Phima Ruthia Dwikesumasari ◽  
Yanuar Nugroho ◽  
Anisa Fitri Sya’bania

AbstractThe business management of SMEs in the Genteng Kreatif Community that has been carried out so far can no longer be continued, because according to economic principles, business should experience escalation up or increase in business economics because human needs will increase in addition to the inflation rate that has not been controlled due to the impact of the economic crisis. Covid-19 pandemic will always cause the price of raw materials to be unaffordable. SMEs in the Genteng Kreatif Community have not been able to see how much net profit they actually get from their business. This is because they almost always mix business finances with household finances. In addition, the marketing methods used are still very conventional, namely depositing them in shops selling souvenirs or food, participating in government expo exhibitions, and selling their products to agencies and companies. This is indeed practical, but the brand that can stick in the hearts of consumers is a brand that has good independence coupled with a policy of reducing face-to-face and crowd activities, requiring SMEs marketing to be done online. The number of SMEs members who are members of the Genteng Kreatif Community has reached 75 members, but for this activity program the chairman of the association selects members who are categorized as critical enough to really need assistance in training and financial assistance as well as effective online marketing. There are several outcomes that will result from this activity, including creating SMEs that are competitive and skilled in financial management and product marketing; Creating accounting recording training methods, so that SMEs know how to carry out correct accounting recording procedures in accordance with applicable standards so that there is no misstatement of information so that the financial statements are also useful for external parties; Producing SMEs that are able to manage their business well so that they have the opportunity to create new jobs for the surrounding community; Assist in assisting in making innovative product designs that are in accordance with consumer desires; Provide a variety of online product marketing alternatives that can be applied in addition to conventional marketing.Keywords: Covid-19, Economic, Financial, MarketingAbstrakManajemen usaha UMKM di Paguyuban Genteng Kreatif yang selama ini dilakukan tidak bisa lagi dilanjutkan, karena sesuai prinsip ekonomi seharusnya dalam berbisnis harus mengalami eskalasi naik atau peningkatan secara ekonomi bisnisnya karena kebutuhan manusia akan semakin meningkat selain itu tingkat inflasi yang belum terkendali akibat dampak krisis ekonomi implikasi dari pandemi Covid-19 akan selalu menyebabkan harga bahan baku tidak dapat terjangkau. UMKM di Paguyuban Genteng Kreatif belum dapat melihat seberapa laba bersih yang benar-benar diperoleh dalam usahanya. Hal ini karena mereka hampir selalu mencampurkan keuangan usaha dengan rumah tangga. Selain itu, metode pemasaran yang digunakan juga masih sangat konvensional yaitu dititipkan ke toko penjual oleh-oleh atau makanan, mengikuti pameran expo pemerintah, hingga menjajakan produknya ke instansi dan perusahaan. Hal ini memang praktis namun brand (merk) yang dapat lekat di hati konsumen adalah merk yang memiliki independensi yang baik di tambah lagi dengan kebijakan pengurangan aktivitas tatap muka dan kerumunan, mengharuskan pemasaran UMKM dilakukan secara daring. Jumlah anggota UMKM yang tergabung dalam Paguyuban Genteng Kreatif telah mencapai 75 anggota, namun untuk program kegiatan ini akan dipilah oleh ketua paguyuban untuk memilih anggotanya yang berkategori cukup kritis sangat membutuhkan bantuan dalam pelatihan dan pendampingan keuangan serta pemasaran daring yang efektif. Program ini dilakukan dalam bentuk kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan selama kurun waktu total 6 bulan.  Adapun beberapa luaran yang akan dihasilkan dari kegiatan ini, antara lain Menciptakan UMKM yang berdaya saing dan terampil dalam pengelolaan keuangan dan pemasaran produk; Menciptakan metode pelatihan pencatatan akuntansi, sehingga para pelaku UMKM mengetahui cara melakukan prosedur pencatatan akuntansi yang benar sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku agar tidak ada salah saji informasi sehingga laporan keuangan tersebut juga berguna untuk pihak eksternal; Menghasilkan UMKM yang mampu mengelola bisnisnya dengan baik sehingga berpeluang untuk menciptakan lapangan kerja baru bagi lingkungan masyarakat sekitar; Membantu mendampingi dalam membuat desain produk yang inovatif yang sesuai dengan keinginan konsumen; Memberikan berbagai alternatif pemasaran produk daring yang dapat diterapkan selain pemasaran yang konvensional.Kata Kunci: Covid-19, Ekonomi, Keuangan, Pemasaran

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Zainul Arifin ◽  
Istutik Istutik ◽  
Amir Kusnanto

