human soul
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Gusmi Ranti ◽  
Jamaldi Jamaldi

<p><em>This study focuses on examining the actualization of the values </em><em></em><em>of Tazkiyatun Nafs in the moral development of the students of the KSI Ulul Albab organization UIN Imam Bonjol. The thought of Imam Al-Ghazali and other scholars about the tazkiyatun nafs is very interesting and important to apply as a moral basis in developing the morals of the people, especially the development of the younger generation. By using descriptive qualitative research by conducting interviews with students who are active in KSI, it is concluded that the actualization of the values </em><em></em><em>of tazkiyah al-nafs in building morals and religious character in instilling noble souls and having al-karimah character. then from the application of the values </em><em></em><em>of tazkiyah al-nafs it also includes a strategy in the habituation of students of the KSI Ulul Albab organization in the hope of creating student discipline and changing bad morals or being therapy for bad souls into good morals. Even the application of tazkiyah al-nafs values </em><em></em><em>in the form of mental therapy. Tazkiyah al-nafs in the form of mental therapy is based on the argument that the human soul can be treated. Efforts to treat mental illness must be done through science and charity. Science here serves to determine the cause and effect of a mental illness</em></p><p><em>Penelitian ini  mengkaji tentang aktualisai nilai-nilai </em><em>Tazkiyatun Nafs dalam pembinaan akhlak mahasiswa organisasi KSI Ulul Albab UIN Imam Bonjol. </em><em>P</em><em>emikiran Imam Al-Ghazali</em><em> dan ulama lain </em><em>tentang tazkiyatun nafs tersebut</em><em> diterapkan sebagai landasan moril dalam pengembangan akhlak umat teritama pembinaan generasi muda. Dengan menggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, peneliti melakukan wawancara dengan mahasiswa yang aktif dalam KSI serta mengamati kegiatan mereka</em><em>. Sehingga dapat</em><em> disimpulkan bahwa </em><em>aktualisasi nilai-nilai tazkiyah al-nafs d</em><em>ilakukan melalui</em><em> pembinaan akhlak dan karakter religious dalam menanamkan jiwa-jiwa yang mulia dan berakhlaq al-karimah. Penerapan nilai-nilai tazkiyah al-nafs itu juga termasuk strategi dalam pembiasaan mahasiswa organisasi KSI Ulul Albab dengan harapan tercipta suatu kedisiplinan mahasiswa dan perubahan akhlak yang buruk atau menjadi terapi bagi jiwa yang buruk menjadi akhlak yang baik</em><em>. Bahkan </em><em>p</em><em>enerapan nilai-nilai tazkiyah al-nafs dalam bentuk terapi jiwa. </em><em>Tazkiyah al-nafs dalam bentuk terapi jiwa didasari argument bahwa jiwa manusia dapat diobati. Upaya pengobatan penyakit jiwa mesti dilakukan melalui ilmu dan amal. Ilmu disini berfungsi untuk mengetahi sebab dan akibat suatu penyakit jiwa</em></p><p> </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 371-396
Uthman Idrees Kankawi

الملخصهذا البحث يرصد دراسة مناجيات البروفيسور زكريا إدريس أوبو حسين، دراسة أسلوبية، للوقوف على قدرة الكاتب في رسم المشاهد المختلفة في حالات النفس الإنسانية، والكشف عن مستويات المناجيات النصية، والتقديم لدلالات ما خلف النص بوصفه نصاً أدبياً خاضعاً للقراءة والتأويل. وقد تناولت الدراسة كتب مناجاته في مستوياتها الصوتية والتركيبية والدلالية محاولة لإجراء الدراسة الأسلوبية عند كل مستوى، فقد أورد البروفيسور الاستعارات والتشبيهات والكنايات بشكل تفاعلي مع الجو الملائم لكل مناجاة، وأهمية هذا البحث تظهر في قلة أمثاله في المكتبات التي تستقري مثل هذه النصوص الإسلامية الشريفة، والتي تستحق لفت النظر. وتم تقسيم الدراسة إلى أربعة مباحث، سبقهم ملخص، ومقدمة، وفي الخاتمة تم تسجيل أهم النتائج فضلا عن المصادر والمراجع، والله المستعان. AbstractProfessor Zakariyau Idrees Oboh Oseni, is one of the prominent figures of Arabic and Islamic literature in Nigeria, working with University of Ilorin in Nigeria as an exemplary teacher, a writer and even a Critical critic. His poetic talent, literary ability, linguistic wealth, knowledge of the Noble Qur’an and the Prophet’s Sunnah, made him succeed in the Art of Munajat, and succeed as a sincere scholar who raises the nation a high-level education. This Research aims to study the Munajat (Monologues) of Professor Zakariyau Idrees Oboh Oseni as a stylistic study, to determine the writer›s ability to draw different scenes in cases of the human soul, to reveal the levels of textual Monologues, and to present the implications of what is behind the text as a literary text subject to reading and interpretation. The Study dealt with his Monologue books in their phonetic, structural and semantic levels, an attempt to conduct a stylistic study at each level. This approach includes a set of principles and procedures that aid the study of the text as a scientific study, through method analysis. The research is divided into three sections, preceded by a summary, followed by a conclusion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-150
Usep Mohamad Ishaq

