scholarly journals DESAFIOS DA CONVIVÊNCIA COM O SEMIÁRIDO: abordagem à luz da configuração econômica e socioespacial do município de Esperança – PB

João Paulo Gomes de Vasconcelos Aragão ◽  
Joel Santos Pereira Nobre

CHALLENGES OF COEXISTENCE WITH THE SEMI ARID: approach to the light of the economic and socioespacial configuration of the municipality of Esperança – PBDESAFÍOS DE LA CONVIVENCIA CON EL SEMIÁRIDO: enfoque a la luz de la configuración económica y socialespacial del municipio de Esperança – PBA convivência equilibrada com a natureza continua sendo um dos grandes desafios da sociedade contemporânea. Um exemplo disto ocorre no município paraibano de Esperança, no qual populações vivem em relação com a natureza do semiárido. A finalidade deste estudo foi analisar a configuração econômica e socioespacial, além dos desafios da convivência com o semiárido no município. O método utilizado foi inspirado em alguns princípios clássicos da Geografia, enquanto ciência social e historicamente estabelecida. Este método foi denominado de “DCACI”, resultado das letras iniciais dos cinco princípios geográficos trabalhados neste estudo enquanto etapas: 1. Delimitação, 2. Caracterização, 3. Analogia, 4. Conexidade e 5. Indicação. Os resultados obtidos indicam que, mesmo situado em uma área de transição entre clima úmido e semiárido, o município de Esperança não dispõem de condições técnicas suficientes para garantir de forma satisfatória uma convivência equilibrada com o semiárido. Apesar de ações isoladas, como as realizadas pelo Sindicato de Trabalhadores Rurais e Agricultores Familiares, que constituem avanços, vê-se no conjunto das dimenões socioespacial e ambiental do município, a contradição econômica social típica das políticas setorializadas as quais não têm priorizado a convivência sustentável com o semiárido.Palavras-chave: Convivência; Sociedade; Natureza; Semiárido; Esperança/PB.ABSTRACTBalanced coexistence with nature continues to be one of the great challenges of contemporary society. An example of this occurs in the Paraiba municipality of Esperança, in which populations live in relation to the nature of the semiarid. The purpose of this study was to analyze the economic and socio-spatial configuration, as well as the challenges of living with the semi-arid region in the municipality. The method used was inspired by some classical principles of Geography as a social science and historically established This method was called "DCACI", a result of the initial letters of the five geographical principles worked in this study as steps: 1. Delimitation, 2. Characterization, 3. Analogy, 4. Connectivity and 5. Indication. The results indicate that, although located in a transition area between humid and semi-arid climate, the municipality of Esperança does not have enough technical conditions to guarantee a satisfactory way of living a balanced life with the semi-arid region. In spite of isolated actions, such as those carried out by the Union of Rural Workers and Family Farmers, which constitute advances, the socio-spatial and environmental dimensions of the municipality show the social economic contradiction typical of sectoral policies, which have not prioritized sustainable coexistence with the semi arid.Keywords: Coexistence; Society; Nature; Semiarid; Esperança/PB.RESUMENLa convivencia equilibrada con la naturaleza sigue siendo uno de los grandes desafíos de la sociedad contemporánea. Un ejemplo de ello, ocurre en el municipio paraibano de Esperança, en el que poblaciones viven en relación con la naturaleza del semiárido. La finalidad de este estudio fue analizar la configuración económica y socioespacial, además de los desafíos de la convivencia con el semiárido en el municipio. El método utilizado fue inspirado en algunos principios clásicos de la Geografía, como ciencia social e históricamente establecida. Este método fue denominado "DCACI", resultado de las letras iniciales de los cinco principios geográficos trabajados en este estudio como etapas: 1. Delimitación, 2. Caracterización, 3. Analogía, 4. Conexiones y 5. Indicación. Los resultados obtenidos indican que, incluso en un área de transición entre clima húmedo y semiárido, el municipio de Esperança no dispone de condiciones técnicas suficientes para garantizar de forma satisfactoria una convivencia equilibrada con el semiárido. A pesar de acciones aisladas, como las realizadas por el Sindicato de Trabajadores Rurales y Agricultores Familiares, que constituyen avances, se ve en el conjunto de las dimensiones socioespacial y ambiental del municipio, la contradicción económica social típica de las políticas sectorializadas que no han priorizado la convivencia sostenible con el semiárido.Palabras clave: Convivencia; Sociedad; Naturaleza; Semiárido; Esperança/PB.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 211-225
Patrícia Mesquita ◽  
Ricardo Theophilo Folhes ◽  
Louise Cavalcante ◽  
Luciana Vieira de Novais Rodrigues ◽  
Beatriz Abreu Santos ◽  

