scholarly journals Tanggung Jawab Anak dalam Memelihara Orang Tua Terkait Ketentuan Pasal 46 Ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 226
Rahdinal Fathanah ◽  
Rachmi Sulistyarini

The purpose of this writing is to analyze the form of responsi-bility of children in caring for parents related to the provisions of Article 46 paragraph (2) of Law number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage accord-ing to the perspective of Civil Law, Customary Law especially Balinese Customs and Islamic Law and analyze the form of legal protection for parents who does not get care by children. The method used is the legal approach and conceptual approach. The results of this study are a form of children's responsibility in looking after parents, according to the per-spective of civil law, to be material. Meanwhile, according to the per-spective of customary law, especially Balinese custom and Islamic legal perspective, it is material and immaterial. The form of preventive legal protection for parents who do not receive care by children in the form of a District Court stipulation regarding the inability of children to provide for their parents, and the form of repressive legal protection for parents who do not get care by children in the form of civil lawsuits reg

Acta Comitas ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (02) ◽  
pp. 248
Ni Made Lalita Sri Devi ◽  
I Ketut Westra

Abstract This study was intended to give an understanding regarding Notary responsibility arrangements of the Notary who commits violation in carrying out the position as well as provides legal protection that is obtained by the party against the data falsification by a Notary. The research of this normative law examined the norm that happens, such as a norm vacuum that does not regulate criminal sanctions in Laws of Notary. This research contained several sources, such as premier, secondary, and tertiary laws. Furthermore, the research approach was done by the conceptual approach that analyzes the concept of organizing violations by the notary. The result of this research was the Notary deed can be requested for the deed to be annulled based on the legally binding decisions determined by the District Court, then, the Notary Deed can be disqualified and can be avowed as the non-binding deed for the parties who made it. The sanctions of the Notary who falsified the data in making the authentic deed are, administrative sanction or the notary code of ethics, the sanction based on The Civil Law Code, and the sanction based on Criminal Code. The Notary can also be sued for compensation if the violation that is done by the notary causes a deed becomes an inauthentic deed and be relegated to the deed for who made it. This is the protection that can be given to the party if a Notary does not carry out the duties and obligations. Abstrak Tujuan penulisan ialah memberikan pemahaman terkait pengaturan ”tanggung jawab Notaris yang melakukan pelanggaran dalam menjalankan jabatannya serta”  memberikan perlindungan hukum yang diperoleh penghadap atas pemalsuan data yang dilakukan Notaris. Penelitian hukum normatif ini menelaah persoalan norma yang terjadi yaitu suatu kekosongan norma tidak diaturnya mengenai sanksi pidana dalam UUJN. Penelitian ini memuat sumber-sumber yaitu hukum bahan hukum primer, sekunder serta tersier. Selanjutnya, pendekatan penelitian dilakukan melalui pendekatan konseptual yang menganalisa konsep penyelenggaraan pelanggaran oleh Notaris. Hasil penulisan menunjukkan akta Notaris dapat dimintakan untuk akta dibatalkan, berdasarkan keputusan yang sudah berkuatan hukum tetap yang ditetapkan oleh pengadilan negeri tersebut maka akta Notaris dapat dibatalkan dan dinyatakan sebagai akta yang tidak mengikat bagi para pihak yang membuatnya. Adapun sanksi bagi Notaris yang melakukan pemalsuan data dalam pembuatan akta otentik ialah sanksi administratif atau Kode Etik Notaris, sanksi menurut hukum KUH Perdata, sanksi menurut KUH Pidana. Notaris juga dapat digugat ganti rugi apabila pelanggaran atau kesalahan yang dilakukan Notaris mengakibatkan suatu akta menjadi tidak otentik dan terdegradasi menjadi akta di bawah tangan. Inilah bentuk perlindungan yang diberikan kepada penghadap jika seseorang Notaris tidak melaksanakan tugas dan kewajibannya.    

