scholarly journals Tataan Tektonika Batuan Gunung Api di Komplek Adang Kabupaten Mamuju Provinsi Sulawesi Barat

2015 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
I Gde Sukadana ◽  
Agung Harijoko ◽  
Lucas Donny Setijadji

Kompleks batuan gunung api Adang di daerah Kabupaten Mamuju, Sulawesi Barat secara lebih detail dapat dikelompokkan menjadi tujuh, yaitu kompleks Tapalang, Ampalas, Adang, Malunda, Karampuang, Sumare, dan Labuan Rano. Komplek Adang merupakan salah satu komplek gunungapi utama yang masih dapat diidentifikasi bentukan morfologinya dengan baik. Komplek ini  tersusunatas batuan gunung api basa hingga intermediet yang memiliki nilai laju dosis radiasi cukup tinggi yang disebabkan oleh kandungan mineral radioaktif di dalamnya. Keterdapatan mineral radioaktif pada batuan basaltik-andesitik belum pernah dijumpai di Indonesia sehingga hal ini menjadi sangat menarik untuk dilakukan penelitian terutama tataan tektonika pembentukan batuan komplek gunung api tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan tipologi magmatik yang terkait dengantataan tektonikanya dengan pendekatan  geokimia batuan gunung api menggunakan analisis X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). Batuan gunung api Adang merupakan hasil dari proses vulkanisme suatu komplekgunung api yang memiliki pusat erupsi dan beberapa kubah lava. Batuan tersebut tersusun atas batuan trachyte-phonolite, dengan afinitas magmatiknya ultrapotasik, Dari data tersebut dapat diinterpretasi bahwa tataan tektonika magmatologinya adalah active continental margin(ACM). Magma asal yang membentuknya dari aktivitas gunung apinya dipengaruhi oleh kerak benua mikro barat daya (South West/SW) Sulawesi. Adang volcanic complexlocated in Mamuju Region, West Sulawesi can be grouped more detail into seven complexes that are Tapalang, Ampalas, Adang, Malunda, Karampuang, Sumare, and Labuan Rano. Adang complex is one of the main volcanic complexes that still can be identified with good morphological formations. This complex is composed of alkaline volcanic rocks with basic to intermediates composition that have high value of radiation dose rate caused by their radioactive mineral content. Radioactive mineral occurrences on the basaltic-andesitic rocks has never been found in Indonesia, so it becomes very interesting to do research mainly tectonic settings of the volcanic rock complex formation. The purpose of this study is to determine magmatiic typology related with the tectonic setting based on volcanic rock  geochemistry using X-Ray Fluorences (XRF) analysis. Adang volcanic rock is the result of a complex process of volcanism having a volcanic center and several lava domes. They are composed of phonolite to dacite rock, with ultrapotassic affinity, interpretation of data concluded that tectonic setting of magmatism formed in active continental margin (ACM). Magmatism source from vulcanic activities influenced by South WestSulawesi micro-continental crust.

2012 ◽  
Vol 524-527 ◽  
pp. 16-23
Jian Guo Huang ◽  
Run Sheng Han ◽  
Ren Tao ◽  
Zhi Qiang Li

The Late Triassic Tumugou Formation volcanic rocks which belongs to typical island arc volcanic rocks in southern end of Yidun island arc belt is located at the eastern of the Zhongdian ,NW Yunnan, SW China. The volcanic rocks can be divided into three categories:andesitic basalt, andesite, quartz andesite, etc. Through geochemical analysis the major elements, rare earth ele and trace element in volcanic rocks, SiO255.18-57.59×10-2,TiO21.16-1.45×10-2,Na2O+K2O5.11-8.05×10-2.consider it is calc-alkaline- alkaline Series of high-K andesite, volcanic may be controlled by the crystal fractionation of magma.Rb31.50-101×10-6,Ba1310-12300×10-6,Nb/Ta11.4-15.5,REE166.07-240.78×10-6,δEu0.74-1.00,REE distribution patterns show oblique to the HREE side and enrichment in LREE .Eu anomaly is not obvious. It is can see from the relevant figure about trace element, it is very similar in magmatic distribution patterns between volcanic rock and Volcanic-arc rock, indicating that the volcanic in this area may be formed in volcanic-arc environment. From east to west, Magma source depth have regular change with the really thickness of mainland shell. Explain that Tumugou Formation volcanic rock is subduction by Ganzi- Litang Ocean basin from east to west. Hongshan-Ousaila region of eastern edge of Zhongdian is the volcanic island arc system during the passive continental margin into an active continental margin.

