Seasonal Occurrence and Abundance of Lepidopterous Pests and Associated Parasitoids on Collards in the Northwestern United States

1992 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-18 ◽  
K. D. Biever ◽  
R. L. Chauvin ◽  
G. L. Reed ◽  
R. C. Wilson

The three key lepidopterous pests of cruciferous crops, Artogeia rapae (L.), Plutella xylostella (L.), and Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) were monitored throughout the growing season at several locations in Washington and Oregon in 1986 and 1987 on collard plants. Populations of these pests differed markedly from location to location and between years. Artogeia rapae was the most abundant, P. xylostella was next in abundance, and T. ni the least abundant and on many dates it was not observed. Seven species of parasitoids were recovered and rates of parasitization varied significantly over time and among locations. Diadegma insulare (Cresson) was the most abundant parasitoid of P. xylostella. It parasitized up to 100% (range 0–100) and accounted for 74–100% of the total parasitization. Cotesia rubecula Marshall was the dominant species attacking A. rapae in Washington (0–50% parasitization) and accounted for 32–100% of the total parasitization. The only parasitoid species recovered from T. ni was Voria ruralis (Fallen) which parasitized from 0–14% of the larvae.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (16) ◽  
pp. 2538
Ethan E. Berman ◽  
Tabitha A. Graves ◽  
Nate L. Mikle ◽  
Jerod A. Merkle ◽  
Aaron N. Johnston ◽  

Vegetation phenology and productivity play a crucial role in surface energy balance, plant and animal distribution, and animal movement and habitat use and can be measured with remote sensing metrics including start of season (SOS), peak instantaneous rate of green-up date (PIRGd), peak of season (POS), end of season (EOS), and integrated vegetation indices. However, for most metrics, we do not yet understand the agreement of remotely sensed data products with near-surface observations. We also need summaries of changes over time, spatial distribution, variability, and consistency in remote sensing dataset metrics for vegetation timing and quality. We compare metrics from 10 leading remote sensing datasets against a network of PhenoCam near-surface cameras throughout the western United States from 2002 to 2014. Most phenology metrics representing a date (SOS, PIRGd, POS, and EOS), rather than a duration (length of spring, length of growing season), better agreed with near-surface metrics but results varied by dataset, metric, and land cover, with absolute value of mean bias ranging from 0.38 (PIRGd) to 37.92 days (EOS). Datasets had higher agreement with PhenoCam metrics in shrublands, grasslands, and deciduous forests than in evergreen forests. Phenology metrics had higher agreement than productivity metrics, aside from a few datasets in deciduous forests. Using two datasets covering the period 1982–2016 that best agreed with PhenoCam metrics, we analyzed changes over time to growing seasons. Both datasets exhibited substantial spatial heterogeneity in the direction of phenology trends. Variability of metrics increased over time in some areas, particularly in the Southwest. Approximately 60% of pixels had consistent trend direction between datasets for SOS, POS, and EOS, with the direction varying by location. In all ecoregions except Mediterranean California, EOS has become later. This study comprehensively compares remote sensing datasets across multiple growing season metrics and discusses considerations for applied users to inform their data choices.

HortScience ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 53 (3) ◽  
pp. 313-317 ◽  
Timothy L. Grey ◽  
Keith Rucker ◽  
Lenny Wells ◽  
Xuelin Luo

Pecan production in the southeastern United States has increased because of the worldwide demand for the nuts of this tree. Information about the effects of the residual herbicides indaziflam and halosulfuron on newly planted pecan trees was evaluated over time for 4 years on sandy loam soils. After winter pecan tree planting, multiple spring or autumn herbicide applications were applied to the same pecan trees in different experiments in consecutive years. Visual injury, height, and caliper diameter measurements were taken up to six times during the growing season. Regression analysis of treatments over time indicated no differences in pecan tree growth for indaziflam at 73 or 146 g a.i./ha or halosulfuron at 35 g a.i./ha applied up to six times in 3 years, or for indaziflam at 37, 73, or 146 g a.i./ha applied up to five times in 3 years, as compared with nontreated controls. This information will benefit growers seeking viable weed control options when establishing new groves to meet the increased worldwide demand for pecan nuts.

