scholarly journals On the Problem of Judicial Review of Risk Regulation Policy: A Critical Review on the Korean Consitutional Court Decision on the Justifiability of Constitutional Complaints Regarding the 2008 Governmental Notice for U.S. Beef Imports

2010 ◽  
Vol 59 (2) ◽  
pp. 240-280
Jinyul Ju
2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 080
Zaka Firma Aditya

Tulisan ini hendak membahas mengenai konsistensi putusan-putusan mahkamah konstitusi dalam pengujian undang-undang berdasarkan asas preseden. MK beberapa kali dipandang tidak konsisten karena kerap mengeluarkan putusan yang bersifat overrulling. Namun, sebenarnya tidak sedikit juga putusan MK yang konsisten mengikuti preseden. Meskipun penggunaan asas preseden hanya dikenal di negara yang menganut tradisi common law, MK ternyata juga menerapkannya. Putusan MK tentang pengujian UU Pencegahan Penodaan Agama adalah salah satu bentuk dianutnya asas preseden di MK. Putusan ini secara konsisten menyatakan bahwa UU Pencegahan Penodaan Agama tetap konstitusional karena akan terjadi kekosongan hukum apabila UU Pencegahan Penodaan Agama diputus inkonstitusional. Dalam perkara tersebut, MK mempertahankan ratio decidendinya terhadap konstitusionalnya UU Pencegahan Penodaan Agama karena meskipun MK sadar bahwa UU a quo banyak mengandung kelemahan. Konsistensi standing MK terhadap UU Pencegahan Penodaan Agama ini merupakan salah satu bentuk dari dipraktekannya doktrin preseden.This paper will discuss the consistency of the constitutional court decision in the judicial review cases based on the principle of precedent. MK several times deemed inconsistent because often issued a ruling that is overruling. However, there were actually a lot of MK decisions that consistently followed the precedent. Although the use of the precedent principle is only known in common law tradition, the Constitutional Court apparently also applies it. The Constitutional Court’s decision regarding the Blasphemy Prevention Act was one form of the principle of precedent in the Constitutional Court. This decision consistently states that the Blasphemy Prevention Act remains constitutional because a legal vacuum will occur if the Blasphemy Prevention Law was decided to be unconstitutional. In this case, the Court retained its ratio decidendi to the constitutionality of the Blasphemy Prevention Law, even though the Court was aware that the Law contained many weaknesses. The consistency of the Constitutional Court on the judicial review of the Blasphemy Prevention Act is one form of the practice of precedent doctrine.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-97
Wahyu Hidayat ◽  
Aditya Subur Purwana

Research aims to determine the position privilege of Indonesian Customs and Excise to be fulfilled first thanother debts, Indonesian Customs and Excise’s as a Preferred Creditor for bonded zone companies that havebankrupt and define effectiveness of the confiscation process as the Commercial Court Decision on bondedzone companies that have assets outside Indonesia. Research method that is being used is juridical normativemethod. The results showed that Indonesian Customs and Excise position as preferred creditor remained inaccordance with the Customs Regulations. However along with the breakthroughs in legal issues and legaldevelopments, the state's position as the preferred creditor is no longer a priority. Legal issues arising relatedto the implementation of confiscation of debtors who have assets abroad will be constrained by the principleof state sovereignty which can impact on the portion of Indonesian Customs and Excise’s debt collectionobligations. Based on the results of the study it was concluded that Indonesian Customs and Excise has thepreferential right to fulfill bankruptcy debtors even with the shift in priority payments by labor wages, so theeffort that must be done is to mitigate risks before bankruptcy and the maximum collection. The universalprinciple in implementing bankruptcy decisions will make it difficult for the execution of debtor assets outsideof Indonesian jurisdiction.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 369
Titis Anindyajati

