2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 251
Prasetyo Ade Witoko ◽  
Ambar Budhisulistyawati

<p>Abstract  <br />This article aims to find out about interfaith marriage arrangements carried out through legal  smuggling in Indonesia. This study is a descriptive doctrinal legal research. Data sources from this article are in the form of primary legal material and secondary legal material. The technique of collecting legal material in this article is the library study technique. The approach in this  research is the legislative approach. The result of the article is that marriage according to the  Marriage Law is a marriage carried out according to each religion and belief. So that marriage is considered valid if according to the religion and beliefs of each prospective husband and wife is also valid. Every religion cannot authorize interfaith marriages, because all religions want their followers to marry the same religion, it can be concluded that interfaith marriages are not legal, because they are not in accordance with the contents of the Marriage Law, namely marriage is valid if carried out according to each religion -one, then avoidance of the law that should apply or can be said to be an act of legal smuggling.<br />Keywords: Marriage; Different Religion Marriage; Law Smuggling</p><p>Abstrak<br />Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengenai pengaturan perkawinan beda agama yang  dilakukan melalui penyelundupan hukum di Indonesia. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum doktrinal bersifat deskriptif. Sumber data dari artikel ini yaitu berupa bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder. Tehnik pengumpulan bahan hukum dalam artikel ini adalah tehnik studi kepustakaan. Pendekatan dalam penilitian ini adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan. Hasil artikel yaitu perkawinan menurut Undang-Undang Perkawinan adalah perkawinan yang dilaksanakan menurut agama dan kepercayaan masing-masing. Sehingga perkawinan dianggap sah jika menurut agama dan kepercayaan masing-masing calon suami istri tersebut juga sah. Setiap agama tidak bisa mengesahkan perkawinan beda agama, karena semua agama menginginkan umatnya untuk menikah dengan yang seagama, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa perkawinan beda agama tidak sah, karena tidak sesuai dengan isi Undang-Undang Perkawinan yaitu perkawinan adalah sah apabila dilaksanakan menurut agama dan kepercayaan masing-masing, maka dilakukan penghindaran terhadap hukum yang seharusnya berlaku atau dapat dikatakan sebagai tindakan penyelundupan hukum.<br />Kata Kunci : Perkawinan; Perkawinan Beda Agama; Penyelundupan Hukum</p>

Hamdan Nasution

Marital status of different religions in the legal system in Indonesia is illegitimate. Marriage Law Number 1 of 1974 in Article 2 paragraph 1 reveals that marriage is legal if it is carried out according to the law of each religion and belief. It means that marriage can only take place if the parties (future husband and wife) follow the same religion. From the formulation of Article 2 paragraph 1, there are no marriages outside their respective laws and beliefs. Interfaith marriages are held abroad. Keywords: Analysis, Legitimacy, Interfaith Marriage

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Teti Hadiati

The problems examined in this study is wast are interfaith marriages in accordance with the philosophical values of Indonesian marriage law? and why is the validity of interfaith marriages still being disputed in Indonesian marriage law? Related to the principle of continuing legal conditions and public order, the implementation of registration marriage by registration is a form of acceptance of interfaith marriages and the community has accepted the phenomenon of interfaith marriages as a natural reality and is considered to be true. This research is normative legal research and quantitative sociological legal research. The study methodology is analyzed based on the principle of public order, law smuggling, and continuation of the legal situation or rights that have been obtained. From this research, it was concluded that interfaith marriages were considered incompatible with the philosophical values of Indonesian Marriage law which were based on religious law, and could injure the long struggle history of Indonesian marriage law legislation under the principle of public order. Therefore, the registrations carried out by the civil registry office are not authoritative, but merely administrative.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Alfiya Wicaksono

In Islam, marriage is a form of worship recommended by the Prophet Muhammad, so that the law is Sunnah. Marriage is something very sacred where a man and woman are united by a marriage bond and become a couple as husband and wife. Marriage is declared valid if it is carried out following religious law. In Indonesia, exist the term unregistered marriage. However, Indonesia's law considers marriage invalid if the KUA institution does not register the marriage even though it has carried out a marriage procession according to its religious law. This certainly has implications, both positive and negative, for couples, especially women. This is a normative legal research. The result of this study is it can be concluded that unregistered marriage is very detrimental to womenKeywords: Unregistered Marriage, Law, Detrimental

