scholarly journals Contextualized Bilingualism in the Republics of Southern Siberia

Tamara G. Borgoiakova ◽  
Aurika V. Guseinova

The article examines the development of bilingualism in the Republics of Southern Siberia. Its social context is formed under the influence of both extralinguistic factors and the language hierarchy in the form of vertical bilingualism. According to the latest sociolinguistic surveys, bilingualism is the norm for indigenous peoples – Altaians, Tuvans and Khakass – and their language behavior is determined by a strong instrumental and integrative motivation for using Russian as a language of social promotion. The increase of the subtractive type of bilingualism has resulted in the exclusive use of Russian not only in the external, but also in the internal circle of communication with the highest rates in the Republic of Khakassia (about 60 and 30%, respectively). A pragmatic attitude influences the language behavior: the more indigenous respondents declare their fluency in Russian, the fewer of them speak their native language. At the same time, the languages of the titular peoples retain a high symbolic status, expressed in recognition of native languages and in willingness to contribute to their support and promotion

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 322-329
Madina A. Khakuasheva ◽  
Almira M. Kazieva

The article deals with the situation of bilingualism in the Kabardino-Balkar Republic, which is organically inscribed in the global context. The authors consider some of the most representative criteria that indicate the objective state of the state languages of the CBD - Russian, Kabardian, Balkar, the classification of “risk groups” of UNESCO, as well as facts illustrating the crisis of native languages of the indigenous peoples of the Republic. In addition to the communicative, considered the most important functions of the language, which allow to act including as a basis for concluding philosophical concepts.

2016 ◽  
pp. 46-66
Тю Фю Dulepova

The aeolian processes play an important role in the relief formation under the semiarid conditions of the intermountain basins of Southern Siberia. Ancient sand landforms occur in different regions of Siberia — the Ob, Chuya, Аley, Yenisei, Аngara, Selenga, Chikoy, Khilok and Chara river valleys and Lake Baikal coasts. The sandy coasts of Lake Baikal are of great interest in terms of floristic diversity determined by a high degree of endemism. Despite centuries of study of the lake basin, sand vegetation is poorly described in the literature. This study presents an analysis of 184 relevés of psammophytic vegetation from the Republic of Buryatia (Severobaikalsky, Barguzinsky, Pribaikalsky districts) and Irkutsk region (Olkhon Island) obtained in 2009–2014.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Rimbawanto ◽  
Doddy Kridasaksana ◽  

<p>Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dari penelitian ini dapat mengetahui perlindungan hukum terhadap perbatasan wilayah antara Negara Republik Indonesia dengan Timor Leste dan kendala dan upaya mengatasi masalah perbatasan wilayah antara Negara Republik Indonesia dengan Timor Leste.</p><p>Penelitian ini menggunakan yuridis normatif yaitu penelitian hukum yang dilakukan dengan cara meneliti atau mempelajari masalah dilihat dari segi aturan hukumnya, meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder</p><p>Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan secara umum berdasarkan hasil inventarisir peraturan perundang-undangan, pengakuan masyarakat adat di Indonesia tidak dalam posisi untuk mengakui keberadaan masyarakat adat, melainkan untuk membatasi keberadaan masyarakat adat.</p><pre>The objectives to be achieved from this research can be legal protection of the territorial border between the Republic of Indonesia and Timor Leste and the constraints and efforts to overcome the border issues between the Republic of Indonesia and Timor Leste.</pre><pre>               This study uses yuridis normative, namely legal research conducted by researching or studying the problem seen in terms of the rule of law, researching library materials or secondary data</pre><pre>               The results of this study show Generally based on the results of inventory of legislation, the recognition of indigenous peoples in Indonesia is not in a position to recognize the existence of indigenous peoples, but rather to limit the existence of indigenous peoples. </pre><pre> </pre>

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 463
Ahmad Redi ◽  
Yuwono Prianto ◽  
Tundjung Herning Sitabuana ◽  
Ade Adhari

Pasal 18B ayat (2) UUD NRI 1945 mengatur mengenai penghormatan dan pengakuan atas satuan-satuan masyarakat hukum adat beserta hak-hak tradisionalnya sepanjang keberadaannya masih ada. Salah satu hak masyarakat adat di masyarakat pesisir di Provinsi Lampung ialah hak rumpon sebagai hak ulayat laut. Rumpon laut secara bahasa merupakan jenis alat bantu penangkapan ikan yang dipasang di laut, baik laut dangkal maupun laut dalam. Saat ini eksistensi rumpon laut terancam keberadaannya karena untuk menjaga dan melestarikan sistem pengelolaan perikanan ini tidak didukung oleh tindakan nyata oleh Pemerintah dan masyarakat sekitar pesisir. Tulisan ini melakukan pengkajian atas hak masyarakat hukum atas hak ulayat rumpon di Provinsi Lampung dengan fokus penelitian pada eksistensi hak ulayat laut rumpon pada masyarakat Lampung dan perlindungan konstitusional atas hak ulayat rumpon laut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode socio-legal yang melakukan kajian terhadap aspek hukum dalam ranah das sollen dan das sein.Article 18B paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia regulates the respect and recognition on customary law community units and their traditional rights as long as they still exist. One of the rights of indigenous peoples in coastal communities in Lampung Province is rumpon’s right as the ulayat right of the sea. Literaly, Rumpon laut is a type of fishing gear installed in the sea, both the shallow and the deep one. Currently the existence of rumpon laut is threatened because the maintenance is not supported by concrete actions by the Government and coastal communities. This paper conducts an assessment of the community’s right on customary rights of rumpon laut in Lampung Province. This paper focuses on the existence of the ulayat right of rumpon laut in Lampung and the constitutional protection of the ulayat right of rumpon laut. The research method used is a sociolegal method that studies the legal aspects in the realm of das sollen and das sein.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Hairan Hairan