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Windi Anarta Draniswari ◽  
Sekar Indah Tri Kusuma ◽  
Tyto Baskara Adimedha ◽  
I Gde Sukadana

ABSTRAK Anomali radiometri telah ditemukan di area Sungai Amplas pada bongkah batuan vulkanik. Nilai yang terukur dari spektrometer gama adalah 787 ppm eU dan 223 ppm eTh. Penemuan ini menarik untuk pengembangan eksplorasi. Studi lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk mengetahui karekteristik batuan pembawa mineral radioaktif dari sampel in-situ. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik petrologi dan geokimia batuan vulkanik Ampalas sebagai studi awal untuk mengetahui proses akumulasi mineral radioaktif pada batuan vulkanik Ampalas. Metodologi yang digunakan meliputi pengamatan lapangan, pengambilan sampel batuan, analisis petrografi dan X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). Batuan vulkanik ampalas tersusun atas ponolit, foidit, dan foid-syenit. Tekstur batuannya terdiri dari porfiritik, aliran, rim piroksen, zoning, pseudo-leusit, korosi, inklusi mafik, dan sieve. Karakteristik geokimia menunjukkan alkalinitas tinggi dan indikasi pengayaan mineral radioaktif yang tersebar dalam batuan. Proses magmatis yang berperan dalam pembentukan batuan vulkanik adalah fraksionasi kristal (fraksionasi leusit dan alkali felspar), asimilasi kerak kontinen, dan pencampuran magma. Interaksi antara magma dan kerak menyebabkan diferensiasi magma berkelanjutan yang menghasilkan akumulasi uranium dan torium lebih tinggi.ABSTRACT Anomalous radiometry has been found in Ampalas River Area on volcanic rock boulder. The values measured from gamma spectrometer are 787 ppm eU and 223 ppm eTh. This discovery is promising for exploration development. Further study need to figure the radioactive mineral bearing rock characteristic from in-situ samples. The research aim is to determine the petrology and geochemical characteristics of Ampalas volcanic rocks as preliminary study to find radioactive mineral accumulation process of Ampalas volcanic rocks. The methodologies are field observation, rock sampling, petrography, and X-Ray fluorescence (XRF) analyses. The Ampalas volcanic rocks consist of phonolite, phoidite, and phoid syenite. Their textures are porphyritic, flow, pyroxene rim, zoning, pseudo-leucite, corrosion, mafic inclusions, and sieve. The geochemical characteristics show high alkalinity and radioactive mineral enrichment disseminating on rock. The magmatic processes which play a significant role in radioactive mineral-bearing rocks formation are crystal fractionations (leucite and alkaline feldspar fractionations), continental crust assimilation, and magma mixing. Long interaction between magma and crust creates advanced magma differentiation causing higher uranium and thorium accumulation.  

1991 ◽  
Vol 55 (379) ◽  
pp. 263-276 ◽  
Sang Longkang

AbstractBased on geological studies, 141 rock analyses and 5 trace element analyses of metabasites, the present paper deals with the rock association, chemical features, protolith formation and the original tectonic settings upwards through the Lower Proterozoic metamorphic strata in the Dabieshan-Lianyungang area, in the south-east of the North China Platform. The results of the study indicate that the lower and middle parts of the metamorphic strata comprise terrigenous clastics, phosphoritic and aluminous sedimentary formations which formed under stable continental margin conditions. In the middle-upper part a calc-alkaline volcano-sedimentary formation under the active continental margin was developed. The Lower Proterozoic meta-strata of sedimentary-volcanosedimentary origin from bottom upwards suggest that the tectonic evolution of the south-eastern margin of the North China Platform is a process from stabilization to mobilization. This process suggests a northward subduction of the Yangtze Plate under the North China Plate during the later part of the early Proterozoic.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. T525-T545
Yaxiong Sun ◽  
Wenlong Ding ◽  
Yang Gu ◽  
Gang Zhao ◽  
Siyu Shi ◽  

