FRONTEIRAS DINá‚MICAS: propriedade de terra e trabalho indá­gena nos sertões fluminenses (1800-1810)

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (23) ◽  
pp. 221-239

O presente artigo reflete sobre o processo de ocupação colonial do Rio de Janeiro na passagem do século XVIII para o século XIX, com um olhar especá­fico sobre a construção de aldeamentos indá­genas como estratégia para conquista de terra e controle da mão de obra dos grupos nativos. Para tanto, propõe-se uma revisão do conceito de fronteira e suas aplicações em estudos sobre a expansão territorial realizada nos processos colonizadores.  Palavra-chave:  Fronteiras. Propriedades. Aldeamento.DYNAMIC FRONTIERS: property of land and indigenous labor in the Rio de Janeiro lands (1800-1810)Abstract: This article reflects on the process of colonial occupation of Rio de Janeiro during the transition from the 18th century to the nineteenth century, with a look specifically on the construction of  indigenous villages as a strategy for conquest of land and control of labor of indigenous groups. To this end,  it proposes a revision of the concept of the frontier and its applications in studies on the territorial expansion undertaken in cases colonizers.Keyword:  Borders. Properties. Holiday.FRONTERAS DINáMICAS: propiedad de tierra y trabajo indá­gena en los sertones de Rá­o de Janeiro (1800-1810)  Resumen: El presente artá­culo reflexiona sobre el proceso de ocupación colonial de Rá­o de Janeiro en el pasaje del siglo XVIII hacia el siglo XIX, con una mirada especá­fica sobre la construcción de aldeanos indá­genas como estrategia para conquista de tierra y control de la mano de obra de los grupos nativos. Para ello, se propone una revisión del concepto de frontera y sus aplicaciones en estudios sobre la expansión territorial realizada en los procesos colonizadores.Palabras clave:  Fronteras. Propiedad. Aldeas indá­genas.    

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 69-88 ◽  

 A palavra progresso teve o seu campo semá¢ntico redimensionado ao longo do perá­odo da passagem da Monarquia á  República. Durante o perá­odo imperial, o valor maior a ser cultivado pela elite polá­tica brasileira era a ideia de construção de uma nação civilizada. A noção de progresso ainda se tornara autônoma á  ideia de civilização, e não se encontrava centrada na ideia de desenvolvimento material. Com o advento da República e de uma série de transformações presentes no Brasil e no Rio de Janeiro de fins do século XIX, a ideia de progresso ganha autonomia, passa a se encontrar cada vez mais centrada na perspectiva de modernização e de desenvolvimento material da sociedade brasileira e carioca.Palavras-chave: Progresso. Civilização. Rio de Janeiro. Monarquia. República.THE NOTIONS OF PROGRESS OF THE EMPIRE TO THE REPUBLIC:  recondit transformations in the same terminologyAbstract: The word progress had its semantic field changed through the period of transition from monarchy to republic. During the imperial period, the highest value to be cultivated by the Brazilian political elite was the idea of building a civilized nation. The notion of progress yet become autonomous to the idea of civilization, and was not focused on idea of material development. With the arrival of the Republic and a number of changes present in Brazil and in Rio de Janeiro in the late nineteenth century, the idea of progress become independent, and proceeds to find increasingly focused on the modernization perspective, and material development of Brazilian and carioca society.Keywords: Progress. Civilization. Rio de Janeiro. Monarchy. Republic.LOS CONCEPTOS DE PROGRESO DEL IMPERIO A LA REPÚBLICA:  transformaciones recónditas en la misma terminologá­aResumen: La palabra progreso tuvo su campo semántico cambiado a lo largo del perá­odo del pasaje de la Monarquá­a a la República. Durante el perá­odo imperial, el mayor valor a ser cultivado por la élite polá­tica brasileña era la idea de construcción una nación civilizada. La noción de progreso todavá­a se ha hecho autónoma a la idea de civilización, y no se centraba en la idea de desarrollo material. Con el advenimiento de la República y de una serie de cambios presentes en Brasil y en Rá­o de Janeiro en finales del siglo XIX, la idea de progreso obtiene autonomá­a y pasa a encontrarse cada vez más centrada en la perspectiva de modernización y de desarrollo material de la sociedad brasileña y carioca.Palabras clave: Progresso. Civilización. Rá­o de Janeiro. Monarquá­a. República.  

