scholarly journals A simplified table for staging embryos of the pipid frog Pipa arrabali

2016 ◽  
Vol 88 (3 suppl) ◽  
pp. 1875-1887 ◽  

ABSTRACT Pipa is a Neotropical genus of frogs that dwell in freshwater environments. It includes four species that lack free-swimming larvae (P. aspera, P. arrabali, P. pipa, and P. snethlageae) and three with tadpoles (P. carvalhoi, P. myersi, and P. parva). Developmental tables such as the one proposed by Nieuwkoop and Faber might be useful for Pipa species with tadpoles. However, for the other Pipa species, to determine stages by this table or by any of the tables already prepared for frogs without tadpoles (e.g., Crinia nimbus, Eleutherodactylus coqui, and Oreobates barituensis) is impossible. By using embryonic, juvenile, and subadult specimens, we generated a staging table for P. arrabali, from the moment limb buds were first observed until birth, based on diagnostic features such as snout-vent length; growth, morphology, and reabsorption of the external tail; growth and differentiation of fore and hind limbs; development of intestine and vent tube; position of the angle of the mouth relative to nostrils and eyes; and color of preserved individuals. Based on these observations, we discuss some noteworthy traits (e.g., posture of hands and feet). We also compare the pattern of development of P. arrabali with that of other anuran species (with and without tadpoles).

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (10-2) ◽  
pp. 86-98
Ivan Popov

The paper deals with the organization and decisions of the conference of the Minister-Presidents of German lands in Munich on June 6-7, 1947, which became the one and only meeting of the heads of the state governments of the western and eastern occupation zones before the division of Germany. The conference was the first experience of national positioning of the regional elite and clearly demonstrated that by the middle of 1947, not only between the allies, but also among German politicians, the incompatibility of perspectives of further constitutional development was existent and all the basic conditions for the division of Germany became ripe. Munich was the last significant demonstration of this disunity and the moment of the final turn towards the three-zone orientation of the West German elite.

2018 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
Catarina Borges Cardoso ◽  
Sheila Canevese Rahal ◽  
Maria Jaqueline Mamprim ◽  
Hugo Salvador Oliveira ◽  
Alessandra Melchert ◽  

Background: The avascular necrosis of the femoral head is a development disease caused by ischemic necrosis, which is mainly observed in young dogs. The etiology of the disease remains controversial. The diagnosis requires imaging exams such as MRI and radiographs. Thus, the aim of the current study was to retrospectively assess a population of dogs with avascular necrosis of the femoral head in order to feature the disease, as well as to analyze the radiographic appearance of the lesion at the moment of patient consultation.Materials, Methods & Results: The signalment factors of dogs (breed, gender, age and body mass), the affected hind limb, the radiographic appearance of the lesion, the clinical signs at the moment of patient consultation, the time of occurrence and the type of treatment were evaluated. The disease was radiographically classified according to the previously described items. Forty-three cases of avascular necrosis of the femoral head were identified, 97.67% presented lameness and pain during palpation of the hip joint; and 54.34%, were 1 week to 4 months old. Females represented 58.13% of the sample, and 65.11% of them weighed from 2.6 to 4.9 kg. Based on the radiographic classification, 4.34% were Grade 1; 32.60%, Grade 2; 8.69%, Grade 3; 19.56%, Grade 4; and 34.78%, Grade 5. The femoral head and neck ostectomy was performed in 42 hind limbs (91.30%); 42.85% of the dogs reached total functional recovery and 26.19% required physiotherapy and rehabilitation.Discussion: The present sample was composed of 25 dogs, which were 6-to-11-month old at the moment of patient consultation, but 17 dogs were 12-to-36-month old at this time; only one dog was older than 36 months. It may be associated with the non-recognition of clinical signs by the owners, rather than with the late-onset form of the disease. With respect to the breed, pinscher, Yorkshire, poodle, Lhasa apso, pug were most frequently observed. However, 7 dogs were crossbreed. Such group differed from that of a review involving 188 cases encompassing West Highland white terrier, Cairn terrier and poodle as the most commonly affected breeds. No sex predilection was found in a study comprising 188 cases, but in another study comprising 14 dogs, female predilection was observed. Likewise, the females represented 58.13% of cases in the present study; and 41.86% of the participants were male. The mean body mass of the dogs in the current study was 4.33 kg, which matches the small breed dogs, which are most affected by the disease. Clinical signs of non-weightbearing lameness or an intermittent subtle lameness are common in the avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Lameness of the affected hind limb was observed in 69.76% of the cases in the present study, but 2.32% showed no lameness. Occasionally, the avascular necrosis of the femoral head is bilaterally found in 12% to 16.5% of the cases. Only 3 out of the 43 cases assessed in the present study were bilateral. Since the lesions were more frequent in Grades 2 and 5, there is less chance of success through the conservative treatment. Thus, the femoral head and neck ostectomy was the surgical procedure performed in 42 hind limbs. The procedure is used to provide pain relief and to reduce the signs of lameness. In conclusion, the population assessed in the present study was composed of small size dogs, mean body mass 4.33 kg, no sex predilection, mostly presenting unilateral lesions and higher Grade 2 and Grade 5 radiographic lesion frequency.Keywords: radiographic, joint, canine, hip.

