scholarly journals Isu Lingkungan dalam Perspektif Kalam, Fiqh, dan Tasawuf

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 445
Sukarni Sukarni

There is no doubt that the problem of environment has become the most formidable issue faced by human being in the modern history. The danger imposed by the environmental crisis is much greater than the danger of any forms of war. This crisis has thus become the greatest enemy of humanity. The level and extent of the danger requires equally a great effort to address and tackle it. It is here that this paper tries to contribute. It attempts to offer an Islamic perspective of environment and its conservation. The paper is convinced that Islam is rich with perspectives on this issue. It therefore, introduces the many theories and views on environment that the sciences of Islam have spoken about. It brings into discussion the view of the science of theology (kalam), jurisprudence (fiqh) and sufism  (tasawuf) on environment. Each of these sciences is discussed in relation to the others, as well as in the context of what the paper calls fiqh lingkungan (the jurisprudence of environment). The idea that underlines the paper is thatthese sciences are—generally speaking—concerned with the idea of personal and collective responsibility; an idea that already has a direct relevance to the problem of environment.

Raquel Flores

ABSTRACTThis essay is part of a reflection whose purpose is to discuss and clarify some points and tensions around gender issues from the perspective of embodied consciousness, corporeality and temporality. The texts to be discussed for this purpose are the authors Edgar Morin: Introduction to Complex Thought (1994) and The Mind Sorted Bien (2001); Jacques Luc Nancy, Community DOA (2000) and Merleau-Ponty (1975) Phenomenology of Perception, authors who have allowed a glimpse of new theoretical contributions to gender. The challenge arises from the Philosophical Anthropology is trying to understand the “human phenomenon”, from a metaphysical perspective, according to this conception, the human being is the result of what he does to himself in his relationship with nature. To start this reflection, it is necessary to recognize that it arises from the Phenomenology, which is also considered a philosophy for which the world is always “already there” before reflection as an inalienable presence and allows to account for the space, time and "lived" world. Hurssel the theorist who founded this movement says: I'm not the result or crosslinking of the many coincidences that determine my body or my “psyche” but rather, all I know the world, I know from a prospect or mine experience the world without which the symbols of science would not want to say anything. (Husserl, 1913, p. 369-370)RESUMENEl presente ensayo es parte de una reflexión cuyo propósito es discutir y dilucidar algunos puntos de encuentro y tensiones en torno a la temática de género desde la perspectiva de la conciencia encarnada, la corporalidad y la temporalidad. Los textos que serán abordados para este objetivo son de los autores Edgar Morin: Introducción al Pensamiento Complejo (1994) y La Mente Bien Ordenada (2001); Jacques Luc Nancy, Comunidad Inoperante (2000) y Merlau-Ponty (1975) Fenomenología de la Percepción, autores que han permitido vislumbrar nuevos aportes teóricos al tema de género. El desafío que surge desde la Antropología Filosófica es tratar de entender el “fenómeno humano”, desde una perspectiva metafísica, según esta concepción el ser humano es el resultado de lo que hace consigo mismo en su relación con la naturaleza. Para iniciar esta reflexión, se hace necesario reconocer que ésta surge desde la Fenomenología, la que también es considerada una filosofía, para la cual el mundo está siempre “ya ahí”, antes de la reflexión como una presencia inalienable y que permite dar cuenta del espacio, del tiempo y del mundo “vividos”. Hurssel el teórico que funda este movimiento afirma que: no soy el resultado o entrecruzamiento de las múltiples casualidades que determinan mi cuerpo o mi “psiquismo” sino más bien, todo lo que sé del mundo, lo sé a partir de una perspectiva mía o de una experiencia del mundo sin la cual los símbolos de la ciencia no querrían decir nada. (Husserl, 1913. p. 369-370).

1985 ◽  
Vol 75 (4) ◽  
pp. 802-802

To the Editor.— I write to applaud John R. Lilly's commentary in the July 1985 issue ("Biliary Atresia and Liver Transplantation: The National Institutes of Health Point of View," Pediatrics 1984;74:159-160) and to congratulate the editors of Pediatrics publishing this bold, refreshing essay. All of us who pay the bills for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and who labor in the clinical vineyards, have a collective responsibility to see that the many and varied clinical efforts undertaken in Bethesda, MD are properly oriented and reach sound conclusions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
pp. 287-293
Daniela Vallega-Neu ◽  

This paper is about my latest book on Heidegger’s non-public writings on the event. It begins with a discussion of Contributions to Philosophy (Of the Event) and ends with The Event, spanning roughly the years 1936 to 1941. I pay primary attention to shift of attunements, concepts, and movement of thought in these volumes. Thereby a narrative emerges that traces a shift from a more Nietzschean pathos emphasizing the power of beyng to a more mystical approach in which Heidegger thinks “the beingless,” “what is without power,” and speaks of originary thinking as a thanking rather than a questioning. The shift begins to happen in 1939, the year World War II broke out but becomes clearly visible in 1940 in the volume On Inception (GA 70). Heidegger’s path of thinking is one of downgoing into the most concealed dimension of the truth of beyng and an attempt at thinking more radically without primacy of the human being. Among the many questions my book engages, I am focusing especially on the articulation of both the difference and simultaneity of beyng and beings in relation to attunement, body, history, and Heidegger’s errancies.

