scholarly journals L-arginine administration prevents glomerular hyperfiltration and decreases proteinuria in diabetic rats.

10.1681/asn.v441039 â—½  
1993 â—½  
Vol 4 (4) â—½  
pp. 1039-1045
A A Reyes â—½  
I E Karl â—½  
J Kissane â—½  
S Klahr
Plasma Levels â—½  
Tap Water â—½  
Diabetic Rats â—½  
Chow Diet â—½  
Free Access â—½  
Group 4 â—½  
Group 3 â—½  
Group 2 â—½  

The effect(s) of L-arginine administration on the renal function of rats with untreated diabetes mellitus was examined. Rats received streptozotocin (N = 11) or vehicle (N = 12): Group 1 (normal rats, N = 6) drank tap water; Group 2 (normal rats, N = 6) drank tap water containing 1% L-arginine; Group 3 (diabetic rats, N = 5) drank tap water; and Group 4 (diabetic rats, N = 6) drank tap water with 1% L-arginine. Rats were fed a standard rat chow diet (22.8% protein, 142% L-arginine) with free access to food and water for 14 wk. Diabetic rats gained less weight, had significantly lower plasma levels of albumin and L-arginine, and had greater values for 24-h urine volumes and urine excretion of glucose, protein, urea, creatinine, nitrate, and nitrite than control rats. Diabetic rats given L-arginine (Group 4) had significantly lower protein and cGMP excretion in the urine than did rats of Group 3. The administration of L-arginine did not affect the plasma levels of glucose or L-arginine in Groups 2 or 4 compared with those of their respective controls. Group 3 had significantly higher values for GFR than did the other three groups of rats, but values for effective RPF, mean arterial pressure, hematocrit, and renal vascular resistance were not significantly different between Groups 3 and 4. There was no significant difference in glomerular morphology among the four groups of rats as determined by light microscopy, and both groups of diabetic rats exhibited the Armanni-Ebstein lesion in their tubules.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

VASA â—½  
2020 â—½  
Vol 49 (4) â—½  
pp. 281-284
Atıf Yolgosteren â—½  
Gencehan Kumtepe â—½  
Melda Payaslioglu â—½  
Cuneyt Ozakin

Summary. Background: Prosthetic vascular graft infection (PVGI) is a complication with high mortality. Cyanoacrylate (CA) is an adhesive which has been used in a number of surgical procedures. In this in-vivo study, we aimed to evaluate the relationship between PVGI and CA. Materials and methods: Thirty-two rats were equally divided into four groups. Pouch was formed on back of rats until deep fascia. In group 1, vascular graft with polyethyleneterephthalate (PET) was placed into pouch. In group 2, MRSA strain with a density of 1 ml 0.5 MacFarland was injected into pouch. In group 3, 1 cm 2 vascular graft with PET piece was placed into pouch and MRSA strain with a density of 1 ml 0.5 MacFarland was injected. In group 4, 1 cm 2 vascular graft with PET piece impregnated with N-butyl cyanoacrylate-based adhesive was placed and MRSA strain with a density of 1 ml 0.5 MacFarland was injected. All rats were scarified in 96th hour, culture samples were taken where intervention was performed and were evaluated microbiologically. Bacteria reproducing in each group were numerically evaluated based on colony-forming unit (CFU/ml) and compared by taking their average. Results: MRSA reproduction of 0 CFU/ml in group 1, of 1410 CFU/ml in group 2, of 180 200 CFU/ml in group 3 and of 625 300 CFU/ml in group 4 was present. A statistically significant difference was present between group 1 and group 4 (p < 0.01), between group 2 and group 4 (p < 0.01), between group 3 and group 4 (p < 0.05). In terms of reproduction, no statistically significant difference was found in group 1, group 2, group 3 in themselves. Conclusions: We observed that the rate of infection increased in the cyanoacyrylate group where cyanoacrylate was used. We think that surgeon should be more careful in using CA in vascular surgery.