For some years, Brazil established itself as a leader in strategies of strategies and programs aimed at reducing the social vulnerability of the most vulnerable populations. In this context, the Program for the Promotion of Rural Productive Activities (Fomento Program), created in 2011, had as one of the main objectives to stimulate the generation of work and income, and promote food and nutritional security for rural, indigenous, traditional and settled populations of agrarian reform. In the Northeast, and more specifically in the Semi-arid region, the relevance of this Program stands out even more concerning climate projections, which indicates that such areas will suffer from more extreme drought in the face of climate change, affecting populations dependent on climate-sensitive activities. Therefore, given the diversity of impacts of the Fomento Program reported in the literature, this article sought to present results on the perception of the Program's impacts from 24 family farmers, interviewed through qualitative research in four municipalities in the state of Bahia in 2017. In addition to the socio-productive aspects, the research sought to understand the Program's impacts in the context of climate change. The results point to a positive perception mainly related to changes in production and technical assistance based on the Paradigm of Co-existence with the Semi-arid Region.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 231
Deise Cristiane do Nascimento ◽  
Maria Herbênia Lima Cruz Santos

The article aims to characterize the transformations that have occurred in family agriculture by examining the social, economic and political aspects in the semi-arid region of Bahia. It has as its central axis the statement that the rural world remains an important category for the analysis of relations among social classes. For this purpose, a bibliographic review was carried out on the subject, as well as the legal frameworks that legitimize the insertion of family agriculture. This study opted for the adoption of the dialectical materialism method, since the semi-arid region is part of a set that materializes in social, economic and political relations, influencing and receiving influence from the environment. Moreover, based on data from the 2017 Agricultural Census, a quantitative analysis was made by comparing establishments belonging to the family and non-family agriculture categories. Finally, it is believed that this study may contribute to understanding the characteristics of family agriculture and encourage seeking actions and public policies that consider the peculiarities of the farmers' way of life.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (7) ◽  
pp. 89
Maria do Socorro SILVA

