scholarly journals About Training Manuals for Teaching Russian as Foreign Language at Modern Educational Paradigm

2019 ◽  
pp. 84-90
L. Inyutina ◽  
T. Shilnikova ◽  
A. Suchkova
2021 ◽  
Vol 97 ◽  
pp. 01012
Liudmila Alexandrovna Iniutina ◽  
Tatiana Sergeevna Shilnikova

The work is devoted to the problem of intensification of teaching Russian as a foreign language in the process of formation and development of the lexical competence of students. The role of educational dictionaries of various types is emphasized. The Experimental Electronic Multilingual Dictionary of Military Terms is presented. It is based on ABBYY Lingvo software for teaching Russian to foreign students of military universities. His vocabulary includes a special vocabulary describing various segments of military activity (weapons, equipment, commands, military life, etc.). For each word there are translations into European languages (boi - English batttle, combat; French combat (m); Portuguese combate) and Asian languages (Laos ; Arabic ; Pashto ). The potential of an electronic multilingual dictionary in the implementation of multicultural and professionally oriented teaching of Russian as a foreign language in a non-linguistic university is identified. The role of the electronic translated multilingual thesaurus in the formation of speech professional competence, which ensures the removal of language barriers in the study of military-technical sciences by foreigners, is determined. The universality of the dictionary is characterized. It was created taking into account those national languages whose speakers receive special education in Russian military universities, and provides opportunities for the redistribution of classroom and independent work of students. Its effectiveness has been proven as a tool for modern interactive, multilingual and multicultural education.


In the context of the Federal State Educational Standard implementation, the need for changes in the content of the educational paradigm emerged. The need for effective teaching approaches capable of increasing the effectiveness of teaching a foreign language at a non-language university, has prompted researchers to study the possibility of blended learning as an effective approach that contributes to the development of technical specialties students’ readiness for blended learning, the formation of various skills, contributing to the successful mastering of a foreign language course. The purpose of this research is to study students' attitude toward the main characteristics of blended learning. To achieve this goal in NMSTU a study based on quantitative data was conducted, with thirty students as participants. The research was carried out on the basis of questionnaires. The authors of the article substantiate the need to introduce a new approach into the learning process, which, on the one hand, is innovative and, on the other, problematic, as it requires a deep analysis, evaluation, creation of practical methods for implementing and developing this type of learning. In this regard, the team of authors offers a discussion and scientific understanding of psychological and pedagogical concepts and phenomena associated with technological trends in the educational process, the design of new educational courses, and the effectiveness of blended learning.

L. Farisenkova ◽  
V. Filippova

This article is devoted to communicative teaching of Russian as a foreign language from the perspective of modern educational paradigm. Communicative language teaching problems and goals are described in the article as well as the principles of creating a CLT textbook or teaching Russian as a foreign language.

2018 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
pp. 01211
Aida Nurutdinova ◽  
Anatoly Bolotnikov

The current stage of human society development is characterised by such processes as economic and political globalisation, which indicates the significant changes in the historical and social scale of the socio-political structure of some states, technological progress and rapid development as the means of communication. Responding to the challenges of current period, the vocational education system should create conditions for the interconnected development of the cognitive and foreign language fields of future specialists. The similar technologies were named CLIL Content and Language Integrated Learning and EMI English as Medium for Instruction. However, in national information sources, theoretical and methodological aspects of bilingual education have not yet been adequately covered. Mastering foreign-language communicative competence becomes one of the necessary conditions for the successful career of the graduate student. This fact is recognised both by the academic community and by the students themselves. The new educational paradigm, which is currently asserted in education, reflects the modern view on the interrelationship of education and culture, in which education acts as a universal mechanism for the development of the specialist personality, free from thinking and action stereotypes, capable of intercultural communication and professional interaction in a foreign environment.

Anna S. Vlasova

A new educational paradigm associated with an intercultural approach allows a new look at the traditional models of the process of teaching a foreign language in a pedagogical university, to determine the state of development of modern linguodidactics as a science, to determine the prospects for the development of this scientific field. The transition from the educational paradigm of an industrial society to a post-industrial one is marked by the emergence in scientific circles of increased interest in issues of culture and intercultural communication. The principle of cultural conformity of education (Friedrich Adolph Wilhelm Diesterweg) currently reactivates in teaching methods. In general pedagogic meaning, this principle implies the importance of familiarising a person with various layers of society, culture and the whole world. The principle of cultural conformity serves the ideas of harmonising the surrounding space and education in general, the determinism of the educational and upbringing process by the sociocultural environment, considering the educational sphere as a factor in the development and stabilisation of this environment. Thanks to the current process, closely related concepts appear in Russian and foreign methodological science – cultural competence, intercultural competence, universal cultural competence, socio-cultural competence and others, each of which occupies its own gap in the scientific and methodological space.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-184
Larisa M. Galchuk