1998 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 565-565
G. Cayrel de Strobel ◽  
R. Cayrel ◽  
Y. Lebreton

After having studied in great detail the observational HR diagram (log Teff, Mbol) composed by 40 main sequence stars of the Hyades (Perryman et al.,1997, A&A., in press), we have tried to apply the same method to the observational main sequences of the three next nearest open clusters: Coma Berenices, the Pleiades, and Praesepe. This method consists in comparing the observational main sequence of the clusters with a grid of theoretical ZAMSs. The stars composing the observational main sequences had to have reliable absolute bolometric magnitudes, coming all from individual Hipparcos parallaxes, precise bolometric corrections, effective temperatures and metal abundances from high resolution detailed spectroscopic analyses. If we assume, following the work by Fernandez et al. (1996, A&A,311,127), that the mixing-lenth parameter is solar, the position of a theoretical ZAMS, in the (log Teff, Mbol) plane, computed with given input physics, only depends on two free parameters: the He content Y by mass, and the metallicity Z by mass. If effective temperature and metallicity of the constituting stars of the 4 clusters are previously known by means of detailed analyses, one can deduce their helium abundances by means of an appropriate grid of theoretical ZAMS’s. The comparison between the empirical (log Teff, Mbol) main sequence of the Hyades and the computed ZAMS corresponding to the observed metallicity Z of the Hyades (Z= 0.0240 ± 0.0085) gives a He abundance for the Hyades, Y= 0.26 ± 0.02. Our interpretation, concerning the observational position of the main sequence of the three nearest clusters after the Hyades, is still under way and appears to be greatly more difficult than for the Hyades. For the moment we can say that: ‒ The 15 dwarfs analysed in detailed in Coma have a solar metallicity: [Fe/H] = -0.05 ± 0.06. However, their observational main sequence fit better with the Hyades ZAMS. ‒ The mean metallicity of 13 Pleiades dwarfs analysed in detail is solar. A metal deficient and He normal ZAMS would fit better. But, a warning for absorption in the Pleiades has to be recalled. ‒ The upper main sequence of Praesepe, (the more distant cluster: 180 pc) composed by 11 stars, analysed in detail, is the one which has the best fit with the Hyades ZAMS. The deduced ‘turnoff age’ of the cluster is slightly higher than that of the Hyades: 0.8 Gyr instead of 0.63 Gyr.

2009 ◽  
pp. 163-172
Angelo Abignente

- The positive law tradition has hitherto had nothing to say about the legal profession's role and function, focusing more interest on questions of justice, of the legitimisation of power and of the genesis and organisation of normative material. This trend is now subject to a reversal promoted by new, neo-constitutionalist, narrativist, analytical and hermeneutic experiences, which no longer focuses attention on the moment when law is produced, but on the one when it is applied, reappraising and revitalising the function of the judge, of the attorneys and of other legal professionals. The attorney becomes an active protagonist, an intermediary not only between conflicting interests in a controversy, but also between opposing public interests, while the reappraisal of his role stimulates thinking about the ethical dimension of how the legal profession is practised. Referring to the theories of Habermas and of Alexy, the author treats the reasonable status of argumentation as the supreme ethical instance necessary for a decision that interferes in the sphere of another person's action. At the same time, however, the control of the reasonable status of the respective arguments on both sides is the ethical instance required of the attorneys taking part in the legal proceedings. It takes the form of compliance with the rules characteristic of the practical discourse, primarily the rule of free discursive participation that enables the onus of the argumentation to be explained. Ernesto de