Ibn al-Haytham (965-1039) is hitherto known merely as a prominent scientist and mathematician who contributed to the development of science and mathematics. His contribution in philosophy and religious sciences are not exposed yet, therefore some scholars e.g. Muhammad Saud (1990), Saleh Beshara Omar (1977), Roshdi Rashed (2007), and many others, consider him neglecting philosophical and religious issues and regarded him to be a secular-positivist scholar. consider him to be uninterested in philosophical and religious issues. However, study has been done from the his primary works, especially his work namely Kitab Thamarah al-Ḥikmah that still rarely studied by researchers of Ibn al-Haytham thought. The method used in this study is the historical and philosophical methods. The results obtained clearly show that Ibn al-Haytham was not merely scientist and mathematician, he was also a philosopher who had contributed in explaining human psychology which accepted other philosophers. He elucidates the faculties of human soul and explains the relation between soul and the concept of happiness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-93
Nani Widiawati

Securing the focus of the study on psychological facts carried out by psychology to pass the scientific test still leaves a problem of definition. Such an identity crisis will be reconciled by using an Islamic epistemological perspective that incorporates conceptual-metaphysical studies as part of the scientific tradition by applying it to the analysis of the actualization of the function of the human soul. This paper aims to analyze the actualization of the potential of the human soul, the actuality or potentiality of human soul health, and the relevance of soul health to the happiness of the human soul. The theme of this paper uses qualitative research, literature study design, theoretical hermeneutic methods, content analysis techniques, and the author as a research instrument. It is known that the perfect actualization of the rational soul is the soul’s arrival at divine truth in theory and practice. The actualization of soul function in a person shows the level of his/her soul health. A happy soul is found in this healthy soul, namely a soul that has been freed from material tendencies and spiritual diseases. It also leads actions to the noble character and has longing and submission to God. These theoretical findings can be used to develop empirical-experimental research in psychology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-256
Ariani Barroroh Baried ◽  
Mulawarman Hannase

Abstract Talking about Sufism cannot be separated from 'Irfan' knowledge; both are interrelated; it can also say that 'Irfan', and 'Irfan' are Sufism. The level of ma'rifat is a jargon that many Sufis generally pursue. There are many ways to achieve this, each Sufi has his way, including First, Riyadhah (self-surrender, accepting sincerely and gracefully for all that the Creator has), Second, Tafakkur (tafakkur to strengthen belief in the greatness and power of Allah, then become an attitude that always motivates individuals, to actively dhikr and worship Allah swt.), Third, Tazkiyat An-Nafs (the process of purifying the human soul. The process of purification of the soul in the framework of Sufism can be done through the face of takhalli and tahalli). Then when Sufism meets philosophy, can the two synergize with each other? While the science of Sufism talks about the heart while talking about reason or ratio. Because the author wants to release the relationship between Sufism (Irfan) Islamic philosophy, this research is in the form of library research or referred to as library research which is carried out by reviewing various literature, both from the latest journals, book texts, scientific articles, the results of other people's research, as well as other sources related to Irfani Sufism and Islamic philosophy. The results of the conclusion that their studies of the soul in a philosophical approach provided many precious contributions to the perfection of studying Sufism in the Islamic world. An understanding of the soul and spirit itself is essential in Sufism. Later developed philosophical analyses of the soul and spirit in Sufism.

Sultan Saeed Muraia Abudabeel Sultan Saeed Muraia Abudabeel

The poet "Ghazi bin Abdul Rahman Al- Gosaibi" is considered one of the figures of Saudi literature in particular, and Arab literature in general. I tried to reach in this book the literary depth, which made with Mina Al- Qusaibi broadcast his book the juice of an experience that was not a little in literature, and the same is true that the exploration of the literary depths that we discussed in this book, did not come to Al- Qusaibi that he is only a poet, but that he combined politics And literature, and this is what brings us to the beautiful literary eras, when the poet combined literature and politics, for example: to be a minister, or a prince, in the Abbasid era, for example, and a poet at the same time. When you stand with the Diwan of Sunset Garden, you can stand with Al- Qusaibi's biography, as if he wanted to summarize the stations of his life, and his lost companions, and he is fully aware that, today, he laments those who lose his comrades, and tomorrow he laments. In this research, we found out how political life played a major role in making Al- Gosaibi see things that the public did not see. Had it not been that he came out for us with a literary- political book he called "In My Humble Opinion", which is not the field of our research now, but the follower of Al- Qusaibi's production knows how much he had a view of life different from that of the ordinary human being. As for the title of the Diwan, Al- Gosaibi combined two opposites with it. It is as if he wanted to summarize great things in himself, through this title, as he came at the beginning “The Garden” and it is known to us that the garden denotes greenery and psychological comfort; As it bears a natural divine beauty, it restores calm to the human soul. As for “sunset” it indicates the end, indicates the end of the day, and comes after sunset the night, and the worries and pain that the poets endured since the pre- Islamic era. As for Al- Qusaibi: He tried to say through the title of the Diwan: His condition is like that of the owner of any house who takes care of him and makes him in the best condition, and takes care of his garden, but at the end he sits in this garden waiting for his day.