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Fitria Agustin

Article 2 paragraph  (1) of Law Number 1 Year 1974 contains provisions that marriage shall be considered valid if done according to the law of their respective religion and belief. The above provision implies no marriage outside the law of each of his or her religion and belief. Intermarriages between people of different religions will obviously cause problems as a result of the law of their marriage, most of which include the rights and duties of each husband and wife, property in marriage, as well as the position of the child in a marriage relationship. Problems will arise when the child has been born starting from the pattern of upbringing until when the child is adult and ably performs legal acts such as marriage, inheritance, and so forth. This research is intended to get answers to the problems: (1) How the position of the Child from Marriage parents of different religions? 2) How does the child's relationship with her parents' parent if the child chooses a religion differently from both parents? The invention of the answer to this question is pursued by the Empirical Normative Legal Research Method. The law acts as a Norm (Legislation), with due regard to social reality. The results of the study are: (1) The marriage of religious differences according to the Marriage Law is considered invalid as well as the child born of the Marriage. (2) A child born of a different religious marriage only has a nasab with his mother.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-10
Ai Pebrianti Purwa Delimas ◽  
Siska Lis Sulistiani ◽  
Ilham Mujahid

Abstract. Marriage that will bring peace and spirituality, must have the same religious beliefs, must not be of different religions, in accordance with the Word of Allah, Surat Al-Baqarah: 221 and encouraged by Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, with this type of qualitative research. In the case of interfaith marriages, which are manifested in related books, journals, theses, articles, do not forget the Al-Qur'an and Sunnah in accordance with this theme. The purpose of this research is to look in depth about interfaith marriage according to Islamic law and according to the Marriage Law. What are the views of these two sources and the location of the similarities or similarities of Islamic law and the law on interfaith customary marriages. The result of this research is that in Islamic law it is not allowed because of a new breakthrough in faith. Therefore, inter-religious marriages, for various reasons such as better than allowing cohabitation. There is also the opinion that this may have been her match and is a human right. This reason cannot be accounted for, both in Islamic law and in state law, because in law, marriage will be said to be valid according to the law of each religion, it is said to be valid, because marriage will be accounted for before Allah SWT as a creator who has worked with all His perfection. Abstrak. Perkawinan yang akan membawa ketenangan lahiriyah dan bathiniyah itu, harus sama keyakinan agamanya, tidak boleh berbeda agama, sesuai dengan Firman Allah Surat Al-Baqarah : 221 dan di dorong dengan Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan, dengan jenis penelitian kualititif yaitu menelusuri terhadap pelaku terjadinya perkawinan beda agama dan dihubungkan dengan buku-buku yang terkait, jurnal, skripsi, artikel tidak lupa Al-Qur’an dan sunnah yang sesuai dengan tema ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui secara mendalam tentang pernikahan beda adat beda agama menurut hukum Islam dan menurut Undang-Undang Perkawinan. Bagaimana pandangan dari dua sumber tersebut serta letak perbedaan atau persamaan dari hukum Islam dan Undang-undang mengenai perkawinan adat beda agama. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa dalam hukum Islam tidak diperbolehkan karena menyangkut perbedaan iman. Oleh sebab itu, perkawinan antar penganut agama, dengan berbagai macam alasannya seperti lebih baik dari pada membiarkan kumpul kebo. Ada juga beranggapan bahwa ini mungkin sudah jodohnya dan merupakan hak asasi manusia. Alasan tersebut tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, baik secara hukum Islam maupun hukum negara, karena dalam undang-undang pun perkawinan akan dikatakan sah apabila menurut hukum masing-masing agama nya dikatakan sah, karena perkawinan akan dipertanggungjawabkan dihadapan Allah SWT sebagai pencipta yang telah mengatur kehidupan dengan segala kesempurnaan-Nya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-125
Jufri Natsir ◽  
Ruslan Renggong ◽  
Baso Madiong

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan hukum dan pertimbangan hakim dalam tindak pidana pemalsuan surat tanah rinci di wilayah Maros. penelitian menggunakan penelitian hukum empiris. Sumber data dari data primer dan sekunder. Kemudian data diolah dan disusun melalui tahap pengeditan, klasifikasi, verifikasi, analisis, dan kesimpulan. Verivikasi data menggunakan dua macam triangulasi, yaitu trianggulasi sumber dan triangulasi teori. Penerapan ketentuan pidana terhadap perkara yang terjadi di Maros hakim membebaskan terdakwa oleh karena hakim menilai perbuatan yang telah dilakukan terdakwa dianggap bukan tindakan pidana tetapi merupakan perkara pedata berdasarkan hasil dan fakta persidangan. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the law and the consideration of judges in the falsification of detailed land certificates in the Maros region. This research uses empirical legal research. Data sources are from primary and secondary data. Then the data is analysed and arranged through the stages of editing, classification, verification, analysis, and conclusions. Data verification uses two types of triangulation, namely source triangulation and theory triangulation. The implementation of criminal provisions against cases that occurred in Maros, the judge acquitted the defendant because the judge considered the actions carried out by the defendant were considered not a criminal act but constituted a court case based on the results and facts of the trial.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-30
Luthviyah Romziana