10.2319/101805-368 â—½  
2006 â—½  
Vol 76 (6) â—½  
pp. 1028-1034 â—½  
Neslihan Arhun â—½  
Ayca Arman â—½  
Sevi Burçak Çehreli â—½  
Serdar Arıkan â—½  
Erdem Karabulut â—½  
Group 4 â—½  
Group 3 â—½  
Group 2 â—½  

Abstract Objective: To assess microleakage of a tooth-adhesive-bracket complex when metal or ceramic brackets were bonded with a conventional and an antibacterial self-etching adhesive. Materials and Methods: Forty freshly extracted human premolars were randomly assigned to four equal groups and received the following treatments: group 1 = Transbond XT + metal bracket, group 2 = Transbond XT + ceramic bracket, group 3 = Clearfil Protect Bond + ceramic bracket, and group 4 = Clearfil Protect Bond + metal bracket. After photopolymerization, the teeth were kept in distilled water for 1 month and thereafter subjected to thermal cycling (500 cycles). Specimens were further sealed with nail varnish, stained with 0.5% basic fuchsin for 24 hours, sectioned and examined under a stereomicroscope, and scored for marginal microleakage for the adhesive-tooth and bracket-adhesive interfaces from incisal and gingival margins. Statistical analysis was accomplished by Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney U-test with Bonferroni correction. Results: All groups demonstrated microleakage between the adhesive-enamel and bracket-adhesive interfaces. A significant difference was observed among all groups (P &lt; .05) for the microleakage between the bracket-adhesive interface. Metal brackets exhibited significantly more microleakage than did ceramic brackets between the bracket-adhesive interface with either of the adhesives. Clearfil Protect Bond exhibited results similar to Transbond XT. Clearfil Protect Bond may be a choice of adhesive in bracket bonding because of its antibacterial activity and similar microleakage results with the orthodontic adhesive. Conclusions: Metal brackets cause more leakage between an adhesive-bracket interface, which may lead to lower clinical shear bond strength and white-spot lesions.

2018 â—½  
Vol 21 (1) â—½  
pp. 26 â—½  
Hatice Miray Uyan â—½  
Keziban Olcay â—½  
Mutlu Özcan
Control Group â—½  
Single Visit â—½  
Group 4 â—½  
Multiple Visit â—½  
Group 3 â—½  

<p><strong>Objective:</strong> This study was designed to evaluate postoperative pain after endodontic retreatment. <strong>Material and Methods:</strong> Asymptomatic, multi-rooted molar &amp; premolar teeth requiring retreatment with 2–5 mm periapical lesions were included. Seventy-eight teeth were randomly placed in four groups (n=20): single-visit (control, group 1), Ledermix (group 2), metronidazole, ciprofloxacin, minocycline mixture (group 3), calcium hydroxide (group 4). The postoperative pain was recorded using a VAS at 6, 12, 24, and 48 h after retreatment. Statistical evaluation was performed using Two-Way Repeated Measures ANOVA and Tukey test. <strong>Results:</strong> Mild pain occurred in 67.5%, moderate in 30%, and flare-ups in 2.5%, and there was a significant difference between the groups (p&lt;0.01). Significantly lower postoperative pain was observed in TAP and CaOH<sub>2 </sub>groups(p&lt;0.05). In the 6, 12, and 24 h intervals, there was a significant difference in the pain levels (p&lt;0.05). <strong>Conclusion:</strong> TAP and CaOH<sub>2</sub> are effective for reducing postoperative pain after retreatment.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong></p><p>Intracanal medicaments; Multiple-visit; Postoperative pain; Retreatment; Single-visit.</p>

2017 â—½  
Vol 21 (03) â—½  
pp. 189-197 â—½  
Vlad Dionisie â—½  
Simona Clichici â—½  
Rodica M. Ion â—½  
Oana O. Danila â—½  
Remus Moldovan â—½  

