scholarly journals Study of Foreign Experience in Bilingual Education: Case Study: System of Higher (Professional) Education

2018 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
pp. 01211
Aida Nurutdinova ◽  
Anatoly Bolotnikov

The current stage of human society development is characterised by such processes as economic and political globalisation, which indicates the significant changes in the historical and social scale of the socio-political structure of some states, technological progress and rapid development as the means of communication. Responding to the challenges of current period, the vocational education system should create conditions for the interconnected development of the cognitive and foreign language fields of future specialists. The similar technologies were named CLIL Content and Language Integrated Learning and EMI English as Medium for Instruction. However, in national information sources, theoretical and methodological aspects of bilingual education have not yet been adequately covered. Mastering foreign-language communicative competence becomes one of the necessary conditions for the successful career of the graduate student. This fact is recognised both by the academic community and by the students themselves. The new educational paradigm, which is currently asserted in education, reflects the modern view on the interrelationship of education and culture, in which education acts as a universal mechanism for the development of the specialist personality, free from thinking and action stereotypes, capable of intercultural communication and professional interaction in a foreign environment.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 293-296
Natalia Vladimirovna Malova

The following paper discusses the actual task of modern technical specialist training: getting him/her ready to communicate professionally in a foreign language. Practice requests are naturally reflected in the development of curricula and programs of higher professional education. The author demonstrates the urgency of the task in connection with the constantly changing foreign language professional communication, especially computer-mediated part of it. The author identifies two main approaches to the organization of studies at the university: changing the structure, content, methods of the course Foreign Language and the development of new courses of the curriculum. Within the framework of the second approach, the process of designing an educational and methodical complex for a professional communication course on the basis of a process approach is considered in some detail. The paper emphasizes the importance of using professional skills of prospective specialists to increase the effectiveness of the educational process, in particular, the development of copyright audio and video materials. The workshop for audio engineers, developed by the author of the paper, is successfully used in the educational process of Samara State Institute of Culture.

2018 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
pp. 01141 ◽  
Svetlana Pozdniakova

In this article, the issues of improving the education content in teaching foreign-language professional communication in a modern university are discussed. It is noted that the Russian system of higher professional education is a constant subject to an active modernization process. Therefore, at the present moment the most important objective of the Educational Policy is to ensure the quality of education, maintaining its fundamental nature and its correspondence to the needs of society and the labor market, to the interests of the individual and the State. With regard to the realities of modern Language Pedagogy, the improved education content in the system of higher professional technical education should correspond to a number of the following fundamental principles: rely on the scientific concept, be directed towards humanization and humanitarization of education; meet the requirements of normative instruments which regulate the learning process; ensure the development of students` personal potential and be authentic.

N. A. Drutsko ◽  

The article considers issues related to the formation of scientific and research competence in students of nonlinguistic universities by means of a foreign language. Using a foreign language as a tool for obtaining information of a scientific or professional nature is particularly relevant in the current labour market. The distinctive feature of the new federal standard of higher professional education is its focus not only on the accumulation of knowledge, but also on the formation of the ability to apply knowledge in practice, on the development of certain competences. Therefore, it is necessary to switch from the content to the effectiveness of the educational process. Scientific research work is becoming an important part of a student ‘s professional training. This is one of the key factors of development and active formation of the qualities essential for a would be railway specialist. Creation of knowledge-intensive industries in the field of railway transport changes the requirements to the skills of university graduates. Skills in selecting and analyzing of information, applying it creatively, identifying problems and making management decisions are in demand. Project technology is offered as a tool for forming the research competence among students of railway specialties. The feasibility of this method as an effective way of organizing research activities of students of railway and economic specialties is justified.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-59
Зоряна Адамська

