2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-135

The main objective of the presented scientific research is to identify the patterns of historical continuity of the development of the settlements of Kuban. The object of the study are urban and rural settlements. The subject of research is the functional and aesthetic principles of the formation of the living environment of residential areas of populated areas in the designated period. The choice of the object and subject is due to the current problematic situation for the preservation and development of the historical centers of the Kuban settlements, due to the high degree of urbanization of these centers, which sometimes leads to the absence of functional logical connectivity and accompanying environmental degradation. The main tasks are the systematization and study of historical materials on the architectural organization of settlements, namely the processes of their origin, formation and development in chronological order with reference to modern socio-economic conditions. The fundamental role is played by the study of historical and cultural values of objects of architecture and urban planning and the potential of their possible use in the formation of habitat. Especially important in this case is the definition of town planning, architectural planning and architectural-artistic features of the spatial organization of the living environment. This is a peculiar vector of further development and improvement of this environment, as an integral functional aesthetic system, contributing to the improvement of living standards, as well as economic, social and environmental safety of the population. The research method includes the study of archival documents, scientific literature on the history of the Kuban, the history of architecture and urban planning; field studies and fixation of monuments of historical and cultural heritage of these settlements. The study used a comparative historical method of cognition - a scientific method that reveals, by comparing the general and the particular in the development of settlements of the Kuban in a certain time period, and formal logical research methods - methods of classification, generalization and typology, inductive and deductive research methods, making it possible to identify differences and identify identical in the history of the development of architectural and urban culture of the settlements under consideration. The study made it possible to conclude that the tradition bears, above all, the character of historical continuity - the preservation, dissemination and development of the national culture, education of respect for the architectural and town planning heritage.

Limeng Zhang ◽  
Andong Lu

A study on the history of urban morphology in China based on discourse analysis Limeng Zhang¹, Andong Lu¹ ¹School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University. Nanjing University Hankou Road 22#, Gulou District, Nanjing, China E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Key words: urban morphology, terminology, discourse analysis Conference topics and scale: Literature review   (Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No.: 51478215)   Urban morphology is a method widely used in China in the field of urban design and urban conservation. Since its first introduction to the Chinese context about 20 years ago, the key ideas and concepts of urban morphology underwent a significant phenomenon of ‘lost in translation’. Different origins of morphological thoughts, different versions of translation, as well as different disciplinary context, have all together led to a chaotic discourse. This paper reviews the key Chinese articles in the field of urban morphology since 1982 and draws out a group of persistent keywords, such as evolution, axis, urban fringe belt, plan unit and plot, that characterize the morphological approach to urban issues. By reviewing the transformation of the definition of these keywords, this paper aims to generate an evolutionary map of landmark ideas and concepts, based on which, four stages in the development of urban morphology in China can be identified: emergence, growth, maturity, practice. The mapping methodology could be extrapolated to other words, and the obtained evolutionary map could be a basic tool for further study.   References Conzen M. R. G.,  Alnwick, Northumberland: A Study in Town-plan Analysis [M] 1960. ( London, George Philip). J. W. R. Whitehand, and Kai Gu. ‘Urban conservation in China: Historical development, current practice and morphological approach’ [J], Town Planning Review, 2007 (5), 615-642. Duan Jin, and Qiu Guochao. 'The Emergence and Development of Overseas Urban Morphology Study' [J], Urban Planning Forum, 2008(5):34-42. M. P. Conzen, Kai Gu, J. W. R. Whitehand. Comparing traditional urban form in China and Europe: a fringe belt approach [D]. Urban Geography, 2011.

Urban History ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 426-448 ◽  

ABSTRACT:The published literature that has thoroughly treated the history of European planning in sub-Saharan Africa is still rather scanty. This article examines French and British colonial policies for town planning and street naming in Dakar and Lagos, their chief lieux de colonisation in West Africa. It will trace the relationships between the physical and conceptual aspects of town planning and the colonial doctrines that produced these plans from the official establishment of these cities as colonial capitals in the mid-nineteenth century and up to the inter-war period. Whereas in Dakar these aspects reflected a Eurocentric meta-narrative that excluded African histories and identities, a glimpse at contemporary Lagos shows the opposite. This study is one of few that compares colonial doctrines of assimilation to doctrines of indirect rule as each affects urban planning.

