Anthony Akai Acheampong Otoo ◽  
Li Zhiwen ◽  
Charles Oduro Acheampong Otoo ◽  
Maxwell Opuni Antwi

The clear differences between developing nations and developed nations have posed an enormous problem in trying to design a “one-size-fits-all” theory of Electronic Commerce (EC) adoption. Most prior studies have proposed that generalizing findings of developed countries to the context of developing countries are of worry (Rahayu & Day, 2015; J. Tan, Tyler, & Manica, 2007). Table 1 shows the ICT Development Index (benchmarking tools to monitor information society developments worldwide) of some countries that have hosted the earlier literature on EC International Telecommunications Unions (ITU, 2017). These statistics may well indicate that businesses in developed countries and developing countries vary with regard to information technology and EC context<strong>.</strong> The latest ITU report in 2017 on ICT Development Index, ranks Ghana as the 112th country regarding ICT development in 2016, which shows a slight decline in the ranking compared to 111th in 2015 (the IDI value increased from 3.75 in 2015 to 3.99 in 2016). This may suggest that Ghana does not have appropriate infrastructure for effective e-business compared to countries like Singapore, China and USA.

2018 ◽  
Vol 80 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-15
O. S. Korepanov

The purpose of the article is to analyze changes in methodological approaches to calculating the indexes of information and communication technologies development (ICT) proposed by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The article analyzes the process of development of ICT and the transformation of territories towards the formation of an information society, examines three main stages in evolution of the information society, which are in line with the structure of the ICT Development Index (IDI). An international methodology for calculating the ICT development index is based on three sub-indexes: access to ICT, use of ICT and practical ICT skills developed by the ITU in 2010. The basic indices of aggregate sub-indexes, their nominal values and the methodology for calculating the ICT Development Index are presented in the annual reports of the ITU “Measuring the Information Society” 2009–2017. The article also analyzes the significance of the ICT development indexes and the corresponding sub-indexes for the countries of the world, which ranked among the top ten leaders by the corresponding rating. A comparative analysis of the IDI values of Ukraine and Iceland, one of the leading countries by IDI-2016 level, is made; the corresponding diagram is constructed on the basis of the statistical indicators used for the calculation and the corresponding sub-indexes. The dynamics of changes of IDI basic statistical characteristics by region of the world in 2012-2017 is analyzed. The changes to the IDI calculation methodology of 2018, proposed by the specialized international expert groups, are analyzed. The proposed changes relate to a set of metrics that should be additionally included in the IDI instead of a few excluded. The analysis of changes in methodological approaches to the calculation of IDI shows significant differences in the ICT development by geographical region of the world. There are also significant fluctuations in the experience of individual countries within each region.

Nadiia Morozova ◽  
Tetyana Novikova ◽  
Timur Malafeyev ◽  

The article describes the uneven development of the information economy based on an analysis of the ICT development index in order to identify innovative growth at the national, regional, and global levels. The aim of the work is to develop a set of models for the analysis of the dynamics of the information economy, which makes it possible to determine the stages of the information economy development, groups of countries according to the level of ICT development, and to assess the factors impact of ICT development on the economic growth rate. The work considered the set of information indicators for assessing the level of the information economy development and analyzed development trends of the information economy by macro-region; developed a country profile model for ICT development and built a model for measuring the impact of ICT development on economic growth. Special empirical measures – international indices – are used to determine the extent of the impact of informatization on the countries’ development. All the indicators used in the work form the basis of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Development Index. This suggests that the ICT index is a universal tool for comparing world economies. Research has been carried out based on neural network modelling techniques, in particular the Kohonen network and econometric methods and models. The article discusses the use of ICT to analyze the information economy at the macroeconomic level to measure the impact of ICT on the gross national product. The author’s concept of research on the impact of ICT on the gross national product of the countries of the world has been developed. The author’s concept scheme consists of two blocks. The first block consists of the construction of country groupings based on the level of ICT development. Based on the Kohonen networks, the countries have been clustered according to the level of development of information and communication technologies, which will make it possible to compare the world economies and to highlight priority and problem areas in the implementation of ICT. The second block is to study the influence level of the ICT development index on countries' GDP using econometric models of macroeconomic indicators. The relationship between ICT and GDP has been confirmed. The simulation found that the potential for increasing GDP through ICT was greater for developing countries than for developed countries because for developed countries ICT using was routine and necessary. The impact of further ICT development in developed countries is such that, with an increase of 1% in ICT use, GDP increases by 0.6 %. For developing countries, however, the opposite is true. An increase of 1 % in the rate of ICT increases GDP by 1.2 % on average, i.e., such countries have the potential to develop and meet the targets of developed countries. The findings and results of the study can be used by policymakers and enterprises to ensure better ICT outcomes, which in turn can promote sustainable economic and social development, both in certain countries and globally.

Giorgi Popkhadze ◽  
Predrag Dašić ◽  
Raul Turmanidze

Abstract. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are a set of equipment (devices, systems, etc.) and techniques with associated software (software systems and software tools) that have been developed and used for more efficient communication, creation, distribution, storage and management of information. The IDI (ICT Development Index) index is most often used to measure ICT resources, which is defined as a composite index that combines 11 indicators (classified into 3 sub-indices: Access, Use and Skills). Data on values of IDI index has been retrieved from Measuring the Information Society Report (MISR), which since 2008 has been publishing by International Telecommunications Union (ITU). The IDI index for 2017 was determined for 176 countries of the world, with the first on the ranking list was Iceland with IDI2017=8.98 and the last Eritrea with IDI2017=0.96. The mean value of IDI index for 2017 was Avg=5.11, standard deviation was StD=2.22 and coefficient of variation was CoV=43.52. In this paper is given of analysis of IDI (ICT development index) for measuring ICT resources in Georgia. The data were approximated using a 3rd degree polynomial regression model (PRM3) with a correlation coefficient R=0.9964, determination coefficient R2=0.9928 and adjustment coefficient of determination is AdjR2=0.9885.