2021 ◽  
pp. 0044118X2110359
Joanna Almeida ◽  
Catherine Barber ◽  
Rochelle K. Rosen ◽  
Alexandra Nicolopoulos ◽  
Kimberly H. McManama O’Brien

Research on planning, method choice, and method substitution in adolescents’ suicide attempts is limited. We conducted in-depth interviews with 20 adolescents following their suicide attempt to learn the extent to which the attempt was planned, why they used the method they did, and whether they would have substituted another method if the one they used had been unavailable. Applied Thematic Analysis was used to identify codes and develop themes. Attempts were largely unplanned, and planned attempts were often haphazard, as urgency to escape immediate pain was a main impetus for the attempt. Method choice was driven by easy access. Half of participants said they would not have attempted suicide if the method they used were inaccessible, but 7 of 20 said they would have, and 3 were unsure. Not all suicide attempts would be prevented by blocking access to methods that adolescent attempters would otherwise use. To understand whether restricting access to low-lethality methods could harm some attempters, future research should examine in-the-moment method substitution.

2019 ◽  
Hanna Gekle

The history of mental development on the one and the history of his writings on the other hand form the two separate but essentially intertwined strands of an archeology of Ernst Bloch´s thought undertaken in this book. Bloch as a philosopher is peculiar in that his initial access to thought rose from the depths of early, painful experience. To give expression to this experience, he not only needed to develop new categories, but first and foremost had to find words for it: the experience of the uncanny and the abysmal, of which he tells in Spuren, is on the level of philosophical theory juxtaposed by the “Dunkel des gerade gelebten Augenblicks” (darkness of the moment just lived) and his discovery of a “Noch-nicht-Bewusstes” (not-yet-conscious), thus metaphysically undermining the classical Oedipus complex in the succession of Freud. In this book, psyche, work and the history of the 20th century appear concentrated in Ernst Bloch the philosopher and contemporary witness, who paid tribute to these supra-individual powers in his work as much as he hoped to transgress them.

2018 ◽  
Vol 128 (6) ◽  
pp. 1799-1807 ◽  
Homajoun Maslehaty ◽  
Crescenzo Capone ◽  
Roman Frantsev ◽  
Igor Fischer ◽  
Ramazan Jabbarli ◽  

OBJECTIVEThe aim of this study was to define predictive factors for rupture of middle cerebral artery (MCA) mirror bifurcation aneurysms.METHODSThe authors retrospectively analyzed the data in patients with ruptured MCA bifurcation aneurysms with simultaneous presence of an unruptured MCA bifurcation mirror aneurysm treated in two neurosurgical centers. The following parameters were measured and analyzed with the statistical software R: neck, dome, and width of both MCA aneurysms—including neck/dome and width/neck ratios, shape of the aneurysms (regular vs irregular), inflow angle of both MCA aneurysms, and the diameters of the bilateral A1 and M1 segments and the frontal and temporal M2 trunks, as well as the bilateral diameter of the internal carotid artery (ICA).RESULTSThe authors analyzed the data of 44 patients (15 male and 29 female, mean age 50.1 years). Starting from the usual significance level of 0.05, the Sidak-corrected significance level is 0.0039. The diameter of the measured vessels was statistically not significant, nor was the inflow angle. The size of the dome was highly significant (p = 0.0000069). The size of the neck (p = 0.0047940) and the width of the aneurysms (p = 0.0056902) were slightly nonsignificant at the stated significance level of 0.0039. The shape of the aneurysms was bilaterally identical in 22 cases (50%). In cases of asymmetrical presentation of the aneurysm shape, 19 (86.4%) ruptured aneurysms were irregular and 3 (13.6%) had a regular shape (p = 0.001).CONCLUSIONSIn this study the authors show that the extraaneurysmal flow dynamics in mirror aneurysms are nonsignificant, and the aneurysmal geometry also does not seem to play a role as a predictor for rupture. The only predictors for rupture were size and shape of the aneurysms. It seems as though under the same conditions, one of the two aneurysms suffers changes in its wall and starts growing in a more or less stochastic manner. Newer imaging methods should enable practitioners to see which aneurysm has an unstable wall, to predict the rupture risk. At the moment one can only conclude that in cases of MCA mirror aneurysms the larger one, with or without shape irregularities, is the unstable aneurysm and that this is the one that needs to be treated.