Several studies have shown that some anti-oxidant natural compounds in combination with photodynamic therapy (PDT) can enhance the effectiveness of treatment. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of silymarin (SIL) in combination with 5,10,15,20-tetra-sulphonato-phenyl-porphyrin (TSPP) based photodynamic therapy, on experimental tumors. 30 Wistar rats with Walker carcinosarcoma, were divided into 6 groups: group 0 (control) — control, untreated group; group 1 (TSPP) — one dose of TSPP; group 2 (SIL) — silymarin; group 3 (PDT) — TSPP and irradiation 24 h after; group 4 (SIL[Formula: see text]PDT) — silymarin, TSPP and irradiation 24 h after; group 5 (SIL[Formula: see text]IR) and group 6 (IR) — irradiation and in addition, group 5 received SIL. Silymarin administered before photodynamic therapy decreased the lipid peroxidation ([Formula: see text] < 0.05) and modulated the antioxidant defense in tumor treated with PDT and silymarin suggesting that silymarin administration along with photodynamic therapy has an anti-oxidant effect. The caspase — 8 level and -3 activity increased in PDT and PDT [Formula: see text] SIL groups compared to the control; between the two groups there was a significant difference in term of apoptosis in favor to PDT. In conclusion, silymarin administration inhibited the reactive oxygen species generation and reduced the tumoral cells’ apoptosis, suggesting that natural compound administered before photodynamic therapy did not improve the therapy’s effect.

2020 â—½  
Vol 41 (S1) â—½  
pp. s518-s519
Dayane Costa â—½  
Roel Castillo â—½  
Lillian Kelly Lopes â—½  
Anaclara Tipple â—½  
Honghua Hu â—½  

Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of double manual cleaning (DMC) with enzymatic followed by alkaline detergent for removing biofilm on hinged surgical instruments compared to automated cleaning by the washer-disinfector. Methods: Biofilm of Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) was formed in vitro on hemostatic forceps (Fig. 1). Biofilm-covered forceps were rinsed in distilled water and subjected to one of the following cleaning regimes (n = 5 forceps each): Group 1 forceps were soaked in sterile water for 5 minutes. Group 2-DMC forceps were soaked in enzymatic detergent, brushed 5 times on each face, rinsed with filtrated water (0.2 µm), soaked in alkaline detergent, brushed 5 times each face, rinsed with filtrated water (0.2 µm), and dried with sterile cloth. For group 3-DMC plus hinge inner brushing (n = 5), the forceps were soaked in detergents and brushed as in group 2, including hinge inner brushing (2-mm lumen brush) (Fig. 1). In group 4 (automated cleaning in a washer/disinfector), forceps were prewashed, washed once, washed again, rinsed, thermally rinsed, and dried. After the treatments, forceps were evaluated for microbial load (counting of colony-forming units), residual protein (BCA protein assay kit), and biofilm (scanning electron microscopy). Results: There was no statistically significant differences between the microbial load and protein level contaminating the forceps subjected to DMC (group 2) and the positive control group. The DMC with hinge inner brushing group (group 3) and the automated cleaning group (group 4) demonstrated a significantly reduced microbial load: reduction averages of 2.8 log 10 (P = .038) and 7.6 log10 (P ≤ .001), respectively. The protein level remaining on the forceps also significantly decreased: 2.563 μg (P = .016) and 1,453 μg (P = .001), respectively, compared to the positive control group. There was no statistically significant difference between DMC with hinge inner brushing and automated cleaning (groups 3 and 4) for all of the tests performed. None of the cleaning methods completely removed biofilm and/or soil from the forceps hinge internal region (Fig. 1). Conclusions: Automated cleaning had the best efficacy for removing biofilm. However, DMC with hinge inner brushing was an acceptable alternative cleaning method for sterilizing service units with only manual cleaning available, as is the case in most low- and middle-income countries. Neither automated nor any manual cleaning regimes were able to completely remove biofilm and soil from the forceps hinged area, and the amount of protein left after automated and DMC plus hinge brushing was higher than the recommended. Cleaning is the most important step for the reprocessing of reusable medical devices; thus, efforts must be undertaken to improve cleaning in different social and economic realities and scenarios.Funding: This study was supported by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – CAPES.Disclosures: None

1976 â—½  
Vol 81 (3) â—½  
pp. 673-679 â—½  
Hugo Scaglia â—½  
Martha Medina â—½  
Ada L. Pinto-Ferreira â—½  
Guadalupe Vazques â—½  
Carlos Gual â—½  
Plasma Levels â—½  
Group 4 â—½  
Group 3 â—½  
The Mean â—½  
Group 2 â—½  
Lh Rh â—½  