Marcin Gryczka

The goal of this paper is to analyse the changing role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and to determine their influence on selected countries' international competitiveness. To achieve this, the calculated global ICT development index has been compared to selected measures of international competitive position. Conducted research has confirmed that in respect of ICT a partial alignmentbetween developed and other countries has occurred. Moreover, there is a noticeable interdependence between ICT development and international competitive position indicators.

Ілля Дмитрієв ◽  
Оксана Дмитрієва

УДК 330.341; JEL Classification: O33   Мета: Метою статті є вивчення основних тенденцій розвитку цифрової економіки України та ідентифікація чинного законодавчого підґрунтя. Методика дослідження: В роботі використано методи аналізу та синтезу, системний підхід, порівняльний аналіз. Результати: Характерною ознакою сучасного етапу розвитку економіки є використання цифрових технологій, які стали каталізатором різкого збільшення мобільності товарних та фінансових потоків, забезпечують високу швидкість передачі інформації, внесли значний вклад в глобалізаційні та інтеграційні процеси світової економіки. Інформаційні технології стали невід’ємною частиною суспільних відносин та призвели до появи нових галузей господарства, ринків, конкурентних товарів та послуг. Одним із важливих параметрів, які на світовому рівні визначають якість та ступінь розвитку цифрової економіки, є світові рейтинги. Згідно з Концепцією розвитку цифрової економіки та суспільства України на 2018-2020 основними рейтинговими цілями її реалізації є досягнення визначених позицій у рейтингу. Для аналізу особливостей та тенденцій розвитку цифрової економіки України авторами проведено дослідження рейтингових індексів, що дають змогу оцінити її стан: Digital Economy and Society Index; Digital Evolution Index; Digital Adoption Index; ICT Development Index; Global Innovation Index; Networked Readiness Index; e-Intensity; IMD World Digital Competiveness Index; Global Competitiveness Index. В дослідженні проведено аналіз стану рівня використання та розвитку цифрових технологій в країні. Наукова новизна: існуючі нормативно-правові акти, що регламентують розвиток цифрової економіки України, актуалізують необхідність їх уніфікації та консолідації у вигляді Стратегії розвитку цифрової економіки України як стійкого законодавчого підґрунтя для забезпечення стратегічного розвитку цифрової економіки держави. Забезпечення розвитку цифрової економіки України передбачається через періодичне прийняття строкових програмних документів на у формі чинної Концепції розвитку цифрової економіки та суспільства України на 2018-2020 роки. Практична значущість: проведений аналіз та визначені особливості та тенденції розвитку цифрової економіки складають інтерес для органів державної влади, до відання яких належить регулювання цифрової економіки; для вітчизняних та зарубіжних науковців, що ведуть дослідження з цього питання.

Somkeit Noamna ◽  
Supaporn Kiattisin

E-Commerce tax is among the most crucial factors affecting E-Commerce growth and information and communication technology, including playing a vital role in facilitating the global commerce market. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between ICT development by using the ICT development index (IDI) and E-Commerce diffusion is an effect on E-Commerce taxation principles. The paper was proposed as a new approach and initiatives for implementing E-Commerce development through the circular model for E-Commerce sustainability (CMES). The online questionnaires for the survey were used to gather data via social media, i.e. Facebook, Line and Instagram. The data were gathered from a sample of 308 people who sell products and services through online commerce in Thailand. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were used to validate and measure the construction of the questionnaires. The relationship among the ICT development index, E-Commerce diffusion and the E-Commerce taxation principles was proved to apply successfully to the structural equation modelling (SEM) technique. The results showed that the ICT development index (IDI) has a positive influence on E-Commerce diffusion and E-Commerce taxation principles. Further, the results indicated that E-Commerce diffusion has a positive effect on E-Commerce taxation principles, and hence are significant.


Анализируются модели,подтверждающие тезис об отсутствии существенных противоречий между принятым в 2017 г. Индексом развития ИКТ (IDI), вобравшим в себя 14 показателей по трем субиндексам («Доступ к ИКТ», «Использование ИКТ», «Навыки работы с ИКТ»), и Новым индексом МСЭ (НИ МСЭ), концепция которого (5Ps) основана на подходе, связанном с оценкой достижения Целей устойчивого развития (ЦУР)ООН под воздействием электросвязи/ИКТ. Предложены модели НИ МСЭ, позволяющие выполнять требования Резолюции 131 (Пересм. Дубай, 2018г.)Полномочной конференции МСЭ к IDI и в то же время трансформировать IDI для оценки достижения ЦУР. The article presents and analyzes the models that make it possible to assert the thesis about the absence of significant contradictions between the ICT development index (IDI), adopted in 2017, which included fourteen indicators for three subindices: "Access to ICTs", "Use of ICTs", "ICT skills", and the new ITU Index (ITU NI), the concept of which (5Ps) was based on the approach related to assessing the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under the influence of telecommunications/ICTs. Index models are proposed to meet the requirements of Resolution 131 (Rev. Dubai, 2018) of the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference (PC) on IDI, and at the same time transform it to assess the achievement of the SDGs.

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