2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 511
Cristiane Bonfim Fernandez ◽  
Susy Ellen Pacheco da Silva

Este artigo faz uma reflexão sobre o acompanhamento especializado de adolescentes em situação de violência sexual considerando a perspectiva de adolescentes e familiares atendidos no Centro de Referência Especializada em Assistência Social (CREAS) na cidade de Manaus. Trata de uma pesquisa empírica cujos sujeitos são quatro adolescentes e quatro mães atendidas pelo Serviço de Proteção e Atendimento Especializado a Famílias e Indivíduos (PAEFI). Os resultados apontam que o CREAS, como unidade especializada, tem cumprido seu papel no enfrentamento da violência sexual contra adolescentes, garantindo à população usuária o direito de um atendimento qualificado que tem contribuído para o fortalecimento das famílias, a redução e a superação dos impactos da violência sexual na vida de adolescentes e de seus familiares.Palavras-chave: Adolescentes. Violência sexual. Família.SPECIALIZED MONITORING OF ADOLESCENTS IN SITUATION OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE IN THE CITY OF MANAUSAbstractThis paper reflects on the specialized monitoring of adolescents in situations of sexual violence considering the perspective of adolescents and family members attended at the Specialized Reference Center for Social Assistance (CREAS) in the city of Manaus. This is an empirical research whose subjects are four adolescents and four mothers attended by the Protection and Specialized Service to Families and Individuals (PAEFI). The results show that CREAS, as a specialized unit, has fulfilled its role in facing sexual violence against adolescents, guaranteeing the user population the right to a qualified servicethat has contributed to the strengthening of families, reducing and overcoming the impacts of violence in the lives of adolescents and their families.Keywords: Adolescents. Sexual violence. Family.

Keyla Cardoso Tavares ◽  
Késsia Mileny De Paulo Moura

Este trabalho tem como objetivo conhecer as contribuições do pedagogo nos Centros de Referência e Assistência Social (CRAS), na cidade de Imperatriz-MA. Com abordagem qualitativa, a coleta de dados foi realizada em um período correspondente a um mês; desse total de tempo, uma parte foi dedicada à observação da rotina das atividades realizadas no CRAS e a outra às entrevistas com os pedagogos que atuam nas unidades, para saber como trabalham e quais são as contribuições desses profissionais para os CRAS. Com base na observação e na análise dos dados, foi possível perceber que os pedagogos participam da equipe técnica, que é responsável pelo acompanhamento das famílias cadastradas no CRAS, de palestras, do atendimento dos grupos e do Serviço de Convivência e Fortalecimento de Vínculos, além de realizar o planejamento das atividades e dos projetos que serão executados pela unidade, com os outros profissionais que compõem a equipe do CRAS.Palavras-chave: Pedagogos; Assistência Social; Direitos; Planejamento.OTHER SPACES, NEW KNOWLEDGE: the pedagogue of operations in Reference Center and Social Assistance – CRAS at Imperatriz-MAABSTRACTThis study aimed to know the teacher's contributions in the Reference Centers and Social Assistance in the city of Imperatriz-MA. With a qualitative approach to data collection was carried out in a period of one month of the total time two weeks were devoted to observing the routine of activities at CRAS and the other two weeks to interviews with teachers working in units to find out how they work and what are the contributions of these professionals to the CRAS. Based on observation and analysis of the data, it was observed that the teachers participating in the technical team that is responsible for monitoring the families enrolled in CRAS, lectures, attendance groups and Living Services and Strengthening Linkages, and carry out the planning of activities and projects to be executed by the unit along with the other professionals who make up the CRAS team. Keywords: pedagogues, social welfare, rights, planning.Keywords: Pedagogues; Social Welfare; Rights; Planning. OTROS ESPACIOS, LOS NUEVOS CONOCIMIENTOS: el papel del pedagogo en el Centro de Referencia y Asistencia Social – CRAS, en Imperatriz-MARESUMENEste estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer la contribución del pedagogo en los Centros de Referencia y Asistencia Social en la ciudad de Imperatriz-MA. Con un enfoque cualitativo para la recolección de datos se llevó a cabo en un período de un mes del tiempo total de dos semanas se dedicaron a observar la rutina de actividades en CRAS y las otras dos semanas para las entrevistas con los maestros que trabajan en unidades para averiguar cómo funcionan y cuáles son las contribuciones de estos profesionales al CRAS. Con base en la observación y análisis de los datos, se observó que los profesores participantes en el equipo técnico que se encarga de supervisar las familias inscritas en el CRAS, conferencias, los grupos de servicio y la convivencia y conexiones para fortalecer Servicio, y llevar a cabo la planificación de las actividades y proyectos a ser ejecutados por la unidad junto con los otros profesionales que conforman el equipo de CRAS.Palabras clave: Pedagogos; El Bienestar Social; Los Derechos; La Planificación.