The traditional communal land is part of the rights of indigenous peoples are also the same is true with other rights. Only in the 1945 constitution has been no firmness to the Status of Communal Land as a value for the communal land, as well as a reflection of the existence of the Republic of Indonesia. In the plurality and diversity of society and their rights is a universal value and is considered a significant religious value, namely land. The existence of great importance that the State is dominating power in determining the allocation of land without making the communal land as one of the presence and diversity of law and its object in Indonesia. So that the rights of control by the State without clear boundaries.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 218
Wellington de Oliveira ◽  
Wéllia Pimentel Santos

RESUMONo início do processo de colonização, os portugueses tiveram de conviver com as muitas línguas que eram faladas pelos povos indígenas que ocupavam o território brasileiro. A partir do século XVIII, um Decreto do governo do Marquês de Pombal proibiu o uso da chamada língua geral e demais línguas nativas, impondo ao povo brasileiro a línguaportuguesa como língua oficial. Entretanto, muitas línguas indígenas permaneceram, talvez como forma de resistência. O português é a língua oficial do Brasil, mas esse mesmo Brasil é dono de um patrimônio linguístico que conta com cerca de 200 línguas indígenas, além de ter grande influência em outras línguas de origem africana, europeia e asiática. Destarte, o presente trabalho, partindo de uma análise crítica, visa trazer algumas concepções sobre essa diversidade linguística na história da educação brasileira. Para tanto, esta pesquisa faz um breve retrospecto sobre o processo que levou a hegemonização do português falado no Brasil, discute os métodos de repressão aos povos migrantes do sul do Brasil e o processo de extinção das línguas dospovos indígenas, além de trazer uma breve abordagem sobre a variação linguística no que tange ao português falado assim como o escrito. A metodologia aplicada ao trabalho se ateve a um estudo descritivo, do tipo revisão bibliográfica, que se respaldou em literaturas científicas e trabalhos acadêmicos referenciados, que discutem a diversidade cultural e sociolinguística, com enfoques distintos.Palavras-chave: Diversidade. Língua. Português.ABSTRACTAt the beginning of the colonization process, the Portuguese had to live with many languages that were spoken by the indigenous people who occupied the Brazilian territory. From the eighteenth century, a government decree of the Marquis of Pombal banned the use of socalled general language and other native languages, requiring the Brazilian people to Portuguese as an official language. However, manyindigenous languages remained, perhaps as a form of resistance. Portuguese is the official language of Brazil. But that same Brazil owns a linguistic heritage that has about 200 indigenous languages, besides having great influence on other languages of African, European and Asian origin. Thus, the present study, based on a critical analysis, aimsto bring some views on this linguistic diversity in the history of Brazilian education. Therefore this research makes a brief review of the process that led to the hegemony of the Portuguese spoken in Brazil, discusses the methods of repression of migrant people in southern Brazil and theprocess of extinction of the languages of indigenous peoples, and bring a brief approach on linguistic variation in relation to the Portuguese spoken as well as written. The methodology applied to this work adhered to a descriptive study, the type literature review, which is backed by scientific literature and referenced academic papers that discuss cultural diversity and sociolinguistics with different approaches. Keywords: Diversity. Language. Portuguese.RESUMENAl comienzo del proceso de colonización, los portugueses tuvieron que convivir con muchas lenguas que eran habladas por los indígenas que ocupaban el territorio brasileño. A partir del siglo XVIII, un Decreto del gobierno del Marqués de Pombal prohibió el uso de lallamada lengua general y otras lenguas nativas, imponiendo al puebblo brasileño la lengua portuguesa como lengua oficial. Sin embargo, muchos idiomas indígenas siguieron siendo, tal vez como una forma de resistencia. El portugués es la lengua oficial de Brasil, pero esse mismo Brasil posee un patrimonio lingüístico que tiene alrededor de 200 lenguas indígenas, además de tener una gran influencia en otras lenguas de origen africana, europea y asiática. Así, el presente estudio, basado en un análisis crítico, tiene como objetivo traer algunas concepciones sobre esta diversidade linguística en la historia de la educación brasileña. Por lo tanto, en esta investigación se hace una breve retrospectiva del proceso que condujo a la hegemonización del portugués hablado en Brasil, se discute los métodos de represión a las personas migrantes del sur de Brasil y el processo de extinción de las lenguas de los pueblos indígenas, además de traer un enfoque sobre la variación linguística en relación al portugués hablado, así como escrito. La metodología aplicada al trabajo se basó en un estudio descriptivo, con una la revisión bibliográfica, que se respaldó en literaturas científicas y trabajos académicos referenciados, que tratan sobre la diversidad cultural y sociolinguística, con diferentes enfoques.Palabras clave: Diversidad. Idioma. Portugués.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 113
Jantje Tjiptabudy

In relation to the positive law, the management of marine and coastal natural resources, there is also the rule of customary law. Customary law that still lives and develops in indigenous peoples also regulates the management system and utilization of natural resources in coastal and marine areas. Recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples is constitutionally contained in the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia where the state recognizes the existence of the Customary Law Community. In Maluku, marine potency management in general is still done traditionally known as marine customary rights that have been going on for generations but not yet fully recognized either by the government or entrepreneurs who are actually important partners in the development process.

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