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 222
Abd. Shomad ◽  
Rahadi Wasi Bintoro

Religious court as forefront in economic sharia dispute resolution in litigation has not ideal place to perform their duty since there are still regulation conflicts such as implementation of encumbrance right execution which still becomes a domain in district court. As explained, this article discusses phi-losophical foundation of Religious Court competence to resolve economic sharia issues. In regard to this, conceptual approach, law approach and historical approach are respectively used. Based on the analysis, basic competence of religious court is Islamic personality principle which carries the use of Islamic law elements (sharia principle) in its legal relationship. From the analysis the implication is drawn that as long as a dispute belongs to economic sharia, then it is Religious Court which is com-petent to handle including court decision.Keywords: law enforcement, economic sharia dispute, absolute competence, court decision implementation

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-48
Sri Walny Rahayu ◽  
Widiya Fitrianda

Lagu-lagu tradisional Aceh merupakan bagian rezim hak cipta dan termasuk dalam ekspresi budaya tradisional masyarakat Aceh, kekayaan dan identitas bangsa. Untuk memajukan lagu-lagu tradisonal sebagai bagian kebudayaan Aceh, diperlukan langkah strategis melalui perlin-dungan, pengembangan, pemanfaatan, pembinaan untuk mewu-judkan masyarakat Aceh yang berdaulat secara politik, berdikari secara ekonomi, dan berkepribadian dalam Kebudayaan. Hal lainnya, lagu-lagu tradisional Aceh merupakan hak milik yang dapat beralih melalui warisan. Dalam praktiknya ahli waris pencipta lagu-lagu Aceh tidak memahami dan belum mendapatkan hak ekonominya  sebagai-mana diatur dalam Pasal 16 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta. Budaya masyarakat komunal berbeda pandang dengan filosofi konsep hak kekayaan Intelektual, bersifat eksklusif monopoli, dan lemahnya implementasi penegakan hukum hak cipta merupakan persoalan yang harus mendapat perhatian pemerintah di Aceh dalam melestarikan budaya tradisonalnya. Tujuan penulisan menjelaskan perlindungan hukum terhadap lagu tradisional Aceh yang merupakan ekspresi budaya tradisional, menjelaskan perlindungan kepada ahli waris pencipta lagu Aceh melalui warisan menurut Undang-Undang Hak Cipta, Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata, dan Hukum Islam menjelaskan kendala pengalihan pencipta hak ekonomi lagu-lagu tradisional Aceh melalui warisan. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder sebagai data utama, atau yang disebut penelitian yuridis normatif yang menguji norma hukum sebagai objek penelitian. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan hukum komparatif. Tulisannya disajikan dalam bentuk analisis deskriptif. Aceh Traditional Cultural Expression and Its Inheritance Model Traditional Acehnese songs which are part of the copyright regimes are one part of the expression of traditional Acehnese culture, wealth and national identity. The promotion of Acehnese culture through traditional songs requires a strategic step through protection, development, utilization, and coaching to realize an Acehnese society that is politically sovereign, economically independent, and has a personality in culture. Other things Traditional Aceh songs are property rights that can be transferred through inheritance. In practice the heirs of Acehnese songs creators do not understand and obtain economic rights from the commercial use of Acehnese songs as stipulated in Article 16 paragraph (2) of Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright. The communal society's culture is different from the philosophy of the concept of intellectual property rights that is exclusively monopoly and the weak implementation of copyright law enforcement is an issue that must be gotten the attention of the government, especially in Aceh to preserve the traditional Acehnese culture which is the expression of its people. The purpose of writing is to explain the legal protection of traditional Acehnese songs which are expressions of Acehnese cultural identity, explain the protection to the heirs of the creators of Aceh songs through inheritance according to the 2014 UUHC, the Civil Code and Islamic Law and explain what constitutes obstacles to the transfer of rights economic creator of traditional Acehnese songs through inheritance. This type of research uses secondary data as the main data, or so-called normative juridical research that tests legal norms as the object of research. The approach used is the conceptual approach and comparative legal approach. This writing is presented in the form of descriptive analysis.