Candy is a snack that is loved by children and adolescents, because it tastes sweet, has a distinctive aroma and is affordable. Many types of candy both made from artificial ingredients and from natural ingredients. Specially soft and chewy jelly candy is much loved by young people.A businessman partner named Dian Falah Fitriyana, ST is located at Jl. Ikan Hiu II / 19 Tunjungsekar Village, Lowokwaru District, Malang City innovates by producing jelly candy from fruit raw materials (apple jelly candy and dragon fruit jelly candy) and made from vegetable raw materials (Moringa jelly candy and carrot jelly candy). As it is known that apples, dragon fruit and vegetable Moringa and carrots have many health benefits. Raw material for jelly candy is only taken from the juice and not added with preservatives.The purpose of the PKM program is to increase the production capacity of partner entrepreneurs and provide online marketing training, training and accounting assistance, so that partner entrepreneurs can make financial reports needed for a productive business.The problem of micro entrepreneurs in general is not being able to increase their production because of limited capital, which has the effect of not being able to add or replace their more modern production facilities. Marketing limitations and not doing financial records properly. The Community Partnership Program (PKM), which provides production support equipment and management improvements, will certainly increase production outputThe solutions offered by the PKM program to increase the production capacity of partner entrepreneurs are to provide juicers, sterilitators, sealers, digital scales, LPG ovens, containers, trays, containers. Meanwhile, to improve financial management and product marketing, the Team provides training and mentoring in accounting and marketing training. It is expected that partner entrepreneurs are able to make financial records (cash flow) and market their products through internet marketing.Partner entrepreneurs with the help of new equipment from the PKM program are targeting production to increase by 50% to 100%. This optimistic target is achieved due to juice, sterilitators, chopper machines, large ovens and more modern production facilities, entrepreneurs will be able to serve the demands of more consumers.The progress of PKM program activities has reached 70% of the target, but there are still activities to assist in making financial reporting and online marketing.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 667-688 ◽  
Anna Sanders ◽  
Rosalind Shorrocks

The 2010–2015 Conservative-led Coalition’s austerity policies hit women financially harder than men. However, contrary to expectations at the time, the Conservatives still gained more support from women than men on average in the 2015 general election. We examine the impact of austerity on vote choice in the 2015 and 2017 general elections through analysis of Labour and Conservative economic policy in conjunction with data from the British Election Study’s face-to-face post-election surveys. The expectation that women should be particularly anti-austerity and thus less supportive of the Conservative Party does hold for younger women, who were especially pessimistic relative to their male peers and older age groups about their living costs, household finances, the economy, and the National Health Service in both elections. However, this does not hold for older women, who were protected by the Coalition’s policies on pensions and were more similar to men in their assessment of their economic situation.

Nancy J. Stone ◽  
Conne Mara Bazley ◽  
Karen Jacobs ◽  
Michelle M. Robertson ◽  
Ronald Laurids Boring ◽  

Increasingly, individuals are using more blended, hybrid, and online deliver formats in education and training. Although research exists about how the physical and social environment impact learning and training in traditional face-to-face settings, we have limited knowledge about how the environment affects learners when they are interacting with technology in their learning situations. In particular, concerns arise about levels of engagement, whether learning is enhanced, the impact or helpfulness of robotics, and how the social dynamics change. These five panelists bring expertise in education at the undergraduate and graduate levels, training within industry and the military, and the use of various teaching and training methods. The panelists will present their perspectives to several questions relative to how the environment can (or cannot) accommodate enhanced learning in education and training when technology is involved. Ample time will remain for audience participation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 330-350 ◽  
Laura Cordisco Tsai

This study explores the causal impact of independent management of household finances upon women’s experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV) in the Philippines. Propensity score matching is used to generate a casual estimate of the impact of women’s roles as household financial managers on their experiences of IPV. Findings demonstrate that managing household finances independently significantly increased the severity of IPV women experienced from their partners compared with women who managed finances jointly with partners. Findings reinforce the importance of explicit attention to intrahousehold power dynamics and gender norms in the implementation of microfinance interventions intended to empower women.