Eleonora A. Shevchenko

The article considers the creation of a fortification line of defense of the Russian state during the 15th-16th centuries as a process of formation of a specific settlement system. It puts forward the hypothesis that the formation of a linear defensive-residential structure consisting of residential and defense constructions united by roads into a single structure of interconnected formations for various functions was purposeful. It is noted that one of the insufficiently studied pages of the Russian history of town-planning to this day remains "Watchline" not as object of fortification, but as an object of town-planning art. On the basis of the study of the works of D. Bagaley, F. Laskovsky, I.D. Belyaeva, A.I. Yakovlev and other researchers, including modern researchers, article concludes that the settlement of the XIV-XVI century's period originally had a planned character. That was, in fact, a complex system of resettlement created, based on a fundamentally new urban development technique for the development of territories. The article substantiates the legitimacy of using the concept of "Settlement System" as applied to the period of the XV-XVII centuries - the period of the state formation. It was the emergence of statehood that allowed the creation of a management system and the structure of such town-planning structures as the Zasechnye lines.

M. Monastyrskaya ◽  
O. Peslyak

The article substantiates the relevance and expediency of studying the specifics of urban planning of typologically differentiated forms of urban settlement in the Scandinavian countries, the results of project detailing and / or subject implementation of which are considered by the world community to be the standards of urban formation. It is shown that the basis for preserving and maintaining the long-established "Nordic" urban planning style, inherent in the urban culture of Denmark, Norway, Sweden and potentiating the "reference" of design models and/or spaces and habitats, is the purposeful regulation and optimization by the criterion of sustainable development of relevant interactions of all components of the sphere of urban planning: paradigm, institutional, regulatory, urban-typological, technological, organizational, etc. The results of studying the process of formation and development of the system of urban planning and design in the Kingdom of Sweden – the undisputed leader of urban development in Scandinavia: the specifics of its functioning due to national urban planning traditions are characterized, and modern trends of its transformation are identified, predetermined by pan-European innovations and regional innovations in the field of spatial organization of the population's living environment. The results of the research can serve as an analog basis for improving the system of urban planning of systemic forms of urbanization in our country and, thus, contribute to the successful implementation of the spatial development Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025. The results of the survey are of particular practical significance for the geostrategic territories of Russia that have historically been integrated with the "Circum-Baltic area" and are now part of the borders of the Baltic belt.

N. P. Zhurin

A publication by G.N. Potanin, a well-known researcher of Siberia and, a prominent representative of Siberian regionalism is studied in the collection “Siberia, its current state and needs”, published in 1908 from the architectural view point. The purpose of this article is to analyze the architectural factor and comments from the contemporary of the urban planning processes in Siberia in the late in the 19th and early 20th centuries, which are interesting for studying the history of architecture in its regional aspect, relevant to the urban planning theory, practice and conservation of the regional architectural heritage. It is shown that G.N. Potanin described the Siberian towns, specifics of their urban construction, special cultural and educational role of public buildings in Siberian conditions of, and residential buildings of urban dwellers. The article presents Potanin‟s opinion on urban development in Tomsk and Irkutsk. Potanin‟s observations associated with the use of solar energy by Siberians in winter time are described including street glazing and a low spacing between large windows on façades and the interiors of residential buildings which experienced a kind of greenhouse effect in winter. The historical architectural materials presented herein are relevant for the modern urban planning theory and practice and can assist in preserving the urban planning heritage of the region. The analysis of Potanin‟s publications related directly to the architectural and town-planning themes, is published for the first time and can be used in the related teaching courses.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 113-125 ◽  
Tatiana Ya. VAVILOVA

The problem of inconsistency of the life-forming environment and global trends forming algorithms in Russia is considered. Attention focused on taking into account the goals of a "green" economy and the tasks of improving the quality of life while regulating the parameters of urban planning and architectural decisions. The newest foreign concepts of ecologization had been study as an object of research. The subject of the research were theoretical approaches and innovative applied technologies that contribute to adapting the methods of architectural and town planning activities to changing environmental conditions. Identification of new ways to improve the consumer properties of the living environment has become the goal of the study. Materials and methods: an integrated approach, collection of information from literary and online sources, compilation and analysis of thematic materials. The basic information about theoretical developments discovered in domestic and foreign scientific journals. They are present on the Russian portal E-library and on ScienceDirect - the Elsevier's multidisciplinary platform. Some aspects were refined according to the information that posted on the websites of electronic libraries of a number of foreign universities and specialized research institutions. Results. Brief description of such foreign concepts as "environmental design", "appropriate technology", "life cycle assessment", "Cradle to Cradle", "lean manufacturing", "upcycling", "planned obsolescence" and "regenerative design" prepared. Analysis of publications showed that the most popular topic is the need for resource conservation. Active laboratory research, transition to BIM-technologies, economic incentive mechanisms and active popularization contribute to the introduction of innovative resource-saving developments in practice. Conclusions. Currently, various aspects of the "green" economy considered in the natural Sciences, engineering, Humanities and Economics. One of the most important tasks of the modern stage of development of urban planning and architecture in Russia is the introduction into practice of design and construction of modern technologies corresponding to the tasks of the "green" economy. In this regard, the actual direction of science researches, which are associated with the optimization of urban planning, architectural and engineering solutions, is the synchronization of the field of sectoral problems with the key issues of sustainable development.