Ni Nyoman Juwita Arsawati ◽  
Putu Eva Ditayani Antari

The purpose of this paper is to examine the customary law sanctions that are threatened against perpetrators of sexual violence against children, for example in the people of Tenganan Village, Karangasem-Bali, which are Balinese customary law communities who still adhere to their traditions in the era of modernization and globalization that is developing in Bali. Whether the customary sanctions for perpetrators of sexual violence against children in Tenganan Village, Karangasem-Bali are in accordance with the principle of fulfilling children's rights. This research is a type of normative legal research or what is often called doctrinal research. The approach used in this research is the Legislative Approach, the Conceptual Approach and the Comparative Approach. The result of this paper is that customary sanctions against sexual violence against children that occur in Tenganan Village do not position children as victims of sexual violence. On the other hand, children are placed in a position to participate as perpetrators. The customary sanctions do not provide legal protection and fulfillment of children's rights for child victims of sexual violence. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji sanksi hukum adat yang diancamkan kepada pelaku kekerasan seksual terhadap anak, contohnya pada masyarakat Desa Tenganan, Karangasem-Bali yang merupakan masyarakat hukum adat Bali yang masih memegang teguh tradisinya di era modernisasi dan globalisasi yang berkembang di Bali. Apakah sanksi adat bagi pelaku kekerasan seksual terhadap anak di Desa Tenganan, Karangasem-Bali telah sesuai dengan prinsip pemenuhan hak anak.Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian hukum normative yang menggunakan tiga jenis pendekatanantara lain pendekatan Perundang-undangan, Pedekatan Konseptual dan Pendekatan Perbandingan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa sanksi adat terhadap kekerasan seksual terhadap anak yang terjadi di Desa Tenganan tidak memposisikan anak sebagai korban kekerasan seksual. Sebaliknya anak ditempatkan pada posisi turut serta sebagai pelaku. Dalam sanksi adat tersebut tidak memberikan perlindungan hukum dan pemenuhan hak anak bagi anak korban kekerasan seksual.

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Holijah Holijah

AbstractRecently, the activities of economic and as well as various model of transaction has always been developed. However the transaction with this system (voorschot) always happened in the society. This research is aiming to give a concept and practice by consequences of law from a custom giving a voorschot  in transaction. This research is using a documentary and library research. The result of this study showed that with a concept and practice of giving voorschot who is recognized by positive law as well as customary law, civil law and islamic law. Then in the development of the practice this transaction of buying a product with this system is approved as a sign of agreement and can be allowed to held it. IntisariPemberian uang panjar dalam transaksi jual beli suatu produk barang adalah merupakan kebiasaan yang terjadi di masyarakat Indonesia. Transaksi jual beli produk barang sebagai upaya dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dan cara mendistribusikan kebutuhan, yang mana konsep dan praktiknya melandaskan pada filosofi yang berbeda-beda. Pemberian uang panjar sebagai konsep perjanjian, adalah selaras dengan asas kebiasaan dalam perjanjian, sehingga uang panjar sebagai uang tanda jadi dan uang muka dalam transaksi jual beli produk barang juga dalam praktik tergantung kesepakatan akan di kembalikan atau tidak, termasuk bagian harga jual ataupun tidak. Sementara itu, mengenai pemberian uang panjar sebagai uang muka jika terjadi pembatalan, maka uang panjar sebagai uang muka dikembalikan.