2019 ◽  
Machmud Al Amrie ◽  
Adi Aspian Nur ◽  
Dedik Wiryawan

There are many strategies that can be taken in order to get around the limitations of household finances due to rising fuel prices, among other spending reductions in strategic posts, such as education, health, including reduction of food quantity and quality of family and debt management. So that they need household financial management that is more efficient in every expenditure, because small problems can become big if not addressed and resolved by wise especially if persolan involving money. The purpose of this study is to describe the impact of rising fuel prices on household finances and how financial management strategies of households after rising the fuel price.The Research was conducted on several families in the Wayhalim Bandar Lampung. The type of research used in this research is qualitative research data collection techniques used include: (1) in-depth interviews and (2) observation. While the data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation and draw conclusions. The analysis showed that they had not properly manage family assets that they have and do not yet have an investment plan. This is indicated by the lack of financial planning for the future and have not applied the financial records (cash flow) that is income less the expenses each month, thus requiring better financial management,namely in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Bambang Sugiantoro ◽  
Sakuri Sakuri ◽  
Hartono Hartono

Purbalingga mempunyai keunggulan ketersediaan kayu yang tinggi, kondisi tanah yang kebanyakan pegunungan sangat mendukung tumbuhnya kayu keras, hampir setiap desa memiliki jumlah tanaman keras yang melimpah. Beberapa perusahaan kayu lapis dan mebelair juga banyak menginvestasikan dibidang produksi kayu lapis dan barecore di beberapa kawasan di purbalingga. UKM mebelair, kayu lapis dan kusen membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang cukup banyak, tidak membutuhkan pendidikan formal, sehingga terbuka pengentasan tenaga kerja secara umum. UKM pengrajin mebelair dan kusen kayu di Desa Sangkanayu, Kecamatan Mrebet, Kabupaten Purbalingga, membuat model berdasarkan pesanan lokal, tidak mengikuti trend furniture terbaru, memiliki kesulitan pada pembentukan model radius dan lengkung, finishing kurang halus dan waktu yang lama. Kayu dengan lubang dan tidak simetris biasanya tidak digunakan sebagai produk kusen/furnitur, limbah kayu dalam bentuk potongan secara umum tidak dimanfaatkan, padahal volume kayu limbah pada pembentukan mencapai kurang lebih 30% dari bahan baku. UKM mebelair belum memiliki pengetahuan pembentukan kayu dari limbah untuk menjadi produk kerajinan. Disamping itu pengetahuan manajeman usaha, pengelolaan keuangan, dan metode pemasaran produk juga masih rendah hanya menunggu pelanggan, mengakibatkan UKM sulit berkembang, persaingan harga antar UKM. Permasalahan pembentukan dengan menggunakan limbah kayu dan bahan baku dalam bentuk potongan digunakan untuk pembuatan kerajinan. Pembentukan ditingkatkan dengan kemampuan untuk membentuk lengkung menggunakan cutting vertical/bendsaw, untuk percepatan pembelahan menggunakan mesin TTG circle cutting. Teknologi yang diterapkan untuk pemanfaatan limbah kayu akibat kerusakan lobang, tidak lurus, akan diubah menjadi produk bernilai ekonomis tinggi, unik dengan epoxy wood resin. Metode pembentukan produk kusen dan mebelair dari kayu (limbah) akan memberikan alternatif untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah dan pendapatan, keuntungan lainnya penggunaan epoxy juga meningkatkan daya tahan, anti rayap dan bernilai ekonomis tinggi, berpotensi memiliki brand merk yang khas. Untuk penguatan manajemen, UKM dikenalkan administrasi keuangan, dan strategi pemasaran produk secara online. Solusi diatas diharapkan akan meningkatkan daya saing dan produktifitas UKM, desain produk baru dengan memanfaatkan limbah kayu untuk menjadi produk dinding kayu, dan produk epoxy wood resin, akan meningkatkan pendapatan UKM.Kata kunci: epoxy wood resin, wooden wall, circle rotary.AbstractPurbalingga has the advantage of high wood availability, the condition of the land that is mostly mountainous strongly supports the growth of hardwood, almost every village has an abundance of perennials. Several plywood and furniture companies also invested heavily in the production of plywood and barecore in several areas in Purbalingga. Furniture furniture, p lywood and sills need a lot of workforce, do not need formal education, sothere is a general elimination of labor. UKM of furniture and wood frame craftsmen in Sangkanayu Village, Mrebet Subdistrict, Purbalingga Regency, make a model based on local orders, do not follow the latest furniture trends, have difficulty in forming radius and curved models, less smooth finishing and long time. Holey and asymmetrical wood is usually not used as a frame / furniture product, wood waste in the form of pieces is generally not utilized, even though the volume of waste wood at the formation reaches approximately 30% of the raw material. Mebelair UKM has no knowledge of wood formation from waste to become handicraft products. Besides that, business management knowledge, financial management, and product marketing methods are also still low, just waiting for customers, which makes it difficult for SMEs to develop, price competition among SMEs. The problem of formation by using wood waste  and raw materials in the form of pieces is used for making crafts. Formation is enhanced by the ability to form curves using vertical cutting/bendsaw, for acceleration of cleavage using circle cutting machine. The technology applied to the utilization of wood waste due to damage to the hole, not straight, will be converted into high economic value products, unique with epoxy wood resin. The method of forming frame and furniture products from wood (waste) will provide an alternative to increase added value and income, other benefits of using epoxy also increase durability, anti termites and high economic value, potentiallyhaving a distinctive brand brand. To strengthen management, SMEs are introduced to financial administration, and online product marketing strategies. The above solution is expected to improve the competitiveness and productivity of SMEs, the design of new products by utilizing wood waste to become wood wall products, and epoxy wood resin products, will increase the income of SMEs.