2018 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 255-286
Sam Edwards

This article examines how a post-1918 Edwardian commemorative aesthetic focused on the “English Garden” was deployed in the later twentieth century as a means to establish an “informal” Empire of memory. The result is an architectural irony and a landscape at odds with the moment that made it: the post-1945 cemeteries of the Imperial War Graves Commission (IWGC) expanded the now defunct Empire’s commemorative possessions just as the actual deeds to land were surrendered. The one exception to this story of contemporaneous political withdrawal and commemorative appropriation nonetheless proves the broader point. For after the bloody imperial war fought in the South Atlantic in 1982 the Commission, at the behest of the British government, built its first and last post-1945 overseas war cemetery. And just as had been the case sixty years earlier, the form and style of this cemetery ensured it became the last outpost of an Edwardian Empire of memory.

We present various techniques for the asymptotic expansions of generalized functions. We show that the moment asymptotic expansions hold for a very wide variety of kernels such as generalized functions of rapid decay and rapid oscillations. We do not use Mellin transform techniques as done by previous authors in the field. Instead, we introduce a direct approach that not only solves the one-dimensional problems but also applies to various multidimensional integrals and oscillatory kernels as well. This approach also helps in the development of various asymptotic series arising in diverse fields of mathematics and physics. We find that the asymptotic expansions of generalized functions depend on the selection of suitable spaces of test functions. Accordingly, we have exercised special care in classifying the spaces and the distributions defined on them. Furthermore, we use the theory of topological tensor products to obtain the expansions of vector-valued distributions. We present several examples to illustrate that many classical results follow in a simple manner. For instance, we derive from our results the asymptotic expansions of certain series considered by Ramanujan.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (73) ◽  
pp. 11-18
L.Y. Lyzogub

The maximum number of products at the lowest cost – is the main thing, what modern poultry industry can be characterized. One of the most pressing problems at the moment is early antibiotic therapy and the associated safety of young poultry early age. In this regard, of particular interest for this study is how the most widely used antibacterial drugs effects on the one of key organs of the immune system – thymus. The article presents the data obtained in the course of the experiment, which determines how preventive treatment schemes, that includes usage single and multiple antibacterial drugs, influenced on the morphological status of the chickens thymus. We selected scheme and a combination of antibacterial drugs have not been studied previously. That was compared with the usage of probiotic Bolmol at the same treatment scheme. A comparison of morpho-functional state of the thymus of chickens 15-, 22- and 41-days-old, when applying several treatments schemes. The schemes of treatment included: the usage of one or two antibiotics during the cycle, compared with the usage of probiotic. We made the conclusions about the absence of the negative impact of selected drugs on the morphofunctional state of the thymus and the positive effect of probiotic «Bolmol». The morphometric parameters of the cortex and medulla in the lobules of the thymus of chicks 15-day-old, taking as an antibacterial drug probiotic Bolmol, were not significantly different from control values and were statistically significant when compared with chicks who used antibiotics: the width of the cortical area was on 15% and 29.09% wider then chickens receiving antibiotic treatment. This indicates a positive effect of probiotic Bolmol compared with antibacterial agents which were chosen. Thus, these data demonstrate that the use of probiotics in cyclic schemes of antibiotic prophylaxis contribute to the normal development of the thymus, which in turn leads to increased resistance and preservation of poultry. Was given the substantiation about safely usage of cyclic schemes of antibacterial drugs in the event of objective necessity.

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