Este artigo tem como finalidade relatar e refletir sobre a vivencia do Pibid Diversidade Tecendo saberes e práticas no aprender docente do campo: olhares, diálogos e interações do curso de Licenciatura em Educação do Campo do Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Semiárido/UFCG, que se desenvolveu de março de 2014 a março de 2018, colocou-se como uma iniciativa afirmativa e na perspectiva do fortalecimento da iniciação a docência dos/as Licenciandos/as em Educação do Campo, numa perspectiva de dialogo entre o ensino, a pesquisa e a extensão nas Escolas de Educação Básica do Campo do Cariri Paraibano, tendo como eixo estruturante a docência multidisciplinar no processo formativo, o contexto do semiárido e o diálogo interinstitucional entre Universidade, Escolas e Secretarias de Educação. Refletir sobre a vivência do Pibid Diversidade leva necessariamente a discutir sobre a Licenciatura em Educação do Campo, e como este programa potencializou as concepções e estratégias deste Curso na UFCG, inclusive  numa perspectiva de construção de comunidades de aprendizagem que envolvesse professores/as das escolas e formadores/as da Universidade, para propiciar uma iniciação a docência processual, sistemática e contextualizada na realidade dos sujeitos sociais a quem se destina o profissional da Educação do Campo. Pibid Diversidade. Iniciação a Docência. Licenciatura em Educação do Campo. Weaving knowledge and practices about teacher learning on countrified: perspectives, dialogues and interactions of the Pibid Diversidade Abstract This article aims to report and reflect on the Pibid Diversidade (Institutional Scholarship Initiative Program for Diversity) experience weaving knowledge and practices about teacher learning on countrified: perspectives, dialogues and interactions of the Countrified Education Undergraduate Course from the Center for Sustainable Development of the Semiarid/UFCG, which happened from March 2014 to March 2018, was put forward as an affirmative initiative and with a perspective to strengthening the teaching Licensors initiation in Countrified Education, in a perspective of dialogue between teaching, research and extension in the Basic Countrified Education Schools of the ‘Cariri Paraibano’ (region located in the south of the Brazilian State Paraíba), having as its structuring axis the multidisciplinary teaching in the formative process, the brazilian semi-arid region context and the interinstitutional dialogue between University, Schools and Education Secretariats. Reflecting on the experience of Pibid Diversidade necessarily leads to a discussion about the Degree in Countrified Education, and how this program potentiated the conceptions and strategies of this Course in the UFCG, including on a learning building communities perspective that involved teachers from schools and University trainers, to provide an introduction to procedural, systematic and contextualized teaching in the social subjects reality to which the Countrified Education professional is intended. Pibid Diversidade. Teaching Initiation. Countrified Education Degree. 

Suzanne Érica Nóbrega Correia ◽  
Verônica Macário de Oliveira ◽  
Carla Regina Pasa Goméz

To discuss the role of the organizational actor in the process of social transformation in territories as a promoter of social gains and responses is what this chapter is all about. The discussion was carried out through theoretical landmarks on social innovation, and an empirical study in the articulation of the semi-arid (SAA) organization, which is aimed at creating conditions for coexistence with the most arid region of Brazil. Results show that the organizational actor plays the roles of enhancing the society capacity to act, to create new roles and relationships with the other actors, and to promote access to resources, thus enabling family farmers to better meet their own needs. It is concluded that the social innovation initiative studied is characterized by its dissemination in sync with specific actions articulated in a network and adapted to the contexts, with the organizational actor as the pivot and representative of the paradigmatic transition.

Irriga ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-25
Antenor De Oliveira Aguiar ◽  
Denize Dos Santos ◽  
Flávia Dantas Moreira