Yanuar Nugroho ◽  
Maurisia Putri Permatasari ◽  
Izmi Dwira Eriani

AbstractKampoeng Batik Jetis Sidoarjo has existed since 1,675 with the character of Sidoarjo's traditional hand-drawn batik which until now has been well preserved. It is named Kampoeng Batik Tulis because the majority of residents of Jetis sub-district, Sidoarjo sub-district are batik makers. During the economic crisis of the COVID-19, the efforts of SMEs in the Jetis Batik Community in developing business are not easy. Limited capital and uncertain market share are difficult problems for SMEs to deal with. The ability to manage the finances of SMEs business is very necessary for business performance and business continuity to anticipate the impact of the economic crisis. In addition, the SMEs of the Jetis Batik Community have always relied on outlet stores to market their products, resulting in a drastic drop in turnover due to social restrictions. This program is prepared to meet the need for increasing scientific knowledge and expertise that can support business continuity, especially SMEs, as well as increasing productivity and business profits that are run in the long term. This activity program will present professional speakers in related fields using knowledge sharing methods through lecture techniques, discussions, and mentoring practices in making management systems for operating business accounting records, business financial management, and marketing techniques for SMEs products. The target participants for this training are members of the UMKM of Batik Jetis, Sidoarjo Regency, who need special handling so that they can immediately rise from adversity, especially due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic economic crisis. This program is carried out in the form of training and mentoring activities for a total period of 6 months. There are several outcomes result from this activity, including increasing knowledge and insight in the field of operational management of business accounting records; increasing knowledge and insight in the field of business financial management; increasing ability and insight in the field of creative ideas in marketing SMEs products; increasing knowledge and insight in the field of online marketing techniques for SME products; increasing knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship; and improving the skills of members of the UMKM  Batik Jetis.Keywords: Crisis, Economic, financial, MarketingAbstrakKampoeng Batik Jetis Sidoarjo telah eksis sejak tahun 1.675 dengan karakter batik tulis tradisional Sidoarjo yang hingga kini terpelihara dengan baik. Dinamakan Kampoeng Batik Tulis karena mayoritas warga kelurahan Jetis Kecamatan Sidoarjo adalah pembatik. Di masa krisis ekonomi pandemi covid-19 seperti sekarang ini upaya UMKM di Paguyuban Batik Jetis dalam pengembangan usaha tidaklah mudah. Keterbatasan modal dan pangsa pasar yang tidak menentu menjadi masalah yang sulit dihadapi oleh UMKM. Kemampuan mengelola keuangan pelaku usaha UMKM sangat diperlukan untuk kinerja usaha dan keberlangsungan usaha untuk mengantisipasi dampak krisis ekonomi. Ditambah lagi para pelaku UMKM Paguyuban Batik Jetis selama ini selalu mengandalkan toko outlet untuk memasarkan produk menjadikan omzet menjadi turun drastis akibat pembatasan sosial. Program ini disiapkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan peningkatan wawasan keilmuan dan keahlian yang dapat mendukung keberlangsungan usaha, terutama UMKM, serta peningkatan produktivitas dan keuntungan usaha yang dijalankan dalam jangka panjang. Program kegiatan ini akan menghadirkan pembicara-pembicara yang profesional di bidang terkait dengan menggunakan metode sharing knowledge melalui teknik ceramah, diskusi, dan praktik pendampingan pembuatan sistem manajemen pengelolaan operasional pencatatan akuntansi usaha, pengelolaan keuangan usaha, dan teknik pemasaran produk UMKM. Target peserta pelatihan ini adalah anggota UMKM Paguyuban Batik Jetis Kabupaten Sidoarjo, yang membutuhkan penanganan khusus agar dapat segera bangkit dari keterpurukan khususnya akibat dampak krisis ekonomi pandemi Covid-19. Program ini dilakukan dalam bentuk kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan selama kurun waktu total 6 bulan. Adapun beberapa luaran yang akan dihasilkan dari kegiatan ini, antara lain peningkatan pengetahuan dan wawasan di bidang pengelolaan operasional pencatatan akuntansi usaha; peningkatan pengetahuan dan wawasan di bidang pengelolaan keuangan usaha; peningkatan kemampuan dan wawasan di bidang ide kreatif dalam memasarkan produk UMKM; peningkatan pengetahuan dan wawasan di bidang teknik pemasaran produk UMKM secara daring; peningkatan pengetahuan dan wawasan di bidang kewirausahaan; dan peningkatan keterampilan anggota UMKM Paguyuban Batik Jetis.Kata Kunci: Krisis, Ekonomi, Keuangan, Pemasaran