2007 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
Horacio Tovar Hernández ◽  
Néstor Bautista Martínez ◽  
Jorge Vera Graziano ◽  
Alma Delia Súarez Vargas ◽  
Samuel Ramírez Alarcón

La fluctuación poblacional y los porcentajes de parasitismo se determinaron para larvas de Copitarsia decolora (Guenée), Plutella xylostella L. y Trichoplusia ni Hübner, asociadas con Brassica oleracea L. en tres variedades, col, coliflor y brócoli, durante abril de 2004 a abril de 2005, en Acatzingo, Puebla, México. Se realizaron muestreos al azar cada 14 días en 10 plantas por variedad; las larvas totales fueron contabilizadas, colectadas y mantenidas en una cámara de cría a 27º C ± 1º C y 75% ± 5% de humedad relativa para el desarrollo de los parasitoides. La población de las plagas fue más abundante durante la formación de la cabeza en col y formación de la pella en brócoli y coliflor. La mayor densidad se observó en col, con valores de 1.3, 12.3 y 2.4 larvas por planta, para C. decolora, P. xylostella y T. ni, respectivamente; sin embargo no se registraron individuos de C. decolora en brócoli. Se identificó a Diadegma insulare Cresson (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), como endoparasitoide solitario de larvas de P. xylostella, y a Voria ruralis Fállen (Diptera: Tachinidae) como endoparasitoide de larvas de T. ni. En promedio, el parasitismo por D. insulare fue 46.78% y por V. ruralis sólo del 0.7%. La densidad poblacional y el parasitismo fueron afectados negativamente por la aplicación de insecticidas en los cultivos de brócoli, col y coliflor.

2007 ◽  
Karen A. Fitzner ◽  
Charlie Bennett ◽  
June McKoy ◽  
Cara Tigue

William W. Franko ◽  
Christopher Witko

The authors conclude the book by recapping their arguments and empirical results, and discussing the possibilities for the “new economic populism” to promote egalitarian economic outcomes in the face of continuing gridlock and the dominance of Washington, DC’s policymaking institutions by business and the wealthy, and a conservative Republican Party. Many states are actually addressing inequality now, and these policies are working. Admittedly, many states also continue to embrace the policies that have contributed to growing inequality, such as tax cuts for the wealthy or attempting to weaken labor unions. But as the public grows more concerned about inequality, the authors argue, policies that help to address these income disparities will become more popular, and policies that exacerbate inequality will become less so. Over time, if history is a guide, more egalitarian policies will spread across the states, and ultimately to the federal government.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
Hosam M. K. H. El-Gepaly

AbstractSorghum panicles offer a very rich microenvironment for many insect pest species and their natural enemies. Thirty arthropod species belonging to 28 families, pertaining to 9 orders were obtained from sorghum panicles planted in Sohag Governorate, Egypt, during the 3 successive seasons of 2016–2018. Out of these species were 14 pests, 16 predators, and 3 parasitoids. Lepidopteran and hemipteran pests were the most dominant species-infested sorghum-panicles during the mature stages of the panicles. Three microlepidopteran pests, the noctuid, Eublemma (Autoba) gayneri (Roth.); the pyralid, Cryptoblabes gnidiella Millière, and the cosmopterigid, Pyroderces simplex Walsingham, were recorded as major pest species infesting sorghum panicles in Sohag Governorate. The dipteran parasitoid species, Nemorilla floralis (Fallen) (Tachinidae) emerged from the pupae of the E. gayneri and C. gnidiella, while the hymenopteran parasitoid, Brachymeria aegyptiaca (Chalcididae) was obtained from the pupae of all the studied microlepidopteran pests. Spiders, coccinellids, and Orius spp. were the dominant predators collected form panicles. Post-harvest, larvae, and pupae of lepidopteran pests, especially P. simplex recorded (147, 96, and 79 larvae) and (47, 30, and 73 pupae)/10 panicles in 2016, 2017, and 2018 seasons, respectively.

2014 ◽  
Vol 35 (4) ◽  
pp. 423-425 ◽  
Edwin C. Pereira ◽  
Kristin M. Shaw ◽  
Paula M. Snippes Vagnone ◽  
Jane E. Harper ◽  
Alexander J. Kallen ◽  

Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) are a growing problem in the United States. We explored the feasibility of active laboratory-based surveillance of CRE in a metropolitan area not previously considered to be an area of CRE endemicity. We provide a framework to address CRE surveillance and to monitor changes in the incidence of CRE infection over time.