CAMINHOS DA GESTÃO DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS: O CASO DA SUB-BACIA HIDROGRÁFICA DO RIACHO JACARÉ, BAIXO SÃO FRANCISCO SERGIPANO  Antenor de Oliveira Aguiar Netto ; Denize dos Santos; Flávia Dantas MoreiraDepartamento de Engenharia Agronômica, Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Cidade Universitária “Prof. José Aloísio de Campos”,  São Cristóvão, SE  [email protected]  1 RESUMO A gestão dos recursos hídricos se insere no contexto das novas práticas para com os recursos naturais cuja realidade é antecedida por estudos que apontem e demonstrem as formas de apropriação e os níveis de suporte da relação homem-ambiente. Assim, pretende-se indicar as diretrizes para a gestão dos recursos hídricos da sub-bacia hidrográfica do riacho Jacaré, através do diagnóstico da hidrografia e do subsistema das vertentes. Esta unidade de planejamento compõe a bacia hidrográfica do rio São Francisco, e está localizada na região semi-árida sergipana. O enfoque metodológico deste estudo está baseado na Teoria Geral de Sistemas, adaptado para uma metodologia de zoneamento e gestão de bacia hidrográfica. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o sistema hidrológico da bacia do riacho Jacaré pode ser caracterizado como sendo uma área de transição, cuja amplitude altimétrica demonstra a intensidade com que ocorre a declividade na sub-bacia explicando, assim, a força com que alguns processos ocorrem na mesma. A sub-bacia hidrográfica do riacho Jacaré apresenta-se com grandes impactos ambientais em virtude do descaso da sociedade, que lança os dejetos domésticos nos corpos hídricos, além do lixo que é jogado nas proximidades e nas margens dos riachos, bem como ao ar livre. UNITERMOS: semi-árido, impactos ambientais.  AGUIAR NETTO, A. de O.; SANTOS, D. dos; MOREIRA, F. D. MANAGEMENT WAYS FOR HYDRIC RESOURCES: THE CASE OF HYDROGRAPHIC SUB-BASIN OF JACARÉ STREAM, LOWER SÃO FRANCISCO RIVER , IN SERGIPE STATE, BRAZIL  2 ABSTRACT The management of hydric resources is part of the new practices with natural resources and is anticipated by studies that point out and demonstrate the appropriate ways and support levels in man-environment relationship. Thus,  the aim of this study is to  indicate the management parameters of hydric resources in Jacaré sub-basin through hydrographic analysis and sub-system slop evaluation. This planning unit belongs to  the São Francisco hydrographic basin and is located in the semi-arid region of SergipeState. The methodological emphasis of this study is based on the General Theory of Systems adapted to zoning methodology and management of hydrographic basin. The obtained results indicate that the hydrological system of Jacaré basin is considered  a transition area, whose altimetric amplitude demonstrates the intensity in which the declivity occurs in the  sub-basin,  explaining the force in  some processes in that basin. The Jacaré hydrographic basin presents high environment impacts due to the society negligence when domestic sewer is thrown in hydric bodies, besides garbage dumping around and near the  river .KEY WORDS: semi-arid, environmental impacts.

Takoua Ben Hlel ◽  
Feten Belhadj ◽  
Fatih Gül ◽  
Muhammed Altun ◽  
Ayşe Şahin Yağlıoğlu ◽  

Background:: Luffa cylindrica is a plant that is widely distributed in Africa and Asia and it can be grown in regions with tropical or subtropical climates. Few patents dealt with Loofah biological properties, including some functional foods formulated from its leaves. Objective:: This study aimed to structurally and functionally characterize the bioactive compounds of L. cylindrica leaves grown in two different environments. Methods:: The extracts of L. cylindrica leaves collected from two Tunisian locations: Essouasi (LE), a semi-arid region and Medenine (LM) an arid region, were investigated for their phenolic compounds and fatty acids using HPLC/TOF-MS and GCMS techniques respectively. Furthermore, the antioxidant capacity was evaluated with DPPH, Chelating effect, Hydroxyl radical and Superoxide anion scavenging activities while the anticancer activity against HeLa cell lines was assessed using xCELLigence real time cell analyzer and lactate dehydrogenase cytotoxicity assay. Results:: The antiproliferative capacity of both extracts was time and dose-dependent with LE presenting the lowest HeLa cell index (CI = 0.035 ± 0.018, 250 μg/ml). LE also showed the best cytotoxic capacity (56.49 ± 0.8%) and antioxidant potential (IC50 = 54.41 ± 1.12 μg/ml for DPPH and 12.12 ± 0.07 μg/ml for chelating effet). 14 phenolic compounds were detected in LE with ferulic acid being the major compound (5128.5 ± 4.09 μg Phenols/g) while LM had only 6 phenolics. GCMS analysis showed the presence of omega-3 fatty acids in LE. Conclusions:: Our findings suggest that L. cylindrica leaves, especially when collected from semi-arid regions, are promising for formulating nutraceuticals of interest.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 ◽  
pp. e00367
Patrick Filippi ◽  
Stephen R. Cattle ◽  
Matthew J. Pringle ◽  
Thomas F.A. Bishop

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