Dewa Putu Adnyana ◽  
I Ketut Sudantra

The regulation of legal protection for customers who have savings funds in village financial institutions (LPD) is unclear. This causes no legal certainty for customers if the LPD experiences financial problems. The existence of LPDs in Bali is regulated in two types of legal rules, namely state law and customary law (legal pluralism). Analyzing the legal certainty aspects of deposit guarantor in statutory regulations and customary law is the aim of this research. This study uses a normative legal research methodology. This study uses two types of approaches namely, the statute and the conceptual approaches. The legal materials chosen as the basic analysis are primary and secondary legal materials. The conclusion of this study shows that the role of state law is more dominant than customary law. The above conclusion is shown by the fact of the research that most of the matters related to the technical operations of the LPD are regulated by the state law, in this case, is regional regulation about LPD. Based on the results of the study on the norms of local regulations on LPD and the nine awig –awig as a form of customary law from representatives of the nine regencies and city in Bali, there is no regulation on deposit guarantor institutions for LPD customers in Bali to provide legal protection. So that, regulating LPDs in Bali with two legal systems, namely the state law and the customary law system, does not guarantee legal certainty for the safety of customer's deposits. Pengaturan perlindungan hukum bagi nasabah yang mempunyai dana simpanan  di Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD) saat ini tidak jelas. Hal ini menyebabkan tidak ada kepastian hukum bagi nasabah apabila LPD mengalami masalah keuangan. Keberadaan LPD di Bali diatur dalam dua jenis aturan hukum yaitu hukum negara dan hukum adat  (pluralisme hukum). Mengkaji aspek kepastian hukum penjamin simpanan  dalam setiap norma dalam peraturan perundang-undangan serta dalam hukum adat merupakan tujuan penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum doktrinal (normatif). Penelitian ini menggunakan dua jenis pendekatan yaitu pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan (statute approach), dan pendekatan konsep (conceptual approach). Adapun bahan hukum yang dipilih sebagai dasar analisis adalah bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder. Kemudian kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menyebutkan bahwa dua sistem hukum dalam pengaturan LPD di Bali menunjukkan peran hukum negara lebih dominan daripada hukum adat.  Kesimpulan ini ditunjukkan oleh fakta penelitian yang ditemukan bahwa sebagian besar hal yang berkaitan dengan teknis operasional LPD yang merupakan satu-satunya organisasi keuangan milik Desa Adat di Bali diatur oleh hukum negara dalam hal ini diatur dalam peraturan daerah tentang LPD. Kemudian, berdasarkan hasil kajian terhadap norma peraturan daerah tentang LPD dan terhadap sembilan awig–awig sebagai bentuk hukum adat dari perwakilan Kabupaten dan Kota di Bali, tidak ada ditemukan pengaturan tentang lembaga penjamin simpanan bagi nasabah LPD di Bali untuk memberikan perlindungan hukum. Dengan demikian pengaturan LPD di Bali dengan dua sistem hukum yaitu hukum negara dan sistem hukum adat ternyata tidak menjamin kepastian hukum bagi keamanan dana simpanan para nasabah. 

Alexandre Kedar ◽  
Ahmad Amara ◽  
Oren Yiftachel

This chapter explores the development of international law on indigeneity. It reviews the legal protections endowed by key documents, such as International Labor Organizations Convention No. 169 and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). The chapter also provides a short comparative legal perspective on land rights of indigenous peoples which helps to situate the Israeli case within other settler colonial situations and to address the status of the relevant international legislation and norms. It concludes that several components of the UNDRIP have gained a status of international customary law, and hence with growing relevance to Israeli jurisprudence and to the Bedouins. The chapter ends by addressing the question of indigenous peoples’ rights in Israeli law and how Israeli basic laws should expand to incorporate the legal protection of the Bedouins.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Ahmad Khamim Jazuli

Many regions in Indonesia that have produced and preserved the art of carving, but not all have been registered and protected. Carving, usually protected by copyright. But, Jepara Carved Furniture have gained protection through Geographical Indications Certifiate. In Indonesia there are regulations related to Geographical Indications as a legal protection, but in the study of Islamic law there is no specifi explanation or regulation about geographical indication which may bring the benefi to the community or even bring madhorot, considering the purpose of Islamic law is the welfare of human life both spiritual and material, individual or social.<br /><br />Banyak daerah di Indonesia yang memproduksi dan melestarikan seni ukir, namun tidak semua didaftrkan dan mendapatkan perlindungan. Biasanya seni ukir dilindungi melalui hak cipta. Namun, ternyata Mebel Ukir Jepara telah mendapatkan perlindungan melalui sertifiat Indikasi Geografi. Di Indonesia sudah ada pengaturan terkait Indikasi Geografi sebagai payung hukumnya, namun dalam kajian hukum Islam belum ada penjelasan atau pengaturan yang spesifi mengenai Indikasi Geografi yang mungkin bisa mendatangkan kemaslahatan bagi masyarakat atau malah membawa madhorot, mengingat tujuan dari hukum Islam adalah kemaslahatan hidup manusia baik rohani maupun jasmani, individual atau sosial. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian normatif (library research). Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach). Dalam penelitian ini metode analisis bahan hukum yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Lisa Krisnayanti

