scholarly journals Reading literary works in a second language: Transaction and interaction

Marta Sánchez

Esta discusión explora cómo lingüística y /o barreras culturales pueden afectar la respuesta estética a un texto literario en lectores competentes a un segundo idioma. A medida que el marco teórico que apoya esta discusión tanto en la teoría del esquema y la teoría transaccional de Rosenblatt se han utilizado. Se sugiere aquí que los lectores de segunda lengua ya poseen esquemas suficiente de la lengua extranjera y la cultura como en la operación con un texto estético. En esta transacción la comprensión de lectura se puede evidenciar.This discussion explores how linguistic and /or cultural barriers can affect the aesthetic response to a literary text in proficient second language readers. As the theoretical frame supporting this discussion both schema theory and Rosenblatt's transactional theory have been used. It is suggested here that second language readers already possess sufficient schemata of the foreign language and culture as to transact with a text aesthetically. In this transaction reading comprehension can be evidenced.

2009 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 349-365 ◽  
Charlotte Melin

Teaching poetry in second language (L2) classrooms raises theoretical and practical questions about how best to treat literature when target language and culture is also being negotiated. Current pedagogy derives from disparate sources, including the experientially-driven practices of individual teachers, the quantitative and qualitative research methodologies of Second Language Acquisition, and the aesthetic, historical, and philosophical traditions of literature and cultural studies. This paper surveys the knowledge base that shapes literature pedagogy, examines the conceptual implications of two common approaches (close reading and genre-based treatments), and argues for new teaching objectives.

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 75-80

Joining Russian culture through literary texts is very important in the process of learning Russian as a foreign language (RFL). It may promote to intelligence of mode of thinking, attached to a new sphere concept, which can effectively help students to be acculturated in the process of creating a second language person at lessons of Russian language in higher school. In the present article we attempt to examine the sphere concept of the Russian language in the system of literary text study.

2021 ◽  
pp. 463-477
Mercedes Sanz Gil

Uno de los principales retos a los que se enfrentan las personas desplazadas es hacer frente a las barreras lingüísticas y culturales que supone el desconocimiento, en la mayoría de los casos, de la lengua y de la cultura del país de destino. Actualmente, y gracias a las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, existen numerosos recursos y aplicaciones que pueden ayudar a paliar dichas carencias, antes o durante el periodo en el que se desarrolla la movilidad. En este artículo presentamos algunos de ellos. En concreto nos centramos en el formato MOOC (Cursos masivos abiertos en línea, por sus siglas en inglés) para el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras (LMOOC). Analizaremos dos LMOOC de aprendizaje del Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE) destinado principalmente al colectivo de personas inmigrantes y refugiadas y tres de aprendizaje del Francés como Lengua Extranjera (FLE) destinado principalmente a personas desplazadas por motivos laborales o educativos. One of the main challenges faced by displaced people is dealing with the linguistic and cultural barriers that arise from the lack of knowledge, in most cases, of the language and culture of the destination country. At present, thanks to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), there are numerous resources and applications that can help to alleviate these deficiencies, before, or during the period in which mobility develops. In this article we present some of them. More specifically, this article focuses on the MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) format for foreign language learning (LMOOC). We will analyze two LMOOCs for learning Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL) aimed mainly at migrants and refugees; and three for learning French as a Foreign Language (FFL) aimed mainly at people displaced for work or educational reasons. L'un des principaux défis auxquels les personnes déplacées sont confrontées est celui de faire face aux barrières linguistiques et culturelles qui découlent du manque de connaissance, dans la plupart des cas, de la langue et de la culture du pays de destination. De nos jours, et grâce aux Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (TIC), il existe de nombreuses ressources et applications qui peuvent contribuer à pallier ces lacunes, avant, ou pendant la période de mobilité. Dans cet article, nous en présentons quelques-unes. Nous nous concentrons en particulier sur le format MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) pour l'apprentissage des langues étrangères (LMOOC). Nous analyserons deux LMOOC pour l'apprentissage de l'Espagnol comme Langue Étrangère (ELE) destinés principalement à des personnes migrantes et réfugiées et trois pour l'apprentissage du Français comme Langue Étrangère (FLE) destinés principalement aux personnes en déplacement pour des raisons professionnelles ou éducatives.

