oedipus complex
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Chernysh A.Ye.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the mechanism of the emergence and functioning of the discourse of neurosis of Vasyl Stefanyk on the material of the artistic and biographical novel by S. Protsyuk “Rose of Ritual Pain”.Methods of analysis, synthesis, description, interpretation, psychoanalytic methodology, postcolonial reading were used to analyze the set goal.Research results. The novel presents a wide range of artistic psychoanalytic tools – unconscious processes of mental development of the hero, traumas and traumatic events in the life of Vasily Stefanyk, a body of mental inspirations, built on numerous fears, neuroses, pain, a number of associations and suggestions, well-associated images and visionary discourses, indepth archetypes. It was found that neurosis is a natural consequence of the intensified struggle of various incarnations of Vasyl Stefanyk, which he tried to reconcile with each other. Significant aspects of the appearance and functioning of the neurotic state of the hero added children’s trauma, fears, complexes, stress, excessive anxiety. Internal tension and early childhood trauma formed deeply associated images of the beast with the bloody paw and the Bullet of Alarm as fundamental neurotic factors. The Oedipus complex and the conflict between the real idea of oneself and one’s ideal self also significantly developed the neurotic way of life of Vasyl Stefanyk. It is established that the image of Vasyl Stefanyk in the novel is marked by dispersive tension, excessive anxiety, which led to the emergence of a depressive, melancholic and partly infantile worldview. It was found that creativity helped the character to alleviate tension, fears, guilt, sins.Conclusions. The image of Vasyl Stefanyk in the novel is marked by neurosis, the key components of which are excessive anxiety, depression, actually neurotic and mental disorders in behavior, fears and addictions, communication problems, the Oedipus complex, multiple personality. Important psychoanalytic codes for the interpretation of the neurotic type of personality are the deep personal associations of the Bullet of Alarm and the beast with the bloody paw, which express the neurotic discourse of the protagonist’s performance.Key words: neurosis, fear, trauma, anxiety, association. Мета статті – на матеріалі художньо-біографічного роману С. Процюка «Троянда ритуального болю» проаналізувати механізм появи і функціонування дискурсу неврозу Василя Стефаника.Для аналізу поставленої мети використано дослідницькі прийоми систематизації, класифікації та узагальнення, застосовано психоаналітичну методологію, постколоніальне прочитання.Результати дослідження. У романі представлений широкий художній психоаналітичний інструментарій – неусвідомлені процеси психічного розвитку героя, травми і травматичні події у житті Василя Стефаника, корпус душевних інспірацій, розбудованих на численних страхах, неврозах, болях, низка асоціацій і сугестій, вдало засоційованих образів тривоги і неспокою, хитросплетених сновидного й візійного дискурсів, поглибленої архетипіки. Зʼясовано, що невроз є закономірним наслідком утривавленої боротьби різних іпостасей Василя Стефаника, які він намагався примирити між собою. Вагомих аспектів появи і функціонування невротичного стану героя додали дитячі травми, страхи, комплекси, стреси, надмірна тривожність. Внутрішня напруга й рання дитяча травма виформували глибоко засоційовані образи звіра із кривавою пащекою і Кулі Тривоги як засадничих невротичних факторів. Едіпів комплекс і конфлікт між реальним уявленням себе та своїм ідеальним Я також вагомо розвивали невротичний спосіб життєукладу Василя Стефаника. Встановлено, що образ Василя Стефаника в романі відзначається дисперсійною напругою, надмірною тривожністю, що призвело до появи депресійного, меланхолійного і почасти інфантильного світоставлення. Зʼясовано, що творчість допомагала персонажеві притлумлювати напругу, страхи, відчуття провини, гріхи.Висновки. Образ Василя Стефаника в романі маркований неврозом, ключовими складниками якого є надмірна тривога, депресія, власне невротичні і психічні зриви в поведінці, страхи і залежності, проблеми в комунікації, Едіпів комплекс, множинна особистість. Важливими психоаналітичними кодами потрактування невротичного типу особистості є глибинні осібні асоціації Кулі Тривоги та звіра із кривавою пащекою, що увиразнюють невротичний дискурс виповнення головного героя.Ключові слова: невроз, страх, травма, тривога, асоціація.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 27-56
Betty Stojnic

In this paper, I provide an analysis of the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion and the feature film The End of Evangelion through the theory of French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari as outlined in their seminal work Capitalism and Schizophrenia. I tackle the authors’ concepts of Oedipus and absolute deterritorialization in order to provide a philosophical consideration of the series’ central plot points and developments. My aim is to employ Charles J. Stivale’s concept of academic “animation” to critique Evangelion’s emphasis on the nuclear family structure and its influence on subject-formation, as well as to demonstrate that a Deleuzoguattarian framework is uniquely suited for this task. I conclude that Evangelion, through its experimental use of animation as a medium, produces a compelling depiction of absolute deterritorialization in the form of the Human Instrumentality Project. However, the series ultimately remains loyal to its prioritisation (rooted in psychoanalysis and the Oedipus complex) of the family unit, with the protagonist Ikari Shinji rejecting Instrumentality and preferring, instead, to live as a unified subject defined by familial relations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 231-261
Gilad Sharvit