Статтю   присвячено   проблемі   теоретичного   осмислення   методологічних   засад   розвитку  фасилітативних здібностей майбутнього психолога в умовах вищої професійної освіти. Проаналізовано два  основних напрямки, в контексті яких ведеться діяльність сучасного психолога: об’єктний, в якому основна  увага    приділяється    використанню    сильно    формалізованних    методів    психологічної    діагностики,  психологічної корекції з метою максимальної адаптації людини до умов суспільства відповідно до визнаних  нормативів вікового розвитку; і суб’єктний, результатом впливу в якому виступають негарантовані і  непрогнозовані, однак свідомо продуковані зміни. Процесом, який стимулює прогресивні зміни, визначено  фасилітацію, і, відповідно, основним завданням психолога – фасилітативний супровід особистості з метою  створення необхідних психологічних умов для її повноцінного саморозвитку. Обґрунтовано актуальність  створення  в  середовищі  вищої  професійної  освіти  сприятливих  умов  для  розвитку  фасилітативних  здібностей майбутніх психологів. У пошуку освітніх орієнтирів особливу увагу звернуто на культурологічну  парадигму,  основною  функцією якої  є  гуманітарна,  а  основним  завданням  –  становлення  особистості  студента.    Роль    викладача    в    контексті    культурологічної    освітньої    парадигми    повинна    бути  супроводжувальною  –  такою,  що  забезпечує  розширення  освітніх  сфер  кожного  студента.  Завдання  викладача   –   допомогти   кожному   студенту   в   побудові   індивідуальної   траєкторії   освіти,   яка  співвідноситься із загальновизнаними досягненнями людства і спрямована на їх примноження. В результаті  усвідомлення  соціально-культурних  смислів  освіти  розвивається  гуманітарна  культура  майбутнього  психолога, провідними властивостями якої є рефлексивність, конгруентність, позитивне самоставлення,  емпатійність, альтруїстичність, креативність, потреба в самореалізації і саморозвитку The article is devoted to the theoretical comprehension problem of the methodological foundations of  future psychologist’s facilitative abilities development in higher professional education. Two main directions in the  context of which the activity of the modern psychologist are carried out: object-oriented in which the main attention  is paid to the use of highly formalized methods of psychological diagnostics, psychological correction for the  purpose of maximum person’s adaptation to the society’s conditions, according to the accepted standarts of age  development;  and  subjective  in  which  there  are  not  guaranteed  and  unpredictable  but  consciously  produced  changes as the result of influence. Facilitation is defined as a process that stimulates progressive changes and  according to this, the main psychologist’s task is facilitative support of personality in order to create the necessary  psychological conditions for his or her self-development. The actuality of organization profitable conditions for the  development of  future psychologists’ facilitative abilities in the environment of higher professional education is  substantiated. In searching educational guides, special attention is paid to the culturological paradigm, the main  function of which is humanitarian, and the main task - the formation of the student's personality. The role of the  teacher in the context of the culturological educational paradigm should be accompanying, the one that provides  expansion of each student’s educational spheres. The teacher’s task is to help each student to build an individual  trajectory of education which correlates with the generally accepted achievements of mankind and is aimed at their  multiplication. The humanitarian culture of a future psychologist develops as a result of socio-cultural awareness of  education meanings, leading properties of which are reflexivity, congruence, positive self-drive, empathy, altruistic,  creativity, the need for self-realization and self-development. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (33) ◽  
pp. e16095
Margarita Victorovna Myltseva ◽  
Ekaterina Alexandrovna Drozdova ◽  
Marina Georgiyevna Sergeeva ◽  
Dmitry Vladimirovich Lukashenko

The expansion of the spheres of political, trade, economic and cultural cooperation between Russia and other countries creates real preconditions for intercultural professional communication in all areas of language experts’ activity: teaching, researching, translating, interpreting and speaking for the peers. In these conditions, learning to provide a monologue in different world languages is becoming increasingly important to future linguists. According to the requirements of the new Federal Standard for Higher Professional Education, a linguist must be able to perform intercultural communication in various professional fields, conduct business negotiations, be an active participant in conferences, workshops and roundtable discussions using several working languages and search for topical information to improve his/her professional skills in the field of intercultural communication. Thus, the standard reflects the strategy of modern foreign-language education aimed to form the cultural and linguistic personality of the language expert who has reached a high level of the foreign-language professional communicative competence, which manifests itself in speech culture, an open-minded attitude to unfamiliar traditions and ways of life, along with the abilities for monologue and international professional communication. High-quality monologic speech is a personally and professionally significant skill, due to which specialists do not have difficulties with business conversations, reports, public messages and presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint and freely participate in discussing the course and prospects of joint activities. Mastering such skills begins at the very beginning of learning a foreign language in a higher educational institution to be able to work with complicated scientific texts and prepare creative monologues as a postgraduate student.