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 257-261
Wida Purwidianti ◽  
Tri Septin Mujirahayu

This article is entitled Training on Marketing Techniques of Handicraft Products at the Muhammadiyah Community Da'wah Center. Craft Product Marketing Technique Training was held on Friday, July 24, 2020 at the preaching center of the Muhammadiyah community in Srirahayu Village, South Purwokerto. The number of participants who took part in the training was 15 people. Training activities are carried out by extension and training methods. The results obtained in this activity are in the form of entrepreneurship materials, online marketing techniques and online marketing media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-63
Ezizwita Ezizwita ◽  
Tri Sukma

The Covid-19 pandemic has also weakened the national and international economies. Various industrial sectors, including the culinary business, experienced disruptions such as supply of raw materials, demand for products, shortages of labor, and business obscurity. This study aims to analyze the impact of the pandemic on the culinary business in Padang city and the strategies needed to adapt to this new normal era. The research used a descriptive qualitative method, using a SWOT analysis. The results show that culinary business should implement product and service diversification strategy The culinary business must be able to gain consumer trust with products that are safe, healthy and hygienic, implement health protocols, maximize online marketing, fulfill take away and delivery orders, make product diversification or innovation in the form of healthy and frozen food, and improve product quality. output of this study is to identify the factors of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats faced by the culinary business in the city of Padang and determine a suitable strategy to adapt to the new normal. In the long term, the results of this study are expected to contribute to the development of business strategies for dealing with emergency situations and full of uncertainty.   ABSTRAK Selain berdampak serius terhadap kesehatan, pandemi Covid-19 juga melemahkan perekonomian nasional dan internasional. Berbagai sektor industri, termasuk bisnis kuliner, mengalami gangguan seperti pasokan bahan baku, permintaan produk, kekurangan tenaga kerja, dan ketidakjelasan usaha. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa dampak pandemi terhadap bisnis kuliner di kota Padang dan strategi yang dibutuhkan untuk beradaptasi di era new normal ini. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, dengan menggunakan analisa SWOT untuk mengetahui berbagai kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman yang dimiliki oleh bisnis kuliner di masa pandemi ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi yang dapat dilakukan oleh bisnis kuliner adalah diversifikasi produk dan jasa. Bisnis kuliner harus bisa mendapatkan kepercayaan konsumen dengan produk yang aman, sehat dan higienis, menerapkan protokol kesehatan, memaksimalkan pemasaran online, memenuhi permintaan take away dan delivery order, membuat diversifikasi atau inovasi produk berupa makanan sehat dan frozen food, dan meningkatkan kualitas produk. Target luaran penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman yang dihadapi oleh bisnis kuliner di kota Padang dan menentukan strategi yang cocok diterapkan untuk beradaptasi di masa new normal. Dalam jangka panjang, hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berkontribusi dalam hal pengembangan strategi bisnis untuk menghadapi situasi darurat dan penuh ketidakpastian.

Yanuar Nugroho ◽  
Phima Ruthia Dwikesumasari ◽  
Bani Alkausar

Covid-19, apart from affecting the income of big businesses, also affects micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) due to a decrease in consumer purchasing power to the conventional strategies of MSMEs that are not ready to face the crisis. Until now, MSMEs in Watudandang Village are less orderly in the management of operational financial records so that the profits earned cannot increase the economic class of their business, besides that, marketing techniques for MSME products have been carried out online but have not mastered the tricks and strategies of how products can be easily searched so that they are suitable with consumer expectations. The method of implementing this program is carried out in a blended manner in the form of training in the preparation of financial reports for MSMEs and online product marketing assistance. This activity resulted in an increase in the competence of MSME players in analyzing profit and loss more precisely, thus providing an overview / perspective for MSME players to make policies regarding the course of their business operations. In addition, as a result of the impact of this pandemic crisis, MSME players have been able to take advantage of information technology to market their products online so that consumers will still look for these UMKM products. 

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