ABSTRACT The plasma concentrations and episodic fluctuations of immunoreactive FSH and LH as well as the pituitary sensitivity to LH-RH stimulation were evaluated in post-menopausal women. The subjects were divided into 4 groups according to age. Group 1: 60–70 years old (n=11), group 2: 70–80 years old (n=22), group 3: 80–90 years old (n=31) and group 4: 90–100 years old (n=8). Standards used in gonadotrophin radioimmunoassays included the LER-907 preparation and a pooled post-menopausal serum. Since it was found that circulating gonadotrophins have an immunological pattern different from that shown by the pituitary preparation, the results were expressed in mIU/ml calculated accordingly to the immunological behaviour of pooled post-menopausal sera. The mean (± se) plasma levels of FSH (mIU/ml) were: group 1: 105.9 ± 9.5, group 2: 149.3 ± 10.5, group 3: 124.8 ± 7.1 and group 4: 149.4 ± 25.3. The mean (± se) plasma levels of LH (mIU/ml) were: group 1: 81.9 ± 12.5, group 2: 95.4 ± 9.9, group 3: 84.3 ± 7.7 and group 4: 113.5 ± 19.1. No statistically significant differences were observed among the 4 groups. One patient from each group was randomly selected in order to evaluate their LH and FSH episodic release as well as their pituitary responsiveness to exogenous stimulation. A pulsatile plasma pattern of gonadotrophin and a normal pituitary response to LH-RH injection were observed in the 4 patients studied. The results are interpreted as demonstrating that normal pituitary gonadotrophin function and pituitary reserve and responsiveness to exogenous stimulation are maintained in women of advanced age.

2021 â—½  
Vol 14 (4) â—½  
pp. 1508-1513
Ibraheem F Alshiddi
Control Group â—½  
Group 4 â—½  
Group 3 â—½  
Group 2 â—½  

In order to assess the influence of finishing and polishing on the surface brightness and color stability of the ceramic veneer, fifty specimens were fabricated with 10 mm diameter and 2 mm thickness using IPS E-Max Ceramic. After glazing, 10 specimens were untouched as control group, and the other 40 specimens were abraded using 125µm diamond bur to create surface roughness. Forty specimens were divided into four groups (n=10), in group 1: specimens were finished using diamond point, in group 2 specimens’ surface was polished with a polishing kit, Group 3: Each specimen surface was polished with the polishing kit as in protocol 2 and was polished a polishing past and group 4 Each specimen was glazed by heating at 621℃ for 3 minutes followed by a temperature increase of 83℃/min up to 918℃ for 30 seconds. Color measurement was performed using spectrophotometer. Color stability data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD test (α=0.05). For Ra values, paired-samples t-tests were used to analyze the data and compare groups. The change in L and E showed a significant difference among the study groups; (group 1, group 2, group 3 and group 4) with respect to three variables L, a and b. A significant difference was noted when compared each group with the control; however, only group 2 showed a significant difference from group 4; the remaining groups demonstrated similar findings for all three variables. The study displayed a significant impact of the finishing and polishing technique on the surface brightness and color stability of ceramic restoration. However, it was evident that combination of two or three polishing techniques which includes polish kit and glaze enhances the surface finish and adds color stability by alternating the yellow – blue axis (increase in b) and red- green axis (decrease in a).