2019 ◽  
Vol 71 (3) ◽  
pp. 70
Nadiia M. Boliubash

The article is devoted to the problem of formation of pedagogical competency of masters of IT-specialties in conditions of reforming of higher professional education and introduction of modern educational information technologies. The theoretical analysis of the approaches of scientists to the definition of basic concepts within the framework of the competency educational paradigm, the establishment of the composition of competency and its evaluation is carried out. It is determined that pedagogical competency is a component of professional competency - integrative quality of personality, which is formed through the development and assimilation of the totality of pedagogical competency’s and characterizes possession of them. Pedagogical competency is considered as a predetermined social requirement for interdependent personality traits in relation to subjects and processes centered around teaching activities necessary for its effective implementation. In the structure of the pedagogical competency of masters of IT-specialties, the motivational-value, operational-cognitive, social-personal components are singled out and a list of pedagogical competencies is developed, the mastering of which promotes their formation. The role of the means of modern educational information technologies in the formation of the pedagogical competency of the future specialists of IT-specialties in the conditions of the magistracy is determined and theoretically substantiated. There are proposed measures to increase the motivation of masters of IT-specialties to study the disciplines of the pedagogical cycle and to the future pedagogical activity by forming pedagogical competencies based on already mastered professional IT-competencies. The expediency of strengthening the pedagogical preparation of masters by studying the theoretical and practical principles of the development of methodical support for the teaching of professional disciplines and sections related to modern educational information technologies is shown. Methodical approaches aimed at increasing the theoretical and practical readiness of masters of IT-specialties for pedagogical activity in higher education institutions using the means of LMS-system Moodle and active teaching methods are considered. The proposed methodological approaches to the teaching of the disciplines of the pedagogical cycle were introduced and their influence on the improvement of quality of pedagogical preparation of masters of IT-specialties was experimentally confirmed using diagnostic tools to assess the formation of components of pedagogical competency.

2020 ◽  
pp. 75-84
Марина Александровна Токарева ◽  
Ольга Геннадьевна Холодкова

В современной России меняется новая образовательная парадигма. Человек, его интересы и потребности, потенциальные возможности и способности оказываются в центре внимания исследователей и педагогов-практиков. Изменение приоритетов российского образования, его структуры и содержания с учетом введения новых образовательных стандартов, в том числе профессионального стандарта «Педагог», направлено на смену роли «транслятора» знаний в профессиональной деятельности педагога – будущего специалиста на роль наставника, партнера, собеседника. В связи с этим обновляется статус образования, предъявляются новые требования к его уровню и качеству. Представлены результаты рабочей программы учебной дисциплины «Инновационные технологии в дошкольном образовании» для студентов педагогического вуза. Реализация разделов программы в структуре ее содержания обеспечивает результативность освоения студентами видов инновационной деятельности, ее этапов в ходе лекционных, самостоятельных занятий, использования активных методов обучения, что формирует их уверенность, мобильность, творческий потенциал, позитивное взаимодействие в условиях готовности профессии. Результаты проведенного исследования свидетельствуют об эффективности содержания данной программы, что подтверждается активным участием студентов в ходе педагогических практик на базе дошкольной образовательной организации, их самостоятельной разработкой инновационных проектов, мероприятий, мини-программ для детей дошкольного возраста. Результатом реализации программы является представленный процесс комплексной готовности будущих специалистов дошкольного образования к инновационной деятельности и профессиональному становлению. In modern Russia, a new educational paradigm is changing: a person, his interests and needs, potential opportunities and abilities are the focus of attention of researchers and practical teachers. The changing priorities of Russian education, its structure and content with the introduction of new educational standards, including the professional standard “Teacher” aimed at changing the role of “translator” of knowledge in professional activity of a teacher, the future expert on the role of mentor, partner, companion. In this regard, the status of education is updated, new requirements are made to its level and quality. The results of the work Program of the discipline «Innovative technologies in pre-school education» for students of pedagogical Universities are presented. The implementation of the Program sections in the structure of its content ensures the effectiveness of students’ development of innovative activities, its stage-by-stage processes during lectures, independent classes, and the use of active learning methods, which forms their confidence, mobility, creativity, and positive interaction in the conditions of professional readiness. The results of the study indicate the effectiveness of the content of this Program, which is confirmed by the active participation of students in the course of pedagogical practices on the basis of a preschool educational organization, their independent development of innovative projects, events, miniprograms for preschool children. The actual result of the Program implementation is the presented process of complex readiness of future specialists of preschool education for innovative activities and professional development. The materials of the article can be used in the practice of departments that train future specialists of preschool educational organizations in the system of secondary and higher professional education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 36-51
Yuriy Odegov ◽  
Andrey Garnov

