scholarly journals Higher education: free tuition vs. quotas vs. targeted vouchers

2010 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-66 ◽  
Eduardo de Carvalho Andrade

This paper compares theoretically three alternative university systems: the current one adopted in Brazil, in which students who perform better in the entering exam obtain the right to attend the public university without paying the full tuition; a system of affirmative action quotas in public universities, to benefit low income students; and a targeted vouchers system that can be used either to pay private or public university tuiton. The comparison indicates that the last system leads to: (i) a higher quality of the labor force; (ii) a more efficient allocation of resources; and (iii) a greater social mobility.

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-20
Lulut Indrianingrum

Affordable housing programs and banking program has been launched for the implementation of housing programs for Low Income Communities (MBR). MBR characteristics in each region are very diverse make housing programs for this segment is not easy to do the right target. Act 2 of 2001 has mandated that states are obliged to implement the settlement habitable housing for people, especially the MBR. This article will discuss how the public views MBR related to home ownership for families. Aspects related studies include family conditions, financing, location, shape and price residence. The research method used descriptive method with the results of questionnaires to the MBR in Sub Tanjungmas as Village poorest residents in the city of Semarang. The results showed that the respondents have a vision of home ownership by saving and installments. That their visions are still living in and near where you live now or anywhere else that has the same price range. They really understand that in order to obtain environmental conditions and a better home, they have to pay higher prices, then, the standards they use is on the quality of life now and that the location that suitable for them is a house in the kampong area.Program-program perumahan terjangkau dan program perbankan telah diluncurkan untuk pelaksanaan program perumahan untuk Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah (MBR). Karakteristik MBR di masing-masing daerah yang sangat beragam membuat program perumahan untuk segmen ini tidak mudah dilakukan secara tepat sasaran. Undang-Undang No.2 tahun 2001 telah mengamanatkan bahwa negara wajib menyelenggarakan perumahan permukiman yang layak huni bagi masyarakat khususnya MBR. Artikel ini akan membahas bagaimana pandangan masyarakat MBR terkait kepemilikan rumah bagi keluarganya. Aspek kajian antara lain terkait kondisi keluarga, pembiayaan, lokasi, bentuk tempat tinggal dan harga. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif melalui hasil kuisioner kepada MBR di Kelurahan Tanjungmas sebagai Kelurahan dengan penduduk miskin terbanyak di Kota Semarang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden memiliki visi dalam kepemilikan rumah dengan cara menabung dan mencicil. Bahwa visi mereka adalah masih tinggal disekitar lokasi tempat tinggal sekarang atau tempat lain yang memiliki rentang harga yang sama. Mereka sangat memahami bahwa untuk memperoleh kondisi lingkungan dan rumah yang lebih baik, mereka harus membayar lebih mahal, maka, standar yang mereka gunakan adalah pada kualitas hidup yang dijalani sekarang bahwa lokasi rumah yang cocok untuk mereka adalah rumah di perkampungan.

Harius Eko saputra

Almost every day, in various mass media, especially in newspapers, it is found that there are so many complaints and unsatisfactory opinions from the community, as the customer, towards the current implementation of public service. These complaints and unsatisfactory opinions can describe how bad the quality of the current public service is, which is benefited by the community. It may be the right time for the community to be treated as citizens, who will have rights and give priority to their rights for being served afterwards. They are not anymore being considered as clients who previously have no any choice in choosing and in determining what kind of service that they really want to. There are so many results from research, seminar and writings that are conducted by experts in which their works talk about the implementation of a good and qualified public service. Currently, however, the qualified public service has not yet implemented as should have been. The implementation of public service still acts as however it please to be and only emphasize on its own interest without considering the consumer’s importance as the party that should really be served as well as possible. For this reason, a research, which is done in Service Integrated Unit of the Jember Regency, tries to find out any factors affecting quality of the public services. The main core of the public service implementation is the quality of norm of the service executor. The matter that should be realized is that the executor is the person who should serve for the community, and the community is the one who should be served as well as possible.Keywords: Implementation of public service, legislatif

Rehia K. Isabella Barus ◽  
Armansyah Matondang ◽  
Nina Angelia ◽  
Beby Masitho Batubara