Redbeds with a large thickness in the lower Cretaceous record abundant geologic information in the Minle Basin. We have conducted the paleoweathering conditions, provenance, and tectonic settings based on mineralogy and geochemistry. Our results indicate that mudstone samples are characterized by abundant illite with negligible amounts of K-feldspars and analcime. The lower part of the lower Cretaceous is rich in quartz, whereas the upper part is dominated by dolomite and analcime. We suggest that this is caused by the decreasing input of the clastic influx during the middle-late early Cretaceous. High index of compositional variation values (average 1.33) indicate first-cycle sediment supply, suggesting an overall compositional immaturity and short-distance transportation. These characteristics are consistent with an active regional extension tectonic setting. The [Formula: see text] system ([Formula: see text];[Formula: see text];[Formula: see text]) and Th/U versus Th consistently reveal that the lower Cretaceous experienced a positive gradient in chemical weathering from young to old formations. Although the patterns of trace elements in three formations of the lower Cretaceous are different, those of the rare earth elements (REEs) tend to be consistent. The significant enrichment of light REEs, heavy REEs fractionation, and distinctive negative Eu anomalies suggest derivation from an old, upper continental crust composed of predominantly felsic sediments. This interpretation is supported by several discrimination diagrams such as titanium dioxide-nickel ([Formula: see text]), which shows the characteristics of immature recycled sediments. A few sensitive elements, ratios, and normalized REE patterns indicate a provenance of an active continental margin and a continental island arc (CIA). The La-Th-Sc, Th-Co-Zr/10, and Th-Sc-Zr/10 discrimination plots further confirm the CIA signature. Thus, we conclude that the early Cretaceous redbeds in the Minle Basin, Hexi Corridor, were deposited in a dustpan-shaped half-graben basin in a CIA setting when northwest China was influenced by intense regional extension.

Minerals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 511
Liang Yue ◽  
Veerle Vandeginste

The Neoproterozoic era is a time of major environmental change in Earth history. The Ediacaran period (635–541 Ma), the uppermost division of Precambrian time, is characterized by the remarkable Shuram excursion (largest C isotope negative excursion), a deep ocean water oxidation event, and Ediacaran biota. The Nafun Group of Oman provides a well-preserved and mostly continuous section of an Ediacaran succession. Based on geochemical data from the Nafun Group, the Shuram excursion (SE) and deep ocean oxidation hypotheses were proposed. Now, we sampled this section at high stratigraphic resolution, and present here the petrographical and geochemical analysis of the Khufai, Shuram and Buah Formations. The major and trace element analysis of shales from the Shuram Formation indicates that northern Oman was an active continental margin environment in Neoproterozoic times. The provenance of the Shuram Formation was primarily mafic and intermediate igneous rocks. With the unsteady tectonic setting, the development of the Nafun Group was influenced by hydrothermal supply and volcaniclastic input. Based on the V/Cr and U/Th ratio of the samples from the Nafun Group, our study reveals the transition of the ocean water redox environment, which is connected to the rise and fall of the Ediacaran biota. Our study constrains the tectonic setting of northern Oman and the petrography and geochemical data from the Nafun Group for the hydrothermal and volcaniclastic supply. Thus, our study acknowledges more factors for the explanation of the Ediacaran conundrums.

1996 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-104 ◽  
E. V. Mikhalsky ◽  
J. W. Sheraton ◽  
A. A. Laiba ◽  
B. V. Beliatsky

Fisher Massif consists of Mesoproterozoic (c. 1300 Ma) lower amphibolite-facies metavolcanic rocks and associated metasediments, intruded by a variety of subvolcanic and plutonic bodies (gabbro to granite). It differs in both composition and metamorphic grade from the rest of the northern Prince Charles Mountains, which were metamorphosed to granulite facies about 1000 m.y. ago. The metavolcanic rocks consist mainly of basalt, but basaltic andesite, andesite, and more felsic rocks (dacite, rhyodacite, and rhyolite) are also common. Most of the basaltic rocks have compositions similar to low-K island arc tholeiites, but some are relatively Nb-rich and more akin to P-MORB. Intermediate to felsic medium to high-K volcanic rocks, which appear to postdate the basaltic succession, have calc-alkaline affinities and probably include a significant crustal component. On the present data, an active continental margin with associated island arc was the most likely tectonic setting for generation of the Fisher Massif volcanic rocks.