Interfaith marriages are familiar in people's lives. This is due to advances in information media or telecommunications among the public,  interfaith marriages are very easy to do. This is the root of the problem that will be discussed in the interpretation of al-Mishbah by Quraish Shihab and the interpretation of al-Azhar by HAMKA in al-Baqarah verse 221. This research is a literature review (library research) with the main source of al-Mishbah interpretation by Quraish Shihab and  al-Azhar interpretation by HAMKA. This research used  muqarin method, it's a method of comparison between the interpretation of al-Misbah and the interpretation of al-Azhar. The results of this study can be concluded that the law of interfaith marriage according to Quraish Shihab in the interpretation of al-Misbah is based on al-Baqarah verse 221, that prohibition of marriage between men or women who are Muslim and men or women who are other than Islam ( non-Muslims). The reason of those prohibition  marriage is differences in faith. Meanwhile, according to HAMKA in al-Azhar's interpretation, it is forbidden to marry polytheists, both women and men, as idol worshipers because they are not kafa`ah or sekufu.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 150-161
Neny Zarniawati ◽  
Elektison Somi ◽  
Amancik Amancik

The researcher will discuss the Sub-Districts Head authority in evaluating Draft Regulation of the Village regarding Village Budget (APBDes) in Central Bengkulu Regency based on the Regent’s Regulation of Central Bengkulu Number 34 of 2018 regarding the Authority Delegation of the Regent to the Sub-District Head in evaluating Draft Regulation of the Village regarding Village Budget and Draft Regulation of the Village about Village Budget Amendment (p-APBDes). The purpose of this research was to find out and to analyze the authority of the Sub-District Head in terms of evaluating the Draft Regulation of the Village regarding APBDes in Central Bengkulu Regency based on the Regent’s Regulation of Central Bengkulu Number 34 of 2018 regarding the Authority Delegation of the Regent to the SubDistrict Head in evaluating Draft Regulation of the Village Regarding APBDes and Draft Regulation of the Village about p-APBDes. This research was normative legal research. Data sources used were primary and secondary data sources. In collecting the data, the researcher used the methods of library studies and field studies. After the research was conducted, it canbe concluded that the authority of the Sub-District Head in evaluating the Draft Regulation of the Village regarding APBDes and P-APBDes in Central Bengkulu Regency was carried out based on the regulation mandate that stipulated in Law No. 6 of 2014 about Village, Law No. 23 of 2014 about Local Government, Government Regulations No. 43 of 2014 about Regulations for Implementing Village Laws, Government Regulations No. 17 of 2018 about sub-districts, Regulation of Minister of Home Affairs No. 20 of 2018 about Village FinancialManagement and Regent’s Regulation of Central Bengkulu number 34 of 2018 regarding the Authority Delegation of the Regent to the Sub-District Head in evaluating Draft Regulation of the Village Regarding APBDes and Draft Regulation of the Village about p-APBDes.

Res Judicata ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 288
Iskandar Laka

The definition of property in marriage according to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage is abbreviated (Law No. 1 Year 1974) in Article 35 states that the property obtained in marriage becomes a joint asset, while the subordinate assets of each husband or wife and property acquired by each husband or wife as a gift or inheritance under their respective supervision insofar as the parties do not determine otherwise. According to Article 37 of Law Number 1 Year 1974 concerning abbreviated marriage (Law No. 1 Year 1974), it is explained that: "If marriage breaks out due to divorce, joint assets are regulated according to their respective laws, while for legal matters this marriage property often gets less attention in a marriage. The law of marital property has only recently received attention after a dispute between husband and wife who have broken up in marriage, so that in order to solve the problem of the marriage property an institution which is in it is needed to solve the problem, namely the Religious Court.

Rechtidee ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Erma Kartika Timur

<p>Interfaith marriage in Indonesia be able to do with supplicate a determination to District Court, and then be listed in the Civil Registry Office. In case divorce occur on registered interfaith marriages, there is legal vagueness in regulation to divide joint property marriage, its relates with article 37 Constitution Number 1 of 1974 about Marriage. The purpose of this thesis is to description, identifying and analyzing the way to divide marriage property in interfaith marriage divorce, and also to review allowed or not to make choice of law that related to article 37. This thesis is a normative research with using statute approach and analytical approach. Based on the analysis of legal materials obtained, solution to divide joint property marriage on interfaith marriage better used husband religion or customary law, it is based from analysis using intergroups legal theory, receptive in complex theory, Idris Ramulyo opinion, Lanraad jurisprudence in Manado and also using grammatical interpretation about husband and wife position in article 31 and 34 marriage law. In case lawsuit happened, there is through the District Court after divorce decision was decided by judges. Choice of law is allowed based on equally principle.</p><p> </p>

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