Pada pokoknya, persekongkolan tender merupakan salah satu bentuk persekongkolan yang dilarang UU Nomor 5/1999 tentang Larangan Praktek Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat dan juga menjadi perkara yang paling sering diproses KPPU. Namun baik secara teoritis maupun praktik menimbulkan permasalahan yaitu karena adanya pemaknaan yang bias akan frasa “pihak lain” dalam Pasal 22 UU Nomor 5/1999. Hal inilah yang melatarbelakangi adanya pengujian Pasal 22 ke MK. Dalam penulisan ini yang dibahas yaitu bagaimana pengaturan persekongkolan tender menurut peraturan perundang-undangan, bagaimanakah implikasi yuridis Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 85/PUU-XIV/2016 tentang pengujian Pasal 22 UU Nomor 5/1999 serta bagaimana analisis hukum terhadap pertimbangan hukum Putusan MK tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian yuridis normatif dimana obyek penelitian ini adalah peraturan perundang-undangan dan Putusan MK. Dalam hal ini Penulis menyimpulkan, yaitu, Pertama, persekongkolan tender yang merupakan suatu bentuk kerja sama antara dua pihak atau lebih untuk menguasai pasar yang bersangkutan dan/atau memenangkan peserta tender yang mengakibatkan terjadinya persaingan usaha tidak sehat diatur secara eksplisit dalam Pasal 1 angka 8 dan Pasal 22 UU Nomor 5/1999 serta Peraturan KPPU Nomor 2/2010, Kedua, Implikasi yuridis Putusan MK Nomor 85/PUU-XIV/2016 bermanfaat untuk menjamin kepastian hukum dan keadilan bagi para pihak seperti pengusaha utamanya masyarakat. Untuk itu, perlu adanya harmonisasi antara satu peraturan dengan peraturan lainnya, pengujian UU terhadap UUD terkait pengaturan persekongkolan tender dalam persaingan usaha tidak sehat ataupun revisi terhadap UU Nomor 5/1999.Principally, tender conspiracy is one form of conspiracy that subjected by the Law No. 5/1999 on The Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition, and also as a type of case that frequently occurred and processed by the KPPU. However, in theory, and in practice, there are some issues that plague the regulation, because of the occurrence of bias and unclear interpretation of the phrases “other parties” contained in Article 22 of Law 5/1999. This interpretation issue then became the background in the petition for review of Article 22 to the Constitutional Court. This paper mainly discussed the regulation of tender conspiracy according to the existing Law, and also to study the juridical implications of Constitutional Court Decision Number 85/PUU-XIV/2016 concerning the review of Article 22 Law 5/1999. This paper also delves into the legal analysis of the court considered in the aforementioned Decision. This paper utilized the means of normative juridical research methodology, with the existing regulations and Constitutional Court Decision as the object of research. In the paper, the writer concludes that, first, tender conspiracy is a form of cooperation between one party or more to control particular market and/or to determine the awardees of tenders which may cause unfair business competition explicitly regulated in Article 1 number 8 and Article 22 Law 5/1999 and also the KPPU Regulation Number 2/2010, second, the juridical implications of Constitutional Court Decision Number 85/PUU-XIV/2016 was necessary in order to guarantee the equitable legal certainty and fairness toward all parties especially business practising citizens. Thus, there is a necessity to achieve harmony among these regulations, which can be obtained through the judicial review of laws against the Constitution concerning the regulations of tender conspiracy and by means of legislative revision toward Law 5/1999.

2015 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Enny Nurbaningsih

Presidential System Government as the result of 1945 Constitution Amandments has not been accomplised yet since its implementation reminds anomaly. President (executive) in presidential system has decision authority to produce acts with House of Representatives (DPR), without involving People Council (DPD) as one of parlement chambers. To restore DPD legislation role, Constitutional Court Decision No. 91/PUU-X/2012 states that DPD has equal position with DPR and President in acts establishment. It implicates that DPD should be involved since the legislation planning, but still does not have authority to make decision even for bills concerned with its authority. This Constitutional Court brings about the trilateral relationship model in legislation process without any institutional construction towards interchambers relation between DPD and DPR. It will result in Judicial Review despite the involvement of DPD in phase 1 and 2 Process, since this involvement does not bind DPR and President. Sistem pemerintahan presidensial hasil revisi UUD 1945 belum tuntas karena implementasinya masih memunculkan keganjilan, Presiden (eksekutif) dalam sistem presidensial ikut mengambil keputusan untuk menghasilkan undang-undang bersama DPR, tanpa pelibatan peran DPD sebagai salah satu kamar di parlemen. Untuk memulihkan peran legislasi DPD bidang tertentu, Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No. 92/PUU-X/2012 menyatakan bahwa DPD berkedudukan setara dengan DPR dan Presiden dalam proses pembentukan undang-undang. Implikasi dari putusan ini DPD dilibatkan mulai dari proses perencanaan legislasi, tetapi tetap tidak dapat mengambil keputusan sekalipun untuk RUU terkait dengan kewenangannya. Putusan MK melahirkan model hubungan trilateral proses legislasi tanpa ada konstruksi secara kelembagaan terhadap hubungan interkameral antara DPR dan DPD. Hal ini akan akan berdampak pada pengujian undang-undang, walaupun DPD telah dilibatkan dalam proses tahap 1 dan tahap 2, karena pelibatan ini tidak mengikat DPR dan Presiden.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Agung Barok Pratama ◽  
Aminah . ◽  
Mohammad Jamin