Abstract In contrast to previous attempts to establish a direct relation between Freud and Kabbalah, this article argues for an indirect relationship mediated by way of Schelling’s philosophy. My claim is that Freud’s Oedipus complex partly originated in Schelling’s idea of God’s contraction, which he arguably derived from the Lurianic doctrine of zimzum. Furthermore, in thinking of the oedipal complex, and of repression more generally, as a late development of the Lurianic and Schellingian imagination of what I call “productive negativity,” I suggest that an important conceptual horizon is opened for the Freudian concept, one that transcends the widespread but narrow formulation of repression as a retroactive and regressive mental mechanism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (57) ◽  
pp. 532-561
Joelson Rodrigues Miguel ◽  
Heuthelma Ribeiro Braga

Resumo: O Complexo de Édipo é um processo constitutivo de todo sujeito, por meio do qual será desenvolvida sua estruturação psíquica, já que o conflito edipiano fica registrado no inconsciente de toda criança e persiste até o fim da vida. Vale lembrar que ao longo de seu desenvolvimento, o ego da criança vai sendo preparado para a castração por meio das diversas perdas que vai sofrendo, como o ventre da mãe, o seio materno e suas próprias fezes, surge então à ansiedade de castração que é justamente o medo de ser separado de um objeto valioso. O ensaio que se inscreve através de uma revisão bibliográfica visa discorrer sobre o Complexo de Édipo e a castração como aspectos atinentes a constituição do sujeito. A pesquisa trata-se de um estudo de natureza bibliográfica, com uma abordagem qualitativa e de cunho exploratório. Compreendemos através da pesquisa que o Complexo de Édipo assim como a castração tem sido cada vez mais pesquisado, no entanto, o que se percebe é que muitos estudos têm abordado esta temática sobre várias perspectivas, mas o que chama atenção é que ainda notam-se muitas divergências quanto ao assunto. Destarte, para nós da psicanálise é muito importante compreender esses conceitos fundamentais que foram nos colocado não só de compreensão por meio da psicanálise e através da ideia de Freud mais também por teóricos como Lacan que fez um retorno ao trabalho de Freud.Palavras-chave: Psicanálise; Complexo de Édipo. Castração; Criança.  Abstract: The Oedipus Complex is a constitutive process of every subject, through which its psychic structure will be developed since the oedipal conflict is registered in the unconscious of every child and persists until the end of life. It is worth remembering that throughout its development, the child's ego is being prepared for castration through the various losses it suffers, such as the mother's womb, the mother's breast, and her own feces, then the castration anxiety that is just the fear of being separated from a valuable object. The essay that is inscribed through a literature review aims to discuss the Oedipus Complex and castration as aspects related to the constitution of the subject. The research is a bibliographical study, with a qualitative and exploratory approach. We understand through the research that the Oedipus Complex as well as castration has been increasingly researched, however, what is perceived is that many studies have addressed this issue from various perspectives, but what draws attention is that it is still noticed. many disagreements on the subject. Thus, for us in psychoanalysis it is very important to understand these fundamental concepts that were brought to us not only through psychoanalysis and through Freud's idea, but also by theorists such as Lacan who made a return to Freud's work. Keywords: Psychoanalysis. Oedipus complex. Castration. Kid.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 48
Stacie M. Connell

In the opening of Sylvia Plath’s poem “Daddy” one glimpses a troubled young woman struggling to break free from patriarchal confinement. In a stark play on imagery, she equates her tomb of darkness to a “black shoe” where she has submissively “lived like a foot//Barely daring to breathe or Achoo” for her entire life (Plath 2-3,5). Plath opens the poem with an oppressive tone of confinement. Her tone is that of a victim unable to break free from the powerful pressing of her father. The daughter is acknowledging her life-long imprisonment through the image of conformity and obedience. Her testimony, “You do not do, you do not do/Anymore.” is an awakening, an ethereal understanding, she is no longer satisfied with being under her father’s foot (Plath 1-2). She mocks her submissiveness and fear by “Barely daring to breathe.” or express her autonomy outside of the domineering treatment designated by her father (Plath 5). “Daddy” juxtaposes the extremely childish and infantile dependency on the image of father versus the inherent desire to break free from the entrapment of masculine dominance. As Maher Mahdi points out in the article “From a Victim of the Feminine Mystique,” Plath is using “aspects of objectification” to create a breakdown of the typical family dynamic between father and daughter (98). The struggle is real, vigorous, and traumatic to the daughter speaking blatantly throughout the lines of “Daddy.” The battle rages as father and daughter fight metaphorically within the confines of the speaker’s mind. Plath offers the war-torn country as a backdrop to ease the reader into a sense of disquiet and upheaval. There is something obscenely immature in her attachment to the deceased father. She loves and hates him, desires her independence yet craves the security of her dependency, and she longs for him and yet strives to exorcise his demon from within her own soul. This emotional upheaval allows the reader to assess the speaker’s mental anguish and analyze “Daddy” on a more complex level. This study will explore 1) The juxtaposition of victim versus villain in the familial relationship of father and daughter; 2) The daughter’s search for autonomy and her unhealthy Oedipus complex; 3) Establishing identity beyond infantile attachment, or as Maher Mahdi points out, breaking free from immaturity requires a certain amount of viciousness in order for the daughter’s true liberation (Mahdi 100); 4) The exposure of the Jekyll and Hyde persona, which is noted by Isabelle Travis as the “blurred line” between recognizing the issues and finding one’s own part in the familial downfall (Travis 279).