Ahead of the 2019 general election which is divided into two stages, namely the Legislative election and the Presidential election. This event is the right moment to find out the political participation of the people at the grass-roots level while at the same time seeing the interaction between the people in the grass-roots and political parties. The interaction that wants to be seen is what forms of political behavior and community participation at the grassroots, as well as how political parties behave in interacting with this community. Then the important point that is also seen is how political parties behave in involving and seeking to raise support from the community. In the end, through this research, it will be known the quality of political participation from the public and electoral political parties in 2019.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Erick Solano Coto

ResumenEn Costa Rica, durante el siglo XX, tanto la ordenación territorial como las políticas ambientales y sus respectivos instrumentos de implementación resultaron ineficientes o insuficientes para evitar, o cuando menos reducir, los impactos negativos que generan, sobre el ambiente, las diversas actividades desarrolladas por el ser humano. Sin embargo, durante las últimas dos décadas -principalmente, a partir de la reforma al artículo 50 de la Constitución Política, en 1994, que consagró el derecho a un ambiente sano y ecológicamente equilibrado- encontramos esfuerzos legislativos, administrativos y comunitarios, encausados a lograr una adecuada armonía entre las actividades humanas, la protección del ambiente y el crecimiento ordenado de las ciudades. Sin lugar a dudas, el elemento ambiental ha adquirido una creciente relevancia en el país, a lo largo de los últimos veinte años, que se ha visto reflejadaen la promulgación de leyes y reglamentos, que buscan tanto consagrar la protección ambiental, como suplir la ausencia, ya se directa o indirectamente, de normas jurídicas de naturaleza urbanística.Determinar con mayor precisión, desde la perspectiva jurídica, la incidencia del elemento ambiental en la ordenación territorial y la planificación urbana, a través de las acotadas normas y a su vez, de las políticas públicas y sus instrumentos de implementación, se convierte en el objetivo del presente artículo; buscando, a su vez, ofrecer un análisis sobre las resoluciones, tanto adminstrativas como judiciales, que permita identificar sus alcances y afectación -positiva o no- sobre las Administraciones Públicas y los ciudadanos. Lo anterior, con la finalidad de reconocer sus efectos y definir, de cara al futuro, cuáles aspectos se pueden y deben mejorar, en aras de lograr la consecución de una cohesión socioeconómica y un desarrollo sostenible pleno, que repercuta en una mejor calidad de vida para la población costarricense. AbstractDuring the twentieth century in Costa Rica, spatial planning and environmental policies, as well as their implementation tools, proved they have been inefficient or insufficient to avoid, or at least, to reduce, the negative impacts produced over the environment by the multiple activities developed by humans. However, during the past two decades -mainly, since article 50 of the Constitution was modified in 1994, enabling the right to enjoy an ecologically balanced and wholesome environment- we can find legislative, administrative and communitarian efforts, looking forward to an adequate harmony amid human activities, environmental protection and cities organized development. Without a doubt, the environmental factor has acquired an increasing relevance in the country during the last twenty years. This has been materialized by the enactment of laws and bylaws, trying to achieve not only environmental protection, but also support - direct or indirectly - the absence of urbanistic laws and regulations.To determine with accurate precision, from a legal perspective, the incidence of the environmental factor in spatial and urban planning, through the mentioned laws and bylaws, the public policies and their implementation tools, is the purpose of this paper; and also, to offer an analysis about the administrative and judicial decisions, that may allow the identification of the results - positive or not- over the Public Administrations and the citizens. The later, with the aim to recognize their effects, and define towards the future, which bearings may and must be improved. This in order to conquer a social economic cohesion and a plain sustainable development that will positively affect citizens’ quality of life.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Nurwita Ismail

In essence the right of everyone to get the same job and opportunity in government, is one of the instruments in trying to improve prosperity and prosperity of the people. This corresponds to the basic philosophy of the state summarized in Pancasila, where the five precepts of Pancasila should be viewed as one unified whole. Even has been translated in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD) Year 1945, as well as a constitutional basis in governance, nation and state.The importance of Gorontalo Regency Government / related agencies especially Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) performs acceptance in accordance with the mechanisms stipulated in several Laws and Regulations in particular PP. 43 of 2007, with the expectation that the quantity of civil servants can dominate the quality so that the public expectation of the quality of service and the acceleration of regional development can be fulfilled. Type of research Sociological Juridical. Juridical Sociological Research is a legal research that combines the research of normative law and sociological law research.