Rawda Ibrahim Jalout, Wejdan Al-Miqdad Rawda Ibrahim Jalout, Wejdan Al-Miqdad

Antagonistic dualities are a philosophical phenomenon that has been transferred to the context of literary criticism and then applied to literature, and it is a reflection of the aspects of the universe based on contradiction such as good and evil, light and darkness, existence and nothingness, death and life, and an expression of the human soul with its struggles and fluctuations, a term defined by our rhetorical inheritance. Among them are antithetical, equivalent equivalence, and considering literature as a form of self-expression, this research came to show the importance of oppositional dualities and the effectiveness of their presence in the literary text with the vitality they give it, in addition to their role in persuasion and influence through the element of paradox and astonishment that it creates in the recipient through the encounter of dualities And the collection of contradictory meanings, which are integrated in the service of the literary text , finding the pleasure of reading and receiving , working on analysis and creating semantics.

wisdom ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 21-32
Anahit JIJYAN ◽  

This article suggests that different definitions of sociology follow from the different interpretations of its essence. The article points out also that a common flaw of many definitions of sociology is that they omit the intention and purpose of sociological science. Thereby, definitions of sociology by R. Kocharyan and A. Jijyan are presented, which explicitly mention the intentions and purposes of sociology. On the above basis, a preliminary definition of Christian sociology is suggested. Aimed at further elaboration of the subject, the authors consider the position of the Christian church regarding capitalism and socialism, the problem of free will, and certain aspects of Christian socialism related to the emergence of the social state in developed countries. This brings to a new understanding of the highest goal of the Christian religion – the salvation of the human soul – in the realities of the modern world. Accordingly, a definition of Christian sociology is presented with a detailed expression of its intention and purpose.

Alexander Jebadu ◽  
Bernardus Raho ◽  
Sefrianus Juhani

This paper aims to discuss the theological significance of the traditional religious practice of the Manggaraians in Flores, eastern Indonesia called the Kélah Ritual. It is an aspect of the traditional religion of the Manggaraians. The authorities of the Catholic Church in Manggarai have been very tolerant toward the ritual and provide enough space for the Catholics to practice it. The  Church, however, does not have a sufficient understanding of its theological significance due to insufficient previous studies on the subject. This paper demonstrates that the ritual has a deep theological significance. This study employed direct observation, direct participation in the Kélah Ritual in several places in Manggarai, focus group discussions, key informant interviews and questionnaires.  The results of this research indicate that this ritual is a rite of passage about the human soul departing from this world to heaven conducted a few days or months after the body’s interment. It was on the day of the soul’s ascension to heaven where all of the family ancestors meet with God eternally. This research concludes that, with its theological meaning, the ritual conforms with the Catholic faith doctrine regarding the gradual departure of the human soul to heaven after its corporal death – purgatory. No soul goes right away to heaven when it is not 100% holy. The ritual, therefore, could be valued and officially incorporated into the Catholic faith tradition  in order to enrich its worship to God.

Mohsen Rahimian ◽  
Mas’ud Ra’i ◽  
Siamak Baharlui

Legislation is very serious and precise, especially where a human soul is involved. According to Article 384 of the Islamic Penal Code; if one person intentionally kills two or more people and the blood avengers of all the slain want Qiṣāṣ, the murderer will be retaliated without paying Diya. If the blood avengers of some of the victims want Qiṣāṣ and the blood avengers of the victim or other victims want blood money, if the murderer agrees to pay them blood money in exchange for their Qiṣāṣ, their blood money will be paid from the murderer's property and without the murderer's consent, they do not have the right to take blood money from him or his property. The point to consider in this legal article is that the payment of Diya from the property of the criminal to the victim is bound to the consent of the criminal. The basis of this opinion of the legislator is the opinion of some jurists. The present article in a descriptive-analytical research, with a problem-oriented view, follows the legal study of criminal’s satisfaction in this legal article and the analysis and critique of its jurisprudential principles. One of the most important findings of the study is that the discussion of criminal’s satisfaction in Article 384 of the Islamic Penal Code needs to be reviewed and revised by the legislator because it is incompatible with the rule of justice, the rule of “The blood of Muslim is not wasted”, the rule of obligation to save lives and other jurisprudential rules.

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