Y. S. Yankovskaya ◽  
E. N. Lebedeva ◽  
Yu. N. Lobanov ◽  

The article is devoted to the problems of studying the natural and climatic aspect of the living environment formation in architectural and urban planning. The history of the issue is considered, scientific and qualification research from the 1960-s and 1970-s is analyzed. At present, there are observed tendencies of direct borrowing and transferring from the West of some new «techniques and principles», as well as putting forward rather superficial ideas regarding the transformation of the living environment, while fundamental domestic developments of the Soviet and post-Soviet times are often forgotten and ignored. Special attention is paid to the subject, problems and results of dissertation research in the field of architecture and urban planning, as well as related technical sciences. In addition, material from works on such branches as sociology and geography, biology and agriculture is considered.

2019 ◽  
Vol 46 (3) ◽  
pp. 603-621
Aristotle Kallis

At the twelfth congress of the International Federation of Housing and Town Planning (IFHTP), held in Rome in September 1929, a set of thirteen “model” affordable houses situated in the garden suburb of Garbatella were presented to the delegates. While generally recognized as shining fragments from a distinctly “Roman” register of idiosyncratic architectural modernism, the dwellings of Garbatella’s Lot XXIV also deserve to be reappraised as a key symbolic moment in the history of interwar Italian architecture and urban planning—and as an alternative vision for a scalable model of modern “minimum dwelling” ( Existenzminimum). I analyze the project in the context of the 1929 IFHTP congress in Rome as a carefully staged attempt to juxtapose an alternative, “third way” vision of architectural design for urban social housing that sought to accommodate the emerging international modernist canon of functionality with individual architectural design and respect for regional building traditions.

L. Skoryk

The article examines the main ways of resolving permanent contradictions between the historical features of the center of a large city and the modern needs of society in the process of urban modernization, taking into account the particular complexity of the problem of reconstructing their central parts. The town-planning substance of the city center, which was formed over the centuries, has outstanding architectural and historical advantages, the need to preserve and multiply them has ceased to be the subject of discussion; today it is recognized as an act of special social, cultural, aesthetic and moral significance. At the same time, intensive urban growth, the evolution of society and its needs, involves the development and transformation of the whole system of cultural and public services of the city, the highest level of which is a city center, capable of It is the center of the city that has a concentrated imagination of the unusualness, much needed for city residents, too uniform in the processes of technological progress. With undoubted merits aimed at raising the civilizational level, these processes are inseparable from the threat of erasing individual traits and various spheres of life and human activity. This fact underlies emotionally – an aesthetic phenomenon, as today is the pronounced gravitation of the inhabitants of anonymous areas of cities to the uniqueness of historical urban environment in one way or another stored in the historical centers of large urban integrating various parts of the urban structure into a holistic urban formations. The connection of times in the process of city development should ensure the continuity of the path from historical experience to the realization of existing needs and from it to the notions of the future, which gives grounds for determining promising goals already in the present reality. Ensuring the continuity of the path of historical development of the city while preserving the integrity and individuality of its image requires the development of characteristic methods of its formation that simultaneously meet modern requirements. The relationship between the categories of traditions and innovation determines continuity as the main condition for the progressive movement in the development of cultural values, and is primarily in architecture and town-building art, forming the environment of the existence of a number of generations and epochs, thereby imparting a concrete existential expression to the problem of continuity. The problems of «old and new» in the structure of the central parts of historical cities require a comprehensive solution of the main tasks: analysis of the interdependence of the functional and planning categories of the urban center structure and the characteristic manifestations of functional planning solutions of different time periods; to reveal the basic principles of co-position-spatial interaction of the elements of the city center system on the basis of factors affecting the character of the spatial organization of the microstructures of the center in the process of their historical development; definitions of the main directions of the volumetric-plastic harmonization of the existing and new development on the basis of an analysis of the methods of architectonic revalorization and modern interpretation of the characteristic features of the historical architectural substance in accordance with the general informative background of the environment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 157-178 ◽  
Xu Huang ◽  
Jan van Weesep

Yangzhou, once a capital city of China, has been transformed into a post-Socialist city. This narrative of its urban development explains its evolution from “a city for the royal family to build its temporary palace” in Imperial China, through “a city as a tool to develop manufacturing industries” during the Socialist regime, to “an ecological garden and a city with an attractive living environment” in Transitional China. Changing value systems interact with economic and political constraints to explain the course of its urban history. The explanation rests on the premise that urban development ultimately depends on the investment potential of the local economy and local power constraints impinging upon adopted plans. This case study explores how political and economic constraints shape the ambitions of local policy makers and planners, thereby reflecting the evolution of those Chinese cultural values that as development imperatives have shaped urban planning practice in China.

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