2021 ◽  
Eleanor MacPherson ◽  
Joanna Reynolds ◽  
Esnart Sanudi ◽  
Alexander Nkaombe ◽  
John Mankhomwa ◽  

Drug resistant infections are increasing across the world and urgent action is required to preserve current classes of antibiotics. Antibiotic use practices in low-and-middle-income countries have gained international attention, especially as antibiotics are often accessed beyond the formal health system. Public awareness campaigns have gained popularity, often conceptualising antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as a problem of excess, precipitated by irrational behaviour. Insufficient attention has been paid to people’s lived experiences of accessing medicines in low-income contexts. In Chikwawa District, Malawi, a place of extreme scarcity, our study aimed to understand the care and medicine use practices of households dependent on subsistence farming. Adopting an anthropological approach, we undertook medicine interviews (100), ethnographic fieldwork (six-month period) and key informant interviews (33) with a range of participants in two villages in rural Chikwawa. The most frequently used drugs were cotrimoxazole and amoxicillin, not considered to be of critical importance to human health. Participants recognised that keeping, sharing, and buying medicines informally was not the “right thing.” However, they described using antibiotics and other medicines in these ways due to conditions of extreme precarity, the costs and limitations of seeking formal care in the public sector, and the inevitability of future illness. Our findings emphasise the need in contexts of extreme scarcity to equip policy actors with interventions to address AMR through strengthening health systems, rather than public awareness campaigns that foreground overuse and the dangers of using antibiotics beyond the formal sector.

2009 ◽  
Vol 52 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 85-113
Arkadiusz Domaszk

The public University of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski in Warsaw (UKSW) came into being from the transformation in 1999 from the ecclesiastical college – Academy of the Catholic Theology. The statutes UKSW bases the activity of the University on Polish right, also that within the framework of UKSW are the place for ecclesiastical faculties: The Faculty of the Theology, The Canon Law Faculty and the Faculty of the Christian Philosophy. The originality of these faculties gets out of their directing on the Christian Revelation and the realization of the evangelization mission on the scientific ground. A second factor distinctive from other faculties UKSW is the dependence from the canonical right, at the simultaneous observance of the Polish law. The article showed that three church faculties UKSW kept their own canonical status. This legal status confirm records of the law the Right about the higher educational system (2005 year). Ecclesiastical faculties UKSW in Warsaw compose the perfect foot-bridge for the dialogue between the faith and the mind. Across their own investigative space fill up research of other sciences with which determine universitas. These departments are an important part of the University.

Rizal Akhiar Ramadhan ◽  
Ahmaddul Hadi

ABSTRACTThe Village Management Information System is a system that produces information to support the management operations function and determine actions in the Village Government organization and Government on it. This system is designed and built based on the web to make it easier for relevant parties to interact with the system. The purpose of the design and construction of this system is to be able to realize orderly village government administration so as to produce the right information so that Village Governments and Governments at the top level can make decisions or policies that are also appropriate and to be able to shorten the time of administration by the public. The method of building this system begins by analyzing the system that is running and analyzing the system to be built. After analyzing the system, then designing the system using the Unified Modeling Languege modeling, MySQL Database Management System and built using the CodeIgniter Framework. The Village Management Information System was built based on observations made in Talawi Hilie Village, Talawi District, Sawahlunto City. With the construction of this system the Village Government can eliminate problems in the process of village administration, the community can save time in conducting village administration administration, and the Village Government and other relevant agencies can improve productivity and quality of work. Keywords: Information System, UML, MySql, codeIgniter.

2012 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-158
Andrew Bradstock

Abstract The role that religious language should play in the ‘public square’ has long been a matter of debate. As Rawls, Rorty, Audi and others have long argued, albeit with subtle variations, discussion on public issues must be truly ‘public’ and therefore employ vocabulary, principles and reasoning which are intelligible to any reasonable person and based on public canons of validity. But does this argument do justice to religious voices? Can the growing number of such voices clamouring for the right to be heard continue to be ignored? Does excluding conviction-based language from public debate lessen the quality of that debate and the potential to find effective solutions to policy challenges? Drawing upon recent work by Jonathan Chaplin, Rowan Williams, Roger Trigg and Michael Sandel, this article examines the current state of scholarship on the question of language in public discourse, and concludes that the case for ‘confessional candour’ to be accepted in such discourse is overwhelming and could have a positive effect on policy outcomes. A prerequisite to this, however—at least within the context of New Zealand—will be a fresh debate about the meaning and scope of the term ‘secularism’.

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