2020 â—½  
Vol 8 (3) â—½  
pp. 768
Abdurrahman Pirinç â—½  
Abdullah Özbilgin â—½  
Oğuzhan Kahraman â—½  
Esad Sami Polat
Protein Ratio â—½  
Feed Material â—½  
Group 4 â—½  
Group 3 â—½  
Group 2 â—½  

In this study, nutritional values of silages made from seed pumpkin residues were investigated. Pumpkin residues collected from Konya region were put into silo in vacuum sacks with various additives. As additives, straw, inoculant containing lactic acid bacteria or a mixture of both in certain proportions were used. After the silos were opened, their pH was determined and then samples were taken to determine the essential fatty acid compositions and nutrient analyses were done. Natural pumpkin (Group 1), natural pumpkin + inoculant (100ppm) (Group 2), withered pumpkin + 15% straw (Group 3), withered pumpkin + 15% straw + inoculant (100ppm) (Group 4) such that the fourth group is formed. Dry matter values of pumpkin groups are Group 1 7.89%, Group 2 6.62%, Group 3 12.22% and Group 4 12.25% respectively. Their pH is 3.78 in Group 1, 3.71 in Group 2, 3.86 in Group 3 and 3.82 in Group 4. The crude protein ratio in the experimental groups was determined in the highest Group 2 (14.97%) and the lowest in Group 3 (10.56%). NDF rate was determined in the highest group 4 (49.74%) and the lowest in Group 2 (28.51%). In addition, the highest ADF rate was determined in Group 4 (37.91%) and the lowest in Group 2 (24.90%). There was a statistically significant difference between the research groups in terms of ethanol content. Acetic acid and propionic acid content was found statistically significant between groups. As a result, when the pumpkin residues are silaged, it can be used as feed material in animal feeding. In addition, it can be said that pumpkin residues can be evaluated in different areas in the high amount of Ethanol content resulting from silage production.

2011 â—½  
Vol 69 (2b) â—½  
pp. 365-370 â—½  
J Bustamante â—½  
M Socolovsky â—½  
R S Martins â—½  
J Emmerich â—½  
M G Pennini â—½  
Test Results â—½  
Motor Action â—½  
Nerve Suture â—½  
Group 4 â—½  
Group 3 â—½  
The Mean â—½  
Group 2 â—½  
Human Nerve â—½  

Epineural stitches are a means to avoid tension in a nerve suture. We evaluate this technique, relative to interposed grafts and simple neurorraphy, in a rat model. METHOD: Twenty rats were allocated to four groups. For Group 1, sectioning of the sciatic nerve was performed, a segment 4 mm long discarded, and epineural suture with distal anchoring stitches were placed resulting in slight tension neurorraphy. For Group 2, a simple neurorraphy was performed. For Group 3, a 4 mm long graft was employed and Group 4 served as control. Ninety days after, reoperation, latency of motor action potentials recording and axonal counts were performed. Inter-group comparison was done by means of ANOVA and the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test. RESULTS: The mean motor latency for the simple suture (2.27±0.77 ms) was lower than for the other two surgical groups, but lower than among controls (1.69±0.56 ms). Similar values were founding in both group 1 (2.66±0.71 ms) and group 3 (2.64±0.6 ms). When fibers diameters were compared a significant difference was identified between groups 2 and 3 (p=0.048). CONCLUSION: Good results can be obtained when suturing a nerve employ with epineural anchoring stitches. However, more studies are needed before extrapolating results to human nerve sutures.

2021 â—½  
Hilal ER ULUBABA â—½  
M. Furkan ARPACI â—½  
Fatih CAVUS â—½  
Gokhan DEMIRTAS â—½  

Objective: In this study, the effect of tracheal diverticula (TD) on chest anthropometry and its relation with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) was evaluated. Method: Between January 2019 and March 2020, 995 patients who underwent chest CT were retrospectively analyzed and TD was detected in 31 cases. Group 1 is only TD, Group 2 is TD + COPD, Group 3 is only COPD, Group 4 is defined as control group. We measured the localization, size, the distance to carina and vocal cord of TDs. In all groups chest diameters at T4 and T9 levels were measured as transverse and vertical plans. Results: TDs detected mostly at the T2 and T3 levels. In Group 1 and Group 2, there was a statistically significant difference the distance to TD of vocal chords. A statistically significant difference was found between Group 1 and Group 3 only in the vertical diameter at the T4 and T9 levels. Conclusion: We observed that COPD effect TD location and also TD had opposite effect on anteroposteriorly increasing chest parameters in COPD. Precence of TD is essential on COPD patients about thorax anthropometry. Keywords: Tracheal diverticulum; antropometry; radiology; COPD; chest diameter

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