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
Marinéa Da Silva Figueira Rodrigues ◽  
Antonio Carlos de Miranda

RESUMOO objetivo central deste estudo é analisar o processo histórico do saneamento na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, no final do século XIX, principalmente, nas suas três últimas décadas, com enfoque nos aspectos socioambientais,a partir de fontes acadêmicas contemporâneas e primárias. Acreditamos que através desta perspectiva histórica seja possível discutir, também, de forma atual, os diversos temas interdisciplinares principalmente em educação ambiental. A cidade do Rio de Janeiro, nas últimas décadas do século XIX, passa por graves problemas de habitação, sobretudo com o crescimento populacional,acentuou-se ainda mais o esgotamento de grande parte dos mananciais que abasteciam a cidade. Esse cenário potencializa as doenças epidêmicas e, em contrapartida,cria-seuma medicina urbana. Assim, forma-se um saber ‘médico-administrativo’ que visava a ‘higienização’ da cidade e o seu ‘embelezamento’. O modelo são as cidades europeias, com a ‘limpeza e o arejamento do ar’ e, principalmente, com o afastamento da população pobre do centro da cidade. Assim, fundam-se as bases para a normatização e para o controle da sociedade. Palavras-chave: saneamento; educação ambiental; socioambiental; história ambientalABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to investigate the historical process ofsanitation improvement in the city of Rio de Janeiro, in the late nineteenth century, mainly in its last three decades, with a focus on socialenvironmental aspects, from contemporary and primary academic sources. We believe that through this historical perspective it is possible to discussal so the current form, the various interdisciplinary themes in the environmental education.Rio de Janeiro city, in the last decades of the nineteenth century, undergoes severe housing problems, especially with population growth, deepened further depletion of most fountains that supplied the city. This scenario is seasonable toepidemic diseases and, on the other hand,an urban medicine is created. Thus, they form a knowledge 'medical-administrative' aimed at 'cleaning' of the city and its 'embellishment'. The modelsareEuropean cities, with the 'cleaning and aeration of the air', and especially with the removal of the poor from the city center. Therefore, the basis for the regulation and control of society are founded.Key words: sanitation, environmental education, socio environmental; environmental history

María Baudot Monroy

La implantación de las reformas administrativas para controlar y rentabilizar el Imperio, promovidas por la Corona española para las Filipinas durante el siglo XVIII, se realizó con muchas dificultades y retrasos, debido a le férrea oposición de la oligarquía manilense a perder privilegios, el control de las instituciones y la gestión del Galeón de Manila, principal fuente de ingresos de la colonia. Este trabajo trata sobre la construcción de la Real Armada en Filipinas, cuya implantación y desarrollo no fue posible hasta que se encomendó a marinos del Cuerpo General de la Armada a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII. El esfuerzo de estos hombres sentó las bases para que la Armada contribuyera a la conservación de las Filipinas durante el siglo XIX.mada contribuyera a la conservación de las Filipinas durante el siglo XIX.     AbstractThe implementation of administrative reforms to control and make profitable the Empire, promoted by the Spanish Crown in the Philippines, were carried out with many difficulties and delays due to the strong opposition of the Manila oligarchy who were afraid to lose their privileges and control of the institutions. Especially that of the Manila Galleon, the main source of income for the colony. These article deals with the construction of the Royal Navy, whose implantation and development was not possible until it was entrusted to officers of the Navy from the second half of the 18th century. The effort of these men laid the foundations for the Navy to contribute to the conservation of the Philippines during the 19th century.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Renato Moreira Varoni de Castro

This article discusses methodological strategies for dealing with historical sources in (ethno)musicology research. I name this approach “technologies of musical knowledge” and besides a review of the importance of technologies for the development of (ethno)musicology, I support my perspective through visual examples from my own investigation about the violas in nineteenth century Rio de Janeiro. I argue that despite the myriad of sources available, including iconographic representation (drawings and paintings), travelogues, chronicle and fictional literature, musical scores and tutors; their ethnographic information can only emerge out of a process of interpretation that involves a full assessment of the representational medium in which the data is presented. In other words, I defend that a thorough analysis and interpretation of musical documents depends on the awareness of the technological enablements and constraints in which the historical representations are inscribed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-185
Jesse Aberbach