2016 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-182 ◽  
Jeffrey R. Masuda ◽  
Sonia Bookman

In this article we seek to encourage geographers to consider the discursive dimensions of urbanization as a locus for activist inquiry into the right to the city. Drawing from literatures on urban branding and critical toponymy, we implicate the entrepreneurial phenomenon of neighbourhood branding as a primary enabler of urban gentrification and dispossession. Placing the discursive elision of local history, identity, and aspirations into dialectical relation to material infringements upon inhabitants’ collective rights, we suggest how both branding and activist counter-branding tactics may be fruitful sites for future empirical research on the right to the city.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 4
Liya Suwarni

Background. Cases of sexual violence increase every year, victims ranging from adolescents, children to toddlers. Based on data from the Indonesian Child Protection Commission, abuse and violence against children in Indonesia in 2013 were 23 cases, in 2014 there were 53 cases, in 2015 there were 133 cases, 2017 reached 1,337 cases, and as of July 2018 there were 424 cases. Purpose. Knowing the factors that influence the law enforcement process of sexy violence cases in Semarang City. Method This study uses descriptive analytical methods for cases of violence against children, based on medical record data in hospitals, documents in Mapolrestabes, the District Attorney's Office and the Semarang City Court for the period of January 2015 to December 2018. Results. Based on research results obtained 213 experimental cases section from medical record data in hospitals in the city of Semarang. Most cases of child abuse occurred in 2018 with 72 cases. Most victims are 12-14 years old age group, female. Most types of cases are cases of intercourse. The majority of violations are persons known as victims, perpetrators not working, and most of the places of occurrence are in the defendant's house. At the time of prosecution and trial, the number of cases was significantly reduced to only 8 cases. Factors related to this include lack of evidence, difficulty in obtaining information from victims, convoluted statements of coverage, lack of election, and obtaining diversion rates. Conclusion Cases of sexual violence have increased from year to year. The process of law enforcement on this problem still has many difficulties in each manufacturing process which is still difficult to overcome.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 273-287

The article examines the impact of the discourses concerning idleness and food on the formation of “production art” in the socio-political context of revolutionary Petrograd. The author argues that the development of the theory and practice of this early productionism was closely related to the larger political, social and ideological processes in the city. The Futurists, who were in the epicenter of Petrograd politics during the Civil War (1918–1921), were well acquainted with both of the discourses mentioned, and they contrasted the idleness of the old art with the dedicated labor of the “artist-proletarians” whom they valued as highly as people in the “traditional” working professions. And the search for the “right to exist” became the most important goal in a starving city dominated by the ideology of radical communism. The author departs from the prevailing approach in the literature, which links the artistic thought of the Futurists to Soviet ideology in its abstract, generalized form, and instead elucidates ideological influences in order to consider the early production texts in their immediate social and political contexts. The article shows that the basic concepts of production art (“artist-proletarian,” “creative labor,” etc.) were part of the mainstream trends in the politics of “red Petrograd.” The Futurists borrowed the popular notion of the “commune” for the title of their main newspaper but also worked with the Committees of the Rural Poor and with the state institutions for procurement and distribution. They took an active part in the Fine Art Department of Narkompros (People’s Commissariat of Education). The theory of production art was created under these conditions. The individualistic protest and “aesthetic terror” of pre-revolutionary Futurism had to be reconsidered, and new state policy measures were based on them. The harsh socio-economic context of war communism prompted artists to rethink their own role in the “impending commune.” Further development of these ideas led to the Constructivist movement and strongly influenced the extremely diverse trends within the “left art” of the 1920s.