2020 ◽  
pp. 236-264
E. B. Dzaparova

The results of a comparative analysis of multilingual texts - the original and the translation - of poetic works by Ossetian authors (M. Tsirikhova, A. Tsarukaev, R. Asaev, G. Dzugaev, H.-M. Dzuzzati, D. Darchieva, T. Tettsoeva) in the light of the translation interpretation by famous Russian poets of the sixties (E. Evtushenko, B. Akhmadulina, R. Kazakova, B. Okudzhava, Yu. Morits) are presented. In the course of comparative analysis, it was found that some translators resorted to adapted rethinking of the lines of a foreign language text (Yu. Morits, B. Akhmadulina). It was shown that for this purpose, in some places, translators violated the formal organization of the verse, expanded the original text by adding stanzas (R. Kazakov) or, conversely, narrowed the verse of the original (B. Okudzhava, B. Akhmadulina), but changes in the structure of the original did not affect the adequate perception of the text to recipients. The features of the implementation of the original pragmatic potential in translation are commented. It is noted that translators not only find lexical means characterized by semantic affinity with the words of the original, but also embody the aesthetic component of the literary text (R. Kazakova, Yu. Moritz) and others. It is stated that some poets deliberately resorted to rethinking the artistic reality captured by the author: in the language of translation, a new work is actually created based on the poem in the original (E. Evtushenko, B. Akhmadulina).

Alexandra Viktorovna Guzova ◽  
Natal'ya Vasil'evna Savitskaya ◽  
Tat'yana Viktorovna Ivolina ◽  
Ol'ga Vital'evna Dedova

The goal of this article lies in determination of instances of application of epithets in learning a foreign language. The object of this research is teaching students a second foreign language, while the subject is the stylistic devices of epithets of literary texts. The author provides an overview of scientific literature on the topic, and outlines the fundamental scientific concepts of modern researchers. Analysis is conducted on the peculiarities and typological characteristics of epithets in the English and Russian languages. The author offers practical exercises for teaching foreign language based on literary texts containing epithets. The scientific novelty consist in revelation of the factors of application of epithets of literary texts that play an important role in learning a second language. Usage of epithets in teaching foreign language gives more profound understanding of culture and specifics of another language, which promotes better acquisition of the language. Special attention is given to the specifics of translation of various epithets from English to Russian and from Russian to English. The conclusion is made that usage of the stylistic features of epithets significantly affects the formation of linguocultural competences of the students learning a second foreign language.

2018 ◽  
Vol 69 (3) ◽  
pp. 616-625
Jana Pekarovičová

Abstract This paper deals with the characteristics of the scientific research of the renowned Slovak linguist Klára Buzássyová who – as a lecturer at the Studia Academica Slovaca summer school of Slovak language and culture – presented to foreign students the specifics of Slovak lexis and their function in speech within the context of intraand interlingual relationships. In her lectures, she helped students to see Slovak as a developped and modern Central European language which has its own genetic and typological properties and as a language capable of reacting to dynamic changes emerging from the communication needs of language users while respecting current trends in European language policy. Klára Buzássyová presented students with the latest results of her linguistic research and discussed the issues regarding the dynamics of vocabulary with an emphasis on the methods of wordformation, motivation, and the impact on the semantic and stylistic value of lexical units. Her papers, published in the Studia Academica Slovaca proceedings from 1980 to 2001 presented her scientific orientation and became an inspiration for the linguistic and didactic conception of Slovak as a foreign language in the context of the development of Slovak studies in Slovakia as well as abroad.

2017 ◽  

The Direct Method was the outcome of a reaction against the Grammar Translation Method. It was based on the assumption that the learner of a foreign language should think directly in the target language. According to this method, English is taught through English. The learner learns the target language through discussion, conversation and reading in the second language. It does not take recourse to translation and foreign grammar.

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