2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-81 ◽  
Stefan Bergman ◽  
Pär Weihed

AbstractTwo lithotectonic units (the Norrbotten and Överkalix units) occur inside the Paleoproterozoic (2.0–1.8 Ga) Svecokarelian orogen in northernmost Sweden. Archean (2.8–2.6 Ga and possibly older) basement, affected by a relict Neoarchean tectonometamorphic event, and early Paleoproterozoic (2.5–2.0 Ga) cover rocks constitute the pre-orogenic components in the orogen that are unique in Sweden. Siliciclastic sedimentary rocks, predominantly felsic volcanic rocks, and both spatially and temporally linked intrusive rock suites, deposited and emplaced at 1.9–1.8 Ga, form the syn-orogenic component. These magmatic suites evolved from magnesian and calc-alkaline to alkali–calcic compositions to ferroan and alkali–calcic varieties in a subduction-related tectonic setting. Apatite–Fe oxide, including the world's two largest underground Fe ore mines (Kiruna and Malmberget), skarn-related Fe oxide, base metal sulphide, and epigenetic Cu–Au and Au deposits occur in the Norrbotten lithotectonic unit. Low- to medium-pressure and variable temperature metamorphic conditions and polyphase Svecokarelian ductile deformation prevailed. The general northwesterly or north-northeasterly structural grain is controlled by ductile shear zones. The Paleotectonic evolution after the Neoarchean involved three stages: (1) intracratonic rifting prior to 2.0 Ga; (2) tectonic juxtaposition of the lithotectonic units during crustal shortening prior to 1.89 Ga; and (3) accretionary tectonic evolution along an active continental margin at 1.9–1.8 Ga.

2021 ◽  
Kai Yan ◽  
Chun-lian Wang ◽  
Jiu-yi Wang ◽  
Xiao-can Yu ◽  
Xiao-hua Teng ◽  

Abstract This paper intends to learn about the provenance, tectonic setting and paleoenvironment of the Paleocene Shashi Formation in the southern Jianghan Basin by the bulk-rock geochemistry. The K2O/Al2O3 and SiO2/Al2O3 ratios indicate that the major proportion of samples are litharenite. The chondrite-normalized REE distribution pattern of the Shashi Formation’s mudstones are characterized by enriched LREE and flat HREE similar to those of UC with negative Eu anomalies. Combined with the geochemical element ratio discriminant diagram, such as Al2O3-TiO2, Zr-TiO2, La/Sc-Co/Th, and Hf-La/Th, so on, these samples were sourced from mixed felsic/basic rock. Moreover, the discriminant diagrams of K2O/Na2O-SiO2/Al2O3, La-Th-Sc, and Th-Co-Zr/10 suggest that the samples were formed under the tectonic settings of active continental margin and continental island arc. The values of CIA, CIW, PIA, ICV, Zr/Sc-Th/Sc, and ternary diagrams of A-(CN)-K and Al2O3-Zr-TiO2 indicate that weathering in the source area was weak and source rocks have not been reformed by depositional recirculation and hydraulic sorting. And the palaeoenvironmental indicators of C-value, Ni/Co, V/Cr, V/(V+Ni) and Sr/Cu, Ga/Rb indicate that the climate was cool and arid during the evaporite deposition period in the southern Jianghan Basin, and the water was in the condition of oxidation.

Minerals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 1023
Hyojong Lee ◽  
Min Gyu Kwon ◽  
Seungwon Shin ◽  
Hyeongseong Cho ◽  
Jong-Sun Kim ◽  

Zircon U-Pb geochronology and bulk-rock geochemistry analyses were carried out to investigate their relationship with depositional environments of the non-marine Neungju Basin sediments in South Korea. The Neungju Basin was formed in an active continental margin setting during the Late Cretaceous with associated volcanism. Detrital zircon age distributions of the Neungju Basin reveal that the source rocks surrounding the basin supplied sediments into the basin from all directions, making different zircon age populations according to the depositional environments. Mudstone geochemistry with support of detrital zircon U-Pb age data reveals how the heterogeneity affects the geochemical characteristics of tectonic setting and weathering intensity. The sediments in the proximal (alluvial fan to sandflat) and distal (playa lake) environments differ compositionally because sediment mixing occurred exclusively in the distal environment. The proximal deposits show a passive margin signature, reflecting their derivation from the adjacent metamorphic and granitic basement rocks. The distal deposits properly indicate an active continental margin setting due to the additional supply of reworked volcaniclastic sediments. The proximal deposits indicate a minor degree of chemical weathering corresponding to fossil and sedimentological records of the basin, whereas the distal deposits show lower weathering intensity by reworking of unaltered volcaniclastic detritus from unstable volcanic and volcaniclastic terranes. Overall, this study highlights that compositional data obtained from a specific location and depositional environments may not describe the overall characteristic of the basin.

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