Inheritance law is a part of civil law and is part of family law in particular. Inheritance law is closely related to human life, because every human being will experience a legal event, namely death. These legal events will cause legal consequences regarding the continuation of the rights and obligations of a person who has died and also in relation to his family or other people who have rights to their property. The purpose of this research is to know and understand the rights and position of grandchildren in the system of replacing the heirs in Islamic Inheritance Law and Compilation of Islamic Law and to know and understand the legal protection of grandchildren as heirs in the Islamic Inheritance Law and Compilation of Islamic Law. Based on the research, it can be concluded that the position of grandchild as a substitute heir in Islamic inheritance law is not listed in the Al-Quran and Hadith, only recognized through the Ijtihad conducted by the scholars. But in the Islamic Law Compilation the existence of grandchildren is recognized as a substitute for the parents who have died beforehand from the heirs and legal protection against grandchildren as successor heirs through the Compilation of Islamic Law which gives recognition of the position of substitute heirs through confirmation of the existence of heirs substitutes get full legalization where the provisions are not contained in the classic Islamic inheritance law. In addition, most Religious Judges in considering their decisions in terms of inheritance also see the arrangements contained in the Compilation of Islamic Law as a guide.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 244
Bambang Sugeng Ariadi Subagyono ◽  
Ghansham Anand

<p>In public courts, the litigation of civil case is under civil law procedure. This is a legal regulation to maintain material civil laws. The procedural law is also a way to file a particular civil case to civil court and to organize judges’ ways in making judgment toward legal subject. Civil law procedure prevents any vigilante actions that creates public legal order. Judiciaries provide protection for legal subject in preserving their rights and prevent any arbitrary actions. After case investigation process set under procedural law, a court judgment is made to judge and solve case. Legal actions are subsequently conducted to reach fixed legal judgment (inkracht van gewijsde). Some executions for civil cases in Indonesia is suspended since the object is different from reality or non-executable. Furthermore, civil case judgment is sometimes contradictory to criminal cases, although the objects are similar. Either litigant and/or defendant files request to the Supreme Court to have a legal protection or the chairman of district court requests for an instruction from the Supreme Court, may suspend court judgment. Therefore, the implementation of court judgments with legal power is still undeniably problematic. If the execution is suspended or not allowed, it may disadvantage “the justice seekers”; public society. The suspended or non-executable judgment should be immediately addressed on its implementation, instead of its law.</p><p><br />Di pengadilan umum, proses kasus perdata berada dalam prosedur hukum perdata. Ini adalah peraturan hukum untuk mempertahankan hukum sipil material. Undang-Undang prosedural ialah cara mengajukan kasus perdata ke pengadilan sipil dan mengatur cara hakim memutuskan subjek hukum. Prosedur hukum perdata bertujuan mencegah tindakan hakim-sendiri sehingga tercipta tatanan hukum publik. Peradilan memberikan perlindungan bagi subjek hukum dalam melestarikan haknya dan mencegah kesewenang-wenangan. Setelah proses penyelidikan kasus sebagaimana diatur dalam hukum prosedural, putusan pengadilan dibuat untuk menilai dan memecahkan kasus. Tindakan hukum selanjutnya dilakukan hingga mendapat keputusan hukum tetap (inkracht van gewijsde). Beberapa putusan kasus perdata Indonesia ditangguhkan karena objek berbeda dari kenyataan atau tidak dapat dieksekusi. Selanjutnya, putusan kasus perdata terkadang bertentangan dengan kasus pidana, meskipun objeknya sama. Baik penggugat dan/atau terdakwa mengajukan permintaan ke Mahkamah Agung untuk memiliki perlindungan hukum atau ketua dari pengadilan distrik meminta instruksi dari Mahkamah Agung, bisa menangguhkan keputusan pengadilan. Karenanya, pelaksanaan putusan pengadilan dengan kekuatan hukum masih bermasalah. Jika eksekusi ditangguhkan atau tidak diizinkan, tentu dapat merugikan “para pencari keadilan”; masyarakat umum. Putusan yang ditangguhkan atau tidak dapat dieksekusi harus segera ditangani pada pelaksanaannya, bukan hukumnya.</p>

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