Problem and goal. The article is devoted to the problem of pedagogical design of e-learning course as an element of innovative system of foreign language professionally oriented training of masters of non-linguistic specialties, analysis of potential opportunities and risks of its implementation. The relevance of the research is connected with the need to accumulate professional experience in the development and piloting of electronic educational resources in the conditions of digitalization of the Russian educational space and the creation of a single, public portal-aggregator of online courses. Methodology. The initial prerequisites of the work were theoretical and applied research in the field of professional and electronic linguodidactics in Russia and abroad. The concept of the considered electronic resource was formed in line with the communicative and competence approaches, the requirements of the modern educational paradigm, philosophy and structural parameters of the virtual learning environment Moodle. Innovative parameters of the content and structure of the course are determined by its design on the principle of reverse design and technology of implementation within the educational paradigm of mixed subject-language integrated learning. Results. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the didactic model presented in the study can be considered as a network component of the linguistic professional learning environment, which is formed in line with the trend towards the early professionalization of a foreign language course in a non-linguistic university. Conclusion. This paper presents the concept of innovative educational resource and its implementation using information and communication technologies - e-learning course “English for students of financial and economic specialties enrolled in master’s programs”. It covers topics that involve the development of knowledge gained in the study of related subject areas (financial management, accounting, banking, finance and credit, stock markets, risk management, etc.) and the experience of professional masters.

Irina Onishchuk

Foreign language education is one of the priority areas of Ukraine's educational policy. It exists not only for teaching students to acquire a foreign language, but also aims to enrich the inner world of a person, to make it more erudite, bring society to a new level. One of the strategic directions in modernizing of education is the overcoming of reproductive mass education and the transition to a new educational paradigm, which provides cognitive activity and autonomy of thinking of those who study. "The school should teach how to think and teach how to study» - these are the pedagogical imperatives of the modern era.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 179-194
Tatiana Victorovna Ermolova ◽  
Natal’ya Vasil’evna Savitskaya ◽  
Ol’ga Vital’evna Dedova ◽  
Alexandra Victorovna Guzova ◽  

Introduction. The article presents a retrospective analysis of tools for teaching foreign languages in the context of changing educational paradigms, as a reaction to the dominance of the new approach formulated as a result of the evolution of the digital model within foreign language instruction. The purpose of the article is to justify the choice of universal tools for teaching foreign languages, relevant to the modern educational paradigm, the main characteristic feature of which is responsible self-education (learner autonomy). Materials and Methods. To achieve the aim of the study, the following research methods were used: general research methods including dialectical, analysis and synthesis of scholarly literature, comparisons and analogies, reviewing, summarizing information obtained from modern academic sources, and special research methods containing system and comparative analysis, etc. The study was carried out in line with the concept of informatization of education and followed communicative, competence, contextual, learner-centered and activity-based approaches to foreign language instruction. Results. Firstly, the author substantiated the need for accepting the fact that in the conditions of mass industrialization, the educational ecosystem is transferring to a new educational paradigm, consequently, it is necessary to transform the very mechanism of organizing educational process, in particular, foreign language instruction. Secondly, a retrospective analysis of foreign language teaching tools in the context of changing educational paradigms has been conducted, as a reaction to the dominance of the new approach formulated as a result of the evolution of the digital resource model within foreign language instruction, namely SCALL-, MALL- and RALL-approaches. Thirdly, the author has put forward a hypothesis about a universal tool for teaching foreign languages, relevant to the modern educational digital competence paradigm. Conclusions. The author argues that at the present stage, virtual (electronic) educational platforms can be adopted as universal tools for teaching foreign languages relevant to the modern educational paradigm, the main characteristic of which is responsible self-education (learner autonomy), the practice of using those is quite common for Russia, including conditions of autonomous education. In the medium term, mobile training tools can be considered as universal, however, it is necessary to systematize the practice of testing them in educational settings of various levels. In the long term, products ‘generated’ by RALL evolution, including learning tools with artificial intelligence, can be considered as universal tools for teaching foreign languages. Taking into account the fact, that such products as chat bots are just beginning to be used for educational purposes, it is assumed that they will become understandable, adaptive and, as a result, universal digital tools of foreign language instruction including autonomous learning only in the distant future.

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