This article considers how the children's books written by two nineteenth-century female writers, Eliza Tabor and Mary Martha Sherwood, when they accompanied their husbands to India, enabled them to navigate this new environment and their position as respectable middle-class women while revealing how India was deemed a place where British childhood was impossible. Just as many women took up botanical study to legitimise their ‘otherwise transgressive presence in imperial spaces’ (McEwan 219), writing for children enabled others to engage with the masculine world of travelling and earning money without compromising their femininity. Addressing their work to children also seems to have helped both writers to deal with the absence of their own children: the Indian climate made it impossibly challenging for most British infants and children. In this way their writing gives expression to what might be termed a crisis of imperial motherhood. Underlying the texts is an anxiety relating to British settlement and an attempt to comprehend and control a place that threatened their maternal roles.

2019 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 327-351
Omar Velasco Herrera

Durante la primera mitad del siglo xix, las necesidades presupuestales del erario mexicano obligaron al gobierno a recurrir al endeudamiento y al arrendamiento de algunas de las casas de moneda más importantes del país. Este artículo examina las condiciones políticas y económicas que hicieron posible el relevo del capital británico por el estadounidense—en estricto sentido, californiano—como arrendatario de la Casa de Moneda de México en 1857. Asimismo, explora el desarrollo empresarial de Juan Temple para explicar la coyuntura política que hizo posible su llegada, y la de sus descendientes, a la administración de la ceca de la capital mexicana. During the first half of the nineteenth century, the budgetary needs of the Mexican treasury forced the government to resort to borrowing and leasing some of the most important mints in the country. This article examines the political and economic conditions that allowed for the replacement of British capital by United States capital—specifically, Californian—as the lessee of the Mexican National Mint in 1857. It also explores the development of Juan Temple’s entrepreneurship to explain the political circumstances that facilitated his admission, and that of his descendants, into the administration of the National Mint in Mexico City.

2017 ◽  
Vol 62 (S25) ◽  
pp. 45-73 ◽  
Henrique Espada Lima ◽  
Fabiane Popinigis

AbstractThis article focuses on the lives of workers in small commerce and in domestic service in nineteenth-century Rio de Janeiro. It seeks to understand both what united and what differentiated maids (criadas) and clerks (caixeiros), two types of laborers whose lives and work had much in common, and two categories of labor that, although ubiquitous, are frequently overlooked in Brazilian labor history. We consider how, together, class, gender, and race shaped the divergent trajectories ofcriadasandcaixeirosover the course of the nineteenth century, and what the legal disputes in which they were involved during that period can teach us about the shifting dynamics in labor relations in a society marked by both slavery and labor dependency more broadly. As sources for this analysis, we draw on documents produced by legal proceedings from the 1830s through the 1880s, in which men and women involved in petty commerce and domestic service presented their cases before the courts to claim their unpaid wages.

2002 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-22 ◽  
Claudia Agostoni

This article explores why alongside sanitary legislation and public health works, Mexican physicians of the late nineteenth century attempted to transform the habits, customs and day to day activities of the population. It stresses the importance that the teaching of the principles of private and public hygiene had for the future of the country, how this education was to be carried out, and why some members of the medical profession believed that the hygienic education of mothers/women was an unavoidable requirement for the progress of the nation. Este artíículo analiza por quéé durante las déécadas finales del siglo diecinueve, el gremio méédico mexicano consideraba que era absolutamente indispensable que los habitantes del paíís, y en particular las mujeres de la capital, contaran con una cultura de la higiene. No sóólo era fundamental sanear y ordenar a la ciudad de Mééxico mediante obras de infraestructura sanitaria, y emitir leyes que regularan la salubridad de la nacióón, sino que era igualmente importante, y quizáás máás urgente, que los habitantes transformaran sus háábitos y costumbres de acuerdo con lo establecido por la higiene púública y privada. Asimismo, el artíículo examina los méétodos mediante los cuales se procuróó crear una cultura de la higiene, y por quéé la madre de familia fue considerada como una aliada imprescindible para la empresa de los higienistas.

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