Today the state is focused on the innovative way of development, on the rapid development of the economy, and rapid creation and distribution of new digital technologies. The education system, as a vital area of socio-economic activity, must be reformed in accordance with the requirements of contemporary society. Numerous organizational innovations in the educational sphere of Rossiya have been made in recent years. Characteristic features of the up-to-date system of higher professional education are: liberalization; optimization of the state and non-state sector of education; the introduction of information and communication technologies as well as changes in demand and the degree of accessibility of higher education. For these purposes there should be no doubt that the basis of all are all the necessary conditions for the further reform of Russian education.The Object of Study. The system of higher education in Rossiya.The Subject of Study. Reforming the system of higher education in Rossiya.The Purpose of the Study. Evaluation of the consequences of the introduction of the Bologna System, identifying the causes of the slow progress of reforms.The Theoretical Aspect is based on the concept of Smart-education - education, aimed at obtaining a qualitatively new educational, scientific, social and commercial results in terms of the collective production of knowledge and their multiple sources.The Empirical Aspect of the subject is based on the results of research on the dynamics of spending on education, the number of state and non-state universities, the number of students and positions of Russian universities in international rankings.The Main Theoretical Provisions of the Article. The process of reforming the national system in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna process does not take into account the specifics and features that led to the loss of the accumulated progressive achievements that existed in Russian education. The transition to a new education model is stuck in an intermediate state. At the present stage of the reform of education, the main goal should be a radical update of the content of education and its resource provision. In the USSR, after graduating from higher educational institutions, graduates were sent to work at pre-determined jobs. At the stage of transition of the country to the market, this mechanism was canceled. The supplement to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” Article 71 (August 2018), introducing quotas for the admission of citizens for targeted training, is designed to ensure competitive conditions for the selection of trained applicants who will enroll in competitive conditions, to train professionals who, after graduating from a higher educational institution, will go to work to the region where they are in demand as specialists. If the graduates did not get a job, they or the company that signs the contract with them will have to compensate for budget expenses.The implementation of these requirements of the Federal Law requires the elimination of contradictory management decisions in terms of graduate level training, adherence to the principle of social justice, provision of sufficient budget financing in accordance with institutional changes and higher flexibility of the entire educational system.The authors consider the organizational mechanism of the system of higher professional education as a system of external and internal relations arising in the course of its functioning and changing depending on the changing goals of the educational model (administrative, collegial and market) of the university and the needs of the labour market at the federal and regional levels.

2020 ◽  
Vol 175 ◽  
pp. 15035
Irina Oblova ◽  
Irina Gerasimova ◽  
Julia Sishchuk

Thisarticledemonstratestheeffectivenessofemployingthecase study method to teach English as a foreign language to the agricultural and environmental engineering students. It should be useful to those who are trying to contribute to the development of the technology relevant to the contemporary educational challenges based on the unity of applied and theoretical aspects of teaching English within a perspective of developing students’ environmental responsibility. This research includes three-year study conducted both in the institution of higher professional education and in one of the largest concentrating enterprise sharing strong environmental ethics in Russia from 2017 to 2019. The research methodology includes: analysis of literature on the main purposes of the engineering training as well as environmental concerns; the analysis of the waysofteachingcasestudy;anassessmentofpurposes,needs andfunctions for which English is required. The findings of this research are as follows: firstly, engineering student’s professional communicative competence is effectively developed within a case study analysis based on real cases from current companies. Secondly, students are more satisfied with their English course and more willing to put their English to practical use when foreign language skills and their professional engineering issues are brought together.

D. Kostenko

The social and economic changes taking place in our society determine the requirements for the quality of the training of students with higher professional education, putting forward new tasks for the modern methodological science. These requirements can not impose a reflection on certain issues of the theory of teaching a foreign language, when the priority is the teaching of intercultural interaction, that is, in this case, it is not just about mastering a foreign language, but above all – all types of competencies, in particular intercultural competence. The purpose of the article is to analyze the concept of 'intercultural competence' from the point of intercultural interaction, the use of linguistic material, taking into account the national specification of the participants in the language dialogue. It seems that teaching students to communicate both orally and in writing, to reproduce, and not just understand the language already created by someone, is a difficult task, more complicated by the fact that communication is not just a verbal process. Its effectiveness depends on many factors: knowledge of language, conditions and culture of communication, rules of etiquette; knowledge of non-verbal forms of expression (facial expressions, gestures), deep background knowledge, etc. Today, there is a sufficiently elaborate classification of competencies, which is the basis of the communication process and ensures its success. Modern researchers distinguish a number of competencies that reach the ultimate goal of learning – the formation of communicative competence. As part of the communicative competence that the student must necessarily possess, we consider intercultural competence as a student's activity associated with communication in the international situations, and this communication always involves conflicts between knowledge and ignorance, even in the context of communication in one language. We believe that in the process of forming the intercultural competence of the student, the teacher should familiarize him with the national-cultural features of the behavior of foreigners, such as the use of certain facial expressions and gestures, in order to avoid possible conflicts in interethnic communication. Thus, using theoretical empirical general scientific methods in the study of the question of the formation of intercultural competence, one can conclude that the formation of intercultural competence involves mastering the following skills: to see from representatives of other cultures not only that which distinguishes us, but also that which unites; change attitudes as a result of understanding another culture; abandon stereotypes; use knowledge of another culture for a deeper knowledge of one's own. Intercultural competence is formed in the process of learning foreign language communication, taking into account the cultural and mental differences of language carriers and is a prerequisite for a successful dialogue of cultures. Awareness of possible problems arising in the intercultural communication of representatives of different cultures, understanding of values and generally accepted norms of behavior are very significant factors in the studying of a foreign language.

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