Pustakaloka ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Ahmad Anwar

The study of Ideal leadership concept currently still becomes an interesting topic. From Islamic perspective, the nature of human being who descended to earth is to be a leader. Furthermore, during the leadership history, Prophet Muhammad is named as an ideal leader due to his success of gaining many followers in the religious proselytizing. The leadership model that is conducted by the prophet is known as prophetic leadership. During his time of being a prophetic leader, he is also included in the situational leadership theory, in which the theory is the combination of authoritarian, laissez faire, and democratic leadership. This kind of leadership model is very suitable to be applied in anywhere. In this study, the writer explains about situational leadership that has been applied by Prophet Muhammad in a micro organization called library. This study is significance as an alternative leadership model that can be applied by the head of library

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-71
Azman Ab Rahman ◽  
Zulkifli Mohamad Albakri

The Concept of Islamic criminal law incorporates particular principles such as protecting the religion i.e Islam, preserving life and the sanctity of human soul, safeguarding the soundness of mind, preserving the heredity, property and dignity. In case of Qazaf (accusation against one's chastity), the reason behind this ruling is to protect the dignity of human being from wild slander and libel. As we are in the middle of information technology era, a number of people committing crimes have distinctly increased including Qazaf involving people's life, honor, and property. Surprisingly, this kind of crime has been widely spread for no specific purpose. According to Syariah law, any person who accuses other people committing zina or sodomy must provide with four witnesses otherwise he or she shall be inflicted with hadd for committing Qazaf. The issue in this matter is that: is it a requirement for the accuser, in the absence of witnesses, to apply oath to prove his or her accusation and does the aforementioned matter applied to the accused? This article is intended to explain the concept of oath, its legal injunction and its divisions according to Islamic law. Apart from that, it would also clarify particular situations which oath is permitted to be administered as a mean of proof, in the case of Allah's right or human's right. The authors intend to elucidate the definition of Qazaf and its application, offenses under Qazaf, the mode of proof, and other issues pertaining to sodomy. The finding of this study shows that oath could be applied to deny the allegation of committing zina or sodomy if the plaintiff makes a request to the judge ordering the defendant to administer oath in the absence of witnesses. This ruling could be found in Shafi'l school of law. Nevertheless, Imam Malik and Ahmad opined that oath could only be applied when it is related to human's right such as property but not to Allah's right for instance punishment for Qazaf. It is hope that the public would gain clear picture from this writing regarding with the concept of oath and Qazaf under Islamic perspective.  Abstrak Konsep hukum jenayah yang ditetapkan dalam Islam mempunyai beberapa konsep tertentu iaitu menjaga nyawa dan kehormatan jiwa manusia, menjaga kewarasan akal, menjaga agama, menjaga keturunan dan zuriat serta menjaga harta benda. Begitu juga hukuman Qazaf, ia ditetapkan di dalam Islam berdasarkan kepada konsep untuk menjaga kehormatan jiwa manusia dan menjaga maruah seseorang. Pada zaman sains dan teknologi masa kini, kita dapat melihat dan sering mendengar pelbagai jenayah yang dilakukan  oleh  manusia  sama  ada yang melibatkan nyawa, maruah, harta benda dan sebagainya. Jenayah Qazaf merupakan jenayah yang semakin berleluasa pada masa kini yang dilakukan sama ada mempunyai tujuan yang tertentu atau sebaliknya. Mereka yang melakukan qazaf hendaklah mempunyai saksi bagi mensabitkan orang yang didakwa atau dituduh. Namun, apa yang berlaku sekarang ini, kebanyakan mereka yang melakukan jenayah qazaf tidak mempunyai saksi bagi mensabitkan kesalahan orang yang didakwa. Timbul persoalan, adakah orang yang melakukan kesalahan qazaf yang tidak mempunyai saksi perlu bersumpah ataupun orang yang didakwa dikehendaki bersumpah. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsep sumpah, pensyariatannya dan pembahagiannya dalam Islam. Di samping itu, artikel ini akan menerangkan situasi- situasi tertentu yang mengharuskan sumpah dipakai sebagai kaedah pembuktian, sama ada yang melibatkan hak Allah ataupun hak manusia. Penulis juga akan menjelaskan pengertian qazaf, jenis-jenis kesalahan qazaf dan pengsabitan kesalahan qazaf serta isu yang melibatkan tuduhan melakukan liwat. Hasil daripada artikel ini penulis mendapati dalam mazhab Shafie sumpah boleh digunakan untuk menafikan tuduhan liwat ataupun zina jika pendakwa memohon daripada hakim supaya yang didakwa bersumpah disebabkan ketiadaan saksi. Walau bagaimanapun Imam Malik dan Ahmad berpendapat sebaliknya iaitu sumpah hanya boleh dilakukan apabila melibatkan hak manusia seperti mal, manakala hak Allah seperti hadd Qazaf tidak boleh dilakukan sumpah. Diharapkan artikel ini dapat memberikan gambaran dan pendedahan sebenar kepada masyarakat tentang konsep sumpah dan jenayah qazaf menurut perspektif Islam.

