcium, magnesium and iron) will be beneficial for human nutrition, bones strengthening and prevention of cardiovascular diseases which represent a public health problem. Taking Lippia multiflora into account in the agricultural and eating habits of farmers will constitute for them a source of income and also a source of permanent raw material for the agro-food processing industries. Keywords: Lippia multiflora, leaves infusion, biochemical composition, sensory characteristics

2021 ◽  
Vol 158 ◽  
pp. 16299-16309
Mahamat Seid SOULEYMAN ◽  
Madjina TELLAH ◽  
Nideou DASSIDI ◽  
Polycarpe NGARLEDJI ◽  

Il y a de cela une décennie, le poisson était une denrée rare à Abéché car l’absence des fleuves et lacs dans la zone, ne permet pas la production locale du poisson. L’approvisionnement en poisson de ville provenant des différents lacs situés dans les autres localités s’est développé ces dernières années grâce à l’amélioration des infrastructures routières. Objectif : connaitre l’origine du poisson et son système de commercialisation dans la ville d’Abéché à l’Est du Tchad. Méthodologie : L’étude a été menée par enquête dans deux (2) marchés de la ville auprès de 85 commerçants du poisson pendant un mois (du 1er au 31 mai 2019). Les données collectées ont porté sur la situation matrimoniale et niveau d’étude des commerçants, les genres et la religion. La provenance et moyen des conservations du poisson, ainsi que le mode de livraison. Résultats : Les résultats montrent que le commerce du poisson est pratiqué majoritairement par les mareyeurs mariés (88,23%.). Concernant la provenance du poisson, 78% du poisson proviennent du LacFitri, et 28% du lac –Tchad. Pour bien conserver leur poisson, 54,9% du poisson séché sont conservés dans les cartons et 39,22% du poisson frais dans les glacières. Le poisson le plus vendus dans la ville sont les poissons fumés à 49,02% et 35,29 pour les poissons frais. La livraison est assurée par les grossistes, les grossistes – détaillants et les détaillants. L’acquisition se fait de deux manières, 84,07% des commerçants acquièrent leurs poissons dans un dépôt. La grande partie des commerçants vendent leurs denrées par Kilogramme (92,95%). Conclusion et application des résultats : la vente du poisson est dominée par les poissons fumés ce qui explique que la ville d’Abéché est enclavée, les poissons frais sont très rares et la population a tendance à consommer les poissons fumés et séchés. Ces résultats permettront aux décideurs d’envisager les moyens de production locale du poisson afin d’approvisionner la ville en poisson frais. Mots-clés : Origine Poisson, Commerce, Abéché, Tchad Souleyman et al., J. Appl. Biosci. 2021 Origine du poisson et système de commercialisation à Abéché au Tchad 16300 Origin of fish and Marketing System in Abeche City, Chad. ABSTRACT There is that one decade, the fish was a rare food product in Abeche city because the lack of the rivers and lakes in the zone, does not allow the local production of fish. The supply fish of city provide from the various lakes located in the other localities developed these last years with the improvement of the road infrastructures. Objective: to know the origin of the fish and its marketing system in Abeche city in eastern Chad. Methodology and results: The study was conducted by survey in two (2) city markets with 85 fish traders for one month (May 1 to May 31, 2019). The data collected related to the marital status and level of education of merchants, gender and religion. The origin and means of the fish preservation, as well as the mode of delivery. The results show that the fish trades are mainly practiced by married wholesalers 88.23% and practiced by women 68.23%. 78% of the fish come from Lac-Fitri, and 28% from Lac-Chad. To properly preserve their fish, 54.9% of the dried fish are kept in the boxes and 39.22 are fresh fish in the coolers. The best-selling fish in the city is smoked fish at 49.02%, and 35.29 for fresh fish. Delivery is provided by wholesalers, wholesalers - retailers and retailers. And the acquisition is done in two ways, 84.07% of the traders acquire their fish in a deposit. The vast majority of traders sell their produce by Kilogram 92.95%. Conclusion and application of results: the sale of fish is dominated by smoked fish, which explains why the town of Abeche is landlocked, fresh fish are very rare and the population tends to consume smoked and dried fish. These results will permit to the decision makers to contemplate the means of local production of fish in order to supply the city out in fresh fish. Keywords: marketing, provenance, Smoked fish, Abeche, Chad

2021 ◽  
Vol 158 ◽  
pp. 16267-16281
Bétémondji Désiré Diatta ◽  
Ousmane Niass ◽  
Massamba Diouf ◽  
Mathieu Guèye ◽  
Emeline Houel ◽  

Objectifs : Le but de cette étude était de déterminer la composition phytochimique et la teneur en grandes classes chimiques des tiges les plus utilisées comme bâtonnets frotte-dents chez les peul de Widou Thiengoli au Nord Ferlo (Sénégal). Méthodes et résultats : Des entretiens ouverts semi structurés ont permis de recueillir les plantes les plus utilisées. L’indice de fidélité renseigne sur la convergence des usages quant à l’emploi des plantes comme bâtonnets frotte-dent comparé aux autres pratiques cosmétiques. L’étude de la composition phytochimique des tiges a ciblé 8 classes chimiques. Les tanins et les saponines sont très fréquents ; les terpénoïdes et les leuco-anthocyanines presque inexistants. Un dosage des flavonoïdes, alcaloïdes et polyphénols, réalisé chez des extraits aqueux, a porté sur 12 plantes. Les meilleures teneurs en polyphénols et alcaloïdes sont recueillies chez Anogeissus leiocarpa, et la meilleure en flavonoïdes chez Commiphora africana. Conclusion et applicabilité des résultats : Ces résultats permettent de sélectionner à travers la composition phytochimique des plantes, les espèces présentant de potentielles activités antimicrobiennes, car renfermant des composés phytochimique doués de fonctions germicides, au- delà de la fonction mécanique connue des bâtonnets dans l’élimination de la plaque dentaire. Mots clés : Bâtonnets frotte-dents, Dosage phytochimique, Ethnobotanique, Téssékéré, Ferlo Nord, 52 Sénégal Diatta et al., J. Appl. Biosci. 2021 Diversité et composition phytochimique des bâtonnets frotte-dents (cure-dents) proposés chez les Peul de la commune de Tessékéré (Ferlo Nord, Sénégal) 16268 Diversity and phytochemical composition of plants used as toothbrush sticks (toothpicks) by Fulani of Tessékéré commune (North Ferlo, Senegal) ABSTRACT Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the phytochemical composition and the content of major chemical classes of the stems most used as tooth-brushing sticks among the Fulani of Widou Thiengoli in North Ferlo (Senegal). Methods and results: Open semi-structured interviews made it possible to collect data on the most used plants. The fidelity index provides information on the convergence of uses regarding the use of plants as toothbrushes compared to other cosmetic practices. The study of the phytochemical composition of the stems targeted 8 chemical classes. Tannins and saponins were very common; almost non- existent were the terpenoids and leuco-anthocyanins. An assay of flavonoids, alkaloids and polypnenols, in aqueous extracts, was carried out on 12 plants. The best contents of polyphenols and alkaloids were obtained from Anogeissus leiocarpa, and the best of flavonoids from Commiphora africana. Conclusion and applicability of the results: These results make it possible to select, through the phytochemical composition of plants, the species exhibiting potential antimicrobial activities, because they contain phytochemical compounds endowed with germicidal functions, beyond the known mechanical function of the rods in the plan removal of dental plaque. Keywords: Toothbrush sticks, Phytochemical determination, Ethnobotany, Téssékéré, North Ferlo, and Senegal.

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