Stephen Vesper ◽  
Larry Wymer ◽  
David Cox ◽  
Gary Dewalt ◽  
Eugene Pinzer ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Di Zhu ◽  
Xinyue Ye ◽  
Steven Manson

AbstractWe describe the use of network modeling to capture the shifting spatiotemporal nature of the COVID-19 pandemic. The most common approach to tracking COVID-19 cases over time and space is to examine a series of maps that provide snapshots of the pandemic. A series of snapshots can convey the spatial nature of cases but often rely on subjective interpretation to assess how the pandemic is shifting in severity through time and space. We present a novel application of network optimization to a standard series of snapshots to better reveal how the spatial centres of the pandemic shifted spatially over time in the mainland United States under a mix of interventions. We find a global spatial shifting pattern with stable pandemic centres and both local and long-range interactions. Metrics derived from the daily nature of spatial shifts are introduced to help evaluate the pandemic situation at regional scales. We also highlight the value of reviewing pandemics through local spatial shifts to uncover dynamic relationships among and within regions, such as spillover and concentration among states. This new way of examining the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of network-based spatial shifts offers new story lines in understanding how the pandemic spread in geography.

2020 ◽  
Vol 79 (Suppl 1) ◽  
pp. 156.1-156
E. Yen ◽  
D. Singh ◽  
M. Wu ◽  
R. Singh

Background:Premature mortality is an important way to quantify disease burden. Patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) can die prematurely of disease, however, the premature mortality burden of SSc is unknown. The years of potential life lost (YPLL), in addition to age-standardized mortality rate (ASMR) in younger ages, can be used as measures of premature death.Objectives:To evaluate the premature mortality burden of SSc by calculating: 1) the proportions of SSc deaths as compared to deaths from all other causes (non-SSc) by age groups over time, 2) ASMR for SSc relative to non-SSc-ASMR by age groups over time, and 3) the YPLL for SSc relative to other autoimmune diseases.Methods:This is a population-based study using a national mortality database of all United States residents from 1968 through 2015, with SSc recorded as the underlying cause of death in 46,798 deaths. First, we calculated the proportions of deaths for SSc and non-SSc by age groups for each of 48 years and performed joinpoint regression trend analysis1to estimate annual percent change (APC) and average APC (AAPC) in the proportion of deaths by age. Second, we calculated ASMR for SSc and non-SSc causes and ratio of SSc-ASMR to non-SSc-ASMR by age groups for each of 48 years, and performed joinpoint analysis to estimate APC and AAPC for these measures (SSc-ASMR, non-SSc-ASMR, and SSc-ASMR/non-SSc-ASMR ratio) by age. Third, to calculate YPLL, each decedent’s age at death from a specific disease was subtracted from an arbitrary age limit of 75 years for years 2000 to 2015. The years of life lost were then added together to yield the total YPLL for each of 13 preselected autoimmune diseases.Results:23.4% of all SSc deaths as compared to 13.5% of non-SSc deaths occurred at <45 years age in 1968 (p<0.001, Chi-square test). In this age group, the proportion of annual deaths decreased more for SSc than for non-SSc causes: from 23.4% in 1968 to 5.7% in 2015 at an AAPC of -2.2% (95% CI, -2.4% to -2.0%) for SSc, and from 13.5% to 6.9% at an AAPC of -1.5% (95% CI, -1.9% to -1.1%) for non-SSc. Thus, in 2015, the proportion of SSc and non-SSc deaths at <45 year age was no longer significantly different. Consistently, SSc-ASMR decreased from 1.0 (95% CI, 0.8 to 1.2) in 1968 to 0.4 (95% CI, 0.3 to 0.5) per million persons in 2015, a cumulative decrease of 60% at an AAPC of -1.9% (95% CI, -2.5% to -1.2%) in <45 years old. The ratio of SSc-ASMR to non-SSc-ASMR also decreased in this age group (cumulative -20%, AAPC -0.3%). In <45 years old, the YPLL for SSc was 65.2 thousand years as compared to 43.2 thousand years for rheumatoid arthritis, 18.1 thousand years for dermatomyositis,146.8 thousand years for myocarditis, and 241 thousand years for type 1 diabetes.Conclusion:Mortality at younger ages (<45 years) has decreased at a higher pace for SSc than from all other causes in the United States over a 48-year period. However, SSc accounted for more years of potential life lost than rheumatoid arthritis and dermatomyositis combined. These data warrant further studies on SSc disease burden, which can be used to develop and prioritize public health programs, assess performance of changes in treatment, identify high-risk populations, and set research priorities and funding.References:[1]Yen EY….Singh RR. Ann Int Med 2017;167:777-785.Disclosure of Interests:None declared

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