1989 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-140
Jakob Fløe Nielsen

The Christology in the Hymns of GrundtvigBy Jakob Fløe NielsenThe intention of the paper is to show the coherent and complete Christological conception that lies behind the many specific christological expressions in Grundtvig’s hymns, a christology that was never thoroughly elaborated by Grundtvig himself. The superior christological scheme is the descent and abasement of the Son of God from heaven to the land of death and the following exaltation to divine glory. Grundtvig’s strong emphasis upon man’s preserved image of God in spite of the Fall has, however, the consequence that the exaltation mentioned becomes a threefold presentation: 1. the resurrection and ascension of Christ in person repeating itself in history, 2. Christ passing through the seven leading churches of Christianity in his Word (especially in the words of the sacraments) towards the final transfiguration of the world, and 3. at the same time Christ fulfilling his own exaltation in the form of "the hope of glory" (Colossians 1.27) within each baptized. The background to this third aspect is Grundtvig’s concept of the fact that Christ offers himself to the faith in the words at baptism and Eucharist. In spite of the fall he here melts together with the preserved image of God within the believer. So at the same time as the fallen human being is reborn through baptism as the child of God, Christ is born as the tender hope of glory in the believer in the meeting of the word of the Holy Spirit and the human faith. The growth of Christ within the believing baptized is identical with that person’s transfiguration, as man’s destination from creation is realized: to be in the image of his God.In this process the Eucharist plays a decisive part. Where the words of institution are heard and believed, it signifies Christ’s victory over Satan within the baptized, and is also an expression of Christ inspiring his heavenly love into man to strengthen and glorify his earthly and powerless love. Thus, the christology in Grundtvig’s hymns in addition to being a description of a past event also becomes the rendering of the ongoing struggle between God and Satan in history and within the life of each Christian.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-60
Wahyu Tejo Mulyo ◽  
Muzakki Afifuddin ◽  
Widyastuti Purbani

This paper attempts to discover the characteristics of the human being through William Blake's Poems as an alternative definition. Among Blake's poems, The Divine Image and The Human Abstract are the most representative of discovering human characteristics. Moreover, this study strives to establish the correlation between Islamic values and European literature. The study uses new criticism in discovering the characteristics in the poems by two steps of analysis; paraphrasing and explication. After conducting the analysis, it is found that there are four positive characteristics in The Divine Image and four negative characteristics in The Human Abstract. The positive characteristics consist of mercy, pity, peace, and love, while the negative ones are exploitation, cruelty, conflict, and hypocritical humility. An Islamic expert, Murtadha Muthahhari, perceives the result of the analysis of the poem. Muthahhari explains fourteen positive and eight negative points of humans following the Holy Qur'an. It is found that the poems' human positive and negative characteristics include in MurtadhaMuthahhari's points of thought. Thus, the ideas of human being’s characteristics in the poems are related to Murtadha Muthahhari’s thoughts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 249 (1) ◽  
pp. 295-316
Sujit Sivasundaram

Abstract In Asia, pangolins have generated a rich set of indigenous oral traditions. These contrast with the often confused, or failed, colonial and Western scientific practices of classifying, domesticating and collecting the pangolin. More recently this long-standing encounter between the pangolin and human has shifted into exponential killing. The pangolin has become the mammal which is most trafficked by humans. This trade has been a global one, a fact that is important to remember given the racist ideas and inequalities that have been highlighted through the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic. The changing relationship between the pangolin and the human in modern history is used here as a window onto the interlinked histories of the pandemic and environmental crisis, both of which arose partly from human encroachment into biodiverse and forested areas, including pangolin habitats. The phases of the pangolin–human relationship can be read for the preconditions of these interlinked crises that face the planet and its historians in 2020. It is vital that historians respond confidently and fully to causation at the interspecies frontier without using the pandemic to mount theoretically naive ‘compare and contrast’ exercises with past disease events to provide lessons for the present. A post-pandemic historiography will surely be interdisciplinary, with critical, philosophical and collaborative engagement with scientists.

ICR Journal ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 230-243
Gowhar Quadir Wani

The concept of human nature is central to both Islamic and Western thought, as manifested in the rich legacy of literature on human psychology in both intellectual traditions. A comprehensive account of human nature (or fitrah) from an Islamic perspective, can be gleaned from the Qur'an, Prophetic narrations and works of Muslim scholars like al-Farabi, Ibn Sina and al-Razi. The famous Zaytuna Imam, Tahir Ibn Ashur (d.1973), in his book on the objectives of Islamic Law, Maqasid Shar’ah al-Islamiyyah, provides fitrah-based model for building human civilisation, thereby linking Islamic law to psychology. The present paper is a humble attempt to study the views of Ibn Ashur on human nature and to highlight the relevance of Islamic perspectives on the 'human being' with regards to civilisational development.  

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