Indra Awasthi

Abstract: This article identifies the nature of love and some of its conscientious and political implications. It is a question to the thinker, 'What is love?'Many problems arise. Love is an ideational noun. That is, for some people, it is a word that is not connected to reality or sensibly. For others, it shows our existence, ourselves and the world, is irreversibly affected after we "refer to love". Some are trying to analyse it, others prefer to leave it as an inefficient area But it is undeniable that love plays a huge and inevitable role in our different cultures. We see it discussed with humour and seriousness in songs, films and novels. It is a constant theme of maturity in life and a vibrant theme for young people. Philosophically, the nature of love has been at the heart of philosophy since ancient Greece, from the materialistic concept of love as a purely physical phenomenon (the animal or genetic motif that governs our behaviour) to theory. That moment Love as an intense spiritual entity, to the highest degree, allows us to come into contact with divinity. Historically, in the Western tradition, Plato's Feast presents the original text to provide us with a very influential and compelling idea that love is characterized by several levels. To love. This is also overcome by what can be explained by the theological view of love the research sends sexual attraction and reciprocity. Since then, there have been various alternative theories, including Plato’s critics and advocates of love, Plato's disciple Aristotle, and his more mundane theory of true love. It reflects what he described as "two bodies and one soul". The philosophical treatment of love covers a variety of disciplines, including epistemology, metaphysics, religion, humanity, politics and ethics. Often, for example, statements or discussions about love, its nature and, its role in human life refer to one or all of the central theories of philosophy and are compared or considered in the context of philosophical sex. And not just sex, but the body as well. It is intentional. The mission of the philosophy of love is to present relevant issues in a targeted way, based on relevant theories such as human nature, desire and morality. The research concludes that biological, mind and ideology stand significant for the analysis of love. Nonetheless, additional study is preferred for differentiating that what actually is and how this knowledge can be applied in everyday life. With the divorce rate on the rise and the idea of a changing marriage during present time community, significance for researching a theory in affection can’t be ignored. In this study, as a community, we can understand its importance for human love and survival. Keywords: Physical, Mental, affection, intercourse, divorce, serotonin, oxytocin, Oedipus complex, Electra complex, ideology, soul mate, neurotransmitter, dopamine, odour, psychosexual

Nermeen Ahmed Abdel-Azeem El-Tayeb Nermeen Ahmed Abdel-Azeem El-Tayeb

This research aims to reveal the psychological dynamics of the behavior of oniomania  among university students in Zagazig, Egypt. In order to achieve this goal, the clinical method was used and by applying tests and TAT and D.A.F test on two cases. The results concluded that the high status of the anomalistic behavior suffers from very high narcissism, inflated self-image, and has a very high superego. As for the second case, low on the behavior of oniomania, it was found through the application of the test that he suffers from repression of advice, Oedipus complex disorder and focus on the mother, suffers from depression and loss of relationship with the environment, suffers from a struggle of the feet of sizes, and suffers from a narcissistic wound. As for the A.F.D test, the high status oniomania Behavior suffers from an Oedipus complex, suffers from overemphasis and this was confirmed and appeared in the interpretation of the Tat test, she needs security, suffers from an inflated self-concept and very high narcissism in asserting her drawing for herself without the rest of the family members.The shading indicates anxiety and the presence of conflicts between the body’s instinctive impulses and mental control, suffering from difficulties in sensory expression. As for the second low case, the results showed that it suffers from fixation on the mother, helplessness and lack of control and control in the environment, suffers from overemphasis in the form of control and emotional control Independence and lack of reliability, inefficiency because his drawings appear small in size, his use of shading is evidence of anxiety or fixation and this is what became clear in the Tat test, and the installation appeared in the A.F.Dand its fixation on the mother after applying the psychometric test of oniomania behavior prepared by the researcher, and based on these results the researcher recommends counseling programs in this field and psychological edification.

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