GEOgraphia ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 7 (14) ◽  
Márcio Piñon de Oliveira

A utopia do direito à cidade,  no  caso específico do Rio de Janeiro, começa, obrigatoriamente, pela  superação da visão dicotômica favela-cidade. Para isso, é preciso que os moradores da favela possam sentir-se tão cidadãos quanto os que têm moradias fora das favelas. A utopia do direito à cidade tem de levar a favela a própria utopia da cidade. Uma cidade que não se fragmente em oposições asfalto-favela, norte-sul, praia-subúrbio e onde todos tenham direito ao(s) seu(s) centro(s). Oposições que expressam muito mais do que diferenças de  localização e que  se apresentam recheadas de  segregação, estereótipos e  ideologias. Por outro  lado, o direito a cidade, como possibilidade histórica, não pode ser pensado exclusivamente a partir da  favela. Mas as populações  que aí habitam guardam uma contribuição inestimável para  a  construção prática  desse direito. Isso porque,  das  experiências vividas, emergem aprendizados e frutificam esperanças e soluções. Para que a favela seja pólo de um desejo que impulsione a busca do direito a cidade, é necessário que ela  se  pense como  parte da história da própria cidade  e sua transformação  em metrópole.Abstract The right  to the city's  utopy  specifically  in Rio de Janeiro, begins by surpassing  the dichotomy approach between favela and the city. For this purpose, it is necessary, for the favela dwellers, the feeling of citizens as well as those with home outside the favelas. The right to the city's utopy must bring to the favela  the utopy to the city in itself- a non-fragmented city in terms of oppositions like "asphalt"-favela, north-south, beach-suburb and where everybody has right to their center(s). These oppositions express much more the differences of location and present  themselves full of segregation, stereotypes and ideologies. On  the other  hand, the right to  the city, as historical possibility, can not be thought  just from the favela. People that live there have a contribution for a practical construction of this right. 

Alison Brysk

In Chapter 7, we profile the global pattern of sexual violence. We will consider conflict rape and transitional justice response in Peru and Colombia, along with the plight of women displaced by conflict from Syria and Central America, and limited international policy response. State-sponsored sexual violence and popular resistance to reclaim public space will be chronicled in Egypt as well as Mexico. We will track intensifying public sexual assault amid social crisis in Turkey, South Africa, and India, which has been met by a wide range of public protest, legal reform, and policy change. For a contrasting experience of the privatization of sexual assault in developed democracies, we will trace campus, workplace, and military rape in the United States.

Joshua May

This chapter introduces the long-standing idea that inappropriate motives, such as self-interest, can militate against virtuous motivation (acting for the right reasons). Some theorists have tried to show that we are universally egoistic by appeal to empirical research, particularly evolutionary theory, moral development, and the neuroscience of learning. However, these efforts fail and instead decades of experiments on helping behavior provide powerful evidence that we are capable of genuine altruism. We can be motivated ultimately by a concern for others for their own sake, especially when empathizing with them. The evidence does not show that empathy blurs the distinction between self and other in a way that makes helping behavior truly egoistic or non-altruistic. Whether grounded in Christian love (agape) or the Buddhist notion of no-self (anātman), such self-other merging proposals run into empirical and conceptual difficulties.

This report commences with a description of the iron steam-vessel, the “Garryowen,” belonging to the City of Dublin Steam Packet Company, and built by the Messrs. Laird, of Liverpool. She is constructed of malleable iron, is 281 tons burthen, and draws only 5 1/4 feet water, although the weight of iron in the hull, machinery, &c. is 180 tons. This vessel was placed under the directions of the author, in Tarbert Bay, on the Shannon, on the 19th of October, 1835, for the purpose of investigating its local attractions on the compass. The methods which were adopted with that view are given ; together with tables of the results of the several experiments, and plans of the various parts of the Garryowen. The horizontal deflections of the magnetic needle at different situations in the vessel were observed, for the purpose of ascertaining the most advantageous place for a steering compass, and also for the application of Professor Barlow’s correcting plate : and the dip and intensity in these situations were, at the same time, noted.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-20
Benjamin Hegarty

The regulation of public space is generative of new approaches to gender nonconformity. In 1968 in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, a group of people who identified as wadam—a new term made by combining parts of Indonesian words denoting “femininity” and “masculinity”—made a claim to the city's governor that they had the right to appear in public space. This article illustrates the paradoxical achievement of obtaining recognition on terms constituted through public nuisance regulations governing access to and movement through space. The origins and diffuse effects of recognition achieved by those who identified as wadam and, a decade later, waria facilitated the partial recognition of a status that was legal but nonconforming. This possibility emerged out of city-level innovations and historical conceptualizations of the body in Indonesia. Attending to the way that gender nonconformity was folded into existing methods of codifying space at the scale of the city reflects a broader anxiety over who can enter public space and on what basis. Considering a concern for struggles to contend with nonconformity on spatial grounds at the level of the city encourages an alternative perspective on the emergence of gender and sexual morality as a definitive feature of national belonging in Indonesia and elsewhere.

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