<p>Abstract<br />This article  discusses the ideal setting reconsideration after the Constitutional Court decision No. 34/PUU-XII/2013. This research is legal (judicial) normative, namely by reviewing library materials (literature study). Therefore, the data used in this research is secondary data, which includes the primary legal materials, secondary, and tertiary. The results of this study showed that realizing an ideal regulatory application for review should be conducted, first, the MA should retract SEMA 7 2014 it is necessary to avoid confusion law enforcement officials and people seeking justice so as to interfere with the judicial system. If want to make additional rules to facilitate the course of justice, the MA should be poured in the form of PERMA. Second, by accelerating the process of PK and execution. Thirdly, provision PK in the future submission must be adapted to the Constitutional Court decision No. 34/PUU-X/2013. That way the material truth and justice will actually be realized.</p><p>Keywords: Judicial Review; Justice; Rule of Law; Supreme Court Decisions.</p><p>Abstrak<br />Artikel ini meneliti tentang pengaturan ideal peninjauan kembali pasca putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No. 34/PUU-XII/2013.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum (yuridis) normatif, yaitu dengan mengkaji bahan-bahan pustaka (studi kepustakaan). Karena itu, data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data skunder, yang mencakup bahan hukum primer, skunder, dan tersier. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa, demi menwujudkan suatu peraturan yang ideal permohonan peninjauan kembali maka perlu dilakukan, pertama, MA harus menarik kembali SEMA No.7 Tahun 2014 hal ini ini diperlukan agar tidak terjadi kebingungan aparat penegak hukum dan masyarakat pencari keadilan sehingga dapat mengganggu sistem peradilan. Kedua, dengan mempercepat proses PK dan eksekusinya. Ketiga, ketentuan pengajuan PK kedepanya harus disesuaikan dengan putusan MK No. 34/PUU-XI/2013. Dengan begitu keadilan dan kebenaran materiil akan benar-benar dapat diwujudkan.<br />Kata kunci: Peninjauan Kembali, Keadilan, Kepastian Hukum, Putusan Mahkamah Agung</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1089
Andre Suryadinata ◽  
Toendjoeng Herning Sitaboeana

The Constitutional Court is one of the branches of judicial power that has authority to adjudicate at the first and last level whose decision is final to test the law against the Constitution as regulated in Article 24C paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution. The final nature of  decision of the constitutional court is binding on the entire community since it was said in the Open Plenary Session. Therefore, decision of constitutional court that invalidates the validity of a law must be followed up by legislators in the cumulative list open to the national legislation program. But in practice there are 2 (two) decisions that have not been followed up, namely Constitutional Court Decision Number 31 / PUU-XI / 2013 and Constitutional Court Decision Number 30 / PUU-XVI / 2018. Based on this description, it will be examined regarding the legal implications of not implementing the Constitutional Court Decision in case of judicial review? The author examines the problem using the method of normative legal research with the statutory approach. From the results of this study, it was found that the non-follow-up of the two decisions had violated the principle of rule of law in concept of the rule of law, and caused the loss of the decision-making power, and was a form of neglect of principle of legal awareness. So it is necessary to make changes in stages of the Constitutional Court Law and the House of Representatives' Regulations on Rules of Procedure.

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